New Day
Mumbo was awoken by something poking his face. He pushed whatever it was away and rolled over. He heard loud chirps as he did so. Something hopped on his arm and started poking his face again.
He opened one of his eyes. "What is it..." he mumbled, still half asleep.
Whatever is was chirped very loudly right into his ear.
Mumbo groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What the heck-"
He turned his head to see what was on his shoulder.
It was his friend, but...tiny.
He did say he could change his size.
"Grian?" Mumbo blinked a few times and moved his hand to pick up the winged creature. He gently took him in his hand and held him in front of him.
Grian trilled and hopped up and down in Mumbo's hand.
"I'm guessing it's time to get up?" Mumbo chuckled.
Grian nodded and fluttered out of his palm. He flew to the middle of the room and changed size midair to his normal form.
He landed on the ground and made his way over to Mumbo. He grabbed the tired man's hand and pulled him up and out of bed.
"C'mon sleepyhead, you gotta shower and change your clothes sometime." Grian laughed.
Mumbo rolled his eyes, but complied. He got up and winced in pain. He was very sore. His arms ached from the nonstop building he had been doing.
"You good bro?" Grian looked at Mumbo, and stepped forwards towards him. His tall friend shrugged.
"Yeah, I'm okay, I-" Mumbo was cut off by Grian hugging him tightly around the waist. "Oh?"
Grian hugged his friend for a moment and then let go. He too was covered in motor oil and redstone. "I guess we both need a shower." He laughed again and pulled Mumbo out of the shop.
Mumbo was surprised by how Grian was acting. Grian never gave hugs.
"Alrighty Mumbo! I can fly us back to our bases and we can get cleaned up and meet over at my mansion!" Grian seemed to already have a plan.
His wings shimmered in the morning sunlight. His messy hair had a few feathers in it, and he had freckles now. That was new.
"That sounds good." Mumbo nodded.
Grian smiled wide and, in a quick moment, was suddenly 8 feet tall. Before Mumbo could do anything, Grian picked up his friend, bridal style, and launched into the air.
The Redstoner gasped in surprise as his big buddy flew through the air. Mumbo didn't want to fall, so he put his arms around Grian and held on. They zipped through the sky faster than any rocket could propel an elytra, and they were at their bases in no time.
Grian lowered himself down in front of Mumbo's base and set his feet on the ground. Mumbo released his tight grip and slowly hopped out of his friend's huge arms. He turned to look at Grian, who gave him a dorky grin before running off to his own base, shrinking back to his normal size on the way.
Mumbo couldn't help but laugh at his gremlin of a buddy. He entered his base and went to his room. He pulled out a fresh set of clothes, but looked at the dress pants with hesitation. He put that set away and pulled out something more casual.
A pair of blue jeans and a belt. He nodded and spotted something on his bed. There was a t-shirt folded neatly with an index card laying on it. Mumbo picked up the card and read what it said.
"Hey Mumbo! Scar said you haven't been doing too well, so I wanted to make something for you and Grian to cheer you up! -Bdubs"
Mumbo didn't pick up the white shirt with his messy hands. He decided to look at it after his hands were clean.
He took a towel instead and headed to the bathroom to fix the damage he had put upon himself
Mumbo walked out of the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He hadn't shaved in a few days, and it was starting to show, but he didn't have time to do that now. He shrugged and went back into his bedroom to check out the shirt.
The tall Englishman sat down on his bed, the towel still around his waist. He picked up the shirt and held it up in front of him.
Bdubs had printed the "Mumbo for Mayor" poster design on a set of T-shirts.
Mumbo smiled and proceeded to get dressed in the shirt and blue jeans. He looked around his room for a pair of clean shoes, but the only ones he could find were an old pair of red high tops. He put those on and smiled at the familiar feel of them.
He quickly rubbed a towel over his hair and face to dry it off and then pulled a brush through his now-clean hair. He winked at himself in the mirror, even though he looked rather silly and he rushed out of his base, taking the extra t-shirt with him on the way.
He skipped on over to the mansion and sat on the steps, waiting for his friend to come outside.
Grian looked at himself in the mirror. He looked at his wings and sighed.
The bird shook his head and took a shower. It was quite awkward with his wings in the way, and he wasn't used to how big they were. He slipped and fell over more than once.
After a few mishaps, Grian stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. He stepped into his bedroom and shook out his wings, flinging water droplets around like a wet dog.
He put on a pair of pants and went to grab his shirt and sweater, but stopped. He stood frozen in front of the open closet door, staring at the jumpers hanging inside. His wings raised slightly, and he looked down.
"I can't." He laughed to himself.
Grian ended up just putting on his socks and shoes before sitting on his bed for a few minutes.
He put his head in his hands.
"Ugh, they're all gonna know. No way I can hide this." He groaned.
Grian suddenly remembered his friend, who was probably waiting for him. He felt a rush of happiness as he jumped up. His wings flapped with joy.
"Oi! Don't do that!" He said to himself as he exited his room. He jumped from the banister and glided down to the first floor.
He landed painlessly and walked out the front door, locking it behind him.
At the bottom of the stairs sat Mumbo.
Grian rushed down the steps and sat next to his friend.
"Look at you! You look....nice" Grian started to say until he actually saw his friend.
Sure, he was pretty, but his fashion sense was kind of strange.
Mumbo was wearing a t-shirt with Grian's poster design on it.
He was also wearing blue jeans and old high tops, which was out of place for the fancy man.
"You...didn't shave." Grian laughed a little. Mumbo rolled his eyes, but returned the laugh.
