What Would She Do?
Pin broke out of her stiffness, and slammed her fist against the wall. Hot tears poured down her face, as she clenched her teeth angrily.
She punched the wall once more, not caring that small cracks were being made. She didn't want to kill her, she didn't want to kill her at all...
Oh Pin, you need to toughen up. Everything is just sooo hard for you, and it's time to let go and become who you're destined to be.
Me! Of course.
"Shut up." She gritted through her teeth, angrily.
Alright then.
Have it your way Pin. Since you want me to leave soooo badly, I might as well obey your commands.
You can deal with this; Find out what Can work, and what can't.
I'll be watching you, alright hun?
Have fun~
"NO, WAIT!..." Pin's voice was trembling, as silence poured into the room.
She shook her head, as she slowly turned herself around, looking back down at Teardrop. Her body laid stiff, as the blood continued to pour out of her mouth, forming a small puddle on the floor. Pin shook her hands, trying to figure out what she could do.
"O-Okay, what can I do...what could lead up to this..." she mumbled to herself. After a few seconds of silent thinking, she began to pace around nervously, anxiety eating away at her heart. She had to cover this up; no one was around to help her.
She was on her own.
She weakly leaned against the wall, holding her chest. She looked around, her eyes darting back and fourth to see if she could find anything that could quickly cover this up.
Her eyes trailed back towards the table, towards the small scrapbook...
Still open on a blank page.
Pin slowly approached the book, as she carefully picked it up. She flipped through all of the pages, her mind shutting down completely, and going numb. Smiling pictures of the girls stabbed into her, guilt flowing into her veins.
How could she be so...
She continued to flip, until a certain page made her freeze.
'I should have appreciated you more.
You were so bright, so sweet, so...amazing. You were like a shining star to me; you've made me see that there really is a good out of a crappy show with...some crappy people.
I don't think there's ever gonna be a day where I don't miss your laughs, your voice, and just...you.'
Usually, Pin would be tearing up at such a written piece. But for some reason..she felt no pity. All of the anxiety and sadness that was haunting her before...
It was gone.
Instead, a small smile curled up Her lips, as her finger gently rubbed the page, over Teardrop's clean handwriting.
This was it.
She finally had an IDEA!
Pin looked around, and grabbed a blue pen from a small cup on the table. She looked down at her handwriting, analyzing it once more become carefully etching down the following words:
"But, the pain has grown worse. I can't feel much, I can't...do much anymore. You were the reason why I kept trying to go at life.
But now you're gone.
So, is there really a good reason for me to keep fighting?"
Pin paused, shaking her head while trying to figure out more possible ways she could paint out the message.
What would Teardrop say.
Or, sign.
" I thought I could go through life, I thought I could beat this. But it doesn't help that I can't say a word. Having no voice is hell; it's the fucking worst.
Which is why, I'm leaving.
I can't find any reason to keep living anymore, no one really knows that I'm...here. I constantly feel worthless, I know that I'm not a great object, but when Needle was with me, I felt...
But why battle when you know that hope is gone?
All I can say now is, thank you.
Thanks Ruby, thanks for trying to help me through this. But I just can't do it anymore.
Thanks Coiny, for introducing me to Needle back then; you didn't know, but you gave me a reason to live when you showed me...her.
Thanks Pin;"
Pin wanted to finish right there; she didn't want to mention anything else, she didn't know Teardrop that well. She would've added more people, but...
All of those people are dead.
She continued.
"I know you tried to save her. I know you tried your best. I'm sorry if I didn't believe you, but, I know you tried to do everything you could...
And I forgive you.
I would thank more people, but, as you guys know, they're gone.
So, at this point, I think it'll do us all good if I join there.
That's where I belong. With Needle, with Flower, with...them. Just to let them know that they're safe now.
Plus...I'd rather die by my own hands, than by the hands of the object who killed Needle.
And Firey.
And Rocky, Woody, and Flower.
And everyone else who she'll get, too."
Pin felt a bullet of ooze drip down her cheek, as she took a deep breath.
"Well. I'm running out of space to write. Wonderful.
Thanks for being by my side guys, but my time on the show, as well as here, has ended.
I'll tell the others that you say hello.
So, this is it.
Goodbye everyone.
