Falling Apart
Grian came home late. It was around midnight, but the lights in the HQ were still on. Mumbo must still have been working on something. The bird was too tired to investigate. He walked into the Jrumbot shop and collapsed on the bed. He was out in moments.
Mumbo, on the other hand, didn't seem like he was going to sleep anytime soon. He had so much caffeine running through him that he wouldn't be able to sleep, even if he tried. He was working hard on Sahara, making sure to take more time to be careful and precise with her wiring and circuitry.
His vision was getting blurrier than normal, and he blamed the fatigue. After slipping up a few times, Mumbo gave in and stood up. He walked on over to a chest and pulled out a glasses case. He opened it up and took out a pair of glasses and slipped them onto his face. His eyes took a second to readjust, but once they did, the entire world seemed so much clearer.
Inside the chest were more of Mumbo's personal items, mixed in with mechanical pieces and parts. He reached in and retrieved a picture frame. The photo was of him, Grace, and John. It was taken when he was in Year 12 in upper school. He started at the picture for a minute before standing up and walking back over to his workbench. He set the frame upright next to his coffee mug.
The tired man turned his attention back to his work. He pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose before grabbing a tiny screwdriver and beginning to fiddle with a circuit board.
He started to lose his patience. Half of him just wanted her to be finished already. The other half wanted to be careful and precise with his work.
Mumbo screwed the circuit board into the android and sighed. He set the screwdriver down and turned the bot around so he could look at her. He always liked to get their bodies finished before working on the wiring inside.
The man studied the face he had built for the girl. She looked young, around five to six years old, with fluffy brown hair similar to that of Stress. She wore a red dress trimmed with white lace. Her face was freckled and her eyes were closed as if she were sleeping.
Mumbo stood up again and headed over to the chest. It was still open, and so he got on his knees and dug around the messy box. He pulled out a beat-up glasses case and brought it back over to his robot. He opened up the case and removed a child's pair of glasses. They were cat-eye and red, with a slight redstone-like shimmer. The roboticist set them gently on the girl's nose and pushed them up.
"There we go." He smiled.
He decided it was time for a break of sorts. Mumbo walked out of the workshop and went up the lift. It was late, and the server was quiet.
He walked across the platform and towards the Jrumbot shop. The lights were off inside, but the door was slightly ajar. Mumbo peeked in to see Grian asleep on top of the covers, fully suited.
The man walked in and went over to the bird. He didn't want to wake him up, so he moved quietly. He observed his sleeping friend.
Grian hadn't returned to his normal size, and his legs went off the end of the bed. The roboticist noticed that he had a few more feathers than before.
Mumbo sighed and went to leave, but something caught his eye.
A gray, star-patterned sweater.
It was halfway under the bed. Mumbo knew that this sweater had some sort of sentimental significance to his buddy, and he wondered if he had Sahara wear it, that Grian would be more okay with her.
An irrational idea for an irrational man. It was perfect, he decided, and picked the sweater off the floor. He exited the shop, making sure to lock up behind him so no one would walk in and see Grian in his super suit.
Mumbo examined the sweater as he made his way back over to the lift. It was obviously a female's sweater, so why did Grian have it?
"ᒲ⚍ᓭℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑ⍊ᒷ ʖᒷᒷリ 𝙹リᒷ 𝙹⎓ ⍑╎ᓭ ⎓∷╎ᒷリ↸'ᓭ" The tired Englishman mumbled in the Ender language. He often found it easier to speak than English when he was tired.
He came down the lift and headed back to the workshop. He approached the workbench and pulled the sweater over the robot's head. He slipped her arms through it, pushing up the sleeves so that they would fit nicely.
Mumbo collapsed onto his swivel chair and stared at the android on the workbench in front of him.
She didn't look robotic.
Mumbo had always been a fast worker. Give him an hour and he could have a complex redstone contraption thought up and already partially built.
When it came to robots, he seemed to be even faster. It was the excitement of getting to meet them once they were finished that caused his swiftness.
Mumbo leaned forwards and picked Sahara up in his arms. Her circuitry wasn't finished yet, but it would by the end of tomorrow...well, today, he realized. The man glanced at his watch, seeing that it was nearing 1 AM.
With a shrug, sat back and cradled the android like a baby. He smiled as his eyelids grew heavier and heavier.
