Sorrowful Farewells.
You should have made sure that-
"H-...Hi, Leafy.."
Her green eyes stared at her in disbelief; the cold, grey color quickly draining from them. The knife that was held tightly within her hand, suddenly slipped out, and fell with a thud onto the dirt below. She stared at her, before her eyes trailed off towards the blood that covered her, to the half-eaten fry in her hands. Her eyes began to water.
"S-So..." Leafy cleared her throat. "It was't it."
Pin stared at her, a vacant expression settling on her face, when suddenly, a small smile began to lift, more and more until her mouth was stretched into a large grin.
"Was there anyone else you could think of?" Pin giggled. Leafy's chest tightened; looking around, she noticed a bright sunflower, and her head whirled back towards her.
"Yep! It was me. The poor guy had...not much to live for, dangling from the sky like that. But once he died?" Pin whistled. "It was very helpful to my garden. Don't you see how vibrant and warm these flowers are?"
Leafy stood frozen; her body unable to move from her position. Multiple thoughts swirled through her mind as she stared at this...
"Call me what you must, but, I'm doing this for a reason. A, "greater good" as you may like to call." She rambled. "Not only for the good of my luscious garden..but for me, as well! You obviously know that I am a natural born leader, Leafy. But what could I do here, that-"
"You're going to pay."
Suddenly, rushed footsteps began to thump against the patches of dirt, as Leafy grabbed the knife from the ground and dashed away from her, her eyes glowing back to the soulless, cold color that they once were. She wasn't running away from fear; she was off to do much worse.
So much worse.
But how could it be worse than Pin's doings? She was the bad guy here.
Pin sighed, as she dusted herself off and gently put the trowel down. She began to walk forwards, until a odd shuffling noise slowly case from behind. As she looked back, her heart stopped.
Fries stumbled forward, blood still spurting out from his chest. Open wounds let blood gush down him, leaving a crimson trail behind. With all of his strength, he pounced on her, causing her to collapse on her trowel. She let out a choked scream, as Fries quickly grabbed her neck, and began to tighten his grip.
She gritted her teeth together, as she kicked her legs frantically, trying to make him loosen his grip or let go.
Pin growled, as she lifted her leg and kicked Fries's chest. He hissed, his hands receding back to him as he collapsed onto the ground. Pin gasped, as she slowly made her way onto her feet, and stared down at Fries.
Fries slowly turned onto his back, as he stared up towards her, beads of sweat dripping down his pale face. He panted in pain, as tears began to fill his eyes.
"P-Please, Pin.." he choked out, blood slowly dribbling out of his mouth. "H-Help...please.."
Pin stood still, as she stared down at Fries. She couldn't feel much of anything..
Only ecstasy.
"I'm sorry Fries, but well as everyone here, has a purpose...for me." She grinned. Fries shook his head.
"P-Pin, please-" he cried out. But all she could hear, was a ringing that was continuing to get louder, and louder..
She reached for the trowel, her eyes now glowing..
Coiny ran through the woods, his lungs aching from the sudden run he had taken. He was in a panic; no longer feeling safe in his own home, seeing photographs of Pin being shattered, scratched or burnt..
She was next. She was next and he knew it.
He continued to run, trying to find his way to her garden where she could be..well...gardening, as usual. He had to stay by her side now; he couldn't let her die off.
He lost Firey.
He lost Gelatin.
He couldn't find Fries anywhere...
He wasn't going to lose her. He loved her. He loves her to a point where his heart ached at the thought of everything that had happened to her.
The dream.
He continued to run faster.
Sleep paralysis.
His eyes burnt with tears.
Her peaceful slumber...her nightmares...
A sudden crunch of a branch made him jump, as thoughts raced in his mind.
Kidnapped...slumbers...those flowers..
That cake, the treats...
He froze.
Those leaves.
He made his way into the clearing..
He walked into the garden, no longer being able to hear anything around him. The flowers seemed to glow, as he walked by them blankly.
As he made his way into the darkest patch, he froze.
