Cause & Effect
Mumbo woke up to someone shaking his shoulder. He was on the floor in the HQ's living room. He looked up to see Grumbot, his eyes full of distress.
"Dad! Jrum's missing!"
Mumbo sat up quickly. He grabbed his glasses and took Grum's hand, running towards the lift.
Mumbo started to panic. "What do you mean by 'missing'?"
"I mean that we can't find him! He disappeared like a half hour ago! I thought he'd be in the Jrum shop with Charlie and Gellie, but he wasn't there. He hasn't responded to any of our messages either." Grum was breathing heavily, despite not needing to breathe.
The lift doors closed and it brought Grum and Mumbo to ground level.
It was late at night now, around 11 PM. It had started to rain.
"We need help." Mumbo looked at his son. Grumbot nodded.
"We already asked Scar and Bdubs to keep an eye out for him. I think they're searching as we speak." The robot told his father.
Mumbo rubbed his eyes with his hands, pushing his glasses up.
"Oh goodness, this is my fault, isn't it."
Grum didn't say anything. He just took his father to help search.
Scar and Bdubs were searching with Circuit as Mumbo searched with Grum. Amelia stayed behind to look after Sahara.
They checked Grian's mansion (thankfully he wasn't there), Mumbo's base, and just about everywhere else that Jrum knew.
Scar told the others that Jrum must be with Jellie, since he was having a hard time summoning her.
It seemed hopeless.
Mumbo stood in a clearing in the now pouring rain, completely soaked. He cried out Jrum's name, falling to his knees. The rain ran down the lenses of his glasses, making it difficult to see. The trees surrounding the clearing were tall and seemed to mock him.
Grum stood near. He was soaked as well, but he was waterproof. He wanted to comfort his father, but he wasn't sure how.
Mumbo sat there on the ground, letting the rain fall on him, crying. He'd failed as a father, hadn't he.
"JRUM I'M SORRY!" Mumbo sobbed. Grum wished he could cry.
Grum got a notification from Circuit a minute later.
"Dad! They found him!"
Mumbo turned to look at Grum. "Th-they did?"
Grum nodded and extended his arm to help his father up. Mumbo took it and the bot pulled him up.
"Follow me, I've got the cords." Grum took his father's hand and ran towards Jrum's location.
Grian was perched in a tree. It was raining, but he held his giant wings above his head as an umbrella. He heard distant calls, and he could tell that someone was searching for somebody.
The calls came closer and he saw Mumbo and Grum coming closer.
"JRUM! WHERE ARE YOU?" Grumbot called out.
"J-jrum's missing?" Grian mumbled to himself. He may not be allowed to see the kids, but...he still cared for them.
He watched Mumbo fall to his knees, soaked. He cried out in agony and disparity, and it was the pure, pained sob of a broken father. Somehow, that, combined with knowing that Jrum was MIA, felt like the twist of a knife in the wound Mumbo made hours before in his heart.
He watched the man cry for a minute or two, yelling out apologizes to his baby before Grum got news that Jrum had been found.
Grian felt a wave of relief. His son was okay-
No, not his son.
Mumbo's son was okay.
Grum and Mumbo arrived at Larry the snail. Scar, Bdubs, and Circuit stood outside.
"He's in there, but he won't talk to us." Circuit informed the pair. Mumbo nodded and stepped inside.
Jrum was in the corner of the room, hugging Jellie and making little sobbing noises.
Mumbo approached him.
"Sweetie, it's alright." The roboticist got on his knees in front of his kid. "What's wrong? Why did you run away?"
Jrum sniffed and looked up and his soaked father. "I needed to pet a kitty." He said, his voice quiet and sad.
"But we have a kitty. Gellie's in the shop, remember?" Mumbo spoke gently. It was such a contrast to the screaming he had been doing at Grian hours earlier.
"But she's Daddy-, er...she's Gwian's kitty... and, and, and don't wike Gwian wight now. So I don't wike Gwian. So I can't pet her." Jrum squeezed Jellie, who was not having it.
"Oh little baby, it's okay...Jellie is Scar's kitty. Gellie belongs to Grian, yes, but he's too caught up in his heroism to have time to take care of her. So until he comes to get her, she's your kitty, alright?" Mumbo kindly stroked his son's face.
Jrum nodded and let Jellie go. She bolted out into the rain towards Scar.
