Okay, was it a sneaky move? What are you even asking - you resorted to underhand tactics all your life! Well, it helped successfully so why the hell not, right?? Damn...his stalking tendencies have no boundaries when it comes to this girl!
He meant well though... He only wanted to see who's the friend that was with her earlier, so he went to Baker's Table where she said she was. It was only supposed to be that - just to see if it's a guy or a girl. He calmed a little when he saw that it's one of the girls she's always with at her faculty. Then he calmed a lot when he stared at her face.
It was from afar, but he could clearly make out her expressive eyes and lips...and he was just...mesmerized! He was just sitting on his bike, with his helmet on and the visor opened from the side of the street...staying there for an hour or so, just watching them talk and memorizing the way she laughs. It's creepy...and she could never, EVER, find out -
"Okay baby...have a lovely day!" She said on the phone.
Wouldn't it be great if she says that to him - wait...baby??
She hung up and puts it back in her pocket. They've been walking aimlessly since he showed up just now. He didn't plan to, of course. He was just going to follow her - make sure she's safe, wherever she was going. But she texted him...obviously he changed his mind then!
"Sorry, that's my friend Chae. The one I had brunch with earlier. She's a bit clingy," She explained and Jungkook looks down to the ground to hide his relieved smile.
Lucky Chae...who gets to be clingy with her all the time -
"Oh yeah, you were saying you're looking to buy a mattress?"
It was an excuse, but it's quite true. He was thinking of getting a new mattress for the new house. It's just something on top of his mind when she asked him what he was doing in the area!
He ruffled on his hair to get rid of the nerves. "Yeah...I just walked around. I know there's a couple of shops around here -" Funny how Jungkook have pretty much lied his way around throughout his life, but Lisa is the first person that makes him feel bad about it.
"There's one up front, I know it!" God, she's so cute when she gets all excited like this!
"What about this one?" She squeaked.
Jungkook closed his eyes, concentrated hard, then opened them again.
This is ridiculous - how can I decide when she's lying down next to me like this?! It was never hard on choosing a mattress before - why the fuck is it so hard now?? Maybe I should just find another day to do this...but she looked so damn excited - lying down on every mattresses since they entered this place! I can't let her down -
"Uh...maybe you'd like to choose from the earlier ones, sir? They're quite affordable and comfortable too! This area has the slightly costly ones," He looks up to the salesperson with a frown.
This is of course, not new. He's quite used and fine with people thinking he couldn't afford things - it saves the worry of being duped and harrassed with attention. But he's not fine with it now - why? - because Lisa is here, next to him.
"What's your budget like? Maybe he can show us the ones within your range," She said softly to him, and it sounded pitiful.
See what you did, you prick?! This young boy just embarrassed him in front of the girl he's trying to impress and it's not cool!
"What's special about it?" He maintained his composure and fixed his angered eyes on the boy.
"Oh, this is the Perfect Sleeper," The boy said, oblivious to his glare. "It's supposed to help with common sleep problems, like tossing or turning..." Keep smiling if you want me to toss my money to you. "...if it's too hot or too cold, it has temperature screening," Yeah, well you won't be able to feel anything from the waist up if I break your spine - "...and helps with partner disturbance as well,"
"What about that one?" He pointed to the next one on his right - because what if I want the 'partner disturbance', whatever the hell that means?!
"That's Comfort Hybrid, the new model. It's with coil support system and memory foam - cooling technology, resilient with a cradling comfort,"
"Does it have that partner disturbance thing you just said too?" He heard a chuckle from Lisa and realized what he just asked.
"Ahh...it doesn't say, sir,"
"I'll take that one then," He muttered and got up to head to the counter, hiding his probably-already-red-face from the girl.
1.4 million won for a fucking mattress - this shit's better be good! It better cure all the guilt and get rid of all the nightmares - damn! - I've never spend this much on mattresses before -
"You didn't have to do that, you know," He turned to the girl walking beside him.
"Do what?"
"You didn't have to buy it just to prove a point. He was rude to imply that, but you didn't have to fall for it. You could do a lot of things with that amount, instead of spending it on something you don't particularly need,"
"I don't understand what you mean," He laughed awkwardly. Was it that obvious?
She stopped her tracks and crossed her arms across the chest. "What exactly do you do for a living, Jungkook?"
What? Why would she suddenly ask me this again?
"I told you, I run my own -"
"Business, yes. What kind of business?"
Shit! "I uh..." What do I say? "I provide services...by online contract, I mean -"
"Oh...like IT stuff?"
"Y-yeah..." Because he honestly ran out of ideas!
"You must get paid a lot then. I'm sorry, just ignore what I said then,"
"You thought I don't have money for an expensive mattress?" He can't help his smirk. It's kind of endearing to know that she's concerned about him.
"Sorry...I just thought...you seemed to be living alone here. You didn't speak much about yourself so I had to conclude that you're only here for work...for your family - wherever they are. And since you're still very young -"
"I don't have one," He muttered plainly because she looked so unsure about him, and he's quite to blame for it. There are too many lies said and much more that he kept in the dark, he didn't want to add this topic onto it. "I've been an orphan since I was 4. I've been working since I was 16,"
Her mouth parted slightly and he heard the slight gasp. She looks like a freaking doll! Briefly, he thought how it would feel like to bite on that lower lip -
"I'm hungry - are you hungry?" He changed the topic so he won't have to read the guilt on her face.
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