Trying to Speak
"N...Needle..?" Pin uttered, the feeling of shock preventing her from moving at all. Needle's eyes were still widened with fear, but they were now lifeless. Pin slowly loosened her grip around her neck, and Needle's body immediately slinked down to the ground, collapsing on top of the scattered Yoyle Berries. Blood began to drivel down Needle's mouth, as she laid there, her limbs now cold and limp.
Pin slowly clasped her hands over her head, as her breathing became more shallow and quickened. She began to shake her head in disbelief, as she stared down at the dead body. Beads of ooze were now dripping down her forehead, as tears were already stinging at her eyes.
Wh...What did you do..
What did I do?
Oh, honey...
I helped you, didn't I? Now she's gone, now you can have Coiny all to yourself..
"SHE HAD A GIRLFRIEND GOD DAMMIT!" Pin screamed, clasping her hands tighter. Tears began to slip out and slowly trickle down her cheeks, as she carefully kneeled down besides Needle. She scooped up the limp body into her arms, her tears blurring out her vision, and her surroundings, crumbling to bits.
Well, that's ONE less object you have to deal with, isn't it?
We can finally continue the PLAN!
You can simply take off her hands; it'll be quick! Oh, where shall we put them? By the sunflowers?
Ooh! Ooh! Or the snapdragons!
Or better yet, by FLOWER! That way she'll have some company!!
Pin simply stared down at Needle,not daring to speak against that...thing.
She began to observe Needle's facial features closely, squeezing her corpse a bit more. Her cheeks were soft and light, besides the tears that have stained them before. Her eyes, which once shined with joy and sparkled with life, were now dull and cold, slowly losing her grey color. Her lips looked pale, yet they were soft, formerly belonging to Teardrop, and only Teardrop.
And Coiny.
"STOP IT!" Pin screamed out in fury, anger bubbling up inside of her chest
Big mistake.
Footsteps began to approach from her side, as she clutched Needle even closer, squeezing her eyes shut.
"Pin?" The voice made Pin's body freeze. She slowly looked towards the direction of the voice, letting out a guttered sigh.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were- WHAT THE-?!" He jumped back, his face distorting and becoming pale. Pin shook her head, as she looked down at Needle, sadly.
"D...Did you...?" Gelatin's voice gasped out as he slowly took a step back, ready to race away if needed to.
Pin's heart froze up, but this didn't stop her from rapidly shaking her head 'no'.
He looked around, before kneeling down besides Pin, and grabbing Needle's wrist, giving it a squeeze. After a few seconds, he looked up.
"Yup..she's dead.." he mumbled.
"STOP THAT!" Pin hisses as she yanked his hand off from Needle. He quickly recoiled back, out of fear.
The heavy feeling of despair that was once drowning out Pin's mind, was now hidden away in a tiny jar in the corner of her mind. She no longer fear afraid.
She felt...empty.
Was it because she wasn't alone...?
Was it because she wasn't questioned...?
"What happened to her...?" Gelatin slowly poked Pin's cheek, noticing that she was beginning to space out. She blinked, quickly coming to, as she glanced over at him.
"Leafy." She whispered, emotionless.
"It..It was Leafy."
"But how? She didn't stab her, because I don't see any huge wounds, but..."
He sat down, squinting at Needle's body.
"There's blood coming from her mouth..."
Pin sat in silence, before she turned back towards him.
"Well...we were picking yoyleberries, since Coiny and..TD wanted some tea..." her voice was barely above a whisper.
"I was growing a bit...distant, from where she originally was.." she looked down at the lifeless corpse in her arms.
"And...?" Gelatin leaned closer, interested in hearing the details of the scene.
"I...heard a scream..and as I looked over, I saw Needle...Leafy..." her voice trailed off.
"I tried to..I couldn't.."
Gelatin sat poker-faced, looking down at Needle, then back up at Pin.
"OH FOR PIN FACTORIES SAKE GELATIN, SHE WAS DEAD!" Pin snapped back him, angrily. He quickly jumped back in fear, his mouth twisted and his heart racing.
Pin blinked, before she let out a heavy sigh.
"Look, can you just...go get help? Be useful..? Please?"
