Lisa smiled down shyly when she saw him raising his eyebrows a little, hoping that it's a sign of a pleasant surprise. She had changed between 4 outfits before deciding on just black skinny jeans, black top and jacket, and her favorite pair of Dr Martens. She really wanted to wear a dress for this date but dismissed the idea since he's picking her up with his bike.
She wondered if it'll seem obvious that she wanted to match with his usual choice of all-black outfits, and she almost went back upstairs to change when she peeked behind the lobby - thinking that yes, it does seem too damn obvious! Would it be so bad if she wanted to impress him, and that she wanted to appear deserving to be next to him?
The closer she gets to Jungkook, the harder her heart is beating. He looks like a freaking model in a freaking GQ magazine - standing with both hands in his pocket in front of that superbike of his! She spotted his slightly parted lips and felt her cheeks warming under his undefining gaze. She prayed that it didn't add too much pink on her existing blusher as she stopped in front of him.
"Sorry you had to wait a while," She shifts from one foot to another when he didn't say anything.
"Ahh..." He reached one hand up and rubbed his ear, smiling down and back up again. How could he look so damn sexy even in such a vulnerable look - it's so unfair! "I don't mind. You look...beautiful,"
His voice is warm and honey-like, it melts her heart even more. She knew that he was just being a gentleman but her heart flutters at the compliment anyway. The outfit is nothing fancy -
"Here," He held a helmet with both hands and she helped him put it on her head.
She had to raise her chin up a little as he fastened it. Lisa closed her eyes to avoid staring at him, but managed to breathe deeply on the scent that had filled her surrounding. He smells like summer - woody and amber...cozy. I can get quite used to being this close to him -
"Are you trying to smell me?"
Lisa opened her eyes and found him smirking - realizing only now that she had leaned forward slightly while he's already done fixing the helmet on her. Oh my God - did I just -
"What - no - of course not! W-why - why would I smell you? No - no one does that -," She defended awkwardly and turned her face away, too embarrassed to be called out. He must be laughing so hard right now - damn it, Lili! Can you just be normal - just this once?? Lisa waited a few seconds for the tease, but it never showed. Slowly, she peeks back at him.
His eyes are shining with the humor, but his smile is sweet. Lisa sighed and brave herself to face him. "Fine. But it wasn't on purpose! Your perfume's just in my space -"
He leaned forward to her all too sudden and she flinched in surprise. He then sniffed close to her.
"I like your perfume in my space better," He whispered, and his eyes fall on her mouth. "Don't pout like that. I'm trying so hard to act cool here so...have mercy on me...please?"
His anticipation and anxiety grew evenly as they reached the restaurant. Lisa had been torturing him at just the right amount so far, but it's only just the beginning. He's so sure the girl has more up her sleeves, even if she didn't realize it! Why did I think I could actually do this -
She took off the jacket and hangs it at the back of her chair, and Jungkook forgot how to breathe. He thought she already looked so damn hot - a bad-ass even - when she stepped out from her lobby earlier, but this off-shoulder top on her just threw it off the park! The soft ends of her hair fell nicely on her smooth neckline...and slightly below her sharp collarbones - fuck! Why is she doing this to me?!
Jungkook forced himself to look away when she turned back to face him. He caught the few eyes of tables on him, and it felt new and unwelcomed. He was used to being stared at in the dark space of clubs and bars, but not when it's bright like this. Is it because he looked so obviously awkward?
"I feel like I'm with a celebrity,"
He looks up to the chuckling girl. Her eyes glanced around them, and he sensed that she felt uncomfortable with the situation as well.
"I'm sorry. Do you wanna go someplace else?" He found this place online when he searched for 'nice restaurant for lunch on a first date'.
It's on the very top of the results - rated 5 stars with an impressive 143 medium to excellent reviews. The interior looks fancy as well - not his type, but it's probably because he's a guy. There's a lot of flowers and pastels in this clean space, which is definitely a contrast to their all-black attire. You have to give some credit to the guy - this is, after all, the first time he's ever on a date!
