Jungkook stood at the other side of the counter, watching Lisa shaping the mixed-ingredient rice into tiny balls with her hands in plastic gloves. Her hair is tied back, with few strands falling at each side of her cheeks along with her bangs. She looked so cute that it made him smile. Clearly focused on the task at hand, her mouth hangs slightly open. Damn, I should've kissed you just now!
When she looked up and saw him grinning, she cleared her throat and slowly closed her lips before taking a deep breath.
"Try those first," She asked with a concerned frown.
Is she worried that I won't like it? Jungkook took a rice ball and pops it in his mouth. Hmm...slightly salty...
"How is it? I don't cook a lot and it's the first time I tried making jumeokbap so -"
"It's so good! I love it!" He took another with a huge smile.
She sighed in relief and he felt the itch to squeeze her cheeks together! This woman could feed him anything and he'd still say it's the best damn meal ever!
He's still in a little awe that she's really here...and that she said she likes him. Really likes him! I swear - if I didn't believe in God before, now I do! This beautiful girl is at my house. In my kitchen...I need a nicer kitchen! Bigger and better...so I can watch her do this forever!
They sat at the balcony again, overlooking the busy streets outside while the night breeze settles in. Jungkook had prepared the carpet and covered it with an extra duvet sleeping in the closet, just to make it more comfortable for her. He also took out 2 candles and lighted them up so they won't end up eating in the dark.
It was the most romantic setting, in Lisa's opinion. Just the two of them in this quiet and dim, opened space, filled with the fresh, slow breeze of wind, to exist and not exist at the same time amidst the hectic world outside.
She was thankful that Jungkook hasn't asked for more explanation because she sucks at those! His small, beautiful smile was never away from her - it was as if he was glad that she's here. It brushes off the nervous feeling of being rejected - although he hadn't quite said it yet.
He opened a can of juice and handed it to her, then proceeded to sit beside the plate of jumeokbap in between them. It's weird that she's fine with the comfortable silence. She's always filling the ambiance in with her loud voice and lame jokes around but with him, she didn't feel the need to. I could get used to this...
"Yahh...it's salty!" She gasped as she tastes the first rice ball. "How can you eat these?!"
Jungkook laughed, hanging his head back and looking so amused. "I like it actually! I'm fine with it...but I ordered pizza in case you don't,"
Just another small detail that makes her like him even more! Ugh...this is so annoying! I told him I like him...if he doesn't like me back, he should stop making me like him more! And now he knows that I can't cook - well that's just brilliant!
"It's your first time making it...you did good," Yet, he's still laughing. Can I just jump out of here? It's not too high, isn't it?
He pops another in his mouth while Lisa stares, still contemplating on running out and hide for not being able to get such a simple thing right. It's just rice, seaweed, and soy sauce - how is it even possible for her to not get it right??
"I'm sorry," She sighed. "I'm really...not a good cook,"
"Stop worrying. I told you, I like it! Eomma Kim used to make it like this too -"
"You don't have to lie to make me feel better," She rolled her eyes at the obvious smirk and heard him chuckle.
"Maybe a little different. But I'm not lying when I say I like it. And don't worry about not being a good cook. I'm good at that,"
"You are?"
"Yeah...had to practice to survive," He said with a genuine smile, but it broke her heart a little.
By the time the pizza was delivered, he had finished the entire plate of Lisa's salty jumeokbap. Jungkook smiled proudly to himself, feeling like a champion when Lisa stared in awe. She's super cute when her lips form an 'o'! Now, as he took on his second slice of the pepperoni and cheese pizza, she made that face again.
"Are you really hungry or are you trying to get rid of the salt from my jumeokbap?"
Her question made him laugh hard. Can't believe she's still on that -
"I'm really hungry, I swear! It's pepperoni - it's salty too!"
She squinted her eyes for a second as if she didn't quite believe him, and it made him laugh even more.
"I bet you can't wait to tell all your friends about my salty food...you're probably regretting being friends with me now,"
"Nope! Not possible. I mean...I don't have friends to tell so -"
"What? Come on - that's definitely a lie - everyone has friends!" She gasped when he pursed his lips tightly. "Oh...you're serious?? B-but..." He lets her catch her words while he took another bite. "Do you mean like, close friends? Like you have friends but none that you're close to?"
"I um...I move a lot. So I don't exactly 'make' friends,"
"What about your clients? Or - or like, I don't know - like a neighbor or something?"
Wow...she's really surprised! She didn't even realize that her bangs had parted - which made her look even more beautiful by the way! She'd been fixing them every time the wind blew a little rough since they sat out here! Jungkook shook his head, still admiring her pretty, little face.
"So I'm like...your first friend?"
"In Seoul, yes. Had one in Daegu, but I didn't have a phone back then so I didn't keep in touch. What about you? Tell me bout your friends," He smiled warmly, hoping to divert the subject off from him.
"Well...I have three best friends my age that I always hang out with. Chaeyoung, Minnie and Bambam. I knew Bambam from my hometown in Thailand, he introduced me to Minnie cus she's from Thailand too. Minnie introduced me to Sorn - they're all in Architecture so our schedules clashes. Chaeyoung was my first Korean friend when I got to Seoul Uni. She's studying Fine Arts so we're in the same faculty. She introduced me to Jisoo unnie and Jennie unnie. I'm always with the three of them in the faculty,"
"So Bambam's your only guy friend?" She nodded. Then who was it that she met at the cafe? They seem pretty close -
"I have other guy friends...but Bambam's the only one close to me," Jungkook pursed his lips, feeling slightly jealous of the information. "Can I ask you something?"
