Words of Hidden Comfort
Golfball shoved the pieces of paper down her desk, shaking her head in anger. She stared at the desk, confusion boiling her to the core.
She couldn't figure this out;
For the first time in her scientific career, she simply couldn't figure this out.
Tennis Ball rushed in, concern in his eyes as he heard his small friend scream out so suddenly. He looked around, until he noticed the smaller figure hunched over her desk, papers and pencils scattered all around her. She was breathing heavily, as she didn't even notice him rushing in.
"Golfball...?" Tennis Ball whispered out, as he slowly walked towards her. She didn't move; she simply stared at the blank area of her desk, keeping her head down. Tennis Ball frowned.
Not again... he thought to himself. He sighed, as he sat down next to the smaller ball. She didn't respond; a heavy silence crushing the atmosphere around the two.
"Are...you okay?" He asked, nervously. This made Golfball hunch over even more, her teeth gritting visibly. That is, until her blanked face slowly lifted up to a darkened grin.
"Am I okay?" She rasped out. Tennis Ball slowly moved back, cautious about what would erupt from her.
"Am I OKAY, TENNIS BALL?!" She laughed out, tossing her head back. Dark bags hung under her eyes, as her face, mixed in with the odd grin, was covered in sheer exhaustion. A bullet of sweat rolled down Tennis Ball, as he heard the cold laughter erupt from her.
"SURE, sure, I'm PERFECTLY FINE! I'm ALWAYS fine, you know!" She looked over at him, gesturing her foot towards his face. He gulped.
"G-GB, listen-"
"It's not like-..It's not like I'm responsible for finding out who this messed-up fuckery of a "murderer" is..." she made air quotation marks, moving her feet a bit.
"It's not like I'm in charge of fixing the Recovery Center too!" She laughed out once more. Tennis Ball sat up, trying to maintain his patience with her, but also, listen to what she had to say.
"And, it's not like I have to find a way to make sure this DOESN'T HAPPEN AGAIN! Nope!" She laughed harder, turning back towards her desk. Her smile slowly fell, as her eyes darkened, staring at the blank spot of her desk once more. The silence hanged over their heads once more, as Tennis Ball cleared his throat.
"W-..Was that all..?" He looked at her, his eyes filled with concern and panic. Golfball turned and glared at him, her eyes now shining-
Wait, shining?
Tennis Ball leaned in, his concern getting the best of him, yet also, shock.
"I'M WHAT, TENNIS BALL." She yelled out, quickly snapping her head back down. She angrily squeezed her eyes shut, trying to prevent you-know-what from coming out of them. Tennis Ball sighed heavily.
"Listen, I'm starting to think that this is all getting to you. Why don't you take a break, and-"
"TENNIS BALL, LIVES ARE ON THE LINE HERE!" She moved her head and body towards him angrily, still trying to keep her eyes closed. Tennis Ball rolled his eyes. She was stubborn when it came to stuff like this, but...
"I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS, LALALALALA-" she covered her ears, trying to ignore her taller friends words. But he didn't care.
"You have to rest. All of this is getting to you, and you look so much worse than you did back in experiment #36, hell.." he paused.
"You look even worse than you did back at the science museum..."
Golfball froze. Her lips shut, as she slowly looked up to stare at Tennis Ball, her eyes shining even more than they were before. She tried to speak, to think of some possible sentence to spat out at the larger figure sitting across from her, but...
Nothing could come out.
What did slip out, was a shining tear from her eye, slowly trailing down her cheek. Tennis Ball gasped silently.
Golfball grumbled louder, turning around to face the wall. She tried to hold the tears back; she wasn't the one to be emotional, but...
"Golfball, it's okay."
She jumped a bit at the sudden voice, as she slowly turned around to face Tennis Ball. He smiled a bit.
"I know that this is too much to handle; and I know you're in charge of everything, but it isn't mean to take a break. I mean, look at you. This is the first time I've ever seen you...uh..." He looked up nervously.
"Emotional...but, that isn't your fault. Its the stress."
Golfball stared at him, a few more tears beginning to spill down her cheeks. She only felt...
Tired, and numb.
This was...strange.
She began to pant heavily, as she slowly wiped the tears falling down her cheeks with her trembling foot. She looked down at the small stain of water on her foot, before she looked up at Tennis Ball.
"Wh...What's wrong with me." Her voice was trembling, as she rasped out the sentence.
"Why am I crying. I never...I never cry. I'm not supposed to cry. Tennis Ball, Tennis Ball, HELP ME."
Her body began to tremble as she slowly stood up, dragging herself towards the smaller figure. She shook her head, as Tennis Ball watched her, silently.
