Special Chapter 2- Kabu
Many years ago. . .
To Kabu Akagi,
We have become aware of your role as part-time Gym Leader in Lavaridge Town, Hoenn. Your serious battle style and win-streak is known throughout the globe.
We are unfortunately one Leader short of the necessary eight Gym Leaders for this year's Gym Challenge, since Fire Leader Aiden retired before training a successor.
We have noticed that you have not been Gym Leader for long, though your skills already match that of a professional Trainer. We humbly ask that you consider this proposition, as not only are your skills fancied, but your young age could make you a Gym Leader for many years to come.
Please respond back in a time period of up to fourteen (14) days, or two (2) weeks to secure your spot as Galar's next Fire-Type Gym Leader.
We hope to see you soon,
Wyndon Gym Challenge Council
"Growl?" A Growlithe barked, tilting his head at his Trainer and the letter in his hands.
"Please tell me you're not actually going to go." His younger sister told him, a frown on her face. "You can't possibly be considering leaving us and going off to Galar!"
The young man sighed and set the letter down, looking at his sister. "Flana, calm down. The letter only just arrived. And besides, I still have about 10 days to think about it."
"But the Gym! Who's going to take care of it when you leave?!" The russet-haired girl shouted at him, immediately making him yell back at her.
"Flannery! I never said I was actually going to leave! I still have a while to think about whether I accept the invitation or not." Her brother sighed and rubbed his forehead with his hand. "And even if I were to go, it won't really matter much, since Grandpa takes care of the battles every other day. I'm still not a full-time Gym Leader here yet."
"But. . ." Flannery crossed her arms. "But Grandpa's getting old, and he can't take care of the Gym for much longer; that's why you're helping him in the first place! Why can't you ever understand, Kabu?!"
Kabu growled, shoving the letter towards her. "Fine. If you have such a problem with everything, why don't you take the invitation and go to Galar in my place?"
"Why can't we just ignore it?! Tell them it got lost in the mail or something. We don't have to do anything about the invitation!" She groaned. "You stay at the Gym, I stay here in Lavaridge, they find another person as Gym Leader. It's a win-win-win!"
Her black-haired brother sighed. "That's not how it works. Their Gym Challenge is a huge deal— you've seen their matches on tv before. It starts in a few months, and I'm really the only person who is qualified enough to take the spot."
Flannery blinked. "Are you serious?! Kabu," she closed the distance between them and stared up at her brother. "You already sound like you've made up your mind. And besides, what about the Gym. What'll happen to Lavaridge Gym, or have you forgotten about that?"
"First, I have yet to fully decide on this offer. And second, Grandpa can find someone to train, like how he trained me. It won't be that hard to find someone."
"Arghhh! You don't get it—"
"No, Flannery, you don't get it. I'm almost 20- perfectly capable of making my own decisions. This is a chance for me to go and explore other places, but of course I don't expect you to understand that."
"Hey! Take that back!"
"No." He snatched the letter out of her hand. "I'm going to think about it, and I don't need you or anyone else persuading my opinion." And with that, he left to his room, Growlithe following him.
Kabu sat on his bed and stared at the letter in his hand. As much as he hated to admit it, his sister did have a point; what would become of the Gym if he were to leave? Their grandpa was nearly too old to take care of it completely, and in a couple of months, it would be given to Kabu for him to fully take over.
But at the same time, there was that sense of mystery and adventure that appeared with the thought of going to another region. He had always been a free spirit, burning in the darkness and lighting his own path. He didn't have to listen to what his younger sister was saying.
He put the letter down and lifted his Growlithe onto his bed. "I don't know what to do, buddy. Any ideas?"
Growlithe tilted his head. "Growli?" He smiled and rubbed his head on Kabu's shoulder before proceeding to lick his face.
Kabu laughed. "Okay, okay! You're right, I still have time to think about this."
Growlithe's only reply was a cheerful bark.
The days came and went. In the time that Kabu wasn't at the Lavaridge Gym, he was considering his options about whether to leave or stay in Hoenn. Flannery began avoiding him, only speaking to him when it was directly necessary. Neither of them had told their grandfather about the letter; it was up to Kabu to decide, and they didn't want to worry their grandfather with this.
A week later, as Kabu was finished defeating a young Trainer and his Rattata, he finally came to a conclusion.
He would stay here in Hoenn.
There were so many great things about Hoenn, like the sun, bright skies, and starry nights. He especially loved Lavaridge Town and his family, and wouldn't ever want to leave them. His life was already perfect, so why try to change it?
He came back home and handed his grandfather his Slugma and Magcargo's Poké Balls.
"So I take it today was an easy day for you?" His grandfather asked him, looking at his two Pokémon.
"Yes, Sir. The Trainers have been very easy to defeat lately. I don't even have to bring Growlithe with me." As he mentioned his fire dog, he glanced around, noticing that Growlithe was missing. "Hey, where's Growlithe?"
"He's out with your sister. They're walking around town."
Kabu nodded. "Would you like some tea, Grandpa?"
"Yes, that would be lovely. Thank you, Kabu."
