Shattered Dreams
Here in this garden...
She looked down at her trembling hands, noticing the stab wounds growing deeper and deeper.
Strange, the thicker the cuts got..
And no matter how much blood poured down and splattered onto the floor...
No pain.
Why was she even here?
She looked around.
Where were the others?
She opened her mouth...
Can't speak.
Why are you even looking?
You turn pages for others who don't give two shits about you.
How about we rip some pages for them, hm?
Hurts, doesn't it?
Watching bits of yourself being shred into bits, broken into
Why are you even here?
You should be dead.
You should've died long ago.
You're controlling.
You're only using her happiness.
You wanted her dead, so she could be all yours.
Are you sure Pin's the real monster here?
Book shot up, gasping for air as she clutched her chest. Her heart pounded like a drum, echoing through her chest and causing her to shiver...just a little bit.
Beads of sweat dripped down her cover, and she let her eyes stare at the sky above them.
They were in a clearing- the woods around them, with the TLC propped onto a small hill. The sun was slowly beginning to rise- chasing away the ocean blue that blanketed the sky, with the stars slowly beginning to fade away. Clouds lazily drifted across it all, and the hushed wind of the forest let the leaves dance along with them.
For a moment, Book
It's been a while since she's felt this.
She may have slept on top of the clubhouse with Ice Cube (and might I add- it was incredibly cold up there), but those were the times where there wasn't a hand-obsessed , garden-crazed murder maniac running through the streets and taking down everyone, one by one.
She had Ice Cube by her side. She heard her quiet snores, which she enjoyed hearing when the morning were quiet and warm. She felt the frigid aura around her bring her closer, and she'd gently put her arm around the small figure.
And Ice Cube would smile.
That smile.
Sleepy, yet comforted, reassured that her friend was still there.
Speaking of it, she'd probably should do it now.
Book carefully moved onto her side, and noticed that Ice Cube was just a few inches away from her.
She was curled up, snoozing away beside the metal wall that separated the doomed from the lost. Her heart continued to beat with the love she had grown for someone else on the other side.
..Just like her.
Book sighed, letting her eyes gaze back up towards the early morning sky as her thoughts began to roam freely once more.
She was tired of running. Tired of hiding, tired of living in fear, never knowing which moment would be your last.
She just wanted a break- hell, she was at the brink of being mentally torn to shreds. won't happen.
She has to stay strong.
For her team..and for her.
Where is Ruby?
She looked towards the other side, letting her eyes adjust to the shifting darkness around her.
..She wasn't there.
Book whirled her head around, checking to see if she was beside Bubble and Ice Cube...
She wasn't there.
Panic began to creep up Book's spine as she quickly sat herself up, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes frantically. She decided to get up, looking around the TLC to see if she had gone to the other side of it all..
"Ruby?" Book whispered out, peeking out of the corner of the metal container.
The only thing that greeted her back was the gentle wind that breezes onto her cover.
She shuddered.
"Rubes...this isn't funny, cmon." Book sighed out, trying to keep her cool.
Don't panic. It'll just make it worse.
Shoving the nervousness that she felt away inside of her, she continued to walk around the TLC, expecting to catch a glimpse of the shining gem in her eye. She expected to hear her mischievous giggling, and expected to see the joyous twinkle in her eye.
All she got was the empty air around her, which embraced her in a snap.
Book rushed around, quickly digging through the bushes and peeking behind the trees for her. If this was some sort of joke, she was taking it too far- she KNOWS the situation they're in. Why would she be doing something like this?
"Mmh..Book..?" Ice Cube yawned out, blinking hazily. She heard the frantic footsteps from the figure- quickly waking her up from her slumber.
"What's going on..?"
"Ah- uh, Nothing Ice Cube! Nothing! J-Just stay there, a-and rest!"
"Hmm.." Ice Cube rubbed her eyes sleepily, sitting back up and placing herself against the wall of the TLC. She sat still..
..there she was.
Snoring..quite loudly.
A small giggle escaped her lips as she looked back out towards the forest, and the happiness she had inside quickly dissipated into worry as she stared at her friend; watching her frantic movements made her look around.
What she ok?
What was she looking for?
Who was-
See you soon...
Ruby's eyes scrunched slightly, as a sharp pain jabbed through her head. It throbbed inside of her mind, quickly waking her up from the dazed state that she was in.
Lifting her head up, she felt gravity trying to yank her back down. She felt limp...
But at the same time, heavy.
She began to move her arm a bit-
Her eyebrows furrowed together as she began to move her arms once more.
Tied up..?
Ruby quickly began to try and wriggle herself free, jerking her arms to the sides to see if she could free herself from the ropes that snaked around her wrist.
They didn't even budge.
Her breathing began to increase as fear boiled through her veins. Her train of thought was frozen, as she began to move around, trying everything that she could to-
C r a c k.
Her heart dropped.
She grimaced at the noise that broke through the well as the feeling.
She couldn't see it..
She knew.
She could feel it running down her face.
..A shard..
