Sweet Nostalgic Memories
All she could remember was the three boys staring at her.
They looked horribly angry.
She was muttering. She didn't know where she was or how she was; hell, she didn't even remember who she was.
She patted the ground, her dazed mind trying to recollect itself and function. She fumbled around, before slowly sitting up, wincing. A sharp pain arose from her stomach, and she looked down. The stab had stopped bleeding, but it looked terrible. It was turning a dark, red to a black-ish color.
She had to do something. That cut is gonna get infected, and that's a whole lotta pain that she doesn't want to deal with right now.
She looked around, trying to focus on where she was, and most importantly, how to return home. But instead, she was greeted with something,
Or, someone, new.
Off in the distance, a group of objects stood around, seemingly waiting for...
Pin decided to investigate; maybe there was a way she could get help! She could get out of this mess...
As she walked closer to said objects, she began to slow down. She squinted, and, oddly enough, these objects seemed so...
She staggered forward, and her eyes widened in shock, as she looked around at the scene.
It was her...acquaintances. Spongy, Flower, TD, Blocky...
But they looked so...young.
She shook her head in disbelief, before a young, warm voice startled her, forcing her to turn around and face who that was.
"Aha! Icey, come on down, you can be my ally!" Leafy grinned innocently, as she waved Ice Cube over towards her. Pin turned around, and noticed a small, young Ice Cube, walking over to them happily.
"Thanks for picking me!" She cried out happily.
"Pencil wouldn't let me into her alliance..."
"Then I, choose Pencil."
Pin turned around, and her eyes immediately welled up with tears as she held back a snicker.
Would you look at that...
There stood Pin, back when she was younger and fresh. She gave off a sassy attitude, with her hand on her hip, as she pointed towards Pencil. Pin laughed silently, wiping her eyes as she watched her younger self. After a moment of thinking, she decided to sit down, and watch this all unfold.
"Hm...who should I pick, Icey?"
Ice Cube tilted her head.
"I dunno! It's up to you!" She responded.
Pin felt a smile grow on her face, as she watched all of her pals chatter on the sides. She could remember the excitement she felt when she was the leader of the group, or, as she could remember... The Squishy Cherries?
She shrugged, and continued to watch.
"...Oooh! They're in loOoOove!" Pin's eyes followed the voice as she saw Blocky, young and full of energy. She hasn't seen him in a while, since he was still in the TLC....
"No Blocky! I like COINY more!" A high pitched voice exclaimed.
Pin turned her head and noticed that it was Needle, pointing towards a young, golden coin-creature. He turned around after hearing her exclamation, and gasped.
Pin raised a eyebrow, suspicion starting to eat at her.
How long has she liked him?
She had to keep that in mind.
She sighed, as she continued to watch the randomness of that day unfold. She laughed as she saw Coiny's face of disgust when Firey was chosen for her team; she remembered how much they hated each other back then. Leafy's team decided to let Tennis Ball on their team, and Pin watched as he walked on over to them. Young and full of life...
"Come on, people. Pick a boy."
The sudden robotic voice made Pin jump, as she looked over to the source of the sound.
It was that Speaker Box!
A wave of nostalgia hit her as she held her head.
"Holy shit.." she mumbled.
"Is this some sort of psychotic episode or something..?"
"I don't know!" Pin exclaimed. Pin looked up at her sudden shout, confused on whether she heard her or not.
"They're all pretty bad!" Pin pointed towards the objects that were left waiting. Pin smirked as she looked over towards them, ready to hear her past self roast all of them.
"First of all, I wouldn't choose Flower for obvious reasons..."
Flower glared daggers towards Pin. Well, she has changed...or, is trying to change, so just...
Whatever. She continued to listen. She went on to Blocky, the one who had 'issues', all the way to Woody, who was terrified of everything.
No, wait, it was true...
Time passed, before she noticed that Pin was staring directly at her. She scanned her from the bottom to the top, before noticing her wound. Her eyes filled with confusion and worry, as she mouthed towards her.
'Are you okay?'
Pin looked around, confused. She didn't know if she was talking to her. She held a hand towards her chest, as if she were saying, 'me?'
Pin nodded.
Pin felt a chill go down her back.
How could she see her?
She nodded slowly, waving her hand towards her. 'I'm okay.' She whispered.
Pin nodded, before turning her focus onto the Speaker Box, who was rambling on about team names. Soon, both teams erupted in chatter, trying to come up with their fantastic team names.
Pin smiled, as she looked at her younger self. She was looking around, absorbing the exciting moment around her. She couldn't believe that she was a team leader, she always wanted to lead...
Pin suddenly felt the ground shift. Her vision began to darken as she looked around, her mind becoming fuzzy and her memories darkening. She felt herself fall onto her knees, as she looked towards herself, reaching out towards her.
Young Pin was waving goodbye towards her, a grin on her face, yet, tears pouring down her cheeks.
