No More Amends
"Is everything okay Match..?" Bubble asked, as the three began to make their way towards the TLC. Match shrugged slightly; hesitant to answer the question.
"I'm just...scared, I guess." Match mumbled underneath her breath. "It's all, like, too much... just think about it..! We're the only ones left here in the city.."
Bubble and Ice Cube stared at each other in shock, the realization that they were the only survivors left...hitting them hard. Match wiped her eyes, as she rubbed her arms gently.
"But, like...I don't want to lose you guys. I can't lose you guys. I'd rather die, than..."
"Match, please.." Ice Cube whispered, stepping beside the taller figure. "We're going to make it.."
"Well, what if we don't..? Like...we expected TB and GB to survive..they were smart...but look! They're dead!"
"They were out, they must've been separated from each other from running! And we're together, and I think six against one is a good-"
"It doesn't matter if there's, like, a MILLION of us. If Pin could wipe EVERYONE off of Yoylecity, then, like, she could get us like THAT!"
"But remember how we got to her? Don't you remember how we managed to capture her and hold her down, for days?"
"Ice Cube."
"We could try to do that-"
"Coiny is dead. What could we use against her?!"
The three began to enter the darkest parts of the woods, the thickened branches entangling through out the atmosphere and blocking the beams of sunlight from entering the path. A shiver quickly crawled down Match's spine, as she began to move closer towards the other two. The silence began to sting at the three, before Bubble spoke up once more.
"..How long have you been with her?"
"What?" Match looked up.
"Pencil. How long have you two.."
"Oh.." Match began to relax, the tension in her body beginning to loosen up. "Well, was long before BFDI started, heh...we were, like, best friends since we were young.."
"Yeah...I think we met because she was trying to play, like, a game with everyone, but no one would join her, just because she wanted to be the leader. I joined, because the look on her face just made me feel bad..." she smiled. "Who knew that, like, a small gesture like that would lead us into a long..friendship."
"And relationship!" Ice Cube chimed in. Match smiled.
"That too."
"Ooh, how I wished we could get everyone out of the TLC..." Bubble lamented. "I'd love to see Fanny.."
"I'd love to see Bracelety!"
"I'd love to see them both..." Match crossed her arms slightly. "But...we Can't. Not now. Until we can figure out a way to stop Pin, or leave, we have to-"
The sudden voice made the three freeze. Their eyes quickly turned towards the path ahead, where the sillouhette of an object stood still. They began to move, the darkness beginning to fade off of their body as they came closer to the three.
"Nice to know that you three are planning to do another kidnapping session..."
She stepped forward, her body covered in fresh blood. A trowel was clenched in one of her hands; in the other...were hands.
And legs.
Match covered her mouth in pure horror, as Ice Cube and Bubble looked away in fear.
"W-What...what did you.."
"Oh. These?" She raised the disembodied limbs. "They're Bomby's And Nickel's. They came just in time for it all! My garden is nearly complete."
Match began to step back, her limbs beginning to tremble. "J-Just..just let us go, please..."
"Oh? But I thought you wanted to stop me? Or are you just scared?~" Pin smirked, as she began to slowly step closer towards the three. Ice Cube and Bubble began to step back in fear, as Match simply stood frozen; paralyzed with fear.
"Aww, you really are scared~" Pin laughed out, throwing the limbs onto the dirt path below them. "I was just like you, frightened..." she leaned in. " helpless..~"
"Bubble, Ice Cube." Match muttered lowly. "Go."
"G-Go..?" Ice Cube whispered.
"Get out of here."
"Oh, get out? I'm sorry, but I don't think that's on MY agenda.."
Suddenly, she grabbed Match's arm, yanking her entire body forward. Match screamed out in terror, struggling as the grip on her arm began to tighten more and more. Pin began to raise her trowel in the air, giggles escaping her lips as she watched Match struggle within her arms.
"Ah, Well...guess karma had to come back and bite you in the neck!"
Suddenly, the two quickly dashed away, screams of fear becoming quieter and quieter as they left the darkness of the woods. Pin raised an eyebrow, as she gripped Match's wrist more tightly.
"I never knew you cared for those two.." she uttered. Match growled, as she continued to struggle out of her grip.