The garden.
Pin poised the trowel in the air, as Fries's head simply collapsed onto the ground.
That dream.
With a hard, forceful swing, she plunged the trowel into his head, twisting it as blood spurted from his wound.
He stared at Pin, a large smile plastered onto her face. She yanked the trowel out, droplets of blood suddenly flying towards him. As they splashed onto him, she looked up.
Fear the garden.
A tear trailed down his cheek.
Fear Garden.
"Pin.." he choked out. The trowel slipped out of Pin's grasp, and fell onto the ground with a heavy thud. Her body went cold as she saw his expression; fearful, hurt, and...furious.
Behind him, stood nearly..everyone.
From Firey, the first one to the poisoned, who fell for her trickery and Fries, someone who cared for her despite her slander...
They all stared at her, slowly pointing their arms towards her.
"Wh-.." Coiny was speechless. He could no longer say anything; he didn't know how to react towards the scene that unfolded before his eyes. Pin was in the same state. She was paralyzed with fear, knowing that someone she had loved and cared for dearly...
Just watched her as she slaughtered someone who cared for her, and loved her dearly.
Coiny's face soon twisted into an angered one, as he stomped over to Pin, and, with all of his might, slapped her across the face. Pin's head jerked towards the side, as she fell from the might of the impact, her cheek now growing with a vibrant, garnet shade. He panted heavily, hot tears now pouring down his bronze-colored cheeks.
"So..." He began. "This is what you've been up to...huh?"
The tone in his voice felt like a knife plunging deep into Pin's chest. She didn't dare look up; she held her cheek painfully, as her limbs began to tremble uncontrollably. This angered Coiny, as he swiftly grabbed Pin by her point, and yanked her up forcefully.
Pin didn't respond. She simply stared down at the ground, her eyes widened with fear and sorrow. Coiny rolled his eyes as he threw her towards his side, watching her tumble down against the lavender bushes. He began to walk deeper into the garden, and Pin quickly reached out towards him, shaking her head.
"W-Wait-" She stuttered. Coiny didn't stop; he continued to move forward, until he entered the small, secluded cave. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he froze.
Their hands.
The missing hands...the bodies....
Those dreams, those lies...
A trail of blood...
Coiny collapsed onto his knees, as more tears began to make its way down his cheeks.
She did it.
The voice rang in his ears, as he could no longer...feel.
She lied..she faked was all her.
She shoved me off...She stabbed Rocky in the head...She slit Woody's throat..
She poisoned me...And Teardrop..
She took me to get Yoyleberries, but instead, she broke my neck...
She stabbed me in the eye..
She threw me off the roof..
You...saw her kill me.
Coiny's breathing quickened, as he felt a sudden breeze brush by him peacefully, yet...
"Coiny.." Pin's voice trembled, as she made her way towards the smaller figure. "P-Please, let me explain..."
"Shut it." Coiny mumbled, as he slowly made his way upwards. He turned around, and stared towards her with a intimidating glare. This sent a shiver down her spine; she had never seen him this...
"Why did you do it.." He muttered. "Why.."
"I-I-" Pin stuttered. "I- The dreams- I-It was- I had- I-"
"I always thought you were perfect..." He laughed out. "I thought you were simply...beautiful, and..."
"Coiny, Coiny please listen to me, I-"
"What did you do? Where's Pin? Where is she?" He stared into her eyes. This made tears begin to pour down Pin's pale face, as she shook her head towards him.
"Where's the Pin I loved? The Pin who was an inspiring leader? An incredible...incredible..." He paused. "Girlfriend...?"
"C-Coiny..." She whimpered out, her voice beginning to fade away. Coiny shook his head, as he slapped her once again, soon increasing his voice to a yell.
That was it.
Pin's heart was shattered, pieces scattering throughout all of her body. Some pieces scattered to the top of her fingertips, as she shook her head.
"'s me. You know me. I'm Pin...your girlfriend." She said blankly, slowly stepping towards him. "I love you...I love you so much...but this was my job."
