Feel my pain, kitten!
(A/N): Hi! Just one thing. Maybe there's a bit of mature content. :)
Eustass Kid. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear that name?
To mine? Red. Red fiery hair that can compete with the flames of hell. And an attitude that matches them.
There are many types of persons in this world, so , being logic, they must have many different ways of thinking. Not every mind thinks alike. But when his name is said, all the minds drift to a common thing. A pale-skinned, red-haired and muscled big sturdy man.
Many people even think that there's no man inside that body. They think that he is a demon that crawled his way up from hell just to torture and kill everything that comes at him. You cannot judge them though. Killing innocent people in the worst of the ways and making fun of it doesn't help anyone to become a cherished person by the people.
But being a man or a demon it doesn't matter. He's a pirate from who you spect to be scary, aggressive, murderous and crazy. Well, what awaited that morning for the Kid pirates couldn't be described with none of these adjectives...well... yes, you could say that what Killer and (Y/N) found in the captain's quarters was a bit crazy.
Killer's P.O.V.
My little younger sister came running at me. She's a girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, and her height is as short as her temper. And right now it seems that her little patience has run low.
-"What is it now?" I asked her while polishing my blades.
-"Where's the fucker?!"
I sighed. She was turning as red as our captain's hair, what is never a good thing.
-"He did it again! He tied my hands up with metal scraps and said to a bunch of kinky weirdos that he was selling me for 50 beli. And then he flew away with the money and they tried to catch me and then I got angry and I kicked them where it hurts and broke their ribs and cutted some testicles with the metal scraps, and..."
-"(Y/N), the short version please" I sighed again cutting her furious rambling.
-"I'm telling you!! He tried to sell me again! For 50 beli!! For fuck's sake, 50 beli!! Who the fuck's worth the shitty amount of 50 beli??"
(A/N): i'm sorry >:)
-"Calm down (Y/N)" I tried to reasure her 'So what annoys her is the price?' I tried not to laugh at my own thoughts. It's strange but they are always like that. He would "prank" her, she gets mad and try to kick his ass and they end fight ing and destroying something in the ship. H e had tried to sell her before –not for real though, I'll kill him if that happens- to men. And men always try to buy her because of her looks. When she was a child she ate a Akuma no mi that I found, the Neko Neko no mi: model Ocelot and now she can turn into a full feline or stay in human form with feline ears and tail.
But she can hide her feline traits into her clothes and look normal. This is what leads Kid to pester her: trying to sell her to creepy people, stomping on her tail, pulling at her ears, putting dead mice in her "kitty-meal", hidding catnip into the crew's laundry basket and making her roll over dirty boxers and smelling socks, or even putting catnip in the end of a fishing pole and swinging it over the railing to try and make her fall into the sea. Yeah he can be an asshole sometimes.
-"Killer, stop paying more attention to your blades than me! You're my brother, why don't you protect me?!"
-"That's because you are perfectly able to defend yourself. And I don't want to get caught in the middle of love-quarrels"
-"Love-quarrels. And don't shout at me. I know you like him, I'm your brother after all. And you know that many people has died for much less than what you've done to Kid. Plus, he's not a pranker. He only gets out of his usual demeanor when he's near you. I think he wants you to notice him."
-"T-That's bullshit!" I laughted at her stutter. I really have a cute sister.
I stopped taking care of my blades and I put strands of my long hair into my helmet so they stuck out in a similar way Kid's do.
-"Notice me ~sempai~~" I cooed, perfectly imitating Kid's voice. I laughed hard as I saw her fumble away into the ship, fumming and muttering curses, with her anger blush changing to a shame blush.
I continued sharpening the blades whe 5 minutes later I heard the evilest laugh I could imagine. And man...I know whose laugh it was. I saw her came out of the galley's door into the deck with a sadistic smile.
-"What did you do this time?" I asked her "Oi (Y/N)! (Y/N)! Stop! Release me!" She dragged me into the ship and towards the captain's room.
