The End
Late into the afternoon, the leaves of the city fluttered through the air.
Yoyle City. An abandoned place no longer lingering with a sense of mystery and nostalgia- but instead, tainted with the blood and the scars of many. With the objects that once called this place home now lost forever, it was soon returned into a lost city once more. No one wandered freely- the wind would inhabit the dead streets. The soft chatter amongst them no longer there, the song of the waves of the Goiky Canal were there to fill up the silence.
And with the Yoyle Needy standing high in the air, a metal cage was swaying side to side ever so gently- with no one inside of it.
Or was it..?
"Ok- you guys are going to look up north, you guys are gonna go to the canal, and we'll be looking for that Science Museum. Got it?" A wooden block crossed his arms, looking around the group of objects around him.
"GOT IT!" Yelled a blue bracelet, already beginning to observe her surroundings worriedly.
"Keep in mind- they were repairing it and putting it back together. So if you find anything.. it's best to clean it up."
"Ugh- I hate instructions! Let's just GO!" A blue electrical fan snapped, stomping her feet impatiently.
"Ok, ok! You two can go search for Bubble and Ice Cube- good luck on finding them!"
It was once again, unusual- with The footsteps soon pouring back into the city. Doors began to swing open, evidence was beginning to gather- and recovering was on its way.
It had been months.
But they had broken out of it.
The cursed prison that held them behind a metal wall for ages.
It required an incredible amount of strength, ideas and patience- and once the minuscule hole had finally been broken into an escape way, they all felt nothing but joy as sunlight poured into the box for the first time in years.
And as soon as they were out- they quickly got down to business.
Uncover the truth of what really happened here- and, of course, to bring everyone back to life.
This was not their routine- but it was set to be, for the time coming. There was a plethora of new objects in the town- A lollipop and a taco searched the abandoned houses- coming across a scrapbook, and a empty bottle of yoylelenol that seemed to have collected dust.
A small bundle of grass could be seen skittering around a basketball- climbing onto the top of her head and sitting happily, as she was walking down the street with the wooden block by her side.
A bell swung around the city- filling the atmosphere with a gentle ding every so often. A cloud worked alongside her- taking their eyes to the sky, in search of anything peculiar.
Even a group of boys- consisting of a Pen, a Eraser, and a Snowball- we're roaming around, looking for the place where they would begin their work.
Besides- the quicker they started; the sooner they would be able to repair this broken city, and call it their new home.
"Oh- I think I see Blocky!" Said the Pen, waving towards the figure in the distance. "Hey, Blocky! What are you doing??"
The Block looked up. "Oh- guys!! I think Basketball found GB's little lab- and that science museum! We got a jackpot!"
"Dude, that's great! Now we can fix that recovery center, and bring everyone back to life! Just think- they'll be fucking cool!"
"..Pen, they're going to be traumatized."
"...Good point."
The Block rolled his eyes, soon turning back towards the entrance. "Hey, Basketball! Find anything?"
"Blocky- you need to come down here, NOW!"
"What- what is it?!"
The group scrambled down into the abandoned laboratory- only to be met with the Basketball standing beside a recovery center..
..That was nearly complete.
"I thought it would be in a worse state than this- but this is perfect!" The Basketball smiled.
"Huh.. so it looks like we won't take long with repairing this thing, huh? That's a relief.." The Block smiled, patting the machine gently.
"And to that I say, good- after all.. who knows what everyone could find out there." The Pen spoke out, rubbing his head.
And as if it were on cue..
"GUYS..? YOU MIGHT WANT TO COME AND SEE THIS..." A voice shouted from outside- seemingly belonging to a Donut. "CLOUDY AND BELL FOUND SOMETHING- AND SO DID FANNY..!"
"It's a garden.." A Barfbag murmured, walking next to the pastry. Her eyes seemed to be filled with terror, as she slowly rested her head against his shoulder. "But.."
"Shoot- WE'RE ON OUR WAY!" The Eraser shouted, turning towards the two. "Are you both sure you don't need any help?"
"We got this, Eraser! The only help we're gonna need is to keep everyone out of here for a bit.. especially Fanny and Bracelety."
"Suit yourself- and what about the little grass dude? Is he gonna be ok?"
The Basketball then looked up with a smile. "He'll be just fine! Right Grassy?"
As the ball of grass gave them a nod, the Pen and the Eraser said his farewells- yet, they failed to notice that the grass had a hold of a tattered folder- his eyes staring at the papers inside...containing..
"Grassy? Could you pass me the blowtorch, please?" The Basketball looked up, smiling as she saw the figure 'reading' through the pile of documents on a desk. He looked up, the curiosity snapping away as he shut the documents.
"Sure! Grassy's always helpful!"
"That's right little man!" The Block smiled. "Now let's get this recovery center up and running! We have friends to save!"
Log Entry 2,763:
Date: 10-13-XXXX
Evacuation orders have been set into place for everyone in the city. Citizens have been told to gather their things and make their way out- preparing to return within a few months, or more.
But according to my findings, this will not be the case.
The populated Yoyle City must be destroyed. The chemical leak had spread like wildfire after the experiment and creation of The Scarlet. It is believed that they have perished within the explosion- but the fumes that have spread have already caused damage towards innocent civilians. From my research, some seem to be suffering from sleep paralysis as they sleep- some suffer with hallucinations through out the day, and some have even gone on to say that there were voices whispering inside of their heads. The gas could be implanting some sort of illness into the minds of these objects...
Or it could be something that we don't know about.
That scarlet.
But let me make this clear, for anyone reading these reports.
Yoyle City must be abandoned.
It is not safe here- there's something lurking in these atmosphere and it will only do more harm, and good. If someone succumbs to these symptoms.. who knows what sort of monster would be unleashed within the world.
Get out of here before it's too late.
🌹🥀The End🥀🌹
[Psst- if you're just finishing, Fear Garden 2 is out! Feel free to read it! -ice]
Ok... yeah I know I said yesterday but BFB 30.... I was sobbing.
I also got the covid vaccine and the Chills are blegfhgshxhhd
But! Hello everyone! I can't believe I actually FINISHED this fic-
I remember I was going to abandon it completely in the beginning but BOOM. I call this a power move 😎
ANYWAYS!! I just wanted to thank you all for reading! The amount of support I've gotten from this fic is absolutely incredible- and the fact that you've all enjoyed this has really carried me through out the years- well, 2 1/2 years now.
I'm so happy i was able to create something that you all enjoyed. But remember that this isn't the end- obviously I have other fics in store, and one day in the future I'll be creating something bigger. It'll be fun 🏃♂️
But to all of you? Thank you- even if you've stuck with me since day one, or recently got into the fic- I just wanted to thank you all for the love and support. I hope you all have a rad day; and I'll talk to you guys in the next fic.
Whether it be Supernova, or the Candy Fic... I got some au's in mind. :]
Anyways, have a good day! Thank you all for reading!
-Ice 💕
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