"I-I can't...I'm not allowed to....I..." She spat out sentences, as she stood hunched over, staring down at the floor intensely. All of these new feelings swirled in her mind, crashing against her skull and stabbing into her brain. A migraine began to slowly grasp at her more and more, forcing more tears to creep out of her eyes and spill down her cheeks.
The thoughts suddenly blanked out, as she felt a foot rub on her back. She looked up, and saw Tennis Ball, rubbing her back comfortingly. She tilted her head, her tears going down the side of her face.
What was he...
"Listen." He began.
"I know these feelings are...conflicting, to you, especially since you don't feel them often, but that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to feel them."
"B-But they-...he-..." Her voice trailed off, as her breaths began to quicken. She began to mumble incoherently about....something. Tennis Ball thought for a moment, before he realized that...
She was speaking about the museum now.
Her eyes darted around the room in fear, her face was dangerously pale, her body was trembling...
"Golfball- Golfball, look at me." He lifted her chin up to face him, and her mumbles suddenly cut off as she looked at him.
"I...don't know what happened, and I don't need to know about whatever happened, but, you have to understand that this is okay. These feelings are scary to you, I know they are, you've never experienced them. But that doesn't mean you have to repress them." He glanced over at the papers that were still scattered all over the floor.
"Just let them out. You're a great scientist, a hard worker, and the smartest object I know. You're busy a lot, but letting this out will make you feel better. Take a break, I'll take over the investigation for all of this. And you know what..?" he smiled a bit. Golfball's eyebrows furrowed together, as she tilted her head.
"Wh..What." She sniffed out, angrily.
Tennis Ball leaned in, and gave her a small kiss on her forehead, wrapping his legs (arms? idk man) around the smaller ball.
"I think the recovery center can wait..."
He rested his forehead against her's, and held her close and tightly. Golfball's eyes widened, as the sudden expression of confusion shined in her eyes.
"What did you do..." She mumbled, staring ahead blankly. Tennis Ball looked down curiously.
"What was that." She made a gesture towards her forehead, pointing towards the spot he kissed. A smile grew on his face, as he let out a small chuckle.
"That's something called affection, GB."
"Gross." She grumbled, before buying her face into his chest. He smiled, as he held her close, letting her rest on him.
"But...I like it."
'It made my headache...not feel as bad as it did.'
"PIN, NO!"
Pin's eyes snapped open, as she shot up from the ground, gasping for air. Her heart pounded in her chest, as she clasped her hands over her head. The memories of the dream raced around in her head, as she slowly looked up.
The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon, the sky giving off a soft, orange glow. She heard a few soft voices coming from outside, and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath.
Just a dream.
Just...a dream.
A frantic knocking from the door made Pin drag herself from her bed. The knocking continued, becoming louder and louder, making Pin's eye twitch in annoyance.
She unlocked her door, and swung it open angrily, staring down at the object who was banging on her door.
"Can I HELP you." She muttered sleepily.
"Pin! Oh- uh- Sorry to wake you, but, have you seen Ruby anywhere?"
Her eyes were filled with worry, as she held her arms, trying to warm herself up in the cold, winter morning. Pin sighed.
"No, I haven't. Why, where did she go?"
"I-I don't know! She wasn't in her room when I went to check on her, and she's no where to be seen! I-"
The two turned around, to see Pencil, angrily pointing towards Pin. Pin's eyes widened, as the sleepiness that previously clung onto her, spilled out from her, leaving her with a empty, panicked echo.
"Wh-What?! What do you mean by that, Pencil?!" Pin shouted, crossing her arms. Pencil rolled her eyes.
"Oh please, we know it's you! I know it's you! Now step out of the way, or we'll make you get out of the way." She cracked her knuckles, smirking devilishly.
Match quickly rushed towards her, putting her hands on hers.
"Pence-Pence, calm down.." she muttered nervously.
"Let's not let, like, things get out of hand again, please..."
Pencil looked towards her, before sighing, gently taking her hands and rubbing them gently.
"Match, I love you, more than I can ever say, but SHE, has our alliance member." She pointed towards Pin, angrily.
"And I'm NOT letting her KILL SOMEONE ELSE!"
"OKAY, OKAY, WHAT'S GOING ON?!" A raspy voice yelled out.
He stomped out, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Gelatin followed behind him, his eyes spacing out, and his body hunched over.
"SOME of us are trying to SLEEP!"
"And SOME of us are trying to SAVE LIVES!" Pencil snapped, stomping forward.
Pin's eyes filled with fear, as Pencil stood over her, staring her down. Without thinking, she grabbed Pin, and harshly shoved her out of the way, making her fall onto the pavement below. This seemed to wake Fries up, as he quickly rushed over towards Pin to help her up.
"Pin, what's going on." He lifted her body up, facing her towards him. She quickly clung onto his arm, shaking her head.
"I-I don't know!" She cried out.
