"Did it hurt? I tried really hard not to touch you there," She asked in her little pout, grazing her fingers softly on the untouched skin of his arm.
"It doesn't. I didn't even realize it was there," It was true. He'd been in such a rush of adrenaline - more than the fall, really. How could I pay any attention to any pain at all when this goddess is in front of me? "I'm sorry I made you worry,"
"If you're sorry then don't do it again,"
"Don't fall on my bike again?"
"Yeah...and say that you wanna disappear - you know...things like that,"
He laughed a little bitterly as guilt crept in. He made her cry...and he never wants her to cry like that ever again. Lisa had made him the happiest man alive the moment she said she loved him, and he's going to treasure it to his grave!
I won't doubt myself like that again - not when it comes to her. Despite everything, she's still here...with her tender care and softness...trusting and loving me without any prejudice. And I'll do anything to keep her here with me.
"Okay baby...I'll try my best! Although the falling off the bike thing...I mean...it could be a little hard to promise -"
She giggled a little before looking up to face him. "I'm too tired...can I sleep here with you tonight?"
She blinked weakly and he held her tighter, embracing the happiness of the moment. They had showered together and made love again, and now she smells like his shampoo. The slow and steady heartbeat is unusual, so does the fill in his chest. It's peaceful...he can only hope for the calmness to last long.
"You can sleep here every night - whenever you want. In fact, why don't you bring some of your clothes here - I already reserved a space in there for you,"
Her cheeks flushed pinker. "My cats need me too, you know,"
"Ahh...this is a battle I can never win!"
It's official - Jungkook is now living in her mind rent-free and she can't even complain! She may be present going about her daily classes and work, but he was never far from her train of thoughts.
It's uncalled for really...it seems that the days and nights they spent together had only fuelled more desire in her. It's as if she can't get enough of him! And he seems to be feeling the same - which kind of relieving since it would be awkward if she's the only one wanting the company at all times in the relationship, would it?
Jungkook can't keep his hands off her whenever she's near. He'd shower her face with kisses whenever he gets the chance to and she loved it. He doesn't need to use words to show her just how much he adores her, she could feel it in his actions. But of course, whenever he does use words, they'd sound perfectly wonderful too.
It's really a wonder that he always thought he wasn't good enough - like how did he come to that conclusion?? Oh, Tiger Lilies...nice pick! Maybe I should bring some back to put on his desk - it'll add some color to the house...
She ties the ribbon around the bouquet wrap and hands it over to the paying customer. Another half an hour, and she'll be done with her shift. Jungkook's probably going to reach ten minutes before then - the guy's always early! She asked Irene if she could leave early today, as they're meeting her friends again.
She's quite nervous about it...hoping that nothing triggering will happen tonight. Jungkook had been voluntarily excited about giving it another shot but even as her boyfriend kept assuring her that he'll do better, she could see the anxious aura surrounding him. If it were up to her, she wouldn't have minded it if he wasn't ready for a comeback. She wasn't going to make him do something that would potentially drive him away again.
Maybe it's his way of redemption? Maybe it really was a big deal to him to feel like he fits in with her friends? Or maybe he's doing it cus he thought it would make her happy?
Lisa makes a mental note to tell him later that she's already extremely and blissfully happy with the way they are. After knowing the gist of what made him the way he is now, she truly felt that his comfort is what matters most.
He deserves to feel good about himself, not shy away from people because he thought he didn't belong! I hope I get to show him that!
Jungkook walked out of the barbershop feeling slightly nervous but confident. He had his hair cut a little shorter now - hoping that it will somehow make him look less intimidating and more friendly. It's one of his efforts to appeal to Lisa's friends. I think it looks okay...wonder if Lisa would like it!
He smiled to himself, feeling rather foolish to be thinking of it. Small steps are better than nothing, right? The girl got him wrapped around her fingers and he'd do anything to keep himself there, that's for sure!
He stopped by the usual newsstand on the street to get mints. He had smoked 2 sticks - one before he entered the barbershop and one after - just to finish the box off, and he needs to get rid of the taste on his way to meeting Lisa at the flower shop. She hates the smell and taste, so he decides to quit...starting now.
"Oh, you cut your hair?"
Jungkook looks up to find the old man of the stall staring at him. Briefly, he looks around his shoulder - unsure of who the man is talking to. Can't be me...he never spoke to me before -
"Your hair is longer before right?"
"Just a little," He nods when he couldn't find anyone else there.
"It looks good! I can see your face better now," He said with a few smiling glances, in between clipping up a few magazines.
Jungkook returned it with a little smile, maintaining his silence while taking out the mints from the plastic jar. Once he's done, he placed them on the stall counter. A box of his usual Raison sits randomly near his mints, and he looks up.
"3000 won,"
"Ahh...the cigarette's not mine," He shook his head a little.
"Oh...it's not? It's what you always buy - which is it then?"
