Für meine Familie.
Ohne euch, wäre ich nichts.
Life, happens you're making plans
Flying high and shaking hands
A song will write you, you don't write it
I, didn't mean to fall in love
Was rhythm that created us
I was running, we collided
With you, I found a new way to live
I see an alternative
Now we started, we can't stop it
I, I didn't mean to fall in love
Last thing I was thinking of
Was you and me but, we collided
Baseline, I will always make time,
I just wanna know that feeling's in your heart for me
Baseline, after all the great times,
I just wanna know that feeling's in your heart
When the beat drops out
And the people gone
Will you still be there, still be there
For me child.
When the lights go out
And the morning come
Will you still be there, still be there
For me child
When the Beat drops out
Marlon Roudette
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Copyright © 2019 Vivian Grant
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