"I didn't think I had time. If I had known you were going to take ages, I would have." The amber-eyed man smiled. He handed something to Grian.
The bird looked down at it and saw that it was a t-shirt that matched Mumbo's. He smiled, but then tensed his shoulders as he remembered his wings.
"I...can't wear shirts in my current state-" Grian looked away, once again embarrassed of himself.
Mumbo looked at the wings, and then back down to Grian's face. "I-...I'm sorry mate! That didn't click in my head." He nervously chuckled.
Grian glanced up at his friend, who sat back in surprise.
"Your eyes...I'm pretty sure they were blue before."
Grian smiled slightly. "Yeahhh that's just one of the many changes that has happened to me."
Mumbo's surprise turned into joy as he began to laugh.
Grian felt his face turn red and he looked down.
"No! No! I'm not-...I-...haHA" Mumbo started to say as he laughed.
The bird felt ashamed of himself.
Mumbo stopped laughing and took Grian's hand. "Bro, I-...I wasn't laughing at you! I just...thought of something."
Grian looked up at Mumbo.
"When you said you were 'going through changes'...does that mean that this is just bird puberty?"
The winged man's face grew hot as he punched his buddy in the arm. "No!"
He couldn't help but laugh as well. Mumbo rubbed his arm where Grian had punched him. "Dang that hurt." He joked.
Grian's expression turned serious. "I...I hurt you?" He looked panicked and worried.
"No! I was...just kidding." Mumbo sighed and stood up.
Grian stood up as well, not replying.
The two stood there for a moment before Mumbo asked, "So when will I get to ride in your arms again through the sky?"
Grian chuckled and willed himself into his bigger form. "I mean, right now, if you're ready." He held the t-shirt in one of his giant hands, but held his arms open for Mumbo.
Mumbo grinned and hopped into the bird's strong arms. He looked excited, and Grian couldn't help but smiled. The mustachioed man sat up in his arms and wrapped his own around Grian's neck and held on.
Grian held him tightly as he launched himself into the sky.
This was dangerous.
He was in broad daylight.
But if he flew quickly, he could get to the platform without being seen.
As Grian flapped his wings, Mumbo looked around the sky and laughed with joy. "Oh! This is incredible!" He exclaimed and turned his attention to the flyers face. The sun caused Grian's eyes to twinkle and the wind swept his fringe back.
Mumbo felt his face turn red when Grian glanced back and winked with a smile.
Grian swooped down in front of the platform and set Mumbo down.
Jrumbot was the first to say something.
He zipped on over to his parents and looked amazed. "Daddy's not just an angel! He's a supahewo too!"
Grian let out a flustered warble as he crouched down in front of Jrumbot.
"I'm a superhero?"
Jrumbot nodded.
Grian smiled. "Not quite, but-"
"That's a great idea!" Mumbo exclaimed.
Grian turned to look at his friend. "What is?"
"You could be a superhero! I mean, look at you! You've already got the body for it, and you've already saved me!" Mumbo held Grian's big hands in his own with excitement.
His enthusiasm was a bit contagious.
"No...I couldn't." Grian glanced away.
Mumbo squeezed G's hands. "Well, it'll help build your confidence! You could give purpose to your wings."
Grian pulled his hands back and held his arms against his chest. "I-...I don't wanna mess up and hurt someone."
Mumbo looked confused, but then stepped closer to Grian. "I've never seen you like this before."
Grian chuckled. "Well, I didn't know I could be eight feet tall either until a few days ago."
"No, no, I mean...I've never seen you afraid of failing. You've always ran into things at full force. You're usually the one trying to convince us." Mumbo started to explain. "I mean, the civil war? Dragon Bros? This election?
Grian rubbed his neck with his hand. "Those...are different. Those are for fun, and...well...this isn't fun." He awkwardly shifted his weight, covering his arms with his wings.
Mumbo was about to protest when Jrumbot spoke up.
"So you're not a supahewo?"
Grian faltered. "N-no! I-" He crouched back down. "Well, I-...uh..." Grian couldn't stand hearing this tiny bot sound so disappointed. "Baby, I...Do you want me to be?"
Jrumbot nodded slowly. Grian sighed. "I can't save people if I don't get a few things off of my chest first."
He picked his baby boy up and held him in his arms. He kissed his screen while he thought for a moment.
Jrumbot beeped happily and sang a familiar shopkeeper's theme. Grian paused and looked at his kid. He chuckled at the nostalgic tune and looked over at Mumbo.
"I know I promised I would explain everything to you a few days ago, but...I can do that tonight, alrighty bro?"
Mumbo smiled understandingly. "Well, what would you like to do in the meantime?"
Grian surveyed the other robots, who were all watching from the other side of the platform. "I wanna get to know our kids." He decided.
The redstone man took Grian's free hand and pulled him over to the bots.
"Family time!" He laughed and squeezed Grian's hand.
"Famawee time!" Jrumbot giggled and hopped out of Grian's arms. He skipped on over to Amelia and sat in her lap, pulling Gellie the cat into his arms from her sleeping place. Grian remained standing there for a moment, holding Mumbo's hand tightly.
His partner leaned his head against Grian's arm and asked his kids, "Who would like to hear about the time where your father was a hippie?"
Grian laughed at the question and sat down in front of the robots. Mumbo sat down as well, and Grian pulled him onto his lap.
"He can tell that story, and I can tell the Charrot story about your Papa and your Uncle Iskall." Grian smiled brightly.
The robots looked excited, and just plain happy to be with their parents.
It was turning out to be a good day.
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