She was breaking...
Oh my rock, I'm BREAKING, I'M-
No. Breathe.
Just breathe.
Ruby let her eyes close, while she steadied her breathing patiently. Her heart pounded repeatedly in her chest, yet as she let the oxygen enter through her body, it began to soothe her...
Lull her.
Just breathe.
..Her eyes watered.
Don't think about her.
Not now.
She began to move her mouth slightly, but quickly noticed that it was taped shut- silencing her from everything around her.
No, NO-
Don't freak out. We're not dead. We're not.
Where am I..?
Hazily, she began to let her eyes roam around her surroundings, praying that she'd just be in the woods where she was.
She didn't care- keep her in the woods. If anything, she could run.
But for her, that puny bead of hope was crushed with the boot of reality as another familiar surrounding began to make its way into her mind.
Nothing but the sky that stretched endlessly around her.
Cold, grey floors.
Puny, bite-sized buildings that towered below her, the fading colors of each one haunting the city.
And, with chilling winds that howled as it swung by..?
Wh-..why am I on the-
"Good morning sunshine!~" A voice giggled out, sending shivers down her spine.
As soon as the figure stepped into Ruby's view, she began to shriek out- her wails muffled by tape that shut her mouth, silencing her for the moment. Tears filled her eyes to the brim, while she continued to thrash around violently,
trying her damned hardest to get away from HER.
Pin simply watched, raising an eyebrow in utter amusement.
"Wow...this is new." She let out a soft chuckle, kneeling down at Ruby's level. This only made the gemstone panic even more, as she continued to let put muffled cries and screams of terror.
Oh please. This is getting very VERY old now. Just shut her up-
"Ah!~ No, it fills me with ecstasy to hear her broken cries like this! Please, let me have a moment!"
Stop. Just look at her.
"Look at you!" Pin began to place a hand on Ruby's cheek, slowly beginning to caress it with her thumb, yet Ruby turned away- giving a cold glance back towards her.
"Hm...Come on now, don't be like that dear...I just want to see your gorgeous eyes!"
Ruby whined out, moving her body away from her as quickly as she could.
"Let me see! If Flower managed to fall head-over-heels for them, I want to see them too!"
She moved faster.
"I mean, you're pretty shiny! Are your eyes like that too?"
"Please? I just want to-"
P O W.
Ruby slammed her legs straight into Pin's gut, letting out an angered yelp. Anger quickly rushed through her brain, all while she watched Pin keel over in pain.
This feels...familiar..doesn't it..?
What. Being in pain.
Pin's smile grew crooked, as she let her eyes slowly roll towards Ruby's direction. Her gaze immediately locked with hers, and Ruby couldn't help but shrivel up in terror.
Her eyes.
They contained an aura of the damned, with hell's fire blazing in the back of it all. The image of the haunting glow that came from the flames, steamed into Ruby's eyes as it licked around the despairing emptiness of her mind.
Pin smirked.
"Scary...isn't it. You remind me of him..." She sat up on her knees, her arm shakily wrapped around her abdomen.
Ruby's eyebrow furrowed in bitterness.
"Ah ah ah, you know who. You saw him, after all!"
The mention of him quickly made the memories flood back to her, making her wince and shudder in fear. Pin enjoyed this.
Why don't we trigger..a little more out of her!
"Uh-Huh! Don't you remember the blood that pooled around his body? The way his jaw hung so openly? The bones that stuck out of his arms, with his skin looking like confetti hanging off of it! Wasn't that amazing?!"
Nausea swirled inside Ruby's stomach as it all washed back to her. Her face was beginning to turn pale, but her eyes stayed wide open- bloodshot with fear.
"Hm..can't talk much, huh?"
She groaned.
Just do it already for pin factories sake. Why do you TOY WITH THEM LIKE THIS, DON'T YOU GET HOW MUCH TIME YOUR WASTING ON THIS BULLSHIT?!
Cmon' dear. You've been enjoying this too, I know you have.
No, no, I DON'T. I don't want to do this.
Yes you can. Besides, it seems that our little gemstone hear is almost at her "breaking point"!
" how about...oh! Woody!"
Ruby shut her eyes.
Don't look at her.
"Ruby, we've been OVER THIS! Let me see those beautiful eyes, don't you know how much I ADORE them?"
Ruby shook her head.
"RUBY!~ OPEN YOUR EYES FOR ME! We still have SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT!" Pin's tone was lighthearted and bubbly.
Ruby clenched her eyes harder.
Keep them closed.
Just keep them CLOSED-
"I'm gonna count to three, and if your dirty little eyes aren't open, you're in big trouble missy."
The sudden change in Pin's tone made Ruby's blood freeze.
She didn't want to. Oh, for the love of rock, she didn't want to.
But she threatened-
No. We have to stay strong.
"One." Pin gritted through her teeth.
She's bluffing. She's bluffing.
Don't give in.
Be strong. She would've wanted us to be strong-
She's looking for me..right..?
Of course she would! She cares about me, remember?
