The Minds We Had
Oh- and girls...?
What else do you want....?
I make this, much more clear for the both of you...I might as well do this.
Wait, what are you doing-
"Nearly complete...oh, thank the library.."
Book wiped the oil off her cover, an accomplished smile growing on her face. She had thrown herself into fixing the Recovery Center- gathering all of GB's and TB's blueprints and data scales, and working on it herself. She knew that wishing wasn't going to be enough- she didn't want to cry any more tears, or grieve over the lost life of someone dear- she was going to bring them back.
All of them- from Firey, the first one who was killed, to her dearest Ruby, the most recently killed- hell, she wouldn't even mind bringing back the ones with the nastiest attitudes, or the ones who were terribly weak before having their lives taken...
The more objects, the better. She needed to take her down.
Hell, she never thought that it would be this way. She would remember when everyone was blowing these murders off as some sort of joke- shrugging it off, saying that it will blow away and be nothing but a memory of the past...
And look at what's going on. Everyone's dead. And Book isn't going to go down without a damn fight.
Thankfully, she was sure that Pin would be looking through every place where the Freesmarters would have been- The Freesmart Supervan, The Clubhouse of Awesomeness, and, funnily enough, the Yoyle Needy. She'd practically flip the whole place over to try and find her in broad daylight, just to get whatever she needed for her own goals.
Was it ecstasy that was luring her to kill? Was it passion? Did she lose herself after staying in the same place for countless amounts of days..?
Book shook her head. She didn't know, and she didn't care about that right now- she was already stressing over the fact that she had left Bubble and Ice Cube alone.
But they aren't alone- they're probably visiting their special lovers at the TLC.
And in order to do that, they had to travel over to the TLC. And if they had come across her...
Tears stung in Book's eyes, and this made her jump. She quickly wiped them away, holding back the guilt that was poisoning her mind and spirit and quickly snapping herself back in the right direction.
She will bring them back. No matter what it takes, she will rebuild this recovery center bit by bit, and she will refuse to let anything get in her path.
Even if that means if she gets hurt too.
She continued to work- drilling in a few screws into the metal as she lifted the tattered blueprint close to her face. Focused, her eyes scanned through the endless scribbles of notes, trying to find the next step in this recovery plan. As the pair of glasses began to slide down her face, she quickly pushed them back, blinking as her vision quickly repaired itself.
Yep. She needed glasses. Ever since she began to work on the repair, she could feel her vision growing blurrier than usual when she tried to read GB's frantic writing on the blueprints. It was a struggle since she had to focus on arming and fixing the machine and hold onto the golden ticket to help her with repairing it.
But, the glasses that were left on GB's desk seemed to be calling her name. Sure, they made her look even more geeky than usual, but she was at least able to see what was in her hands.
'Okay..' She thought to herself, lifting up a fresh new gear. 'So this connects to the engine...and the larger one goes beside it... and then the tube goes- no, no...that goes in later.'
'But then the screen would have to go in the front... I need to add a few new buttons for that- the screen is completely cracked.'
'...And after that..The crank goes right on the side of the machine..and apparently, that must be everything for the completion..'
Book sighed. '...Okay..we know what we're doing up ahead..let's just focus on the now...because if we do, everything will unfold smoothly..and it'll all be fine.'
'Life is gonna go back to normal. I can wake up on the roof of the clubhouse, just like old times...and then Ruby will climb up with a plate of breakfast in her hands, and a shining smile that brightens up my day. We'll talk, we'll eat, we'll have fun and catch up before Pencil drags us away to another alliance meeting.
'Would I even mind being an alternate..?
'Absolutely not. I'd give anything to be an alternate, sitting in a damn team meeting right now.
'We'd walk together to the Yoyle Needy... we'll pass Needle and Teardrop..who'll be happily chatting away as they stroll through the city...
"We'll pass TB, GB, and Rocky...the two giving me a small smile, as they move forward with their journey...
"And we'd hear Firey and Coiny bickering as usual. That's something I never expected to miss..'
'And we'd be standing...hand in missing limbs, no pain...
'Nothing. Not anymore.'
Book sighed, sitting back up. Although she would let her mind drift off into the perfect future that she had created out of comfort, she still couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened. Horrid memories and emotions crashed over her out of the blue, and they'd startle her out of her focused mindset as she worked. She knew that no matter how much she'd yearn over the past, no matter how many tears she'd cry over her failed promise to protect Ruby...
Nothing was going to change. The past happened, whether you like it or not. And might end up completely broken, and you may even feel like there's nothing left for you in this terrible world...
You have to keep going. The future, of course, is in your hands- and you have the power to choose how you take that next step.
Putting that mindset into good use has helped Book. She'd take frequent breaks, to let her mind relax and clear up from the clutter that was beginning to pile up within it.
She'd be sure to get some rest, but keep herself safe as she worked. Making sure everything was locked down was one thing- but she always made sure she was carrying some sort of weapon that could help her defend herself, just in case the worst did happen. She'd eat, she'd clean up, and sometimes she'd pay a visit back to the van.