"They're g-going to, like, STOP YOU!"
"Oh, really?"
"We're going to avenge, like, EVERYONE! You're a monster!"
Pin's face dropped, her eyes beginning to darken menacingly. Match suddenly stopped; fear beginning to eat at her as she saw Pin's change in attitude.
" want to play it that way, don't you.."
Pin brought down the trowel, and watched as it quickly sliced through Match's wrist. A scream of pain quickly erupted from her mouth, as her movements became more panicked and more stronger. Blood began to gush out of her open wound, spilling all over herself and Pin's legs. Pin laughed slightly, raising the trowel once more.
"Aw, c'mon Match, you made me miss! The less you struggle, the quicker we can get through the bone!"
She slammed the trowel into her wound once more, and Match screamed once more, blood spurting out of her mouth. Her movements suddenly began to weaken, as Pin stared down at the struggling figure.
"You think I'm a monster? You think, I'M A MONSTER?!" She screamed out, yanking Match up onto her feet. "Oh, I'll show you how much of a monster I can BE!"
Suddenly, a knife zoomed past Pin's head, and stabbed the bark of a tree behind her. Her eyes were widened in shock, as her grip on Match began to loosen.
Pin turned, and noticed the knife hurtling straight towards her. She quickly ducked, as she let go of Match's arm. She clenched her trowel tightly, as she stared into the darkness of the woods; looking for the source of those knives.
She knew.
Footsteps began to grow louder and louder.
She knew who it was.
A glimmer of silver flashed through a tiny beam of sunlight.
She knew.
"Stop It." Leafy stepped forwards, clenching the blade in her hand. "NOW."
Pin shook her head, laughing slightly.
"Or what?"
Without thinking, Leafy hurled another knife towards the figure. Pin ducked; hearing it stab into another tree.
"Do you really want to question my abilities..?" Her voice mumbled, menacingly. Pin stared at her, as she began to move closer towards her... ready to do anything to shut her up.
Match withered in pain, choking and coughing on her own blood. She cautiously moved away from the two, trying to find a way to escape and go back to her-
"Match." The voice made her pause. She turned around, and Leafy's eyes locked onto hers; a glimmer of green hinting within them.
"I said RUN!" Leafy grabbed a knife, and hurled herself towards Pin. The two fell onto the ground with a cold, hard thud, as Leafy began to raise her knife into the air.
No more.
Match quickly regained her balance, as she held her bleeding wrist painfully. She quickly ran away from the two, escaping into the inky darkness of the woods.
Meanwhile, Leafy brought down the knife; Pin jerking her head to the side, watching it as it stabbed into the earth. Pin growled, as she began to rapidly slice her trowel in Leafy's direction. Leafy swiftly stood back up, scrambling towards Pin's side and kicking her with all of her might. Pin winced; biting her tongue as she wrapped her arms around herself.
Leafy jumped onto a tree, digging her nails into the bark as she clung on. She watched as Pin slowly began to sit up, her limbs trembling from the pain of the impact.
Leafy jumped down, slamming her foot against Pin's cheek. Pin cried out, the trowel slipping out of her hands as she covered her face in pain. Leafy landed onto the ground, quickly turning around and grabbing Pin. She yanked her back up, and held her head tightly.
"So...tell me, how did you kill off Firey? You pushed him off, right?"
Pin growled in response, feeling a droplet of blood trickle down her chin. Leafy raised her eyebrow, as she clenched onto her head more tightly.
This made Pin yelp.
"Do you remember this..? Do you remember when you held a certain someone like this..?" She whispered, menacingly. "Who was it again..? Was it.."
She lifted Pin's head slightly, and slammed it against the tree; a slight crack emitting from the impact. Pin screamed, and Leafy listened carefully; her screams of pain sounding like music to her ears.
"Goodness, you sound just like Golfball.." she laughed out. She lifted her head once more, and slammed it harder against the bark. Pin screamed; the pain becoming unbearable.
Leafy rolled her eyes, the screams beginning to sound more annoying by the second. She tossed Pin onto the ground harshly, as she began to reach out for the knife she had.
