please somebody end my
I just got anally destroyed by ab fucking smurf in Rocket League. How the fuck can one score 13 goals?!?!?!? HOW THE FUCK?!?! I JUST fuckin want to game end myself now. And i had a shitty day in school. First of all nobody talked to me, second, i saw my crush today. We sometimes talk to eachother and i try as hard as i can to make her laugh. Works every time. Today though, she didnt even notice me. I sit behind her. The whole day she was talking to a guy that had something with his finger and couldnt write. BUT A WHILE AGO WHEN I HAD TO DRIVE TO POLAND TO GET A OPERATION DONE WITH A FUCKING NIGHTMARE MACHINE AND COULDNT WALK FOR 2 WEEKS, NOBODY CARED! THEY ONLY CARED BECAUSE I HAD THE ELEVATOR KEY!
I JUST want to have some normal friends, asking for a girlfriend would be too much so i dont even bother. After getting my heart comepletly covered in ice, steel and stone, i dont feel anything. I tried to be liked by my crush, and it worked to a degree, but now, she is talking to that guy. I know it sounds like im completly jealous, but he has his own girlfriend ffs! But now, i dont even look at them. I just sit in the corner, do the things and communicate as little as possible. It sounds like an cringy anime character being all depressed and edgy like a ball, but thats really what i do. I sometimes, but really just sometimes, talk to my asian "friend".
You can help me by donating one waifu, a hug or just a nice comment that isnt a lie.
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