"I know." She raised her hand calmly. "Call me what you must. I know...that you're angry..upset...hurt...But, I'm still me.."
"NO!" Coiny interrupted. "Pin would never do this. No matter what the circumstances, SHE WOULD NEVER-"
"Nothing, can excuse you for what you've done Pin. NOTHING." He wiped his eyes angrily, as he walked around her. "Do you know how LONG I had to deal with the guilt? Knowing that I couldn't speak or apologize to Firey ever again?! I miss him, Pin! I never wanted him to die like that!"
"And Needle?! She was my friend! WHY DID YOU DO IT TO HER?!"
A slap suddenly echoed through the walls, as Coiny's head jerked towards the side. Tears poured down her face, as she stared down at the weakened figure.
"I had to. I had my own rules, my own list...I had everything. Ever since we moved here, things were..dull. My garden wasn't as lively as it used to be-"
"And what is that supposed to mean?!" Coiny stomped his foot. "Pin, nothing can excuse you for what you've done. NOTHING!"
"Coiny, please..." Pin cried out. "Please, just listen to me.."
"Why should I..?!"
Pin slowly approached him, and cautiously let her lips interlock with his, his warm lips filling her with a pained, yet comforting feeling. She attempted to assuage his concerns, but he simply shook his head, breaking his lips away from hers.
"I-....I'm sorry Pin..." He whispered out, slowly cupping his hands over hers. "But I can't let you do this anymore.."
Suddenly, Coiny grabbed her wrist tightly and began to stomp out of the cave, dragging Pin along with him. She tugged at her arm, panic beginning to bubble through her veins.
"You're coming with me, Pin...I can't let you do this anymore.."
He continued to drag her away, soon limping by Fries's corpse. Pin began to scream; no longer wanting to go along with him. She only wanted to make him-
"COINY, LET ME GO!" She cried out. She let her body fall down onto the ground, feeling Fries's arm below her back. Coiny grunted, as he quickly grabbed her arm with both of his hands.
Pin shook her head, as she was dragged through the garden slowly, and painfully. Small pebbles and weeds scratched through her skin, as she could feel droplets of blood trickling down her libs. She shook her head, sobbing and begging at Coiny to let her go. He continued to drag her away, as she clawed onto the earth below her. She looked around, while on the other hand, he didn't listen; tears were still making its way down his face, as he only wanted to..
Suddenly, a sharp pain jolted through Coiny's leg, as he loosened his grip and fell onto a small bush. Thorns jabbed through his body, as he let out a sudden yelp of pain. Pin stood over him; her stained trowel in hand, as a sob began to make its way up her throat.
"Coiny, please...j-just listen.." She warned, clenching the trowel. He panted heavily, beads of sweat dripping down his face.
"Wh-Why should I, murderer.."
Pin flinched at the words, as she suddenly swung the trowel down and dug it into his side. Coiny let out an agonizing scream, as blood began to rush out of his wound. Pin sobbed quietly, as she yanked the trowel out of his wound. Coiny withered in the bush; his limbs trembling as blood began to ooze down the leaves of the bush. Pin took a deep breath, before she looked down at him once more.
"Listen to me...please..." She whimpered out. "I-I don't want to hurt you..."
Coiny gave her a confused and pained look. "B-But you have, Pin..."
"No! I-"
"You've hurt me, ever since you shoved Firey off.."
"SHUT UP!" Pin weeped out, as she dug the trowel into his stomach. He screamed out once more, tears mixing in with the blood that made its way down his chest. He shriveled up; pain beginning to numb his lower body. His eyes began to darken, as he reached out towards Pin. She was just about to stab him once more, blocking out his choked sobs and screams of pain, until...
"T..Tell me.." He whispered out. " love me...?"
Pin froze. Her grip loosened around the trowel, as she blinked in confusion. "What..?"
"Did.." Blood spurted out Coiny's mouth, before he looked back up towards the taller figure. "Did me...?"