He fell asleep, despite his best efforts.
When he awoke, he was in the same place as before. The robot was in his arms, and the lights in his workshop were still on.
Mumbo yawned and looked at his watch.
9 AM
The redstoner stood up and set the bot down on the workbench, giving her a kiss on the top of her head before walking to the middle of the room and stretching.
He made his way out of the room and towards the bathroom. He flicked on the lights and yawned, taking off his glasses as he walked to the mirror.
He almost laughed at himself. His hair was messy, and he had bags under his eyes. He looked like a vampire, and not the hot kind.
Mumbo studied his appearance for a second before putting his glasses back on. He stepped back in surprise at how much...older they made him look. The half-moon lenses only help to accentuate his tired look.
"I look like an actual dad." He laughed to himself, before cutting himself off. He was an actual dad.
"C'mon Mumbo, get it together." He ran a hand through his hair before taking a set of clothes out of his inventory and setting them on the counter and turning on the shower.
Grian had woken up around 7 that morning. Something about the promise of praise filled him with energy. When he thought about what the hermits would say when he saved someone, a burst of excitement ran through him, like a bolt of lightning.
He ran out the shop, flying up into the sky too fast for anyone to see him. Grian flew above the shopping district. He waved hello to Beef and Etho, who smiled when they saw the hero.
The bird flew into the jungle and sat on a low branch. He took a few deep breaths. He felt extra jittery this morning. He tried to shake out his limbs to get rid of the feeling, which worked, but not in the way he expected. The energy shot out of his limbs in the form of electricity and sped out in different directions. The lightning caught him by surprise, and he fell backwards out of the tree. He wasn't high up, and he landed on the soft jungle plants below him.
But, he landed on his wing. Not hard enough to crack it, but still hard enough to hurt.
He cried out in pain before realizing that someone might find him. He dove behind a thick tangle of plants and stretched out his wing.
He heard someone call into the jungle. It was Scar.
"Hello? Are you alright?" The candidate walked into the green biome and looked for the pained hermit.
Grian popped his head out from behind the plants. He pushed his mask up so Scar could see his face.
"I'm all good." Grian said, his voice wavering out of his Poultry Man voice.
Scar hurried over to his friend, noticing the new feathers.
"Oh dear." Scar mumbled and hopped behind the bush next to Grian.
"Well, if you haven't noticed, you're still changing." Scar started to rummage around in his inventory.
"I've...ignored it." Grian admitted.
"If we don't act fast, you'll be gone quicker than we expect." The wizard told him, still looking for something.
This shot panic through Grian's heart like a bullet. His brave facade started to fade as anxiety took its rightful throne in his mind.
"But it's all good!" Scar announced, pulling a bottle of swirling shimmery liquid out of his pocket. "Aleighnya, one of the wizards from my old guild, made a potion to reverse the effects of mine. It'll also help to slow down your transformation." He handed the bottle over to Grian.
The bird did not hesitate to drink it. He was at the point where his feathers would pop out from beneath his chestplate and from under his mask. It was sort of...uncomfortable.
He removed the cork of the bottle and downed the potion. Grian stared at the empty glass bottle, waiting for something to happen.
He saw the feathers on his arms start to fade into nothing but glimmers that disappeared after a moment. He could see the same thing happen to the feathers on the side of his face. The feathers that had been caused by Scar's faulty potion were gone.
Grian grinned. Confidence kicked anxiety off of the throne and took back its reign over the man. He threw his arms around his friend and hugged tightly.
"Thank you!"
"It's...no...problem!" Scar choked out, getting crushed under Grian's hug.
The bird let go and chuckled deeply. "Haha, sorry about that."
"It's fine." The wizard smiled and stood up.
Grian hopped to his feet, stretching out his wings once more before pulling down his mask.
"It seems like you're doing better." Scar remarked.
The hero nodded with confidence.
"How's Mumbo?"
Grian paused. "No clue." He shrugged and raised his wings, taking off into the sky.
Scar became concerned. "That's...not how Grian acts." Perhaps he should give a visit to the local robot fanatic.
Mumbo stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in a clean pair of clothes. He wore a dress shirt, its sleeves rolled up. He wore a plain red tie and a pair of suspenders. He wiped the steam off his glasses with his towel and put them back on his nose.
