Lisa shows up again the very next day, with the company of Taehyung. She needed someone to be there with her as she's never been in a room with a convicted murderer before and quite frankly, she's a little afraid.
She can't ask her girlfriends for this help as they're prone to be more scared than she is - and Taehyung seems to be the only other person who knows a bit of Jungkook's history. So she asked Jisoo if she could 'borrow' the boyfriend for a few hours - just enough to find out about the woman.
"You sure it's right to do this?" Taehyung gulped as they reached the doorstep. "I mean...I don't wanna piss Jungkook off. If he finds out -"
"If it's true then he needs to know, right? Plus, it's not like he's here. He's never here anymore," The pain began creeping up in her chest again and she forced to shrug it off.
"Hey...give him time...he'll come back," The hand on her shoulder helps to calm her more.
She straightened herself up and knocks on the door. Lisa could hear the little footsteps from inside, faintly suggesting Mrs Kim running from the kitchen. The door opens and the woman appears - her eyes wide and hopeful. Perhaps she thought it was Jungkook who was at door?
"Ahh...Lisa-ya.." Mrs Kim dipped her head a little awkwardly, but seems to not mind that there's another guy beside her.
Lisa kept her usual warm smile, still feeling guilty about rushing off rudely yesterday! "Ahjumma...are you busy? I wanna apologize about -"
"No, no - it's okay! I'm not...just put some cookies in the oven,"
"Oh..." Lisa shifts on her feet slightly. "Can I um..." She felt a nudge on her back as she stuttered. "Can I try some?"
"Of course! Come in - I'll make some tea,"
"Thank you...this is Taehyung by the way. He's Jungkook's friend too,"
"Ahh...hello!" She bowed again as they stepped in. "I'm sorry, I didn't expect any guests...I would've put on nicer clothes," Mrs Kim rubs her hands on the apron she's wearing.
"Don't worry about it, ahjumma. You always look nice," Lisa giggled.
"Aishh you...please, Taehyung - have a seat! Make yourselves comfortable okay? I'll be back with some tea,"
"Do you think she'll poison us?" Taehyung whispered when the elder disappeared into her kitchen. Lisa - who positioned herself on the floor to reserve the other armchair for the owner of the house - hissed at the guy before rolling her eyes.
Yes...the reason she brought him along was because she was afraid to be attacked - but now that she's actually here, the feeling is gone. She's not sure why, but Mrs Kim's aura just didn't reflect what she had done to her husband. The woman was always sweet and gentle. That's why it didn't make any sense -
The elder came back with two cups of tea. "Oh...I'm sorry, let me get another chair! You can sit here -"
"Ahjumma, it's fine!! I always sit on the floor anyway, don't worry,"
Mrs Kim smiled down to her knotted fingers shyly. "So...you're waiting again? Is that why you're visiting?"
"Yeah...kind of..." Lisa replied with caution. "Um...he told me that...that his adopted mother was in prison -"
"He did? Um...that's uh...yes..I was..." Mrs Kim's eyes reflect hesitation - looking between her and Taehyung. "I was transferred to a women's correction center a few years after. They offered me a re-trial...then there's the temporary parole last year. I stayed in Busan because I couldn't go out - not until the permanent release. I kept searching for him but I didn't know how and where...I thought the farthest he could go was either Masan or Gyongju. Once I was truly free, I went to my brother's in Masan...I stayed there for about two months. He rented this house for me and gave me some money. He asked me to start a new life here...there was too much pain there, I couldn't stay,"
It's clear that Mrs Kim was trying to brush off her sadness with a smile, but Lisa knew better. Jungkook had the same look when he talked about his past. She could see that there was love...the light in those eyes are soft and truthful.
How did it get to here? Before she knew Jungkook, Lisa's life had been easy. It came and went without much disruption and difficulties, and none of her circle of friends had endured this kind of horror in their lives! Now here she sat, accepting yet another trail of destiny or should she say 'God's work' - that these two lives had crossed in both wonderful and dramatic serendipity, and Lisa's witnessing it! Briefly, she wondered if she should feel lucky or sad.
"Ahjumma...I'm sorry to be asking this...but did you really do what he said you did?"