"That's too quick of a death for you." She gritted through her teeth. "If I'm going to kill you, it's going to be slow and painful; avenging everyone else, you know?"
Leafy paused, staring back down at her.
"Coiny..!" Pin cried out, warm tears beginning to spill down her cheeks. "Coiny, me..!"
Leafy scoffed. "Are you serious right now?"
"HELP ME..! C-COINY..!!"
"You can't be- oh my tree, you are ridiculous."
Leafy stayed silent, as she watched the figure wither down in fear below her. She continued to scream for her dead lover, as Leafy clenched the knife tightly. She began to walk closer towards her, as her screams and movements began to die down.
"I'm sorry Pin..." she sighed out, inspecting the knife in her hands. "...but, I pray that you never see him ag-"
Suddenly, Pin jumped back up, swiftly moving towards Leafy and knocking the knife out of her hands. Leafy's eyes widened, as Pin smirked slightly. "Just like old times, huh..?"
And with that, she lifted her into the air, and slammed her down against the ground. Leafy wheezed; the air being knocked out of her.
Pin quickly ran back, and snatched the knife into her hands; preparing herself to finish the job.
"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Leafy screamed out, grabbing another knife and quickly stabbing it into Pin's back. Pin winced; gritting her teeth as Leafy began to stroke her cheek softly, her mouth curling into a grin.
"Oh....Hello Pin..~" she whispered. Whimpers began to escape from Pin's lips, before Leafy hushed her, tracing her finger over her cheek.
"..Miss me?~"
Her vision began to darken.
Her limbs began to grow weaker.
Her eyes...
N O W.
With all of her remaining strength, Pin turned around and angrily dug the knife into Leafy's chest; twisting it and watching the blood ooze out quickly. Leafy's eyes widened; a choked whine bubbling up her throat. Pin dug the knife more deeply into her; letting a scream of anguish come out of her. The two then slinked down onto the floor, blood beginning to pool around the two.
Pin reached back, and could feel the open wound that was soaked with blood. She winced, before she looked back down at Leafy, slowly scooping the figure into her arms.
Leafy gritted her teeth, before her eyes fluttered open, tears instantly filling them up to the brim. A awful wheeze escaped her lips, as blood began to pour out of her mouth.
"J-Just give in." Pin muttered, watching the figure die in her arms. "No ones h-here to save you."
"N-No one will be there t-to save you too." Leafy growled out, spitting blood from her mouth. Pin clenched her fists.
"N-No one will be here for you...not even when you die..." She coughed, wincing in her arms. Pin stared down at her, before Leafy glanced back up, locking her eyes with hers.
"W-Why..does it hurt.."
"W-We used to be...friends..everyone..was your friend Pin.." She choked out. Pin's eyes began to fill with tears. "What..happened...?"
Silence. Pin shook her head, as she simply began to rock Leafy cautiously, noticing as her tension began to loosen.
"Sleep..." Pin whispered. "I-...Its over, Leafy. No more questions..Just.."
Leafy's vision began to give out. She felt a cold shiver go down her spine, as she laid closer to Pin.
"..Just sleep...go to him.."
Everything began to fade away...
"..he'll be waiting for you.."
A hand slammed against the window of the Freesmart van. Pencil jumped up; her cheeks wet with tears.
"I-It's her!" She cried out.
"She found us!" Ice Cube screamed.
"Wait, Wait Wait! Don't you hear that?!" Book hushed the two, raising her hand into the air.
"Hear what?!"
The voice made Pencil gasp, as she quickly moved forward and yanked the door open. As she looked ahead, she covered her mouth in both grief, and relief;
There was Match, covered in blood...with one hand over her injured wrist. Her face was pale; but the joy returned, as she saw Pencil's face.
"Let her in!" Book yelled out. "We need to fix her wrist!"
Pencil quickly helped the taller figure inside, quickly throwing her arms around her. She held the figure tightly, sobbing into her shoulder as she cupped her hand around her face, smothering her gently with kisses.
She was alive.
That's all that matters.
She was alive.
Hey everyone
It's been. A while oop
But,,,here's the next part! Leafy dead oop
But! Match lives on,,two hands still in tact pff
Anyways, enjoy (:
(P.s. also I hope u liked the foreshadowing.)
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