He remembers what I bought? And there I thought no one noticed me! "No, that's okay, ahjussi. Just the mints for me,"
The old man laughed a little and nods, placing the box back in its case. "Then it's only 300 won,"
As he took out the coins from his pocket, a small illustration caught his eyes. Leaning closer, he realizes that it's a postcard. The background is an outlined city of Seoul, with a boy and a girl at the front - holding each other's hands.
It's just a simple drawing but for some reason, the little girl reminds him of Lisa. She has bangs...and the same length of hair. In her other hand, she's holding a flower. It's cute, like her. It dawned on him that he doesn't have a picture of his girlfriend. I should get one later!
"How much is this postcard, ahjussi?"
"6700 won,"
Jungkook placed it together with his mints and hands the cash. It's not until the old man gave his balance back that he noticed the shaky hands. Is he scared...or sick? For some unexplained reason, he felt like asking.
"Are you uh...are you okay?"
"Ahh...it's normal. They said I'll get Parkinson's 3 years ago but it's just old age," The man shrugged it off. "How old are you?"
"I'm 23,"
He nods. The wrinkles on his forehead became more visible as he frowns - as if he's trying to remember something. "My youngest son is 22...but he doesn't look like you. You look more matured. I keep telling him to stop playing games so much,"
Jungkook laughed a little at the unrelated information.
"You should smile more. You always pass by here - always look so serious. Young people have more energy so smile more! Okay?"
"Ahh...yes..." He ruffled his hair, feeling nervous at the small talk.
He really did notice me! I thought no one does...I mean...of course they do, but to remember his face and these details?
Is it even possible to find him more attractive by the second? Well, hell yes - it's happening right now! Lisa can't take her eyes off her boyfriend since he showed up at the flower shop! He had his hair cut - revealing the concrete, sexy jawline even more. He's been walking with a straighter stance and it made him look like a damn poetry in motion!
And that smirk he gave whenever he caught her staring - or rather, gawking - what was that?? So what - he cut his hair and now he's this confident, dashing...masculine, cocky, hot guy?? Did I mention dashing -
"Gook!" Taehyung got up from his seat the moment he spotted the guy beside her.
Jungkook returned the smile with a little grin - his other hand reached up to rub his ear, and Lisa knows he's still shy. And of course, he still cute! Unlike him, Taehyung is obvious in showing his brotherly affection - giving him a half-hug with that wide, boxy smile on his face. It warms her heart to see that the guy didn't hold any grudges after Jungkook left them before.
He whispered something and Jungkook nodded. Lisa's not sure what it's about, but no matter the physical upgrade, it's calming to see that her boyfriend seems much more comfortable than that night. He pulls the seat out for her and she caught Jisoo pouting a smile. Yes...my boyfriend's a fucking gentleman like that - leave it be! He took the seat beside her and his hand is back in hers.
Chaeyoung and Jisoo continue gossiping about someone in their Media & Publications Club as she looks over the menu. She tried eavesdropping a little so she could jump in later, but it's a little hard as she felt Jungkook's thumb grazing on the top of hers. She was sure that he wasn't trying to be seductive here, but her subconscious is shouting nevertheless!
"What are you having?" His voice is husky and hushed. Lisa shook her head as she couldn't decide. He shifts his palm - closing it on top of her hand and interlacing his fingers with hers, resting it on her thigh. Then she felt a soft graze on her skin, making her shudder at the contact.
What is he doing? Does he want me to jump on his lap right now cus hot damn - I would!!
Lisa cleared her throat and suppress her need to laugh at her own weird thoughts. "I'm thinking um...maybe the Salmon Tortelli. What about you?" She turned to find his face just inches from her. Why is he looking at me like I'm a meal?
"Well...I had something in mind when I first saw you just now. But it's not on the menu so..." The smirk is back. God - why is he like this??
"What have you done to my Jungkook? Should I call for help?" She squints her eyes and asks in hopes that it would distract her from his hot, seductive gaze.
He laughed a little and she felt his hand squeezing hers under the table. "Your shorts' too short baby...I can't wait to take it off," She saw the flick of tongue on his upper lip and it makes her all squirmy inside. Okay, can we just leave now? Like...they wouldn't mind right? "But for now, I'll get whatever you're having,"
He turned to call for the waiter, leaving her to catch back the breath she'd lost in those short seconds. She looks away and saw Jennie smirking at her. She must've noticed the small bubble the two were in just now. Damn it - please don't let me be pink right now!!
It's weird how easy it is really...
He tried riding his neighbor's bike when he was little. He was warned by the kid that it took 6 falls before the boy could ride it properly, but Jungkook only fell twice. Yes, the next ones were a little shaky and he swerved the handle quite a lot, but he didn't fall.
Same as now, as he sat with the group for the second time. The voices kept telling him that it won't be a good idea - that he'll just end up being an awkward ass again - but he's not and he can say that confidently. There were no hesitations or judgments in any of their eyes every time they land on him.
And Lisa seems to worry less, so that's a good thing! He stared at her face beside him as she's laughing hard about a stupid joke that Jisoo recalled she had said in class earlier. It's nice to watch her being the care-free spirit that she is. He could tell how the entire table fits perfectly together.