"Let's go home, okay dear?" Mumbo picked up the bot and held him close to his soaked body. Jrum curled up in his arms.
Mumbo looked at Jrum for a moment. He...He looked so much like his father.
The roboticist stood up and exited the snail.
The family headed home. Scar and Bdubs walked with them back to the HQ and said goodbye to them when they reached TVGrumbot.
Circuit had apparently told the pair about the fight, word for word. Scar knew both of his friends had overstepped. Both needed to apologize. But first, they needed to clear their minds and fix themselves.
Mumbo dried himself and Jrum off, giving him a fresh set of clothes. Mumbo himself changed into a plain t-shirt and sweatpants. He was so tired, physically and emotionally.
He stumbled to the bed and collapsed on it, not sure if he could even cry anymore. He didn't even bother to take off his glasses.
"I'm such an idiot." He said outloud in the darkness. He hugged a pillow tightly, and started humming to himself.
He hummed that same dumb song that Grian once sung. He didn't want to feel this way. He wished he could stop feeling this way.
He must have fallen asleep.
When he woke up, his head was filled with ideas.
"Building will keep my mind off of this!" He declared as he got dressed for the day. He wore another plain t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and a lab coat.
He came into the living room of the HQ. The room felt...sad.
His children sat around the TV, watching a show, but it was obvious that they were only doing so to not think about Grian.
"Morning!" Mumbo smiled. The kids turned to look at him.
"Why're you so...happy?" Grum asked his father.
"Because now that Grian's not here, I can build as many robots as I want! I can let you meet the rest of your family! Your Aunt Gracie and Uncle John, and your grandparents!" Mumbo sat down at the counter and pulled out a set of blank blueprints. He started sketching out plans with a white coloured pencil.
"Is...Is that a good idea?" Amelia asked.
"It's a great idea, my dear Amy." Mumbo said in a sing-songy voice.
Mumbo continued to sketch plans for four new robots. Each set of blueprints had a name written on them.
Justin Jumbo (in parentheses, "Dad"), Delilah Jumbo (in parentheses, "Mum"), Jonathan Jumbo, and Grace Jumbo.
Mumbo's smile was wide as he created the plans.
His children watched in worry.
As he finished the blueprint for Grace, Mumbo paused. He set down the coloured pencil and got it. The roboticist walked over to Sahara, who was cuddled up in Grumbot's lap on the couch.
Mumbo kneeled down in front of her and stroked her face. "Hey sweetie."
Sahara blinked and sat up. "Hi Mommy." She rubbed her eye.
"I need to return some of Grian's things, and well...that includes your sweater."
Sahara looked down at the star-pattered sweater she was wearing. She looked back up at Mumbo and nodded. "I know." She raised her arms up.
Mumbo took the sweater and pulled it off over her head. He smoothed out her tousled hair and kissed her on the forehead.
"Dad, do you want my sweater too?" Grumbot pointed at the red jumper he wore. It was one of Grian's.
The man hesitated. "I-...yes."
Grum took off his father's sweater and handed it to Mumbo. He waited expectantly, looking up at Mumbo with hopeful eyes.
The roboticist smiled and smoothed Grum's hair and kissed him on the forehead as well. Grum hugged his father around the neck.
"I love you Dad. I'm...I'm sorry about Da-...Grian."
Mumbo stepped back when Grum let go. "It's alright, kiddo. It's not your fault." The tall Englishman took the two sweaters and looked down at them as he walked to his workshop.
He pulled out an empty shulker box and set the sweaters in it. He turned to his chest of personal items and looked inside.
He pulled out a picture of him and Grian from Season 6. Mumbo set it gently in the shulker box.
Mumbo looked in his inventory, suddenly remembering something. He took an ocarina and picture frame out of it and stared at them. He had forgotten to give them back to Grian a while ago.
With a sigh, he placed them in the shulker box. He went over to a pile of clean, folded clothes and took two matching t-shirts off the top of the stack. They were the "Mumbo For Mayor" shirts that Bdubs had made. The whole campaign was Grian's idea. Mumbo dropped those into the box unceremoniously.
Mumbo stood up with the shulker box in his arms. He walked out of his workshop and into the lift.
When he reached ground level, he headed straight for Grian's mansion. He didn't want to fly. He was tired of flying.