It wasn't her intention to make the woman cry, but she did. Tears pooled up in Mrs Kim's eyes as she finds her words to answer her.
"We protect the ones we love. I told Jungkook that...so many times. But I also apologized to him constantly - that I was too weak to protect him when I needed to. He was such a brave boy, my son. He held it in for so long. So I did what I had to do...and I stand by it,"
Jungkook kept his focus by the sole motivation of Lisa's future contentment. He needed an assurance that her father will be there for her graduation and her departure to Canada. She will need the support system while being alone there. She will need her father when she comes back - greeting her at the airport.
From her first employment to the daily mundane routine...and she will need her father to walk beside her on the aisle on her wedding day. He knew how much Lisa loved her father - even when the man wasn't her real one. It reminded him of how he felt for his eomma Kim.
The missing and longing...the guilt of not being able to do anything other than just accepting...he knew it all too well. Yes, death is inevitable but not if he could help it! He will do anything he can to not let her go through what he did, so there's no room for any self-pitying and crying. Not now.
The plan he had with Marco is to lure the 'anonymous' out. Jungkook had never done this before. He was always strategizing on the best way to kill a person, not to capture them! For the first time in his 8 years in the field, he's anxious about successfully completing his work. It has to work!
Her father can't be protected forever. Someway or somehow, he or his army of bodyguards will slip, and it will take only that one window of a second for someone to end him. No...what they need to do is find who posted the job before it gets to that point. What grudge is the person holding against Marco? Is it a person or an organization?
Jungkook's bet is on the latter. A person wouldn't pay that much just for a grudge and he hopes no one is that stupid to do so! It's kind of amusing how he could still have faith in humanity after seeing - and executing - so much brutality!
Marco had shared the few big investigations he's currently leading and out of all 4, one caught Jungkook's attention. A drug cartel may sound simple, but not when it's internationally linked and suspiciously protected by a prolific figure in the bureau. Jungkook's guess is Marco's team is close to linking the lead suspect, and they need to cut the investigation short by having Marco removed.
Of course, there are too much at stakes there. Perhaps it became a little too pressuring for the man - the possibilities of facing two counts for drug trafficking and corruption could land him a life or more in prison. Then the USD300,000 would make sense.
While keeping his eyes on his laptop screen - waiting for the encrypted content to load, revealing the message he's been waiting for - he thought about the agreement with Marco. He's not sure what the outcome will be for him after this - whether he'll be hunted when someone managed to figure out that there was a leak among them or not. Of course, his pride can confidently say that no one in here is as smart as he is but hey, you never know right?
Marco promised his freedom in exchange for access to the dark web he's currently in. He assured that he won't investigate into Jungkook's previous crimes as what the guy admitted before. The word 'previous' was clearly emphasized, and Jungkook appreciates that the man has faith that he won't commit them again. He has to agree - it's the only way to get Marco to agree with his plan!
Within the past 4 days, Jungkook had been bidding for the job with his own money - now amounting up to 54 million won. It's the highest bid so far, and Jungkook taunted the post owner by sending messages of his own - saying things like 'I never miss a kill', 'I do this for fun' and 'I'm not afraid of the system, the same as I'm not afraid of death' - just to sell himself more.
A bit dramatic, but he needs to make sure that the job is his in order to carry on to the next action! His feet began to shake as the content is revealed. He clicked on the other window to record the tracking.
'You sound desperate' I am!
'I like it' Don't even try to flirt with me!
'Means you'll do anything for the money' Or the girl, but sure...
'Any terms?' Fuck yes!!
'I'll do it as I see fit'
'To be precise, with a Barrett M82'
'My only term is 50% deposit cash by hand'
'By you'
'Insurance for the balance, just so you know'
'We take our money seriously around here'
'You don't trust me?' This fucking asshole -
'In this job, we don't trust anyone we don't know'
'Your account is fairly new'
'That's big money you promised and I want it'
'Consider it a new partnership'
'You get your head, you're happy'
'I get my money, I'm happy'
'You'll get used to it'
'Everyone here does the same'
He unconsciously bites his lower lip when the person didn't reply. Is he backing out cus of it? Is he checking with someone? The decision-maker perhaps? Come on...answer me!!