When we reached the opened door I could see Kid's clothes messily laying on the floor. I turned my gaze to (Y/N). She was almost bouncing out of her skin. Her face was the one that a pup has when it shows to its owner something that it has found, expecting being petted and rewarded.
-"So... what's this? What did you do?"
-"Don't you see it? What do you think?"
-"...You don't want to know what I think...but I didn't thought that Kid lasted so little..."
-"Eh?...*thinks*.......w-w-hat?! N-no t-that's no-t! NO!!!"
-"Huh? Shush! What was that?"
-"That was what I wanted to show you. See!"
She walked into the room and lifted Kid's leather vest. And from under it came tumbling a...
-"Well that's unexpected..."
. ~~~~Meanwhile~~in the deck~~~~Narrator's P.O.V.~~~~
-"Wire! Did you see the boss?" shouted Heat.
-"He came back an hour ago"
-"You saw him?"
-"And...huh...he looked .....normal?"
-"Normal like...... his usual self?"
Heat sweatdropped at his less-than-talkative crewmate.
-"Why?" Asked Wire.
-"Huh? Oh! You see... I was walki-"
-"Make it quick" cutted Wire.
-"Witch's curse. Kid kicked a cat that was the witch's companion and the old hag said that he will understand what is being a cat. Some shit about understand and care for animals. She threw a handful of black powder at him and ran away."
-"Yeah, maybe the witch was a fake"
*boum**loud crashes from the kitchen*
-"...or not..."
Throwing the kitchen's door open Killer came out chasing a little furry red thing. It was wrapped in shredded toilet paper and was chasing a red dot tha came from a laser that (Y/N) was holding.
The scenario left both pirates speachless: a little red cat with Kid's googles around his neck and amber eyes chasing after a red spot and being chased by a big long-haired blond masked man shouting prophanities to a little young woman that was directing the laser towards doors and walls making the cat crash in to them. With one last try she pointed the laser to the sea and with one jump the cat sinked into the water.
-"Captain!" shouted Killer. H e jumped after the cat. With a huge splash he swam to the cat.
-"What did you do (Y/N)?"
-"Oi! I did nothing..... this time" she said, muttering the last part.
-"Damn you! He could have drown, (Y/N)" scolded a soaked Killer setting on the deck a wet red rat-like thing.
-"So..." Wire said eyeing the cat and then Heat.
-"Well, shit"
~~~~ Time skip~~~~
After explaining what happened in town with the witch to the rest of the crew, they decided –pretty much against Killer's protests- let the captain's care in (Y/N)'s hands while they searched for something to turn himback. Because "she's practically a cat so she must know how to take care of him now".
As the crew was heading to town in search of the witch, (Y/N) was propped against the railing waving at them and smirking sweetly. This caused the whole crew to shudder and to quickened their pace with one collective thought 'Poor captain'.
~~~~Time skip with (Y/N) taking cat-Kid to his room~~~~
'Hell yeah! This is payback bitch' she thought setting the cat on the bed. With an evil smile she left the cat alone and went to get what she needed for "taking care of the temporarily inhabilited captain"
Kid's P.O.V.
When my crew'll find that witch I'll make her suffer for what she'd done to me. That bitch! But at least none of my stupid crewsmates are looking after me. Damn them! I'm a fully grown man. I don't need a shitty thing such as a babysitter!! I can take care of my self. At least the one that stayed on the ship is (Y/N). It make me feel better in my current state. Now, if just her would come back and pet m- NO! The HELL I'M THINKING! NO! I don't want her to pet me, nor to scratch behind my ears, or something like that! That's bullshit! I'm Eustass –"
-"Kid~~" she sang as she entered my room with a box in her hands. It was full of strange things. She poured its contents on the floor and before I could see what they were, she put meinside the carton box.
*meow meowmeow purr meow purr purr*
*translation: A box! Hell yeah! A box! Mine mine mine...*
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I saw Kid playing and rolling into the box like the good cat he is. I smiled at him. First step of my plan, done. Now, I have to wait for him to do to sleep.