As he walked through the shopping district, he was jolted out of his thoughts by Grian's laugh. It was his Poultry Man voice, but it sounded...odd. Sounded...hollow.
Mumbo turned around and spotted the feathered man talking with False. The roboticist marched up to the "hero".
"Grian." He said coldly.
The bird turned around. He towered over Mumbo, and for the first time ever, the redstone man felt intimidated.
"These are yours." Mumbo quickly shoved the shulker box into Grian's arms.
Grian looked inside to find the campaign shirts, his ocarina and photo, a picture of him and Mumbo, one of his sweaters, and the gray star-pattered sweater.
"I-" The bird was confused.
"I'm dropping out of your silly campaign. The only good to have come from it has been Grum and Jrum. I don't want to be mayor. I just want to be alone." Mumbo turned and started to walk away. Grian watched him leave.
False awkwardly stood there, watching the whole interaction. After Mumbo left, she looked up at Grian. "Did something happen?"
Grian sighed. "Yeah... I'm sorry, False, but I gotta go deal with something."
She nodded understandably.
The bird raised his wings and flew up into the sky, holding onto the shulker box. He flew towards his mansion. It had stopped raining earlier that morning, but it was still overcast. Storms were approaching.
Grian entered through the roof access port and went into his room. He dumped out the contents of the shulker box on his bed and turned around to face his closet. He pulled out his old school uniform jacket and put that on the pile of memories. Grian scooped all the items up into his arms and hugged them close. He slid down the wall and sat on the floor, his face buried in the sentimentality.
Why did he always lose everyone?
First, it was Peni...
Then Taurtis...
And now Mumbo...
He wanted to punch himself, but that would hurt. He didn't want to hurt anymore.
"I just want to forget this all." He set the items down next to him and stood up.
And as Grian stood in his room, Mumbo stood in his workshop.
Both took a deep breath and decided right then and there what they would do next.
They would focus on the love they got from other people and try to forget each other.
Grian stood in silence before running out of his room and back to the roof port. He flew up through it, closing it as he landed on the roof.
He would try and just be Poultry Man.
Mumbo stood in silence before running out the workshop and grabbing the plans off of the kitchen counter. He took them back to his workbenches and spread them out.
He would try and just be an engineer.
Mumbo didn't know what time it was. How long had he been working? He wasn't even sure what day it was. Everything blurred together.
He had worked on his robots nonstop.
Everytime he paused, he started to think about the fight. He didn't like that.
Mumbo's hands hurt. They were bandaged up. His head hurt.
He was surely dehydrated. He needed to take a break, but that hurt even more. He sat on the floor.
Amelia walked in. " you need anything?" She asked politely.
"I need...water or something. That'd be good."
Amelia nodded and exited. She went to the kitchen where Grumbot sat at the counter. He wore a dress shirt with rolled up sleeves. It was what he had been wearing underneath Grian's sweater.
"Do you think Dad would mind if I went in and talked to him? He...he always seems too busy." Grum looked up at his sister. He looked sad, and if he was able to, would have been crying.
Amelia got a glass of water and gave her younger brother a nod. "You can give him this as well." She handed the glass to Grum.
Grumbot took the water and hesitantly stepped into the workshop. Mumbo was sitting on the floor, mumbling to himself.
"Dad?" Grumbot approached his father and knelt down next to him. He handed the glass to Mumbo, who seemed to barely register that his son was there.
Mumbo took the water and downed the glass. When he was finished, he set the cup next to him and seemed more energetic than he had just been a moment ago.
"Back to work." He said outloud. As he jumped up, Grum took his hand.
Mumbo looked down at his gapped-tooth son. "Huh? What is it?"
Grumbot paused.
"I want...I-...I need a hug." He looked down.
Mumbo was taken aback by this. Grum had seemed perfectly fine whenever he saw him in the past however many days he had been working.
Well, to tell the truth, Mumbo hadn't been paying much attention to his kids.
He seemed to only be focused on building the next robot.
Mumbo knelt back down.
"Whatever for, Grum?" He readjusted his glasses on his face.
"I miss my Dad." Grum made a sniffling noise as if he was crying. But he couldn't produce tears like his little sister could.
Mumbo fell back. The fight between him and Grian had affected his children as much as it had affected himself, but he hadn't taken that into account.
"And I don't wanna be alone and ignored." Grum added, and wiped his eyes. Why did he wipe his eyes? It was such a human action to do, but Grum had nothing to wipe away.