Pin slowly lifted the pen off of the page, as she looked back down at the table. The photo that had the original team sat on the edge, it's plastic making it gleam with the sunlight hitting its edge.
On it, was the new Squashy Grapes, after the separation. Leafy stood in front, giving a high-five to Teardrop happily. Her eyes sparkled with joy, while Teardrop returned the smile, confidence and determination within it.
That was the one.
She grabbed it, and placed it onto the page, shutting the book gently. The picture stuck out from the top, acting as some sort of bookmark for her.
With trembling hands, yet a small smile on her face, Pin knelt down and placed the book on Teardrop's chest. She grabbed Teardrop's left arm, and slowly wrapped it around the book, making it look like she was holding it close to her heart, and tightly, so she wouldn't let it fall.
"How cheesy." Pin muttered, as she got up. She quickly grabbed the unfinished cupcakes from the table, and shoved them back into the basket, covering it with the small-checkered handkerchief she had. She looked back, and shook her head at the scene that had splattered before her.
This wasn't enough.
"Okay, Pin..." She wrapped her arms around herself, as she began to walk around the house, examining each room and cabinet.
"How would she do it...How would Teardrop do it..." she whispered beneath her breath. It felt like every move she made would make a large, crashing sound that would echo through out the city, and crush her, exposing her and what she's done.
She made her way into the bathroom, opening the small cabinet with a mirror on the front. She scanned through the inside of it, looking for the right thing that would lead up to this.
"Bandages, toothpaste, floss..." Pin shoved things out of the way, causing some items to fall into the sink below her.
She grabbed the small bottle, and examined it closely. The bottle was a bright orange, with purple capsules filling up the inside of it. On it, the label, "YOYLE-LENOL" (Jesus Christ I'm sorry about that name.) were printed on the front in bright, blue and yellow letters.
Pin popped the cap off, and poured a large amount into her palm. She looked over, and dumped the capsules into the toilet, each one plopping into the water and beginning to break apart. She slowly shut the lid, before flushing the toilet, watching all of the purple capsules get pulled away into the sewers.
After finishing, she quickly placed everything back into the cabinet, shutting it ever so gently. She walked back towards the living room, holding the bottle tightly in her hand. A few pills still remained on the inside, as she took two, and scattered them around Teardrop.
"Okay, one more time..." Pin shut her eyes, before taking Teardrop's right hand, and placing the uncovered pill bottle in her hand, wrapping her cold, stiff fingers around it.
But something made her pause.
"How am I supposed to steal her hands..." she looked up.
"This is a suicide...and if I do it, they'll know that this wasn't an 'accident'."
She shook her head, grunting angrily.
"Screw it; I'll find my way eventually."
And with that, she quickly got up, grabbed her small basket, and made her way towards the door. As she touched the handle, she turned back to look at the scene.
Pictures were scattered on the table, pencils and pens from here to there. The book, was now in Teardrop's arms, and a bright, orange bottle immediately caught Pin's attention.
Well done, Pin.
She sighed, as she quietly slipped out, locking the door from the inside, leaving the house darkened, and heavy, lost thoughts and words now swirling around in each and every room, unable to be heard, and unable to be acknowledged.
"Who the hell do you think you are, coming into our clubhouse?" Pencil sneered as she looked down at the smaller figure standing in front of her.
Gelatin shrugged.
"I mean, I wanted to talk to you guys; didn't know that this was the castle to the city."
"Whatever, Gelatin. Go away, go try to steal Fries's fry or something." She rolled her eyes, as she began to shut the door. Gelatin tutted.
"Fine, guess you won't hear what I have to say to you."
"Whatever it is, I don't want to hear it!" Pencil chirped from inside. Gelatin crosses his arms, as he stood in front of the door, stubbornly.
"Are you sure you don't?"
He rolled her eyes. What would he do, to get her attention...
He smirked, as he began to waddle off slowly, looking back every now and then.
"Fine! Guess you don't wanna hear about.." he jumped back, wiggling his arms.
"The murderer......"
A moment of silence hung between the two, before a small click was heard. Pencil peeked out, raising an eye towards the green jello.
"The murderer."
"Yep!" He crossed his arms proudly. Pencil sighed angrily, rubbing her temples before swinging the door open.
"Just get in." She grumbled.
Gelatin grinned, as he walked inside, hearing Pencil shut the door behind him.