"I only woke up to hear someone knocking, and next thing I know, I'm being called a murderer!"
Gelatin's head lifted up as he looked over at Pin. He may have been sleepy, but something about that made....sense...
"WHERE DID YOU HIDE HER?!" Pencil screamed from the inside of her house. Fries cursed Pencil silently, before he looked down at Pin.
"Hey, calm down, it's okay. Just let them do their stupid game of hide n' seek, and they'll go away."
This made her clutch his arm even closer. He let out a heavy sigh, as he rubbed his temples with his free hand.
"BOOK! FIND ANYTHING?" Pencil's voice shook the entire house. Book shook her head, as she opened the door that led to Pin's room. She walked in, and quickly began to search for her friend. Worried thoughts and memories filled Book's head, as she looked up and down, left and right, under and over...
But nothing.
She sighed, as she felt tears sting at her eyes.
What if she was really...
Book looked down at the small object that was on the floor. It was quite stained; but, it was folded uniquely, and it was still neatly tucked away beneath the bed.
She picked it up, and examined the small paper in her hands, trying to figure out how she could unfold it.
"Goys! I found Ruby!!"
Book's eyes widened as she heard Bubble's voice come from outside. She tucked the paper inside of her pages, before she darted out of the room.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" Book cried out, as soon as she made it out of the house. Bubble rubbed her arm, before she looked back.
There stood Ruby, her eyes still darkened with bags, but now shining with...
Next to her, was Teardrop, who was carrying a small book in her arms. She looked up at the small crowd, her eyes red and puffy, with tear stains on her cheeks.
'She's helping me through this.' She signed weakly.
'She's the only one who knows how I feel.'
Ruby nodded, before she looked over at TD.
"You know where you can find me, ok? Go take a break...I'll.. see you later.." Ruby gave her a sad smile. Teardrop nodded, a saddened smile growing on her face.
Book watched as Teardrop trudged away, before she looked back at Ruby.
"You...You managed to get out of bed.." she said, weakened, yet enthusiastically. Ruby nodded.
"I couldn't let Teardrop go through that alone...."
Book smiled, looking down at the small gem.
"Well, you did great...."
Pin watched the two, before she was suddenly snatched out of Fries's arms, and lifted off from the ground. She yelped.
Pencil clenched her neck, as she brought her in, closer to her face.
"We're gonna expose you, and make you pay like the soulless monster you are..." she smirked. Pin coughed, her eyes shutting from the pain and coldness from Pencil's hands on her neck.
That is, until Fries shoved Pencil away from her, forcing her to release Pin.
She coughed painfully, holding her neck as Fries stood in front of her, shielding her from Pencil.
"Alright, you maniacs, get out of here.
Before I make you." He glared towards the group. Pencil rolled her eyes, before she turned away, walking away from the three. The rest of them quickly followed, soon disappearing out of their sight.
Fries sighed, before he lifted Pin up carefully.
"You okay..?"
"Yeah..." she nodded. She looked around, and made eye contact with Gelatin, who was staring straight at her. She shivered a bit, before she looked back at Fries.
"I'm...gonna head back to bed. I'm still a bit tired, being woken up at this time and all..." she stretched, as Fries nodded.
"Go ahead, then. Me and Gelatin are gonna head back, we'll check up on you later, okay?"
Pin nodded, as she waved towards the two, making her way back towards the house. Fries waved goodbye, before he turned around and began to make his way back towards the garden. He just wanted to check the plants, just to see how they were doing.
They were beginning to grow even more...
Hopefully they grow even faster. He can feel his last fry beginning to dry up...
But a hand suddenly grabbing his arm made him stop in his tracks. He turned around, and noticed that Gelatin was the one who had a tight grip on his arm.
"Gelatin? What are you-"
"Fries, we have to talk."
Fries's eyes widened at the sudden change in Gelatin's tone. He stared at him, Gelatin's eyes staring at the ground and not moving up. Fries crossed his arms.
"What's the matter now, Gelatin?"
His eyes darted up to meet his, his eyes beginning to shine with tears.
"I...I don't think Pin is telling the truth."
"I...." Gelatin's voice began to cut off, as he tried to think about what he could say.
But nothing could come out.
Fries sighed, patting his back.
"Let's just get some sleep, okay..? This must be getting to you..." he mumbled. Gelatin shook his head, but...
Sleep did sound nice.
I am so sorry for the absence?! School has been killing me let me tell ya
I'm also in the musical so, my time? Very limited
But!! Here's the next part of the story! I hope you guys like it aaa
And tengolf is kinda cute so let me,,,,throw it in here
And don't worry, Coiny's there he's just. Sleepin' in his own home
also let's welcome the 'my tall girlfriend just died and I have never felt so empty' squad, feat. Teardrop and Ruby
Enjoy! (:
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