Jungkook scans through the forum, scrolling slow in the hopes that he might change his mind. Isn't it an enough sign to not do it? There are 15 new job postings but no bidding high enough.
That's crazy...15 people are wanted dead in a span of 1 month?? Who are these monsters?
He frowned at his own thoughts. It was never a question before. The who and why...it never mattered. Perhaps he was too detached from any sorts of empathy all this time. It was all 'just a job needed to get done' and he was simply servicing the demand.
He logged out and changed back the IP address on his computer before shutting it down. He then got up to clear the last unpacked items, hidden underneath his bed. He pulled out the large, black, duffle bag - unlocking it before dragging the zip open.
Jungkook stared at the wardrobe, standing nicely against the wall. He had reserved a space in there for these guns but now he's thinking twice about it. Lisa had noticed and asked him about the locked partition when she helped arrange his clothes in there. And now that she's always here, the chances of her finding out is high.
Maybe I should just leave it in this bag...rent a locker and keep it there. It'll be easier once the job's done too - I can just dump the whole bag into a river somewhere -
His phone rang and he got up quickly to reach for it.
"Bunny!" Her voice sounded cute and he smiled.
"My new nickname for you. There's no argument here,"
"Okay...no argument," He chuckled in amusement. "I thought you're done at four-thirty?"
"Yeah...I'm already walking to class. Just thought of calling you...I miss your voice,"
He fell on the bed, trying to wipe the foolish grin on his face. "I can go over now," That's a terrible idea and you know it!! She needs to study! He heard a small giggle, followed by a sigh.
"What are you doing?"
Jungkook thought for a second. "Just cleaning...oh, and I have a question...but it's a kinda um...maybe a little -,"
"Okay...what is it?" Thank God she stopped his stuttering!
"So uh...do you remember when I bought you flowers and chocolates two weeks ago?"
"For our one-week anniversary?"
Jungkook laughed nervously, recalling the embarrassing incident when his more-than-excited plan to celebrate their one-week anniversary was shut down by her newsflash that people don't really celebrate a 'one week anniversary'. Yes, she hugged him with so much empathy and continued along with his plans regardless - but it's still an awkward thing to be dealing with!
"Yeah...that one. So like...this Friday'll be our one month together. Do we not celebrate it too?" He shuts his eyes and heard her familiar high-pitched laugh. Fuck - do I sound like a complete idiot?! "I'm sorry for asking this,"
"Nooo! I love it that you asked!!" Oh...
"You do?"
"Yes! And I love that you keep track of the dates! You're so cute!" ...Okay...what else does she love about me? "Do you still feel bad about that? I told you - we can celebrate anything we want to! And...speaking of this Friday and our one-month anniversary...I have a proposal. My girlfriends are having dinner. They really wanna get to know you so um...I think it'll be great if you can hang out with them. There'll be other guys too - their boyfriends will be there. You can make new friends!"
Jungkook froze. She sounds really cheerful about it...but -
"Please? I know you don't like to be in a crowd but I really hope you can get along with them. They're like my sisters..."
Okay, now I feel bad! She really, only wanted me to fit in...there's no harm in it...right? I can try to socialize...without sounding like a psycho...
"Yeah - uh...yeah, I'm here,"
"You're upset...aren't you?"
"No! No, I'm not...I just..." He ruffled his hair out of habit. "So I should bring the gifts for dinner?"
He already ordered a bouquet...the necklace is already in his safe. He wanted to buy a cake but now -
"You...you'll come?" The pause made his heart melt. Was she really nervous about asking him this?
"If you want me to...I'll do whatever you want me to, baby,"
"Oh my God - yes!! I promise I'll give you the best hug when I see you later! Thank you, bunny!!" her enthusiastic gasps made him smile. She's happy...that's all that matters!
Jungkook gritted his teeth, turning back around fast enough in front of the restaurant. He walked until he reached the next shop, still trying to make sense of what he's getting himself into. Lisa and her friends are already in there - she said so in her text. He's not sure about the 'boyfriends' as there are no windows for him to peek from outside.