Her chest lurched. She dropped the trowel, as she wrapped her arms around him and carefully lifted him from the bush. A whimper escaped Coiny's lips, as Pin could feel the blood from his wounds trail down her arms. She winced, as she slowly kneeled down and cradled her boyfriend in his arms. She continued to cry, as she gently caressed his frigid cheek.
"I-I do, Coiny..I do love you..I loved you since..oh, gosh." She laughed, sniffling a bit. "I've loved you ever since we met.."
Coiny looked into her eyes, as he weakly lifted his hand towards her face. He clasped his hand over his cheek, and carefully wiped the tears that poured down her face.
"I-I'm so sorry, Coiny, I never-.." She took a shaky breath. "I didn't want to hurt you.."
A weakened smile spread across Coiny's face, as he continued to caress her cheek gently. "Scarlet...i-its..ok.." he choked out. Pin shook her head, as she hugged Coiny close.
"No, No no no, its not..I-I have to get you help-"
"J-Just...let me go.."
Pin froze.
"P-Please, just...let me go.." He whispered. "I don't want get hurt by..them.."
"Oh come on, no, please, Coiny..." Pin sobbed out. "I-I can't lose you.."
Coiny coughed harshly, blood splashing onto Pin's chest. She cried quietly, as she began to rock Coiny gently within her arms. She leaned down, and let her lips press against his once more, him accepting the kiss and letting the warmth and comfort transfer through him. His hand slowly moved down her shoulder, and then down her arm...
"I-I love you, Pin.."
Suddenly, Coiny lifted Pin's arm with the trowel, as Pin's eyes widened.
With all of his might, he let her arm stab the trowel through his chest, an awful wheeze escaping through his lips. Pin let out a cry of sorrow, as his eyes began to slowly close. She cupped her hands around his cheeks, as she began to shake her head.
" you.." Coiny whimpered out, letting his fingers intertwine with hers. She held his hand close, as she stared down at him in disbelief.
"I..have always..loved you.."
A weakened chuckle escaped from his lips, as he kissed the back of her hand carefully. This took all of the energy he had; his eyes finally closing, as his final breath danced through the air and gently floated through the atmosphere above. His grip on Pin's hand loosened, as his body loosened in Pin's arms.
Silence. She shook her head.
"This isn't funny..Coiny, please.." She began to cry, as she hugged his body. But he didn't respond.
He could no longer respond.
Pin looked up, her world around her slowly beginning to crumble and fall apart.
Rule #11.
No, No..
You broke it.
Please, please wake up, please...
You went on..and broke it.
Are you proud of yourself...Pin?
Pin looked up, and a loud, heartbreaking bawl escaped her lips. She shook her head, as she hugged Coiny close, weeping and sobbing into his body. Tears mixed with his blood, as she rocked him gently,
No longer caring about The Rules.
No longer caring about Leafy.
No longer caring about the spirits that would haunt her, and do anything to drag her down.
All that was in her mind..
was Coiny..
Her partner in crime..
Her right hand man.
Her boyfriend.
He was now gone.
And now, he could no longer hear. Like everyone else, he could no longer hear her voice...see her...feel her...
This was it. Pin collapsed, feeling her body go numb as a loud, white noise began to pour into her head. Her chest ached as the reality of the situation began to crush her down.'ve finally done it, huh.
Looks like your on your own, Pin.
She suddenly yanked the trowel out of his chest, as she threw to across the garden, no longer wanting to see the damned tool anymore. She stared down at Coiny's face sorrowfully, noticing that his expression was rather...peaceful. She leaned down, and gently let her lips press against his cheek, as she rested her head onto his face. hit her.
"COINY...!" She weeped out.
You aren't.
He's gone.
hello everyone, guess who's finally on spring break!!!!
anyways, I'm gonna work on this and supernova as much as i can!! honestly writing is fun and aaaaaa
but i also want to draw and work on my object show as well, since I'm very determined to make it happen!
but for now...enjoy this..tough chapter.
he's gone.
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