He closed the door behind him and headed back towards his workshop. He felt refreshed and awake. Oh his way, he passed by the kitchen. Jrumbot was sitting on the counter, making...something.
Mumbo chuckled and walked over to his baby, giving him a hug from behind as well as a kiss on his metal cheek. "Whatcha doin'?"
Jrumbot looked up. "I'm making a samwich for you, cuz you didn't eat that one yestewday." Jrum pointed at the sandwich that Mumbo had made, but left out.
Mumbo looked at the one Jrum was making. It was a basic sandwich; Nutella between two pieces of bread.
The boy had made quite the mess. His hands were covered in the chocolate, and his shirt was mucked up. He handed the sandwich to Mumbo, grinning wide.
The father took out a plate and set the food on it, before setting it aside and looking at Jrum.
"Thank you dear." He smiled kindly. "You're quite the little mess, aren't ya. Why don't we clean you up, and then I'll eat the sandwich."
Jrumbot giggled and nodded. Mumbo took the towel that was still around his shoulders and used it to wipe the chocolate from his baby. He removed Jrum's dirty shirt and finished cleaning the boy up.
It was a very simple thing. All Mumbo was doing was cleaning his kid.
But it meant more than that to Jrum. He smiled as his father cared for him. It made him feel loved.
Once Mumbo had finished, he took the towel and shirt. "I'm going to go put these away."
Jrum hummed happily as his father left. He returned a moment later, holding a clean shirt for the boy. Mumbo came over to Jrum and held open the shirt.
"Armies up." Mumbo spoke sweetly to the child. Jrum obeyed and raised his arms. Mumbo pulled the shirt on over the boy's head and stepped back. The shirt was big on him, of course, but it made him smile. The Sahara logo looked nice on him.
Mumbo outstretched his arms from Jrum, who hopped into them.
"Tank you Mommy." The baby hugged Mumbo. The redstoner smiled and picked up the plate of food with his other hand before walking towards the Workshop. He set Jrumbot down next to Sahara on the workbench and sat down.
He began eating the sandwich, as Jrumbot turned to look at the bot.
"Hewwo! I'm Jwumbot!" He waved. The android did not respond.
Mumbo chuckled. "She's not done yet." He told his baby.
"Oh." Jrum looked disappointed.
"But she will be by the end of today." Mumbo said, eating the sandwich rather quickly. He didn't realize how hungry he had been. Once he had finished, he set the plate down on a seperate table next to him and wiped his face with a paper towel.
"How was da samwich?" Jrumbot asked his father.
Mumbo smiled and ruffled Jrumbot's hair. "It was great. Thank you, Jrum."
Jrumbot beamed at his father's approval. "Yay!" He giggled.
"Alright sweetie, I need to continue working on your sister." Mumbo told the bot as he flicked on an overhead desk lamp.
"Can I dwaw and cowouw whiwe you wowk?"
Mumbo nodded with a smile and pulled out some paper and a box of crayons. He picked up Jrum and brought him over to a less-cluttered part of the workshop and set him and the art supplies on the floor. Jrum started to hum and got to work on a drawing right away.
Mumbo strode back on over to his bench and continued to work.
Amelia, Grum, and Circuit made sure that their father ate and took breaks throughout the day. He seemed happier than he had the day before.
It was around 8 PM when Mumbo finally finished. He secured the last of Sahara's wirings and entered her input code. He stepped back as she booted up.
Her eyes opened and she observed her surroundings. Her eyes fell on Mumbo and she looked up at his grinning face.
"Hello Sahara!" He kneeled down so that he was closer to her eye level. She still sat on the workbench.
"Hi" The little girl said in a quiet voice. "Who awe you?" She asked.
"I'm your-..." Mumbo caught himself. He was about to tell her that he was her father, but...he didn't really feel like her dad.
"You could say I'm your mother." He managed to say, his face turning a bit red.
Sahara blinked and slowly smiled. "But you'we a boy!" She giggled sweetly, and it reminded Mumbo of Jrumbot.
"Well, you can call me your father then. I just thought you would like to have a mum since you don't actually have one." Mumbo stood up slightly and sat in the swivel chair, pushing it up to the desk.
"Naw I wike mommy bettew." Sahara tugged on the sleeves of the star-pattered sweater. She seemed...shy.