Lisa shakes her head with a smile. "I think it's cus we're overdressed," She leaned and forced a whisper. He can't help but grin at how similar their thoughts are. "On top of you looking like a movie star out of a set," She rolled her eyes.
His heart leaps upon hearing it. He did spend quite an effort to impress her today! "Or maybe cus you're too pretty, they didn't think I'm good enough to be sitting here with you,"
"Nope! Definitely not!" Her lips formed a straight line and it took all of his might to not reach up and squeeze those soft cheeks!
Lisa's been on a few couple of first dates in her lifetime, but this has got to be the most intimidating one for the book!
First of all, both of them looked so out of place here. They look like a gangster couple who walked in to rob the place - even the hostess looked quite scared when they came in earlier! But it's not just that - she knew most stares were given to the guy she's with. Some women were openly gawking at his sight, and their men probably stared in complete annoyance! It's not that she's jealous - oh, stop lying! I am a little jealous, how can I not? Everyone looks so pretty and girly while here I am - sitting in silence as if I'm strategizing on who to attack first!
Yes...to make matters worse, he's not saying anything as well since they placed their order! I mean...he can sit there being unbothered to make any efforts and still look hot as hell - while I'm left to question 'why didn't I go with that last dress?' the entire time! This is so not how she imagined the date to be and it's clearly shown on her face!
"I can just cancel the order. We can go to another place - your pick!"
Oh...is that what it takes for him to finally say something??
"No, it's fine...it's just...awkward," She placed both arms on the table and leaned slightly forward. "We should probably talk to each other...people are gonna think we're planning a robbery or something,"
He sighed a laugh and sits up straight...for some unexplained reason. "I'm sorry. I'll be honest with you...I've never done this before,"
"Yeah...like...taking a girl out on a date. I'm a bit nervous -"
"What? You're lying," She laughed and rolled her eyes - because there's no way a 23-year-old with his kind of face and built have never gone out on a date! She looks back and saw the anxious expression. "You're serious?"
What - has he been living under a rock?? Does he not go out much - oh my God, is he a freaking vampire?! Okay, calm down Lili...maybe he's been working too much? Or maybe he never brought a girl out cus he's one of those 'one-night-stand' kind of guy? Maybe he did go on dates, but failed to realize that it is in fact, a date? Maybe he only went to cinemas - they don't talk in cinemas...or one of those dine-in-the-dark? She can't think of any conversation that would go well in the dark -
"Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?"
Lisa focused back on him and realized that she had spaced-out. "What did you think I was thinking?"
"You think I'm gay, don't you?"
Oh... "I wasn't but now that you mentioned it -"
He tittered, looking so damn adorable with his two bunny teeth! He looks young now...like a man of his age.
"I'm not - I promise I'm not! I just...never asked a girl out. You're the first,"
She's not sure if she should be flattered or intimidated over this confession. The fact that she's the first should make her feel special...but it puts pressure on her. This date needs to be exceptional, as he'll definitely compare it with others after her. Not that she hoped there'll be others after her but she can't help but dwell on the thought.
Her love life was never as enthusiastic and lively as she is, she accepted the fact after Sehun. The longest relationship she was able to maintain was 6 months, and it's only because the boy was waiting for graduation to break up with her before going back to his hometown for good. This was in highschool back in Thailand, by the way.
She'd gotten used to guys being bored with her always-perky personality - or as what one of her best friend, Minnie would say - that she's always too nice. The likeliness of Jungkook being bored with her is quite high - given the fact that he's smart...he can be really charming when he wanted to...and that he has 'depths'. He's probably been judging her ever since he asked if she's a 'city girl', and is just -
"What are you thinking, really?"
Ahh shit - I zoned out again, didn't I?
"I uh..." She hides her smile by looking down to the napkin on the table. "I'm thinking of ways to make this the most memorable date you'll ever have," She answered cheekily.
He sighed and smiled warmly. "Well...you don't have to think too hard. I'm already confident that I'll never forget it," His eyes bore into hers.
"Ahh...that makes me feel so much better! I was so pressured just now -" Is she grinning like a fool? It's really hard not to when he's looking at me like that!
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