"Of course." He stood and left to the kitchen, preparing a pot of water on the stove. He looked down and nodded to his grandfather's Torkoal, who then heated the pot with a small Ember.
While the water was heating up, he brought out two small cups and added a tiny bit of Johtonian Bayleef leaves to them. When he was younger, he was always afraid to drink Bayleef tea, but his grandfather had explained that the leaves were not actually a part of a Bayleef, and they could grow back in a week or two.
Once the water was boiling, he carefully lifted the pot up and poured it into the two cups and stirred them.
He smiled and looked down at Torkoal. "Thanks for your help."
"Tor." The Torkoal bowed his head and slowly made his way back to Kabu's grandfather.
Suddenly, the front door burst open, a red-haired girl stepping in with a Growlithe. She went straight into the kitchen and held out a red crystal, with a flame lighting up on the inside. "Went out shopping, and your Growlithe took an interest in this." She placed it onto the counter before noticing the two cups of tea her brother was making. "Ooh, Bayleef tea, my favorite!" She took a cup and sipped from it.
"W-wait! That was for Grandpa!" Kabu told her, but the tea was already nearly gone.
Flannery glanced at him. "There's still one cup left for him. Don't know what your problem is."
I wanted some too. . . Kabu sighed and lifted the other cup up. "Thanks for the Fire Stone, Flana." He exited the room and set the cup down beside his grandfather.
"Yep, no prob. Hopefully it convinces you to stay here, instead of leav—" Kabu's eyes shot up towards her's in panic; neither of them had explained anything to their grandfather yet. "I- I mean. . . umm. . ." Flannery trailed off, trying desperately to think of an excuse for her slip-up.
"Don't bother, Flannery." They both turned as their grandfather spoke. He took a sip of his tea and held up a piece of paper, nearly folded. "I suppose you are both speaking about this, am I correct?"
Kabu's face paled at the sight of the Galarian letter. "I. . ."
"Seriously, Kabu?! You had to show him the letter?!" Flannery groaned. "He already has enough to think about without having to worry about your invitation!"
"I promise, it wasn't—!" Her brother began, but stopped as their grandfather held his hand up.
"Quiet, both of you. Neither of you showed me this letter. In fact, it was Kabu's Growlithe who brought it to me." He took another sip of his tea.
"Grandpa, before you say anything, I've already made up my mind on it." Both people turned towards him as he spoke.
"Yes, I figured as much. That's what I had wanted to talk to you about. And I already know what your answer is going to be. So that's why—" He held out the letter. "I want you to accept the invitation and travel to Galar."
Both siblings blinked in confusion. "What? Grandpa, what are you saying?!"
He smiled. "I'm sure you both heard me, and understood what I meant. Think about it Kabu, it'll be an experience for you. You will be able to travel to a new region, explore the place, and meet all sorts of new Pokémon."
Kabu hesitated. "But Grandpa, I want to stay here. I like it— no, I love it here in Hoenn, in Lavaridge."
"And if I recall, you love adventure even more." Kabu flinched at his grandfather's words. "Ever since you were young, you always took an interest in adventures and battling. So much so, that you would practically beg me to let you go out on a journey throughout Hoenn." He smiled calmly. "And I know that deep down, you're curious about all this, and you want to go out and experience Galar for yourself. Not only that, but the challengers there will actually be, well, a challenge. Compared to the ones here, who are easy for you to defeat."
He has a point. And he's also right, I do want to go. . . But. . . He glanced at his grandfather, then his sister. I can't just leave them behind. And then there's also—
"Grandpa, aren't you forgetting about something?" Flannery asked, both hands on her hips.
"Oh, and what's that?" He raised an eyebrow at her, the ghost of a smile on his face.
"The Gym! You can't just send Kabu off to Galar, especially when you're nearly too old yourself to manage the Gym here." She huffed. "Kabu should stay here. They'll find someone else eventually."
"Oh, you're right." He sighed and closed his eyes. "If only there was someone else who could take over for the Gym. Someone young, and with a fiery heart. . ."
Kabu looked at his sister, as did his grandfather.
"Huh?" She looked between the two of them, realization coming across her face. "No no no no. Nuh-uh. Nope. I am not going to become a Gym Leader." The two were silent, giving another type of persuasion: peer pressure. Flannery shifted slightly. "I- I can't even battle that well, so you guys can't really expect me to take on the Gym. Plus. . . I only have Torkoal and Numel, neither of whom are able to use strong moves."
"Flannery." Their grandfather stood up and walked over to her. "Every good Trainer has to start somewhere. And what you've said is not true; I've watched you and your Torkoal battle numerous wild Pokémon."
"But it's not the same! I always get so nervous when I'm battling another Trainer." She sighed and crossed her arms. "That's no trait a Gym Leader should have."
Kabu went to his sister and put a hand on her shoulder. "Flana, you may be a year younger than I was when I started training at Grandpa's Gym, but you're already a lot more experienced than I was when I first started battling." He gave her a smile. "Please? I'm sure you'll really enjoy it."