Mumbo brought his hand up to her face. Unlike her siblings, who all had metal plating, Sahara had a sort of synthetic skin. Unless someone looked closely and saw the subtle lines on her face and hands, they would never know she was an android.
Sahara pushed herself forwards off of the desk and onto Mumbo's lap, giving him a hug.
"I wuv you!" She declared.
The void in Mumbo's heart closed up as pride filled him. He picked Sahara up and cradled her in his arms.
"And I love you more than you could ever know."
Sahara smiled and opened her eyes again. They were hazel, and filled with wonder.
She reached up and pulled the glasses off of her face. She stared at the sparkly frames. "Pwetty!"
Mumbo stood up, still holding Sahara and smiled. "Do you like them?"
The little girl nodded, her fluffy hair bouncing.
"Let's go meet your siblings." Mumbo booped her tiny nose and set the glasses back on her face.
Mumbo stepped out of the workshop and into the main living area of the headquarters. The other four kids were sitting around the TV, watching one of Grian's favourite shows. Grian had Mumbo watch the entire series with him in the previous season, and he had enjoyed it as well.
"Kids," Mumbo started to say. They paused their show and turned to look at their father.
He looked down at the little girl in his arms. He set her down and softly said, "Go on. Introduce yourself."
Sahara walked on over to her more robotic looking siblings.
"Hewwo." She began. "My name is Sahawa. I'm da andwoid sent by Cybewwife."
Mumbo chuckled. He had set that as her initial introduction phrase as a joke when he first started programming her, and he guessed he forgot to remove it.
Jrumbot jumped off the couch. "Hewwo!! I'm Jwumbot! My shiwt has says Sahawa!" He pointed down to the old shop logo on his t-shirt.
"That's because I named her after the shop. She was originally intended to be a shop attendant." Mumbo explained. "Just like you, Jrumbot."
Jrum's eyes became sparkly. "Woaw! You'we wike me!" He threw his arms around his sister. She was a bit taller than him. Sahara was built to look a couple of years older than Jrumbot, but she was still technically younger than him.
Sahara giggled and hugged her brother. He let go and pulled her over to the center of the room.
"Hi Sahara! I'm your sister, Amelia!" The other daughter waved.
"And I'm her twin brother, Circuit!"
Grumbot smiled kindly. "I'm your older brother, Grumbot."
Sahara looked very happy.
Grumbot turned around suddenly, facing his father. "Hey, Dad, Scar's at the door."
Mumbo sometimes forgot that Grum was also the giant robot up above the ground, since he mostly stayed in his more humanoid vessel.
"You can let him down." Mumbo told his son. Grumbot nodded and closed his eyes, connecting to his bigger body to open up the lift for the wizard.
The elevator lowered down and its doors opened up at the bottom. Scar and Jellie walked out.
"Oh! Hello!" Scar greeted the robots and their father. His interest was caught by Sahara.
He approached the child. "Uh, Mumbo? Where did you get a kid?" Scar crouched down in front of the little girl.
"I made her!" Mumbo said proudly. "She's a robot." He quickly added.
"Wow! You've outdone yourself." Scar commented. He gave Sahara a smile. "Hi, I'm your Uncle Scar."
Sahara examined the newcomer. "I'm Sahawa." She said in a shy voice. Scar took Jellie off of his shoulders and set her down in front of the new bot. "Hello Sahara! This is my cat, Jellie. Could you and Jrum look after her while I talk to your father?"
Sahara's eyes lit up when she pet Jellie. She nodded and Jrumbot came over to play with the cat as well.
Scar greeted his robotic niece and nephews before walking over to Mumbo. He took him by the wrist and pulled his taller friend into the workshop.
"Woah, what's wrong?" Mumbo asked, confused.
"Something's up with Grian. He's...acting different." Scar removed his monocle and wiped the lense with his suit jacket. He set it back on his face. That's when he noticed that Mumbo was wearing glasses.
"I-...When did you get those?" Scar asked, motioning to the accessory. Mumbo took them off for a second.
"I've, uh, always had them. Haven't worn this pair since I joined Hermitcraft though...Even though I need them to see." Mumbo said with an embarrassed chuckle, putting them back on his face. "But, back to Grian...what's wrong with him?"