Then everything faded away, a cold breeze brushing past Pin. The world around her began to spin rapidly, as she held her head in pain.
What's going on?
Why is everything spinning?!
Noises began to grow louder, and louder, as the world spun even faster. White petals quickly flew around Pin, as she attempted to grab each one. She was panicking. She didn't know how to get out of this.
She suddenly felt a hand grab her wrist, and yank her upwards. She yelped, and looked at the tall figure, letting a tear fall down her cheek.
All she could see was Flower, her eyes bloodshot, wet, and...
Pin tried to speak, but before she did-
Pin gasped for air as she shot up, her heart racing and her mind swirling with confusion. She held her chest, as beads of ooze dripped down her face.
What..just happened.
She breathed heavily, as she looked around.
She was back in her room!
She held her head, as she noticed that her hand had a few, crumbled petals in them. She then looked around her bed, as she saw it covered in petals. She sighed, putting a hand on her stomach.
A bandage was wrapped around her waist and stomach, her fingers tracing the soft gauze. She looked around once more, before she pinched herself.
Yep. She was awake.
She sat there, trying to let her mind grab onto what just happened, before a knock on her door snapped her out of it.
"Come in.." She wearily mumbled.
Of all the people it had to be...
She clenched her fist as she stared down at her sheets.
"Hey..." his voice was softer, and deeper, unlike his younger self.
"You're awake.."
"Obviously." She snapped. Coiny sighed, as he sat on the end of her bed, glancing down at the floor.
"I feel fine, thank you." She glared at him.
"Now, do me a huge favor and get out of my house."
Coiny clenched his fist, as he felt tears sting in his eyes.
"Pin, I only want to-"
"Help?" She chuckled.
"I'm sorry Coiny, but you've done NOTHING to help. Now LEAVE."
A heavy silence filled the room, as Pin crossed her arms. She stared away, expecting him to get up and slam the door, like some cliché romance movie or something.
"...I'm sorry."
Pin looked towards him.
"You heard me." Coiny got up, and brushed himself off. He began to walk towards the door, sighing.
"I'll leave you be. I'll talk to you some other time, Pin."
Pin felt...strange. She didn't want him to leave. As he was opening the door..
"Wait." She croaked out.
Coiny turned around, and noticed that she was moving towards the other side of the bed. She pat the side of the bed, before crossing her arms and looking away. Coiny couldn't help but let a small smile grow, as he walked back. He climbed up, and sat beside her, his hands folded on his lap.
"...Why are you here." Pin broke the silence between them.
"Don't you hate me?"
Coiny sighed, as he looked towards her.
"No...quite the opposite, actually.." he mumbled. Pin raised her eyebrow.
"What do you mean."
Coiny was silent for a moment, before he looked up towards her once more.
"I miss you."
Those three words went in one ear, and out the other. Pin rolled her eyes.
"And I miss everything being back to normal, what's your fucking point?" She snapped.
Coiny stared at her, shocked about how...sassy she had become.
"Listen..." he fiddled with his hands.
"I...have to apologize. I shouldn't have believed Freesmart, I shouldn't have questioned you..." he looked at her, his eyes filled with sincerity and worry.
"I'm sorry, Pin."
She didn't know how to feel. This all felt unfamiliar. She, felt unfamiliar. Nothing felt...familiar.
Coiny catched onto her worry, and sighed. He slowly put a hand on her cheek, and leaned in, letting his lips touch hers. He gave her a kiss, letting their lips stay connected for a few moments, before be pulled away.
Pin's cheeks were a dark shade of red. She touched her lips, remembering the feeling of his against hers. She didn't even notice the wobbly smile that was growing on her face.
"What I want to ask is..." he paused.
"Will you forgive me?"
She thought for a moment, before crossing her arms and looking at him, smiling.
"As a W.O.A.H Bunch Co-Captain, you have been gifted with my forgiveness." She laughed a bit. Coiny's face brightened as he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close. Pin rested her head on his shoulder, as she sighed happily, absorbing the moment around her.
Doesn't that feel familiar?
Yes, yes it does.
"Pin, could you go get their food?! I'm tired of having to even deal with their nonsense!"
"Well now you know how I feel! Just give me a sec, and after this, we're letting them LEAVE."
Golf Ball rolled her eyes as she stomped towards Tennis Ball, who gave her a kind smile. Coiny snickered at the two.
"How much do you wanna bet that they'll be together soon?" Coiny whispered.
Pin shrugged.
"One of them has to confess. Both of them look like they can't do that." She smirked. Coiny jumped up.
"Well I'm gonna do it for them!" He exclaimed. Pin laughed a bit, as she began to walk towards the lab's kitchen. She looked at the tray of food, and sighed.
Couldn't they just drop this? Just let them go?
They were comfortable, they weren't locked away or something, but...
The petals.
Pin eyes widened as she looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.