Used to.
Now that she was so close to completing everything...she needed all the time and focus that she could. This was the only thing that could end this whole mess- they all know who the killer is.
And they could stop her together.
Book sighed, placing the drill down beside her. She stretched, looking up at the nearly complete machine, and smiling in pride.
She couldn't wait to see her again.
They'll be together.
Lifting herself up from the ground, she stretched, letting herself feel the relief from sitting down for far too long. She could feel the blood running through her tired veins, as she let her body relax.
It was time for a break anyway. How long had it been since she started working?
Walking away, she failed to notice the two pairs of broken eyes that were piercing through her soul. They stood in the darkness, their gazes shifting as they watched Book make her way into the kitchen.
Nothing went through their minds as they stared at, what used to be, their closest friend. Their minds buzzed with an empty static, and the white noise only seemed to be growing painfully louder and louder as the seconds ticked by. Hell, even as they made their way to the lab, there wasn't anything to be felt- besides, the pain from...that...was stinging more harshly, especially since there was no way of treating the damage.
The damage she was responsible for.
Who? Her? But what about...her? She knows how fragile we are, and yet she threw us behind her as if we were nothing.
She's doing something for a good cause...she's going to-
No. No, we aren't going to let this slide by. It's her, or everyone stuck inside of there- including, them...
I can't lose them. I can't lose her. She's the only person who's ever supported me...heck, the first person who made me feel alive for the past few weeks.
But what about-
All she did was cry about Ruby and then leave. We tried helping her, but obviously, it wasn't enough.
Maybe she feels bad...maybe she wants to talk to us again.
Doubt it.
Please, we have to think this through, just one more time-
We've thought it through enough. And we made a decision.
We could make this easy...we can let it all out.
We can make it, how you'd want it to be...
"Hm?" Book lifted her head up, placing the jar of jam down onto the table. With the lab constantly being as quiet as a mouse, she found it strange as to why a small noise would come from...well...anywhere. Hell, it caught her off guard- she was already so used to the silence by now.
She stared at the empty doorway for a few seconds, before shrugging it off, and returning to her lunch. She smeared the jelly over the slice of bread, humming softly as she tried to break the silence around her. When she finished, she screwed the lid back onto the jar and began to make her way towards the cabinet where she had gotten the jelly in the first place. For a lab, GB had surely made sure that she had everything she needed for survival here...
It was almost like a bunker. No- it was scarily similar to a bunker. Besides the labs, the rooms had no windows, no vents, nothing- it was closed off, almost hidden from the world above.
Hell- if it was supposed to be some sort of lab, with bunkers- then why were the bunkers even there? What was GB even preparing for?
Was there something that she knew about....?
Book sighed. She closed the cabinet door and turned around...
...only to freeze at the sight of the two girls in front of her.
Her heart dropped.
Surely, she shouldn't be afraid- these were her friends, for heaven's sake! They must've come by to say hello, or check up on their friend, who was working on a solution to try and save the rest of them!
But that wasn't the case, as she noticed that Bubble's left hand was sliced off, and Ice Cube's calf and foot had been ripped from her body. The bone could be seen from the hot flesh that dangled and bled from the cut. Blood was still oozing down from both of their wounds, but judging from the looks on their faces, they had already lost enough blood to nearly pass out.
Bubble was clutching Ice Cube close to her chest with her arm- but with her other arm, she was clutching a large knife.
Book immediately took a few steps back from the two, raising her hands in defense. "Woah...Woah...guys, what the heck happened to you..?"
Ice Cube's blank eyes spoke more than the silence that looked over the three. She stared at her for a second, before slowly lifting her head towards Bubble, nudging her body carefully against hers.
"...We've had enough." Bubble spoke slowly. "We're tired of living each day in fear, knowing that she's after us. The three of us. I'm tired of living through the same pain, knowing that this isn't going to get better anymore. I've been telling myself, ever since this started, that things would somehow return to normal- the murderer would be caught, and we would've continued on with our lives. But as this got worse and worse, I was beginning to think...and wonder...about why she was doing this. Specifically, why she hadn't killed us off first."
"We didn't know that she knew about our trips to the TLC." Ice Cube whispered. "You know how we go and speak to both Fanny and Bracelety- the only two objects that cared about us. Besides, we're the weakest and quietest of the alliance- we both know that we were a burden to the team....a burden to you."
Clenching the knife, Bubble's lip curled as she glared down at Book. "...Now she's threatening to blow up the TLC- and light all of them on fire. I've been trying to convince myself that what I must do is wrong and that you're a wonderful friend who has done her best to protect and take care of us. But then I remember that you spent all of that time, after Ruby's death- going insane, and talking about some nonsense. You'd lay there, while we tried to make sure that we would survive another night in this hellhole. We wanted to at least bring you along to the TLC, so you could try and calm down from her death. But instead, you didn't listen. You did nothing."
"Which is why we have to do this."
Flames of anger shone brightly in their eyes, as Bubble staggered over to their frightened friend. She brandished the knife in her hands, her movements becoming much faster and erratic.