Come on...you can do this! He paced again, almost bumping into a passer-by while he's at it. Thank God I didn't bring the flower and gift box...I'd look like a damn fool even more! His phone buzzed and he knew it's her - checking on him again. She must be wondering what's taking him so long to get in since he already messaged her when he parked his bike earlier!
He took a few brave, deep breaths and push the door open. The ambiance music blends in with the chatters and laughter of diners. A hostess came up as he stood still - eyes scanning around for his girl.
"Good evening, sir...do you have a reservation or -"
"Yeah, uh..." He stretched his neck a little when he couldn't find her. "My um...friends...they're here...but I'm not sure under whose name -"
The girl shifts a little, following where he's looking. "Maybe they're upstairs? We have a private room upstairs too -"
"Bunny!" Lisa appeared from the corridor and hopped up to him.
The hostess gave way when she passed and hugged him. Jungkook breathed a relieved sigh. He's already so nervous and the thought of searching for her in each table and rooms would add more to the anxiety!
"I was worried that you'd be lost, so I came down to find you," She explained, but Jungkook couldn't focus.
His girlfriend is looking so fine tonight - with her short, dark blue dress and the pair of Dr Martens that he remembers so well from their first date! She had put on some make-up too! Her eyes looked seductively mesmerizing and her lips are dangerously red. Jungkook wanted to speak but he couldn't find the words. She led him up the stairs and into a small room. That's when his steps back into reality.
6 pairs of eyes are now on them - or specifically, on him. 3 girls whose faces are now becoming familiar since he'd seen them almost every day at her faculty, and 3 guys sitting in between each. One looked familiar -
"Hi Jungkook! So happy you could join us!" The girl with the blonde hair said with a big smile.
"Ahh...hello," He bowed a little, unsure of what he should be doing next. It's really important that he gets along well with her friends. It's so important in fact, that he had imagined and memorized what he was going to say and how he should act. The only problem is, imagination and reality are almost always contradicting itself!
Lisa pulled his hand in further and he followed. "This is Chaeyoung and Jimin," He smiled at the blonde girl and guy next to her. Yes...Chaeyoung's the one who was with her at the cafe before. Her age. Jimin has a similar tone of color to the blonde and Jungkook thought of how they almost look like siblings!
"That's Kai and Jennie unnie -"
"Yahh don't introduce me as 'unnie'! You make me feel old," Jennie sulked, earning cackles from the table and Lisa herself.
"Hey, nice to meet you," Kai got up and held out a hand. Jungkook took it with a smile and nod. The guy's firm shake resembles his stature. Wow...Jennie and Kai sure look like a handsome couple! The guy sat back down and rubs the back of his girlfriend's neck.
"And Jisoo and Taehyung,"
"Lali-yah...it's Jisoo unnie and Taehyung oppa for you!" Jisoo teased. Jeez...why does the entire table looked like a freaking model convention?? Jungkook cleared his throat a little - feeling slightly annoyed that he had only put on another black shirt over his jeans. Did I comb my hair right after taking off the helmet earlier?
A blush of pink appeared on his girlfriend's cheeks and he wondered if she's as nervous as he is. "Don't mind her. She likes teasing me a lot," She tiptoed a little to whisper close to him and Jungkook sighed a laugh as he nods. "Anyway, this is Jungkook,"
He tried smiling off his nerves, and the friendly grinning faces are helping him relax a little.
Something about the way he's brushing her hand with his thumb under the table makes her giddy. She felt it in her stomach, as if it breathed excitement into her physical and warmth in her chest. He's still a little quiet, but he's trying.
He's silent but he pays attention to the chit-chats around her friends. He laughs when everyone is joking around. He answers politely when being asked questions. But most importantly, he kept gazing at her to check for assurance. Yes...it's clear that he's trying.
A part of her feels bad for putting him in this position - knowing damn well how awkward he must feel. But another part is delighted that they're taking this step ahead. It just adds on to his countless efforts in proving how serious he is with her and it makes her melt even more.
"Jungkook-ssi...I've been wondering for an hour now - sorry, cus you looked a little familiar. Are you from Daegu?"
Her eyes lit up almost immediately. "Yeah! He stayed in Daegu for a while!" She answered excitedly. Does Taehyung know him? It'll be a good thing if he does - Jungkook will have a friend!