She gazed downwards. "So I guess that means you really are leaving, huh?"
"I—" Kabu started, panicking.
"Calm down. I'm not mad at you anymore." She sighed. "I see now that going and taking the Gym in Galar is what makes you happy. I should've noticed sooner." She bit her lip. "I'm sorry I kept yelling at you and everything. I should have at least tried to understand."
Kabu smiled and patted her back. "It's alright. I shouldn't have gotten so upset like I did."
Flannery laughed for a second, glancing back at Kabu. "I guess we were both in the wrong, huh?"
"Yeah," he replied, giving her a hug. "Does this mean you'll take over for Lavaridge Gym?"
"Maybe." She stepped away to look at him again. "Alright, fine. I'll take over as Gym Leader."
Their grandfather stepped in between them. "Kabu, you should probably begin preparing for your trip to Galar. I'll go ahead and give a reply to the Wyndon Council." He looked at Flannery. "As for you, I'd suggest going on outside and training your Pokémon. Perhaps find a new Team member or two."
Before either of them could reply to him, a bright blue light emanated from the kitchen. The two young Trainers ran there, only to see a large Arcanine sitting on the floor. The Fire Stone that had previously been on the counter was gone.
"Arc!" Arcanine barked, leaping to his large paws at the sight of Kabu. His tail wagged back and forth, nearly knocking everything over.
"You. . . You evolved. . ." Kabu muttered, staring at the Legendary Pokémon in awe.
Arcanine smiled, his tongue hanging from his open mouth. "Arc! Arc!" Without warning, he ran towards Kabu, knocking him to the ground.
Kabu laughed, his hands stroking Arcanine's long mane of fur. "Hey, Arcanine! We're going to Galar!"
Arcanine's barks only became more excited.
Bzzzt. Bzzzt. Bzzzt.
Kabu rubbed his eyes, trying to fight off sleep. It felt like he had only just closed his eyes, and now someone was calling him early in the morning. He sighed and reached over in his bed, grabbing his PokéNav and answered the call.
"Hey, Kabu! How's it like over in Galar?" Flannery's excited voice met his ears.
"Flana?" Kabu rubbed his eyes, squinting to check the time. "It's nearly 4 AM. Why are you calling me so early?"
"Oh. Right." Flannery laughed quietly. "Sorry, I forgot about the time differences. Hope I didn't wake you up."
Kabu sighed, giving up trying to explain. "It's fine. So what's up? You almost never call me."
"I wanna hear about you first! You've been over in Galar for two months— how is it?! Did you catch any cool Pokémon there? Did you battle anyone yet?!!" He could practically see her excitement.
"It's nice here. The temperature is a lot cooler than back in Hoenn, and the weather is really unpredictable. And as for Pokémon, I've caught a Vulpix and Torkoal, as well as—"
"You have Torkoal too?" She sighed happily. "So now it's like you can always be reminded of me and Grandpa!"
Kabu smiled. "Yeah. And I also caught a new Pokémon, called Sizzlipede. I found the little guy hiding in my Gym from the rain." His eyes softened at the memory. Sizzlipede had been so weak and afraid, until Kabu took care of it and brought it back to full health.
"Woah! You'll have to visit and show it to me sometime!" She was quiet for a few seconds. "Oh, and I have some news for you. . ." Her voice was suddenly somber and solemn.
Instantly Kabu's joy faded, only to be replaced with fear and worry. "What is it? Did something happen? Is Grandpa okay? Is it the Gym?"
"Calm down!" Flannery laughed, her cheerfulness returning. "I'm only joking, Kabu. No need to get so panicked."
"Ha ha, very funny." He took a breath. "Well, what is it then?"
"I had my first Gym Battle today."
Kabu froze. "What? Today? But it's already so soon!" He sighed. "I really wish I could've been there to cheer you on."
"Haha! Don't worry. You're needed in Galar for the Gym Challenge in a few weeks. By the way, I'll be sure to watch all of your matches on tv."
"Thank you." He closed his eyes, smiling as he spoke again to her. "So, how was the battle?"
"It was so nerve-wracking! I didn't know what to say and I. . . I think I stuttered several times when I gave out my commands." She gave a nervous laugh. "Both challengers were nice though, at least."
"Oh? You battled two Trainers?"
"Yep. A boy and a girl, both around 16. I lost against both of them though. . ." A voice appeared in the background, followed by Flannery's muffled "yeah, I'll get to that." She appeared back more clearly to speak again to Kabu. "Sorry, Kabu, but I have to go. I'll make sure to call you again and keep you updated on everything that goes on."
"I'll forward to your next call then." Even if it means waking up at 4 AM.
"Thanks! Love you!"
"Love you too, Sis." She ended the call, and he closed his PokéNav, smiling up at the ceiling of his room. She sounded so happy when she was talking about her earlier battle. I can't wait to finally see her again and catch up on everything. . .
Maybe coming here to Galar wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Okay, so this was kinda a random idea that I got a few days ago, since Glo's about to challenge Kabu...
I hope it's alright..
Regular updates will hopefully resume next Friday.
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