But Flower..she cared about me too-
But Book helped you through it all!
She's helped you up, she helped you continue on for this long! I'm sure she'd want us to stay strong!
Stay strong! We have to, for her! For-
Before Ruby could react, Pin swiftly yanked out her trowel. She gave it a menacing twirl, as she lifted Ruby closer towards her face. She leaned into her 'ear', and whispered..
"I warned you."
And with that, she stabbed the trowel straight into Ruby's eye. A muffled scream of pain shook through the tape that blocked it out completely, and this sent Ruby into a panic- she flailed her twitching legs around while her arms trembled uncontrollably. Thick tears of blood oozed down her cheek as she felt the frigid metal dig into her skull, deeper, and deeper.
Pin giggled, hearing the silenced screams and seeing her thrash around like a fish out of water. This was...entertaining for her.
Too bad it won't last for long.
" hold still-"
Pin gripped the trowel tightly, and jerked it towards the side, twisting it and maneuvering it rapidly. The sound of squishing flesh and popping veins sounded like church bells ringing in her ears, making her let out a dreamy sigh.
This felt incredible. Each object that she filled off filled her with more and more ecstasy- it was addicting, and it sent a buzz of excitement through her body, one that made her crave it all even more.
As she twisted the trowel, blood suddenly sprayed onto her face- making her flinch at first, before letting out a chuckle.
"Oops! Sorry...must've cut the eye there...maybe a blood vessel. Who knows?"
Ruby let out a heartbreaking wail, her right eye gazing up to the sky. It was dewey with tears- as well as being extremely bloodshot. The color was draining out of her face quickly, and even the shine against her body began to die down.
Time ticked by with each aching second, and soon enough, Pin yanked the trowel out. Blood splattered everywhere below them, painting the dull grey floor with a chilling splatter of crimson red blood. Pin let Ruby's body collapse onto the floor, tossing her aside like a used tissue.
"Wow Ruby...Your eye looks even prettier up close! I mean..." Pin turned around, holding up the bloodied-eyeball close to her face. The glimmer of life quickly faded way, as droplets of blood trickled down Pin's arm. Ruby, on the other hand, was letting out pathetic wheezes and shaky cries, her body twitching rapidly.
Pathetic. Pin rolled her eyes half-heartedly.
"Alright sweetheart, I think its time that we end things here." She mumbled, placing the trowel down beside her feet. She grabbed Ruby, and yanked her off of her feet.
Almost immediately, Ruby began to squirm and tremble, the muffled wails returning once more. She slowly began to swing her legs back and forth, trying to kick Pin, or hurt her, just to let her go...
Thats it.
S H R I I P.
"For pin factories sake, speak out wontcha?! I'm tired of hearing you mumbling!" Pin snapped.
Ruby gasped out as her lips began to sting horribly. Grimacing, she held back a sob, before stretching them out in pain.
"Wh-What...are you..g-gonna do to me..?!" Her voice was all over the place.
"Oh- I thought you knew by now!"
Angrily, Pin stomped over towards the edge of the tower, slowly hovering Ruby over the edge. She jerked her around, gritting through her teeth,
"Such a beautiful view, isn't it?! Too bad it'll be the last thing you'll ever s e e."
"P-Pin, PIN PLEASE, PLE-E-EASE!" Ruby sobbed at the top of her lungs, her vocal chords throbbing from how loud she was. Pin smiled.
"Beg, Ruby. BEG."
"BOOK! B-BOOK! ICY! BUBBLE! HELP ME! HE-ELP!" Ruby hiccuped.
"BEG- Oh..What did you say..?" Pin tilted her head innocently, lifting Ruby closer to her. Ruby's cries silenced for a moment, as she let her eye meet with Pin's gaze..
"B-..Book..Book..m-my Book.." She gasped out.
This should be...
"Oh Ruby..don't you realize..They're all d e a d.." Pin smiled.
Ruby didn't even respond to the statement. Her eye glazed over, as the breath was beginning to flutter out of her body. Her struggled breaths made Pin giggle, as she stared at the pained gem in astonishment.
" Book..."
"She's dead, Ruby..."
"You didn't protect her..."
"M-My Bo-ok.."
"And do you know why..?" Pin smiled letting her grip loosen.
This made Ruby's eye widen..a glimmer flashing in it for a split second.
"Because it was all your fault. You let her die...Just like Flower."
Pin's finger slipped free.
"Have fun seeing your girlfriend down there.." She waved happily...
Ruby's scream began to die down as she fell all the way down towards the bottom of the tower...
One last glimmer shining from her body...
A shattering noise echoed through out the haunted well as the bones that had shattered and broke amongst the fall.
Her dreams of surviving.
Her dreams of marrying the one she loved.
Her dreams of making it through...
Just like she was.
hello!!! How is everyone?? I hope y'all are doing good!
I should be working on homework but i had to finish this ok.....aight
anyways...the lesbians have perished. I am. sorry.
also a irl friend found my stories and i am living in fear
anyways!! Enjoy! wink
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