Gelatin nodded, before cautiously standing up, brushing himself off. He turned around, and he began to walk off, glancing back at Pin every now and then until he was eventually out of sight.
Now, cut her hands off.
"With what? I don't have anything on me at the moment." She rolled her eyes angrily.
What are you?
"Someone who needs more sleep, and a hug possibly."
Nono, WHAT, are you?
"Uh...A Pin...?"
"Oh..Oh FUCK OFF." Pin shook her head, before standing up, still holding Needle in her arms.
She looked down at Needle's hands. She could...
Pin sighed, before slowly trudging away from the berry-covered bushes, her feet stepping on a few, and releasing the purple liquid all around her.
Golf Ball screamed out as she looked forwards to see Pin, carrying Needle with her. Gelatin stood behind her, nodding slowly.
Golf Ball, Tennis Ball and Gelatin quickly ran up to her, inspecting Needle closely and questioning Pin.
"What happened?!"
"How did she do it?!"
"Did she attack you too?!"
Pin shook her head, seemingly numb from what was going on around her. She only wanted to do one thing and one thing only.
She trudged through the three surrounding her, seemingly heading back to her place. Golfball scoffed.
"And where does she think she's-"
"Golfball..." Tennis Ball cut her off, following her with his eyes.
"I think she's..going to look for Teardrop..."
Golfball looked back up at him, and looked back towards Pin, who was farther away from them. She shook her head.
"Well, she can go ahead and do that. Should...we perform an autopsy on Needle to figure out how she was killed?" She began to walk forward. Tennis Ball stopped her, putting his foot in front of her carefully.
"Nono...let her do this. Teardrop has a right to know..." Tennis Ball responded. She looked up at him, and leaned against him, sighing.
Gelatin looked at the two, before he walked off. He decided to go and tell Fries what was going on; he was his only pal.
Well..he hoped, he was his only pal.
"Gelatin? What are you doing?" Fries asked, putting a trowel down. He wiped his forehead, as he began to walk over towards him. Gelatin shrugged in response.
"I just...wanted to stay here." He added.
"There's too much going on..and honestly, I just want to stay here. With a friend, right?" He smiled and put an arm around Fries, yanking him downwards to his level. Fries winced, and cursed silently, before he removed himself from his arm.
"What's going on THIS time?" He raised his eyebrow, as he crossed his arms. Gelatin scratched the back of his head, looking down.
"Teardrop, are you sure your okay?" Coiny walked over to the smaller object, who was still rubbing her neck. She shook her head.
'This stupid pain has gotten more sharp. But it keeps fading away...and then coming back.' She signed, shaking her head. Coiny raised his eyebrow, as he looked out towards the window, fiddling with his hands.
That paper...
"Hey, Teardrop?" Coiny looked towards the desk, eyeing the piece of paper that laid there, folded neatly. Teardrop turned around, and looked at him, tilting her head.
"Can you get me that piece of paper?" He pointed at the desk. Teardrop crossed her arms, and simply stared at him, seemingly waiting for...something.
He seemed confused, but a lightbulb went off in his head.
"Please?" He grinned.
Teardrop nodded in agreement, as a smile slowly grew on her face. She got up, and rolled her neck around for a bit before making her way towards the desk. She grabbed the paper, and tossed it towards Coiny, who caught it with one hand.
"Thanks TD!" He exclaimed. She wiggled her arms happily in response, as she sat down on the chair besides the desk, putting her head down.
Coiny smiled, before he looked down at the paper. It was...folded in a odd way. Blotches and drops of a dark substance were covering bits of the paper, as well as ink scratches and marks. He raised his eyebrow, as he slowly began to unfold the paper.
What was on this?
It smelt...weird.
As he tried to figure out how to unfold the piece of paper, weak, yet loud knocking began to come from the door in the house's entrance.
Coiny looked up, as he felt a smile grow on his face.
That must be Pin!
He tossed the paper aside, before he carefully got out of bed, balancing himself. Teardrop was happily waving her hands, a soft blush growing on her face.
"Excited to see your girlfriend?" He sneered playfully. Teardrop slapped his arm, her blush becoming more darker. He laughed, before he made his way to the door.