"Geochang?" His smile is wide and Lisa turned to Jungkook.
For some reason, he had pulled his hand away from hers - rubbing his palm at the back of his neck. Lisa noticed immediately how uncomfortable his expression is. Why?
"Y-yeah -" He stuttered softly.
"Oh damn - Gook??" Lisa frowned, shifting her gaze between the two. Taehyung is smiling brightly at her boyfriend. "It's me!! Kim Taehyung! Tae!! Ahh - no wonder!! I swear I thought I've seen you somewhere before -"
"Wait - you guys knew each other in Daegu?" Jisoo asked.
Lisa turned again to Jungkook. He's smiling, but his eyes are unreadable. This is probably the most nervous he'd looked!
"Yeah...I um...I thought you looked familiar too -"
"Yahh I haven't seen you for ages!!" Taehyung grabbed Jungkook across the shoulder and shook it while pulling him close like an old friend. It should warm her heart but it didn't. Jungkook seems scared...and she's not sure why. "You were so little - look at you now! Baby, he was one of my closest friends before I moved here!"
Closest friend? Then why is he not as excited as Taehyung is right now?
Jisoo muttered a few questions following her boyfriend's excitement, but all Lisa could focus on is Jungkook.
"Lisa, you've got to hear this! This guy - I swear, he used to be smaller than me - but he's the bravest little boy I've ever met in my entire life -"
Jungkook sighed a nervous laugh that she knew so well, shaking his head a little as if he's scared of what Taehyung's about to say.
"Remember I told you I was always bullied when I was a kid?" Taehyung asked Jisoo and his girlfriend nods.
"You were bullied? Why?" Jimin asked.
"A few boys like to tease him about being a farm boy. Sometimes it got too far -" Kai answered.
"Yeah, cus my folks had a farm. We weren't exactly what they call 'well off'. I always brought corns and fruits for lunch at school so they bullied me for not having money -"
"Oh my God, that's so mean!! Why would they do that!!" Chaeyoung held a palm on her chest.
"Ahh kids right? So anyway, one day I had to send some potatoes to the market cus my dad was sick so he asked me instead. I was already nearby the town and I bumped into the boys. There was what - six or seven of them?" He turned to Jungkook, whose face is looking down at his empty plate. When Jungkook didn't respond, he continued.
"So they started pushing me around and I can't remember how but it tore the sack and the potatoes fell all over the ground. I got so mad so I started fighting back but obviously, they outnumbered me right - so I got beaten up like, really bad! Like...my lips were bleeding and there's pain everywhere on my stomach, and I was on the ground. I can't remember how long I stayed there or...or how long they've been kicking me...but then suddenly, everyone stopped,"
Everyone's eyes are on Taehyung - focusing on his story - including Lisa.
"It was quiet - the shouting stopped and everyone stood still. When I looked up, there was this boy..." He smiled brightly as if he's hit by a revelation. "Smaller than all of us. He just stood there, not saying anything...holding a small...is it silver - I can't remember - but it's a small gun. You said it's a revolver right?"
Lisa's eyes grew wide and her gaze fell onto Jungkook. She heard a few resembling gasps...but she can't make out whom they belong to. Jungkook held a gun? What...how - where did he get a gun from?? Slowly, he lifts his head a little to peek at her. His expression is now clear...he's afraid. But of what?
"What happened then?" Jennie's voice sounds loud in this small, quiet space.
"They asked him, like 'don't play around or we'll beat you too'. D'you know what he did? He pulled the hammer back and said..." Taehyung straightened his shoulder and fixed a straight face. He lifts an arm slowly, pointing it mid-air, and folds his fingers as if they're a pistol. What? What did he say?? "Do it. I dare you -"
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry but I - I need to go -" Jungkook got up all too sudden and Lisa realized how her scalp prickled. He...he was joking, right? He wasn't really gonna shoot them...
Her eyes are wide, staring speechless at the motion of her boyfriend grabbing his jacket hanged behind his chair. He bowed slightly before walking out of the room...and she's still searching for something resembling words.
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