Chaeyoung is a little sulky and sensitive...constantly being the victim of most teasing and Jimin would calm her down by cutting her steak and handing it to her. Apparently, food is her best remedy! Jennie and Kai seem to be the most poised and matured in the group. Like Jungkook to Lisa, they would share knowing glances and whispers - as if they're in their own little world. They're also the ones to hush the group down when they're laughing too loud.
Jisoo - now that he found out as the eldest among the girls - didn't seem to appear like the eldest at all! She's the most talkative and imaginative so far, always coming up with topics and joking around. She's laid-back, just like Taehyung. Although the boyfriend would prefer to let her do all the joking and gave her credits for his own. Each couple seems to be perfect for each other.
Then there's him and Lisa. Both very different from one another...but so head-over-heels for each other. He wonders if he will ever get used to this. Not to say that he's uncomfortable because he is. It's just something he's not used to...maybe one day he will.
"Gook," Taehyung calls for him, signaling for the break he mentioned earlier. Jungkook nods before turning to Lisa.
"Baby," He squeezed her hand a little to get her attention and she turns. "I'll be right back okay?"
She frowned and looks up to Taehyung. "Don't steal him away oppa," Her warning makes him laugh.
"Hey, our romance started long before you, so..." Taehyung tried to be funny but held his hands up in surrender when Lisa pouts.
Aigoo...my baby's so cute! He gave her a quick peck on her cheek before muttering 'you'll always be my number one'.
"I'm sorry about the last time,"
"Hey, no, no...don't worry about it, really!" Jungkook ruffled the back of his hair as they got out of the restaurant. "Sorry I left...I was just...uh...I was -"
"Hey, you don't need to explain. I think I know...Lisa seemed pretty shocked and I knew it's my fault for mentioning the gun," Taehyung took a stick out from the box of cigarettes, offering one to him.
"Ahh that's okay. I'm trying to quit,"
"Oh wow...that's...great! How long have you been off?"
"Like...since this evening?" He laughs and Taehyung joined in.
"Was it Lisa? She asked you to? Jisoo asked me to quit for a year when we first got together...now she just gave up,"
Jungkook laughed at the simplicity of his story. He's just the same as he was before! "No, no...I just figured she didn't like the smell,"
"Okay, don't ever tell her that. She's gonna share it with her unnies and Jisoo's gonna question me - I'm serious! They're suckers for comparing boyfriends! Just last month, Kai bought Jennie a Chanel bag and Jisoo came back to me asking for a Dior one! I'm like...I don't make that kinda money woman!"
Oh man - I'm tearing up! He's still so funny - even more with that straight face!! "How long have you two been together?"
"4 years now...we were in the same fundamentals when I was doing my Diploma. Hey, so what are you up to now? Lisa said you work?"
Jungkook clutched his hands in his pockets - feeling slightly nervous about lying again. "Yeah..."
"Really? What do you do - tell me, I really wanna catch up with how you've been!"
It's kind of warming to hear that from Taehyung. He was Jungkook's first real friend and they always hung out together after he's done with school. Jungkook had taught him how to use a computer and Taehyung would bring packed food from home, just so he'd have a decent meal.
"I um...I do some freelance work. Research...sometimes playing with software...nothing major,"
"That's cool! You always have a knack when it comes to computers...it's good that you followed your passion,"
Hardly. It's not my passion to kill. The thought left his chest feeling heavy.
"So you're in the same university as them? I never saw you -"
"Yeah, but different faculty. I switched to Business. Jimin had his Diploma in Business and he got a job real quick. I thought I might as well do it for Degree cus I need to start helping my parents right after I graduate,"
"How are they?"
"They're okay...my dad sold the farm to some big corporation. He used the money for my studies and built a new house. My mom's happy now that she has a bigger kitchen,"
"That's nice..."
He always admired Taehyung's family. His parents worked really hard as farmers and his brother and sister helped too. Taehyung never complained about anything other than the bullied at school. He stopped complaining at all after a few months of them being friends. He still remembers Taehyung mentioning to him that one time - that rumors about his friend having a gun scared everyone off. They ended up laughing about it.
The guy took his last puff and throws the stick into the ashtray. "It's amazing to see you again, Gook. You know...I wondered from time to time...like how you've been. If you're okay and if you're still in that little town in Daegu. I remember when dad told me we were gonna move...the first thing I thought about was how will my little brother Jungkook live in that small, old hut by himself? I asked him if we can take you along. I'm sorry we couldn't -"
"What - no...don't think like that. I was fine," He felt the rise of pain in his chest. It wasn't anyone's fault but his...he knew that. He took a deep breath on the cold air, trying to calm his sentimental heart. I'm safe here...I'll be safe here... "It's um...like destiny...I read about that. Like it's my destiny to do it alone, so I had to pull through to make it...to survive,"
"Maybe...well, look at us now! This must destiny too huh? You're not alone anymore and you won't be,"
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