'Time and place is up to me' Hell yes!!
'Your call'
'But it better be you'
'I would know if you send a dummy'
'Then the whole deal's off'
'I'll tell everyone in here that you're a joke'
'And no one will take on your job'
'Got it?'
'You're threatening me?'
'What is this joke'
'I'll be there'
'You better not be some punkass wannabe or I'll pay everyone to kill you'
Jungkook laughed at what he's reading. This guy's definitely intimidated by me! The blue pin stopped moving and Jungkook smiled at tracing the IP address. What did I tell you - fucking amateur! Okay, enough of this game!
'I'm the best in this game'
'And I've got nothing to lose'
'I don't exist'
'But I know my shit'
'If you wanna test me, send a dummy'
'If you want your guy dead the next day after, show up'
'I'm not playing'
Jungkook reached his house at the wee hours of the morning just to quickly grab the key to his locker. He needs to check on his 'equipment' and prepares them for any possibilities. The familiar scent of his house stopped his tracks for a moment - and he reveled at the idea that this is going to end well.
The bed seems far more comfortable than the one at the motel. It seems to bear the memories of Lisa lying down next to him - the images of her beautiful face and perfect body flashes into mind. Jungkook shook his head a little to remove it. Focus!!
He went to the desk and took out the key from one of the drawers. And since he's here, he might as well bring the rest of his clothes with him. He didn't get to fully pack the last time, being so overwhelmed and desperate with the need to leave - scared to hear or see Lisa again and fall into the belief that they'll be happy and fine again.
How is she doing? Is Leo cuddling her well - soothing the unseeing scar I had left? Does she still cry when she thought of me? Fuck - I miss her so much!! I'm sorry...I'm sorry I can't be next to you, my love...I'm sorry...
He exhaled and shuts his eyes - trying to gather himself back.
She'll be okay...I'm doing this for her - I know she'll be okay. If not now, maybe soon. Yes...she'll move on and smile again. She'll meet someone new and I'll only be a small fragment of her past. It's how it should be -
He stopped his tracks upon locking the door - finding his neighbor standing at her own doorstep and staring at him. What is she doing up at 3am? And why is she staring at me, looking like she's about to cry?? Looking at the familiar face once again, Jungkook realized how he never got the chance to search for Mrs Kim's data in the Busan Prison system.
"Is it...is it really you, Jungkook?" Her wide, teary eyes gaze at him. For a brief moment, she sounded exactly like how Mrs Kim used to call for his name!
Jungkook couldn't speak...or run. He just stood there with the bag in one hand, helplessly confused by the strange silence in his mind.
"Jungkook...it's me! Eomma..."
The last word echoes throughout his body and he hides his shaky hands. Still, his feet wouldn't move.
"It's eomma!! Do - do you remember?"
"N - no...I think you got the wrong person -"
"You don't remember? B - but...your Lisa said -"
"Lisa?" She spoke to my Lisa about me? It can't be...my eyes must be deceiving me! It must be the wrong person she's looking for -
"Kook...it's me - it's eomma! You must remember - I," She started sobbing, taking a few steps closer and stopped when she noticed the alarming look on his face. "I...I'm sorry...I asked you to run...I never asked you to wait for my return. You must went through a lot, Kook-ah...I'm sorry for everything I've put you through - what appa put you through,"
A pair of golden brown eyes appeared under the sheen of water, reminding him of eomma Kim's last cry as she held his face close on that fateful day - before she asked him to run. His lips began to quiver, and his eyes could no longer bear the longing he's held in all these years.
"Eomma Kim!" He pulls her into his arms, allowing the tears to flow freely without pause. Her hair still feels as soft, although her body had shrunk since the last time he saw her. Maybe it's the fact that he had outgrown her. But her cry still sounds the same.
She's here! It's really her!! My eomma...my eomma is here! My eomma...
He thought he had mastered being alone - but having his mother back in his arms made it feel more foreign than ever. His weep doesn't do justice to the storm raging inside at all! The deafening silence in this small, contained space is only broken by the two's echoing hums and cries. Jungkook held her tightly as the new realization hits him.
I was with her. All this while...I existed to her. She never forgot about me. She missed me so much too...and most importantly, she wasn't angry at me.
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