°Chapter Six°
Quick reminder!
We will skip 2 years in the future because clearly these aren't the people's ages mentioned in the character info. It was set 3 years back so we can see what happened in the past.
So now, Keegan would be 14 in this chap.
Tommy would be 5.
And Emma would be 15.
Emma is like a mother to Keegan because she didn't leave him and he spent a long time with her.
TW's: Death(at the flashback), cursing, Crying.
Third person POV
Emma, Tommy, and Keegan were sitting in a semi-circle around a little campfire. Sure, it is not the safest but it is 'home' for now. It was kind of secluded. It was near a fallen tree that was covered in moss. The zombies had yet to find them, being stupid has its downfalls.
Emma had just came back from hunting for food. She brought back a rabbit, hiding it from Tommy's view. Her brother still had some of his innocence. Emma wants to keep that in this cruel world. Just like she turned her baby brother away from her parents deaths, even though he was too little to understand.
■They were walking in their local mall, buying a necessity they forgot from their shopping trip a while ago. They had already bought their item and were on their way out. That was until they heard an ear peircing shriek. They turned around and saw a lot of people attacking other people. They all turned around and ran, knowing that they would lose if they were to fight.
Emma was in the front. Her father and mother, who is holding Tommy, are side by side behind her. Emma could not see behind her, only in front. She also could not see anything but the exit she hopes to escape out of. She heard her mother shriek. Emma turned around. Her eyes widen at the site. A person was attacking her mother, pulling her by the arm to try and bite her. Her mother gave her son to her father. Emma's mother was then pushed to the ground overwhelmed. She yelled out one last thing before she could only scream, "Run!" Emma's father would not let his wife be alone, so he gave Tommy to Emma.
"Please protect Tommy with your life. Go home, find your sister and run." Mr. Welburn said.
"B-But, What about you!?" Emma exclaimed.
"I'll be fine, but you need to get out of here with Tommy. Find your sister."
"I can't leave you!" Emma yelled.
"Now Emma!" Mr. Welburn snapped.
Emma's eyes watered, but she obliged. She turned and ran. Holding Tommy and his head to her chest to prevent him from seeing the scene behind her.
She could only hear the screams of agony of the people around her. She ran out the exit to go find Savannah.■
○Flashback Over○
"-ma. Emma. EMMA!" Keegan whispered yelled, snapping Emma out of her thoughts.
"What's up Keegan?" Emma asked.
"Are you okay?" Keegan asked.
"Hm? Yes. I am okay. Why do you ask?"
"You're crying" Keegan pointed out.
Emma brought her hand up, from Tommy's head in their cuddle pile, to her face. She felt the tears falling down her face silently.
"Oh." Is her only response. "Haha, silly me, didn't realize I was crying, sorry." Emma apologized.
"You don't have to apologize. Crying is natural and you can't really stop it." Keegan responded.
Emma only smiled down at him. He has grown over the two years they had been together. Emma also notices how Tommy has grown, not liking it because she wants her baby brother to stay little and oblivious to the world around them.
She then realizes that Keegan is looking at her, waiting for an answer. "Oh, yeah. I am fine, just thinking about my parents before this place went to shit" Emma said, adding a quick "Don't repeat that" at the end.
Keegan snickered. Mumbling something along the lines of "Yeah, okay mom." Emma giggled, a little embarrassed about being referred to as a mother. She thinks about it and smile, she did fit those attributes of a good mother.
"Hey, you should try to sleep, we have a lot of walking to do tomorrow. So hit the hay, will ya?" Emma told. Keegan shook his head and said, "but I'm not tired"
Emma looked at him, taking in his appearance. His eyes were drooping slightly, his head dropping a bit and popping back up. "Mhm, sure. You are tired Keegan. Here, rest on my shoulder." Emma said, guiding his head to her shoulder.
Keegan did not put up a fight, letting his head lay on Emma's shoulder.
"Good night Keegan." Emma whispered.
"G'night," Keegan started, but got cut of by a yawn that ripped through his throat.
"Mom." Keegan finished his sentence, finally let sleep take over him.
Emma sighed. She was tired. Ever since the apocalypse began, she has been on high alert and gained paranoia, which had been keeping her up on most nights.
It is going to take a lot of energy by walking tomorrow... Emma thought.
She tried to let her guard down to sleep, but it was near impossible. She sighed, knowing she would go without sleep for the third time this week, it only being Tuesday.
Emma let her thoughts consume her.
Think of the day this would end, and all of them would be alive and together.
But she knew that was only wishful thinking.
So, she sat there, daydreaming, or nightdreaming, of the day all of this over, for good, and when they would all be together, reunited.
That led her to her new train of thought. What if there was a place out there in the world for survivors? What if when we find it, would we be safe? Emma thought.
So there she sat, wondering if there are any places that are like a safe place for survivors like herself, Keegan, and Tommy.
999 words!
So! Sorry I haven't written in a while, I have lost motivation, And gained motivation. If there are any spelling errors or more triggers that may need to be added, tell me!
I don't bite!
Ok, thank you for reading and putting up with me.
If it seems like I'm repeating what I'm saying in the story, sorry. My brain works faster than my fingers, so I can't add everything I have in mind.
I was going to put some art in, but I wanted this out now, so the art MAY, it also may not, be in the next chapter.
Until next time!
1108 Words!
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