Scar sighed. "First of all, I was able to reverse the effect of my potion with a potion made by one of my wizard friends. His rate of change should actually be slowed now. Second of all...I think being Poultry Man is getting to him or something. He's been acting a bit off ever since he became him. Take today, for instance. After I gave him the potion, I asked him how you were doing. His response was a careless shrug and an 'I don't know' before he flew off."
Mumbo processed what his friend was telling him. "I've...I've noticed it too. Yesterday, he came home, asking if I wanted to have lunch with him before he had to go back to work. I said yes, and I made lunch, but he ate his so quickly and was already heading out to leave before I had even sat down in the chair next to him."
Scar looked a tad worried. "You think the praise is getting to him?"
Mumbo hesitated. He didn't think that Grian would be like that, but...
He sighed and nodded sadly.
"I'll talk to him when he gets home." Mumbo told Scar.
"The other day, I told him that he should reveal his identity before it was too late. He told me he wouldn't do it...Actually, he said he would think about it, but you and I both know that that means he's not going to do it." Mumbo added.
"Oh man, we're gonna lose him." Scar put his hands over his face.
"I'd rather not think about that." Mumbo looked over at his desk, letting his gaze fall upon the picture of him and his siblings.
"Did I make the right choice?" The roboticist asked, still looking at the photo.
"The right choice?"
"I left home at 17 to become a hermit. Was it the right choice?" Mumbo turned his attention back to Scar.
"Mumbo...when it comes to something like that, there isn't really a 'right choice'. All that matters is if you believe it was a good decision."
Mumbo stood there silently for a moment. "I like to think it was."
Scar smiled and gave his friend a pat on the arm. "Then I believe it was as well."
The wizard started to turn away when Mumbo spoke something in a sad, soft whisper.
"I just want someone to be proud of me."
Scar stopped walking. He turned to face his friend. "Mumbo...I'm proud of you! Grian's proud of you! Your children are proud of you! They love you more than anything in the entire world. They look up to you, Mumbo. They believe in you. And I believe that they're more than just robots. There's something else in them. It's almost like a little spark of magic. They may be machines, but they're machines who can live and love."
Mumbo sniffed as he looked at Scar. That was what he needed to hear.
"Thank you..." Mumbo took off his glasses and wiped his eyes.
"You're a good father, Mumbo." Scar noted as he exited the workshop.
That made Mumbo smile.
Once Scar had left, Mumbo put the kids down for bed. He took Sahara with him though. He...he didn't to be alone, he decided.
As he watched his daughter sleep, Mumbo tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled.
"Grian's going to be proud of you." Mumbo said softly. Sahara opened her eyes slightly.
"Who's Gwian?" She asked in a tired whisper.
"Grian's your daddy." Mumbo said with a loving smile.
"When do I getta meet him?" The android rubbed her eye.
"Soon, dear. He'll come home soon, and then you'll get to meet him."
Mumbo knew he wouldn't be able to hide Sahara. He had...conveniently forgotten once again that Grian didn't want another robot.
But Sahara made Mumbo so happy. Not only was she adorable, but she looked human.
Grian would surely love her too.
Mumbo drifted off to sleep with the idea of introducing his friend to their daughter the next day.
Grian had avoided going back to the HQ. It seemed like everytime he stopped being Poultry Man, the nightmares and anxiety came back. It felt it better to just stay out and sleep in his mansion. For some reason, his dreams were pleasant back at his base.
He was too tired to dream by the end of the day. Staying in his hero form all the time really took it out of him, but now that Scar had given him that reversal potion...he felt better.
He felt okay with himself.
He was proud of himself.
He was a hero, and people knew it and loved him for it.
Needless to say, Grian did not return to the HQ that night.
Mumbo didn't get the chance to talk to him.
It took four days for Mumbo to take action and find Grian.
For four days, Mumbo spent time with his children, secretly worrying about Grian.
Each day, Sahara would ask Mumbo when she would get to meet her father.
"Soon, sweetie. I promise." Mumbo would answer.
To be honest, Mumbo had no idea when Grian would return.
So after the fourth day, Mumbo decided to go find him. He took his daughter with him. He brought his other children into the Jrumbot shop.
He scanned the shopping district, hoping to find a babysitter. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw Ren walking with Doc. Mumbo ran over to them.
"Ren! Hi! Uh, I know this is very short notice, but could you watch my kids again? I gotta run an errand." Mumbo held Sahara close.