While he was hunting imaginary mice in the box, I went to his bathroom. I filled the tub and put in the water some chemical product I brought with me. Going to the sink I prepared the next step: hair-curlers and my hair-dryer. Next to the tub I setted the cymbals of Killer's battery and some cloth. Finishing everything I went to see if Kidty was already asleep. And oh yes. He was. With the upmost care I closed the box and carried him to the bathroom.
I'm part feline so I know somethings that cats don't like:
1- They don't like loud noises.
2- Theyu don't like being suddenly awakened when napping.
I started to brutally shake the box while shouting and playing the cymbals, amking a hellish noise that startled Kidty. He started to freak out inside the box, scratching and jumping until the top was shredded.
3- Cats don't like water. They HATE it!
4- Cats don't like strong scents.
5- Cats don't like clothes.
6- Cats don't like to model for photos.
7- Cats don't like bells in their necks.
Seeing a way out of this hell the cat jumped out of the box only to fall intpo the tub filled with water and a strong-smelling hair-dyer. With high pitched meows and whines Kidty jumped ionto the air trying to avoid getting more wet. But of course, I made him dive inside the tub with welder gloves to avoid being scratched to death. When I took him out he resembled a wet rat. His eyes were throwing daggers at me. But I didn't end his suffering there. I took the hair-curlers and the hair-dryer and made my goal to transform him into the most pompous, grandiose and fabulous pink cat in the world. Yeah PINK cat! I finished his outfit with a huge sparkling fuchsia bow that tied a big metallic bell around his neck. He was FABULOUS!
I ran out of the room laughing like a maniac searching for something to take a photo of him. I could hear the angry meows and hisses coming form the bathroom. I should finish my masterpiece quickly. Snatching Killer's snail-cam I took many cute photos of Eustass "cattain" Kidty and sent them to two person that I knew that would appreciate them.
· Send to:
1- 'The PINK Heavenly Demon' Donquixote Doflamingo
2- 'The Surgeon of Death' Trafalgar Law
Sensing what I was doing, a furious pink cat launched himself at me. A fluf of claws, hisses and fabulousness came at full speed towards my face. I quickly shut his bedroom's door and ran for my life towards my brother's room.
~~~~ Time skip to night~~~~
The crew was coming back with his hands empty. They couldn't find the witch. They were exhausted and wanted to relax of that crazy day. They're rushing to go to bed but they came to an abrupt stop when they saw their human captain coming out of the ship chasing a nosebleeding (Y/N). But Kid... His hair was pink and curly. He had a bow with a bell around his neck and nothing more. Nothing more. No. more. He was as nude as when he was given birth. Not knowing what to do they left them to do whatever they were doing.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
OH MY GODNESSS! I didn't expect this. I just wanted to make him feel my pain when he pranks me. Now I have a pink-haired furious captain runnig after me, swearing and flexing those fine muscles of him...those abs...that ass... AGH! My nosebleed! I can't stand seeing him like this! Those muscles working, that pale skin shinning with the moonlight and that not-so-little-friend of his,swinging when he run... Oh! And another thing that I didn't expect was that the pink hair-dyer also acted...you know...down there... Oh my gosh!!
Kid's P.O.V.
I saw her get very red in the face and her nose started sprouting blood like it was a hosepipe. If I weren't so angry I would have laugh at her when she tripped over her own feet caousing her to faceplant in the harwood of the deck. I took my opportunity and flopped her into her back and sit myself into her stomach with my legs spread and restrincting her arms.
-"What are your doing, you jerk!?" she shouted.
-"What dou you think? Did you have fun? Now it's my turn"
I saw her turn her gaze down to my awakened friend. She turned even more red if that's possible and now her blood was pooling in the floor by her head.
-"Y-You p-per-verted f-fucker!!" she stuttered "I-I'm t-telling my brother!"
I got up and threw her over my shoulder chuckling darkly.
-"No need. I'm sure he will ear us, little kitten" I huskily purred carrying her to my bedroom.
(A/N): I'm sorry if it's short! I made this when I was bored -.-' Thank you for reading!!
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