"Sit down." She pointed towards the sofas, as she walked into another room, assumably the kitchen. He took a seat, as he observed the house. Multi-colored tiles let off a soft glow, as a disco ball swung in the air, glimmering from the sunlight that came in through a window.
"So, jel-for-brains, what do you know." Pencil walked in, slamming her hands on the sofa cushion beside him. He jumped, before he looked back at Pencil.
"I mean...what do YOU know?" He asked, fiddling with his thumbs.
"Because I know you have something, and I think I can...connect? Or go off with that..."
Pencil thought for a moment, before she leaned in, clasping her hands together.
"Pin." She whispered.
"It has to be her."
Coiny walked towards the house, carrying a small flower he had plucked from Fries's garden.
He didn't know how it got there; but he wanted it gone.
So, Coiny took it.
He continued to walk, before he heard footsteps coming from behind him. He looked, and he saw Book and Ruby, the two lower-ranked Freesmarter's. He rolled his eyes, as he turned away from the two.
Coiny took a deep breath, trying to contain his rage. He turned around, and began to walk towards the two, clenching his teeth.
"For the last time, she is not a murderer. And neither am I, Ruby." He leered down at her, his eyes darkening.
"So why don't you keep your dirty little mouth, SHUT."
Ruby flinched, quickly reaching down towards Book's hands and squeezing it gently.
Meanwhile, Book was completely out of it. Her eyes were glossy and exhausted; coming from the previous panic attack she'd had.
Coiny looked towards her, and raised his eyebrow.
"Is she okay?"
"It's...none of your buisn- actually, no, wait, it IS your business." She snapped.
Coiny stepped back a bit, growling a bit in anger.
"Remember your lovely, innocent "girlfriend", nearly beating her to death?!" She tightened her grip on Book's hand.
"Did you know it left her HURT? She can't even go NEAR the spot anymore!"
"Well, did you know that Pin is hurting TOO?!" Coiny snapped. Ruby rolled her eyes angrily.
"Not as much as Book is. I've never...seen her like this." She rubbed her thumb over Book's knuckles, and this seemed to make Book wake up; she smiled tiredly, as she interlocked her fingers with Ruby's.
Coiny 'gagged' in disgust, while Ruby began to wave him away.
"Just leave us ALONE. We're going to HELP someone, something your amazing 'girlfriend' could never do!"
"Whatever!" Coiny tutted, as he began to walk off.
What did she know?? All she knew is how to cry in t-minus ten seconds.
And eat too many berries.
Way too many.
Besides, why would Pin murder someone..?
How would she....?
He shook his head, as he made his way back towards Pin's house, letting a smile grow on his face. He knocked on the door three times, before it swung open, Pin standing on the other side.
A wide smile was plastered on her face, as she gasped from surprise.
"Hey, Pin!"
They embraced, Pin melting into Coiny's arms. Coiny smiled, as she held her close.
The two stayed in silence for a bit, Pin beginning to let Coiny into her house, when suddenly...
Ruby slammed herself against the hard wooden door for the third time, feeling the wood give out beneath her. Splinters of wood flew in random directions, as Ruby stumbled inside, hitting her head against the wall. She flinched, as she felt a tiny crack form on the back of her head.
"Ruby..? Ruby, are you okay?" Book carefully came in, her eyes still lost in another world. She didn't know where they were; but she knew that Ruby was hurting.
Ruby shook her head, as she stood up dizzily.
"I-I'm fine Book, it's-"
"Oh..my god..."
Ruby looked up, and Book was mumbling in fear, slowly stepping backwards. Ruby looked over to where she was looking at, and she felt her heart stop.
There laid Teardrop, a empty bottle of pills in her hand...
The scrapbook, closed and neatly tucked in her other.
Was this a boring chapter....?
Im sorry guys hhhh
Anyways hello.... it's me, ya boy
Im in rehearsal right now and I fiNISHED this part of the story
Im. Kinda tired but ah well
Also, small thing! I noticed that the story is getting a bit popular on Instagram, so if you. Post anything about it, go ahead and tag it as #idfbfeargarden ?? Yea.,,thank u guys so much I'd die for all of you
Anyways, we leave off with a cliffhanger now, eh? Yea
Anyways, enjoy, love ya Guys <3
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