"W-Wait- wait, you're going to kill me?!" Book shrieked, trying to frantically scatter away as Bubble inched closer to her. Slamming her hands onto the table, Book stared in disbelief as she watched, what once used to be a kind and gentle soul, approach her with a death glare digging into her soul. She shook her head.
But, with a blank look on her face, Ice Cube nodded. "That's the plan."
"..we have to, anyway...besides.." Bubble raised the knife, trembling. "..we aren't losing the one thing that makes us happy."
She brought the knife down onto Book's hand, burying it deep into her flesh. She showed no emotion as Book screamed at the top of her lungs, her hand now twitching in pain. Blood squirted out from her wound, staining the blade that dug deeper into her hand- before being yanked out with brute force.
Whimpering, Book clutched her trembling hand, glancing back up towards the two. "P-Please...Bubble, you don't have to do this- I-I Can help you..!! Please!!"
"You've had enough time to help." Bubble growled a bit, stomping towards her. "It's too late now."
"I-It isn't!! What did that bitch tell you?!" Book screamed, dashing over to a corner of the kitchen and grabbing a dirty, stained crowbar, lifting it up angrily.
"She told us nothing about you. We're just making sure we don't lose the one thing we love." Bubble swung down the knife, trembling. "And we'll do anything."
"Anything to protect them." Ice Cube chimed in, staring down at Book, as they moved closer, and closer...
For fucks sake, what did she fucking say to them?!
Protect what?! No one's around to talk to them anymore! If anything, they should be talking about her instead!
Sure, the death of Ruby did affect her- no, it destroyed her. And she felt terrible about not offering Ice Cube and Bubble a shoulder to cry on when they realized they were the only ones left in the city. It was her job to be there for her teammates- for her friends..
And now, look at where they ended up. She was trying to save them...and they were trying to kill her. And for what?! For everyone who's dead, or-
"B-Bubble, did Pin threaten to kill Fanny?? Bracelety??" Book yelled out, moving back as the two only moved closer to her.
You'd expect them to respond. But, instead, they slowed down, only staring down at the object- a hint of remorse shining in their eyes. And this was enough for Book to take it as a yes.
Clutching onto the crowbar shakily, she began to walk towards the two, shoving her fear and anxiety back, as much as she could.
Just speak to them.
Talk to them.
Be there, as much as you can. Make it up to them...
You weren't there when they needed you the most.
"Okay...please, just...listen to me..."
"Why should we listen to you...? You probably aren't even listening..."
Don't let them get you.
"Yes, I am! A-And I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, I should've been there for you- when we lost Ruby, with every day that followed after that, I should've been there for you!"
Keep going.
"You should've. It's too late now."
"N-No! Listen, I have a plan- I can save everyone! I can even save Fanny, Bracelety- please, just let me help you, just this once!"
"Come on, stop it! Please! I can help you!"
Pin made her way into the abandoned laboratory...looking around, as the silence embraced her into it all.
This is stupid. You'd better believe that they're both dead by now.
So? It only gives us a good reason to blow up that stupid chamber filled with idiots.
That's going to kill them, genius. Don't you need all of their-
Hands? Yes, I do need them...
Then how the fuck are you gonna bomb up the place, and expect them to dance out without a scratch?
Shush. You'll see...I have my ways.
Why, yes- I learned that from you. You always had your ways when it came to killing...but of course, you were always so scared to do so. Which is why I came to help in the first place~ Doesn't that feel sweet?
...It used to.
Whatever happened to the minds we used to have..?
Don't tell me your thinking of him again, honey.
Why do you care about that? He wasn't even yours.
Well- technically...yes, he was, but-
And what about Leafy?
She suddenly came to a halt, her hand gripping onto the railing tightly. Her eyes stared at the steps below her, trembling slightly in shock as the name seemed to echo in her head.
No- no, she's dead. Its over with- we did what we had to so she wouldn't-
She's dead.
You killed her.
It wasn't like that! I-
Drives you crazy, doesn't it?
And yet... no matter how hard you wish for it to have never happened...for it to be divine, and no longer drive you, or me, crazy...
It won't happen.
You were the only friend I've ever had, anyways...the only friend I've ever needed. Not her.
Well, I'll be damned...ain't that flattering.
It should be. I could tell what you were going through- and goodness..if I had never popped by to save you...who knew what else could've happened..?
Not that... look.
"Well well well... would you look at that! Looks like those two weren't so weak after all..."
She looks so much prettier when she's knocked out...
And I'm sure she'll look so much prettier when she's dead.
sjhfgdshjd was this good?? I hope it was, I'm trying to put myself back into a writing schedule and I really hope that this came out well.
I'm currently open to criticism- help a girl out, I'd appreciate any feedback!
anyways, hello! I'm back, and jshdgfgshja i come back with this.
I'm currently preparing for college...packing, and working...but I am going to write as much as I can over the summer, because uh- yeah. who knows what its gonna be like when I go.
But other than that- enjoy!
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