Where are the petals.
"I- Uh..." she looked around, and saw a few stuck onto her bandages. They must've gotten stuck there as she was in bed...
She carefully plucked the three of them, as she held them in her hands. Her eyes gazed over at the cups of tea, and a sudden lightbulb went off in her head.
How long has it been since Woody died?
"Three weeks..." Pin mumbled, feeling herself grow submissive towards the voice.
How about we try something new, for our fellow plant, shall we?
Without thinking, Pin crushed the petals in her hand, letting them break into tiny bits and pieces. She looked over at the cups, and threw the petals into a light, pink teacup. She stared at the cup, watching the petals float around, and soon, sink into the tea. She stayed silent.
"PIN! WHERE'S THE FOOD!" Golf Ball's voice echoed through the lab. Pin shook her head, as she quickly grabbed the tray of drinks, and the tray of food.
Needle quickly ran in, taking the tray of cups and giving her a smile.
"I'll help you!" Her voice rang.
I like COINY more!
Pin froze, as she watched her walk out of the kitchen.
Snap out of it. You can deal with her later, just go.
Pin shook her head, as she began to follow Needle into the room.
"Can we go now? We're innocent, we didn't do anything wrong..." Pencil had a defeated tone in her voice. Golf Ball raised an eyebrow while looking at her, and then at the rest of her team.
"I'm not sure, I feel like theres something missing in this puzzle...." She muttered. The girls groaned in annoyance, as Needle and Pin walked in, looking around.
"GB, just let them go." Pin stated.
"Let them eat, and then let them go. I doubt any of them are murderers; they don't seem like the murdering type." She looked at all of them. Match had an arm around Pencil, while Pencil was resting her head on her shoulder. She stared at Pin; exhaustion shining in her eyes.
Golf Ball rolled her eyes and sighed, putting her notes down.
"Fine. You all can eat up, and leave. And if anyone." She clenched her fist.
"ANYONE. Sees anything suspicious, you better come tell me." And with that, she turned away, and left. The Freesmarters sighed in relief, as they quickly dug into their meals. Pin turned towards Needle, nudging her with her elbow.
"Hey." Needle turned her head, and looked down at Pin.
"Whats up?"
"I had the most strangest dream while I was out..." Pin looked down at her bandages, and patted them gently.
"Ooh! Do tell.." Needle turned towards Pin, ready to hear what she was going to say. Pin looked at her eyes, and grinned a bit.
"For some reason, I woke up in a field, right?" She paused for a moment, trying to remember her dream.
"And I was trying to look for help, but suddenly, I was back in BFDI!"
Needle's eyes sparkled, before she raised an eyebrow.
"Wait; BFDI? When we were....young??" Needle snickered.
"Gosh, I can't even think about myself back in those days! I was so weird.." She laughed a bit. Pin smiled, and looked around.
"Yeah, I remember seeing you, Blocky, Coiny, Flo-"
She suddenly cut herself off, as she looked towards the Freesmarter's. The cups were all gone from the tray, and she quickly began to scan each cup in each hand.
Her heart nearly skipped a beat, when the pink teacup was in Flower's hand. She watched as Flower took sips from the tea, and looked back at Needle when Flower looked into the cup. Pin grinned nervously at Needle, who was rambling about everyone back in BFDI.
"And don't you remember when I said I liked Coiny more?" She snickered, as she let out a sigh.
"That was embarrassing, sure, but my heart belongs to someone else..." She looked down.
"Too bad she's in the TLC." She muttered.
"H-Hey, maybe we can get her out soon?" Pin suggested.
"TB and GB have the wall teleporter with them, yknow."
Needle shrugged.
"Maybe, I just don't want to bother them." She looked at Pin, and her face filled with concern.
"Hey, are you okay? You're looking a bit pale..." Needle put a hand on Pin's arm. Pin glanced over towards Flower, who finished her tea completely, and put down the empty cup. She looked down at Ruby, and giggled at whatever the jewel was speaking about. Pin looked back at Needle, smiling.
"I'm fine, don't worry about me." She put a hand on Needle's hand.
"Just a little dizzy, thats all."
today was a snow day, so guess who had time to write?!
This nerd!!
anyways whats up my dudes, heres the next part of the story!! The petals that Pin put in the tea were Lilies of the Valley's, just. look it up and it'll make more sense
as for needle,,,,,,,,,,hm. needle big gay (try guessing who she likes lol) but that don't mean that pin will let her guard down
also I feel like everyone in bfdi? is just baby. everyone in bfdi is young. and in idfb? everyones like.....older. not that old, but older.
I'm going off topic here, so anyways, enjoy this part of the story! this aint over yet, this aint gonna be over for a while
Feel free to follow me on Instagram (icemintfreeze) because i answer questions abt the story there n stuff? Plus i post art oop
enjoy!!! (this was a lot wowwie)
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