AEW Dark Massachusetts
Alex was sitting backstage at AEW As Alex was ready to Continue his War with Jared. Alex was waiting for the Show To Start Until Nikki Bella came in with a Smile on Her Face.
Nikki: You Look Excited?
Alex: Yeah, Things Are starting to get interesting too
Nikki: Well, I'll be Supporting You Till the end
Alex: Thanks and Dont you have a Match At Two Night Stand?
Nikki: I may plan on Facing Bea Soon
Alex: Interesting, I would love to see that Match too
Nikki: Ever Thought about Coming to My YouTube Channel?
Alex: Uhh..You know How....Shy I am
Nikki: I understand Alex But For Me only?
Alex: Sure I'll do That
Nikki: That's Why I love you
Nikki Kissed Alex cheek as he was smiling at her.
Alex: You look Beautiful By the Way
Nikki: Wow, Really?
Alex: When I was Sixteen, I had a slight crush on you
Nikki: Hey Calm Down There Anarchy
Alex: Hehehe
Nikki: So Where is Jon?
Alex: Mox is here, Just I'm waiting for my Segment then I'll meet him and You want to go on a date with me?
Nikki: I would love too Alex
Alex: Thanks
Jared: Looks who is all Romantic Here?
Alex and Nikki turned to See Jared and The others standing behind them.
Nikki: Dont scare us like that Wolf
Tobias: Its Kinda Strange seeing Alex all nice and innocent
Rhys: But in Reality He is Crazy as a Fox
Alex: One more Word and I'll rip and tear all of you
Wyatt: We are just kidding buddy
James: Yeah Man
Jared: But Still, My little bro is all grown up now
Alex: Who said I'm little?
Rhys: You are Mate
Tobias: Yep
Alex: Tobias, We are both 25 years old
Wyatt: You guys are hilarious
Nikki: Sorry Alex, Brie wants me, I'll come back after the show
She gave Alex a kiss to the cheek and left.
Wyatt: Look at Her Man
Alex: She is a cutie with a nice-
James: Dont you dare
Alex: Okay then
Jared: So what's next for all of us?
Rhys: I'm excited to see What That Guy has plan for Nick
Tobias: Ohh, I'm definitely excited
Alex left as he was ready to cut a Promo.
Alex made it to the ring as he was ready to say some words to his opponent at Two Night Stand.
Alex: So Jared and I had some issues to deal with back at Smackdown Live but it's all Clear now So-
Alex was interrupted by
MJF was making his Entrance as He had his ring attire and had his signature scarf.
MJF: Oh Please, I'm tired of this wannabe Champion Kid now
MJF: Look Kid, Your not even on my Level and you call yourself a Man
Alex: Damn, First Maria Now You what's wrong with people now calling me a kid?
MJF: Because You are one
Alex: Dude, I'm Two Years Older then you so I feel like your the kid too
MJF: Hey Brat, talk some respect here, I'm AEW Future, Your Future is basically gonna be For Fossils and Reading a piece of Paper only
Alex: So your basically pissing me off because you want a Fight
MJF: Sure and I'll do it and show the World why I'm called the future
Alex and MJF Both had a stare down as The Bell rang and Both men started punching each other and hitting a set of combos.
Five Minutes Later
MJF Was looking for the running Crossbody but Alex grabbed him and hit a
Alex threw him out of the ring and hit a
Alex threw him back in the ring as MJF Tried To Kick Alex But Alex Ducked and hit a
Alex grabbed him and hit a
Alex pinned him and got the three count as He was smiling at MJF Before Grabbing his Scarf and then ripping it apart as He Threw it to his Face.
Meanwhile Mickie James was walking with her friends back to the locker room while Cracking a Couple of Jokes as They enter the Locker room. Mickie saw present Box on her table.
Alexa: What is that?
Mickie: I have no Clue
She opened it to see it's a doll of her along with Pictures of her as She dropped the present. Nick ran in the locker room as He was looking at the gifts.
Nick: That Man
Mickie: Who is it?
Nick: I'm gonna kill him
Nick ran fast to the gorilla and had a microphone as He was looking mad. He made it to the ring with some words to say.
Nick: I am Done with these games now, For Two Weeks, This Bastard has been playing these Disgusting Mind games and Now, Your Bringing my Wife into this
The Crowd was cheering on The Man who been playing games on Nick.
The Titantron Glitches out as it shows a dark room and A Man with a Black Hoodie was just Looking at the screen.
Unknown: Are you done barking now?
Nick: You Bastard, You want me, You got it but You stay the hell away from my wife
Nick: What's Funny?
The Camera zoomed out to Show Mickie sitting at the Chair as she was panicking.
Nick: NO!!!
Unknown: Come and get me
Nick ran fast to the Backstage as he was searching for his wife until he entered the room and saw her as he was gonna let her go until The man Attacked Nick and then hit a
Unknown: I'll see you Soon Buddy
The Show Kept Going as James and Wyatt were standing in the ring as they had some words to say.
James: On Smackdown I was attacked by Decay and they tried to take me out before My Monsters ball match at Two Night Stand
Wyatt: That's a Stupid Tactic
Rosemary: James, We gave you a choice to join us forever but You left us
Crazy Steve: Big Mistake Brother
James: I really don't care now but damn you all are cowards for taking me out before our match
Wyatt: Yeah
Rosemary: Little Danger, You made a Huge Mistake interfering at our Rivalry with Fatal
Wyatt: Geez, Clean your breath Lady, I can smell your horrible breath from over here too
Rosemary: ENOUGH!!!!!
Crazy Steve: Dont you dare disrespect her
Wyatt: Really?
Crazy Steve: How about a Match at Two Night Stand then?
Wyatt: I accept but only if you dont bring your lousy zombie friends
Crazy Steve: I accept and I will make Decay proud
James: and Abyss, Get ready for a world of pain and torture from me
Abyss: We will see about that Little Fatal
The Main event was The Elite going Against some local Competitors in a Match until.
All Three members of the OC Attacked The Bucks, Cody, Kenny as They were beating them until
Hangman and Marty attacked the OC until
Finn Balor ran in and attacked Marty and Hangman as The Oc Did a Too Sweet On Balor. The Elite Stared as Styles had some words to say.
Styles: You guys vs Us At Two Night Stand In a Wargames Match
Kenny: WE ACCEPT!!!!
A.N: Thanks for Reading and Stay Cool :)
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