He took a small breath in, as his eyes sparkled with joy. He opened the door, and let a smile burst on his face.
He looked down, and his smile quickly dropped. His eyes widened as he stumbled back, clasping his hands over his mouth in shock.
Pin stood outside of the house, her eyes darkened and dull. She stared blankly at Coiny, before looking behind him.
"Where's Teardrop." Her voice was quiet and weakened, as her eyes began to shine with tears.
It was only a matter of seconds, before Teardrop came running towards the door, a bright grin glowing on her face. She was about to jump, until Coiny carefully blocked her from doing so. She shook her head, before looking up at him angrily. She slapped his arm, before Coiny sighed and held her hand from hitting him again.
Teardrop turned, and the color from her face quickly faded away. She was now pale, as she slowly made her way towards Pin, her arms beginning to tremble. Pin looked down at her sorrowfully, before looking back up at Coiny.
"She...I tried to...I.." she could barely make out a sentence, before tears began to spill down her cheeks. Teardrop stared at Needle's corpse, her entire body going numb, and her heart beginning to beat faster. She shook her head, before she looked up at Pin, breathing heavily.
A few seconds passed, before Teardrop rammed herself into Pin. Pin cried out in pain as Teardrop slammed her against the sidewalk, grabbing her neck angrily. Tears poured down her face as she attempted to scream, to cry, to let out anything, to ask her why?!
Why didn't she save her?!
She tightened her grip around Pin, gritting her teeth. Pin's eyes were squeezed shut from fear, as she slowly lifted her trembling hands in the air.
"I-It was Leafy!" She gasped out.
"I-I tried to-!" She let out a painful cough, as Teardrop took her hands off of her neck. She clasped them over her head, before looking back.
There was Needle.
She scrambled over towards the body, her breaths becoming shallower and weaker. She scooped Needle into her arms, as she looked into her eyes.
With a trembling hand, she slowly closed Needle's eyes, and gave her a small peck on her soft, cold cheek. She put her forehead against hers, as she let a few tears slide down her face.
Coiny rushed towards Pin, squeezing her hands gently.
"What happened..?" His voice was quiet. Pin shook her head, before looking back towards the woods.
"Leafy." Was all she was able to say, before she buried her face into his arms, quietly sniffling. Coiny hugged her close, as he glanced up towards the woods.
So...she really is a liar, huh..?
Pfft. I should've known. She's still bitter about what happened in bfdia. And in bfdi.
A soft, raspy voice made the two jump, as they looked around.
"I-...I..." she winced, scrunching her eyes in pain. She shook her head rapidly, trying to get the words out of her before she wasn't able to.
Rasped squeaks and sighs erupted from her mouth, as she balled up fists in anger. Taking one deep breath, she looked down at Needle, caressing her cheek gently.
"" She coughed harshly, as she desperately opened her eyes.
Her voice...wasn't, a voice. Raspy, quiet, scratchy...
It was there to replace her 'true' voice.
If, she had one.
Teardrop broke down, sobbing silently into Needle's corpse as she held her close.
Pin and Coiny looked back at each other, shocked and saddened bu what had happened.
Pin stared blankly at him, as she slowly wrapped her arms around him.
Well done Pin.
You didn't even need me to remind you, huh?
I know.
"Thats...a lot." Fries mumbled in disbelief, watching from afar. Gelatin nodded in agreement.
"I just want everything to...stop." He kicked a small pebble.
"Sometimes I wish I was in the TLC, do I don't have to deal with this."
Fries gave him a pitied look, as he hesitantly Pat his back.
"Hey...don't say that." He mumbled.
"Golfball And Tennis Ball are probably hard at work, trying to figure out who did this mess. I know it's terrible, and i know there's just a lot of...drama, with it as well, but...It'll end soon, I promise."
Fries didn't notice Gelatin staring up at him, his eyes shining with tears.
"Promise...?" He mumbled.
Fries nodded, patting his back before looking back down.
"I promise."
I bring you: big sad
Big gay has left the IDFB Chatroom
Anyways, thank you all for just supporting me and the story ahdbjajdnsbshsb
It means so so so SO much to me, yknow?
I love all of u fools, y'all are talented and sweet and I hope you get something good today ;;
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