1 ☆ And wasn't it a lovely time?
Didn't we have such a time?
>This takes place 4 years after Mari's death<
"Sunny? Are you there?"
*Knock Knock*
He could hear a girl's voice from downstairs.
This wasn't the first time Sunny heard her at his door, but she seemed more persistent today than usual.
Dragging his limp and frail body to the door, he stands there, listening.
"I... know you probably won't answer. But I..." She let's out a heavy and forced sigh, like she was upset and hesitant, "need your help."
He imagines the girl on the other side.
Long, deep purple hair, wearing a pink bow and a short sleeved teal shirt, one that fell below her knees.
Before thinking, his hand lifts to reach the doorknob and turns it.
"Holy shit... Sunny?"
His eyes widen to the sight of her.
They both seem in shock, silent as they take in each other's presence.
There she was, Aubrey.
But she looked so... different.
Her longer hair was a salmon pink, and her eyes were a bright blue.
She wore a black crop top with a yellow and white jacket, and a short denim skirt.
"I didn't expect you to come out, really. I've been trying to see you, but you weren't answering my calls..."
Out of all people he expected to see, Aubrey was the last on his list.
Her face suddenly turned into a hostile one.
"You idiot!! Why'd you have to leave??"
"... tsk. Whatever." She turns away quickly, crossing her arms.
Sunny looks down at his feet with no emotion... well, maybe just with a little bit of shame.
"I see there's a For Sale sign in front of your house. Planning on being a pussy, huh?" Aubrey darts her eyes back to him.
No response.
She exhales even deeper this time.
"Look, I wouldn't usually come here. But..."
He looks back up.
"I haven't seen Kel or Hero in a while. Like, a long while."
Sunny turns his head.
"It's not like I'm worried about those losers- it's just... I was just curious, that's all." She tries to hide her obvious concern by showing aggression, something Sunny was not really used to seeing.
"It's been about 3 years since I've seen Kel. He used to go to school, but one day it's like he just... disappeared. I never saw him again."
He felt pressure rise in his chest, making him almost paralyzed.
"And I haven't seen Hero since..."
More emptiness.
"So I was wondering if you wanted to go check on them... or whatever..." Aubrey glances away once more, this time with a tint of pink in her cheeks.
Sunny manages a nod.
"Come on, they're still right next door, right?"
She walks off, and he follows slowly behind.
Obviously, it wasn't long before they reached the house, with Aubrey knocking and Sunny standing a few feet behind.
"Kel? Hero? Are you dimwits here?" Growing inpatient, she tries turning the handle, but it's locked tight.
"I still see their stuff, like Hector's dog house, so they must still live here."
She steps back.
"It's strange though, you would assume one of them would answer the door."
Just before giving up, you could faintly hear the door being unlocked from the other side.
It opens ever so slightly, just a peak, but not enough to see who it was. Tan fingers wrapped around the door's edge.
"Kel? Is that you?"
You could only hear some heavy breathing on the other side, and soft groans, like someone was in pain.
"Are you guys okay in there...?" Even Aubrey couldn't mask her worry anymore.
Suddenly, the door slams closed while the person locks it.
"H-HEY!!!" She bangs on the door, "Get your ass out here!!!"
She grunts in frustration when she hears footsteps walking away.
"Damn it! Why won't they just come out??"
Sunny doesn't respond.
"You're really helpful, you know that, right?" Aubrey hisses at him with blatant sarcasm.
After a minute of more taps on the door, she sighs.
"Well, we'll have to try again later."
He nods while she starts to stomp away.
Sunny takes one last look at the spot where he put his fingers down.
Is that...
A/n: I have my plans >:3 just waitttttt
Also, IYD will finish before summer ends, I just couldn't resist to make this :]]
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