He thought about it for a few seconds. He already shared so much, and now he's nervous about what else would she want to know.
"So you don't have any friends...what about girlfriends?"
Ahh...thank God it's not a hard one!
He laughed a little, embarrassed to be answering this. "That too...never had one,"
She didn't gasp as she did before, but he found a pair of scrutinizing eyes on him. "Pshh...liar,"
"Apart from the fact that you're twenty-three? Uh...I'm not naïve - I know you men can't function properly if you don't satisfy your needs -"
"You know...ugh, you know what I mean!"
He had to laugh at her awkward rolling eyes! "You mean sex?"
"Yahh!! How can you - you just said -" Even in this low light, he could see the hint of blush on her face.
"Yahh!!!" She shouts and shifts a little, obviously not comfortable with the word.
"It's okay," He laughed. "We're adults, right? We can talk about sex if we wanted to. But to put you out of this embarrassing topic - yes, I do satisfy my 'needs'. I don't need a girlfriend to do it. And before you jump to any conclusions - no, I didn't pay anyone for it either,"
"Pshh...of course you didn't! Look at you - I bet they won't even take your money if you shoved it in their purse!"
Okay, why am I enjoying this so much??
"Are you...saying...I'm hot? Is that why you like me?"
"No!!" Damn, I just wanna grab you and put you in my little pocket right now! Stop pouting and looking like an adorable little muffin!! "I mean...yeah, you know you got the face...and this," She gestured to his body and Jungkook's menacing smile appeared. Never had he been so delighted to hear a woman complimenting him like this! "But that's not why - I mean...can we just talk about something else?"
She started fanning herself with her hand. It's really amusing to watch - she looked like a fierce kitten, bluffing to attack but is just really, really small and afraid. How did she walk into his life with such confidence and turned into an awkward mumbling mess like this?
Jungkook took a sip of the apple juice and contemplates his next action. It's really, extremely hard to control himself in her presence, especially on a sudden night like this. He'd been wanting to spend more time with her, to let her know...
But it wouldn't be right...would it? I'm supposed to move on. Move away. I shouldn't...I really shouldn't...
"I really like you too," He breathed out, refusing to drown in the battle running through his mind.
She turned to him in an instant - her eyes wide and wary, and he wondered if she heard him. A range of unfamiliar emotions flits across her face. It was confusion at first but somehow ends with a smile. Something close to humor.
"I um...I mean...that's why we're friends right?" She giggled but he could sense that she's nervous. Is that what she thought I meant? "I'm gonna take this inside,"
She got up with the empty plate, suddenly acting impervious to his unwavering stare. I should let her be. She's better off without me. The thought had him feeling a little sentimental towards the whole thing and without giving it a second thought, he grabbed for her wrist as she was about to pass by behind him. Lisa stopped and turned.
Time stood still as he took the plate slowly off her hand and pulls her down gently. It gave him a sense of pride as she complied, not taking her eyes off him as if she's hypnotized by his every action. Jungkook shifts carefully to face her and he could see the brave girl coming back as she knelt down closer. When his palm reached hers, she laces her fingers through his.
Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are wide with excitement. Her lips parted slightly as he settled her on his lap, and he couldn't take his eyes off it. He didn't want to. She's too beautiful and I'm so undeserving, but all I wanna do is kiss her pretty, enticing, inviting lips. It's all I ever wanted since she saved me that night.
"What's wrong?" Lisa managed to breathe out calmly, despite the heavy thudding in her chest.
This is bad...our hands are a perfect fit! It feels so right but...but he doesn't do girlfriends. Just another one that I always ended up falling for. My heart will be broken and it'll be the worst kind ever cus it's him. It beats so strongly now, for him.
His fingers are playing with hers, sending shivers all the way up to her neck. She felt so small yet so powerful, sitting like this and being this close to him...looking down at his beautiful face. There's an emotion behind those doe eyes, but she can't tell what it is. What is he thinking about?
"I like you...maybe too much than I should have. Is that okay?" A small curve appeared at the corner of his lips and he leans closer. Lisa's heart beats faster.
"You're asking me this after having me sitting here like this? That's sneaky...a little unfair, don't you think?" Lisa braved her whisper into a joke, but none of them are laughing.
His eyes are kept on her lips and she knew it. The kind of gaze that she had only seen in romantic films is now on her. One of his hands had found its way to the small of her back - caressing in a small, gentle way. Just kiss me...I don't wanna think anymore -
"I won't do anything you don't want me to do," He stopped moving and his eyes shine as they land on hers. "Tell me you don't want me to,"
How - just how is he so damn sexy?! Lisa felt the desperate urge to lean in. "No," She breathed.
"Then you're mine," He says just as his lips meet hers.
The feel of his cold lips became warmer by the second, and he tastes just as good as his scent - rich and deliciously sweet. His tongue ran along the crease of her lips and without thinking, Lisa parted them. And what started as a soft kiss had now turned into an urgent one.
A feeling of empowerment washes over her. Jungkook is kissing her like he needs her. The longing and admiration are evident in the way he grabs her hair and neck - softly and roughly as if he's battling between letting her breathe or pulling her to drown with him. At this moment, Lisa wanted so much for the latter.
I choose him...over anything - I'd choose him. Even if he breaks my heart, I'd still choose him the way he is now.
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