Doc looked at Ren quizzically. "You're a babysitter?"
Ren smiled, ignoring his cyborg buddy. "Of course, my guy. In fact, Doc here can help me!" He gave Doc a playful look. The creeper rolled his eyes.
"Great! They're in the shop like before." Mumbo started to head out.
Ren grabbed Doc's metal arm and pulled him towards the Jrumbot shop.
"Hold on, when did Mumbo have kids?" The German pointed out.
"They're robots. You'll get along with them." Ren chuckled, referring to Doc's robotic parts.
"Remind me again why we're friends?"
Ren entered the shop to find the kids sitting around a board. Each bot had a set of dice.
"Uncwe Wen!" Jrumbot jumped up and ran over to the dogman, hugging him around the legs. The other robots greeted their wolfy uncle with a wave.
"Hey, J-man!" Ren smiled. "Your papa asked me to look afta ya. I brought along your Uncle Doc too!"
Doc groaned. "I'm not their uncle."
Ren turned to look at Doc. His sunglasses were on the edge of his nose. He spoke through clenched teeth. "Doc, remember how you owe me?"
The satyr cyborg sighed. "Fine. I'm their uncle."
Jrumbot giggled. "Wanna pway dumb gems and dwagons wif us?" He asked.
Doc seemed to scowl a bit less. "Actually, that doesn't sound completely terrible. I happen to love a good game of D&D."
Ren sat down and Doc sat next to him.
"See, I told you you'd get along." The dogman gave his friend a wink.
Mumbo ran through the shopping district, trying to find Grian. He kept his eye out for Poultry Man, since he figured that his friend would still be him at the moment.
He was right.
He spotted the bird having a conversation with False and xB. As he approached, it sounded like they were talking about PvP.
"Poultry Man." Mumbo spoke firmly.
Grian and the others turned to look at Mumbo.
The kids had been making sure that their father was taking care of himself, but he still looked tired, despite his clean appearance.
He held a little girl in his arms.
"Can I talk to you for a moment...In private?" Mumbo looked up at the superhero.
"Uh, sure thing!" Poultry Man said.
Mumbo decided that it was Poultry Man who said it because Grian didn't sound like that. He didn't sound like a fictional hero.
The bird gave False and xB a wave and a goodbye as he followed Mumbo behind some trees. They stood in a secret grove type of area.
"What's up?" Grian asked, removing his mask. His face seemed to have a permanent grin of confidence.
"I waited for you to come home." Mumbo spoke plainly.
"I-...Oh! Sorry about that! Shoulda told you, but uh...I'm staying at my mansion now. Less nightmares." Poultry Man laughed. It sounded...so different from Grian.
"Well, I waited because....well...Grian, there's someone who wants to meet you." Mumbo held Sahara out towards the bird. She opened her eyes and smiled at the hero. Grian took the seemingly human child in his big arms, confused. His eyes grew wide when he noticed her sweater.
Mumbo cut him off. "Grian, this is your daughter, Sahara."
Grian's heart skipped a beat. "My-...My what?" He looked down at the smiling girl in his arms. She looked up at him with awe and wonder. "But, she's human-"
"No, no, she's simply an android designed to look as human as possible." Mumbo said with a smile.
Sahara giggled and put her small arms around the bird as best she could. "I wuv you!" She told Grian. Grian looked baffled.
"Mumbo, I thought we agreed-"
"I know, but it's difficult when you're out all the time. I was....lonely."
Grian started to panic. His face was pale and his eyes were wide. He started to stammer.
"I-..I'm..." He looked up at Mumbo, at the friend who had betrayed his wishes, and then back down at Sahara. "I'm sorry, but I can't be your dad."
He shoved the child back into Mumbo's arms, pulled down his mask, and flew into the sky.
Mumbo stood there, speechless.
He held Sahara in his arms.
She started to cry, and so did he.
Mumbo fell to his knees and clutched Sahara closely as he sobbed into her sweater.
She cried, and unlike her more robotic siblings, she was able to cry tears. She was able to synthesize tears.
She looked up at her father's broken face. "Does Daddy hate me?"
Mumbo's heart broke.
"No, sweetie...he doesn't hate you...he just...hates himself."
But Mumbo hated himself in that moment, for he let his daughter down.
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