Mumbo scooted towards his son. He had been the first one. The one who called him "Dad". Did Grum feel ignored when Mumbo was so quick to make more robot children?
Mumbo set his hand on Grumbot's cheek. He had to fight for his eyes to stay open.
"How long have I been working?"
"3 days."
Mumbo thought about that. It hadn't seemed that long, but perhaps time just felt different when he was trying to ignore his pain.
"This is dumb, but...I sometimes feel like you love the others more than me. Like, you hug and kiss Jrum a lot, and...I really need that sometimes. I was too big and unhuggable for a while, while the other kids were normal sized, and I-"
Grum was cut off by Mumbo putting his arms around him and pulling him close. He hugged his son tightly.
Grum started to "cry" again. He put his arms around his father and hugged back. He felt so touch-starved and he was shaking as he hugged his dad.
Mumbo felt awful. He'd let his son feel like he didn't love him. He stroked Grum's hair as he hugged him and whispered, "I'm so sorry, kiddo. I am so, so sorry." He turned his head and kissed the side of Grum's head before continuing to hug him. He hummed and rocked back and forth, trying to help his son feel loved.
Mumbo started to feel himself fall asleep. He couldn't do that. Grum needed him.
"I wish I could make you human." Mumbo mumbled to his son. "I wish I could give you the ability to grow up."
"It's okay Dad. You're doing your best."
"I'll make you and the others an android body like Sahara's soon. But I'll do you first. And once I finish it, I'll hug you for as long as you need and let you cry on me. How does that sound."
Grum nodded. "I would like that." He even sounded like he was crying.
Mumbo pulled away from the hug to look at his son.
"You look so much like your father." Mumbo spoke quietly as he gently stroked Grum's cheek.
"I'm sorry."
Mumbo inhaled sharply. "Don't you dare apologize for that." His voice broke as his eyes filled with tears. He broke down in sobs while looking at his son's face. Grumbot panicked. He didn't know what to do, so he just pulled his father into a hug and tried to help him.
"Please don't cry, Daddy." Grum had never called him that before. It seemed a more childish thing to do for the robot to do.
Mumbo tried to stop crying for his son. But he couldn't. He was so tired. He wanted to just be a good dad. He wanted to be the kind of father that his kids were proud of, but he had been ignoring their pain just like he had been ignoring his own.
"Remember what I promised you. I will never abandon you."
"I know."
"I love you, Grumbot."
"I love you too, Daddy." Grum sniffed and let go of the hug. Mumbo looked disheveled. His hair was a mess, and his eyes were red from fatigue and crying. He had a bit of stubble and his glasses were tear-stained, just like his face. His labcoat already had stains of motor oil and redstone, and a bit of blood too. It had only been 3 days, and yet he was already letting himself fall apart.
"Do you want to talk to Uncle Scar and Bdubs tomorrow?" Grum asked his tired father. He responded with a sleepy nod.
"Do you want me to take you to your bed?"
Mumbo shook his head no, but stopped when he saw Grum's dismal expression. He nodded.
Grum stood up and bent down, picking up Mumbo easily. He held his father in his arms like a child. The roboticist rested his head against Grum's metal body.
Grumbot walked out of the workshop and towards the bed that was set up the corner of the main room. He pulled down the comforter and set Mumbo on top of the bed. He took off his dad's shoes and set them by the bed. The boy had Mumbo sit up so he could remove the labcoat as well. Once that was finished, he let Mumbo lay down as he tucked him into the bed.
Grumbot leaned down and kissed his father on the head.
"Goodnight, Dad. I love you."
Mumbo smiled. "I love you too Grum."
The main room was empty except for Mumbo and Grumbot. Grum looked down.
"Actually, Dad...could I sleep here with you? I...I keep having nightmares."
Mumbo opened his eyes. "'re having dreams? You can dream?"
Grumbot nodded. He looked anxious. Mumbo saw his own anxiety in his son.
"Yes, you can." Mumbo told his boy. Grum smiled and took off his shoes. He climbed in the bed on the other side of it as Mumbo turned so that he would be facing Grumbot. His son curled up and snuggled against him like Jrum would do. Mumbo chuckled lovingly and hugged his son, giving him a kiss on the head as he started to drift off to sleep.
He had a tinge of worry though, because he too had been having nightmares.
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