"sit down please. and now, the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions' selection!" dumbledore said, walking up to the blue flame.
angie gasped as the goblet turned red and a slip of paper came out.
"the durmstrang champion is..." dumbledore paused. "viktor krum!"
the whole school cheered for the quidditch player and the goblet spit out another name.
"the champion from beauxbatons... fleur delacour!"
everyone cheered again and waited only seconds before the third name spit out of the goblet.
"the hogwarts champion..." angie held her breath as dumbledore said the name. "cedric diggory."
the whole school, including angie, cheered for the boy. cedric turned around on his way to dumbledore and smiled at angie. she looked back at him and smiled at the ground. hermione nudged her shoulder teasingly.
"excellent! we now have our three champions! but, in the end, only one will go down in history. only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the triwizard cup!" dumbledore said.
suddenly the goblet glowed red once more and shot out another piece of paper. angie watched as dumbledore read the paper.
"harry potter. harry potter?"
angie looked at the boy in front of her and slapped a hand over her mouth.
"harry potter!" dumbledore shouted once more.
"go on harry. harry for goodness sake." hermione said, pushing the boy up.
harry slowly walked up to dumbledore and took the slip of paper out of his hand. he then walked into the room where the other champions went and angie let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.
a few days later, evangeline found herself doing charms homework with her friends willow, liana, and amber. the four girls worked in the library, none of them getting much work done. all they could do was talk about the tournament.
"what do you think the first task will be?" amber asked her friends, not looking up from her essay.
"not sure. something exciting i suppose." willow said in response.
angie sighed and set down her quill. the girl hitting her head on the table quite harshly.
liana looked up from her work. "are you alright? what's bothering you?"
angie lifted her head up ever so slightly to respond to her friend. "all this talk of the tournament is making me sick. i can't imagine how harry is feeling. if any one of my friends got hurt i wouldn't know what to do."
"why don't you go talk to him? ask him how he's doing." willow said, rubbing angie's back.
angie nodded and packed away her things into her bag and waved goodbye to her friends. the girl had no idea where he'd be so she just headed to the common room, hoping to find him there.
evangeline stopped in her tracks and turned around to find where the voice was coming from. she let out a breath as she saw it was just hermione and ron. the two teens ran up to her.
"hey, do you happen to know where harry is?" angie asked them.
hermione grabbed her by the arm and the three started walking the opposite way down the hallway. "as a matter of fact, we're going to see him right now."
the three of them made it to the black lake and hermione whispered angrily to ron. "we've already been through enough people why don't you just go and do it yourself? ughh. what do you want me to say again?"
the boy whispered back to hermione and the latter walked up to harry.
"ronald would like me to tell you that seamus told him that dean was told by parvati that hagrid was looking for you."
"is that right? well.... what?" harry asked confusedly.
if angie was being honest, she was confused as well. why couldn't the boys just speak to each other. they were being stupid.
hermione walked back to ron, who whispered in her ear once more, and came back to talk to harry. "dean was told by parvati that... please don't ask me to say it again. hagrid's looking for you."
"well you can tell ronald..." harry started.
"i'm not an owl!" hermione yelled and stormed off with ron.
"aren't you going to go with them?" harry asked evangeline.
angie turned back around to face the boy and walked closer to him.
"i came here to talk to you." she said.
"i've been worried sick about the tournament and wanted to know how you were feeling." angie said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"brilliant." he said bitterly.
angie scoffed and removed her hand. "i do not need your attitude, harry."
the boy immediately felt remorse and apologized. "i just don't know how to feel. i don't know anything about the first task."
"well maybe hagrid knows something, he is looking for you like hermione said." angie told the boy, giving him a comforting smile.
in reality, she had no idea if hagrid knew anything. she just wanted to give harry some hope.
"thanks." he said, packing up his things.
"anytime." the girl said.
she turned around and made her way to the gryffindor common room.
the next day angie sat outside talking with amber in the courtyard. they had just gotten out of transfiguration, which they had with the rest of angie's gryffindor friends plus willow and liana. angie was teasing amber about her small crush on draco malfoy.
"so, what's going on between you and draco?" angie asked the girl quietly.
"nothing is going on between us! besides, if he were to go for any of us, he'd go for liana." amber said, and angie noticed a tinge of sadness in her voice.
angie wrapped her arm around her friends shoulder and squeezed her slightly. "he's a dumb teenage boy, just wait. i know it'll work out."
"okay." amber said and she took a deep breath.
the girls sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes until harry came up to them.
"can i borrow angie for a second?" harry asked, getting the girl's attention.
angie looked away from her homework and stood up to follow harry. "sure."
the two gryffindors moved to the side.
"dragons." harry said.
angie stared at him, a confused look etched on her face. "i'm sorry?"
"the first task. dragons, that's what hagrid had to show me."
"wow, do you have an idea of what you're going to do yet?" angie asked him.
"no, but i'll come up with something." harry told her. "i've got to tell cedric, fleur and krum already know so it's only fair."
"alright." angie said and left harry to talk to cedric.
she went back to amber and sat down next to the girl. angie debated on telling amber about the dragons but ultimately decided not to.
"hey, what's going on over there?" amber asked and pointed to draco in a tree.
"i'm not sure, let's check it out."
the two girls packed up their bags and walked over to the tree.
"what are you doing in a tree draco?" amber asked the boy.
draco looked down at the two girls and angie noticed the smile he sent amber's way. it was so small it was almost nonexistent, but it was there.
"waiting for potter." he replied, still making eye contact with them.
"well you don't have to wait long, i see him around the corner." angie told the boy, the latter nodded in response and looked away from the girl.
draco fixed his composure and waited for harry to walk around the corner.
"why so tense potter? my father and i have a bet you see. i don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. he disagrees. he thinks you won't last five." draco said, sitting in a tree.
"i don't give a damn what you or your father thinks, malfoy. he's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic." harry said.
amber and angie watched their friend walk away when draco started to cast a spell. angie was about to yell out to harry when professor moody came out of nowhere and turned draco into a ferret. the girls laughed, but felt awful about it.
"i'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned." moody said, using his wand to wave draco back and forth.
"professor moody what are you doing?" professor mcgonagall asked, walking up to the crowd of people around professor moody.
"teaching." professor moody said, focusing on draco.
angie looked around and saw everyone laughing at draco as a ferret and she knew that no one would ever forget this.
"is that a student?" mcgonagall asked him.
"technically it's a ferret." moody replied.
professor moody made the ferret move all over. he sent it down crabbe's pants before it turned back into draco. everyone laughed at the boy and draco tried to regain his composure.
"my father will hear about this." draco told the man.
"yeah yeah, let's get to class." angie said and she led draco and amber to their next class of the day.
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