Memories, Galore
"Pin? What are you doing?" He laughed out. She threw her arms around him, a feeling of glee rushing through her veins.
"I love you so much, you goof!" She exclaimed. This made his cheeks glow with blush, as he glanced down at the figure.
"O-oh! I, uh- I-"
"Oh, hush!" Pin looked back up, a brightened grin shining on her face. She leaned in, and let her lips lock onto his, as she felt his arms carefully wrap around her body. A few moments passed, before they broke apart, gently cuddling each other within their arms.
"Yeesh, would you Cut the sappy stuff already? It's making me sick." The scientist stepped forward.
"Oh come on, you have TB! Don't you love him?"
"Are you kidding me?! Of course I do!" The scientist walked over to her big friend, who gave her a kind smile. He stood by the rock, who looked up at the taller figures with joy; a childlike happiness shining in his eyes.
"Calm down, you two." The crisp walked through, his arms crossed in a parental manner. "You can fight at another time; I have enough to deal with."
"Which is why you need to rest.." the fluff came flying by, giving him a gentle cuddle before she floated up. The jello walked beside him, placing a arm on the crisp.
"How about we have some-"
"Fries?" Fries muttered out, gently patting the jello's head. Jello nodded happily.
"We could go for some too!" The tall chimed in, holding the hand of the quiet. She nodded in agreement, and the crisp sighed.
"Alright, alright, fries for everyone, then!"
"Hmm, I'll take some fries.." the beautiful turned towards the group, gently brushing her hand through her soft, pink petals. She giggled slightly.
"What about you, huh?" Jello patted the anxious's back, as they gave him a kind smile; nodding in response.
Soon, the bright and the burning came through, their hands intertwined together. The bright's eyes were looking around, as she slowly drank in the wonderful feelings that surrounded her. The burn smiled, and gave her hand a gentle kiss; a puff of steam rising from her hand.
The burning then turned back around, and his eyes locked onto hers; blazing..
But before the burning could do anything, he suddenly let out a laugh, as he threw an arm around her. She smiled; sinking into the warmth of his arms. He leaned in, and gave her forehead a gentle kiss, a smile as bright as day painted onto his face.
He closed his eyes. Soon, everyone was now staring towards Her. Tears began to pour down their faces, as their bodies began to deteriorate. The jello's hands fell clean off; the burning began to cry out tears of blood. The tall's neck began to turn purple, as the silent's mouth began to pour down blood. Wounds began to slowly cut through Him, as he leaned into Pin's ear.
Their eyes opened;
With rage.
Pin woke up.
She gently patted the silky, red sheets that she was curled into. She turned slightly, expecting the comforting presence and embrace from him. She expected to feel his arm softly wrap around her, and she'd giggle...
Just like how things used to be.
Her eyes slowly dragged open...
Tears slowly began to burn at her eyes, before she shook her head angrily.
No tears. Nothing.
We're going to work.
She dragged herself out of her bed, tossing the covers back onto her pillows. She rubbed her eyes sleepily, as she made her way back into the living room.
"Morning, you two."
Nickel and Bomby both stared at her, their eyes widened in pure terror. They began to thrash around, attempting to free themselves from the ropes that held them down, and bound against the chairs. She yawned slightly, as she walked towards the kitchen.
Still a mess.
She grabbed a few yoylegrapes (a/ n: they have other fruit but we addin 'yoyle' in front of each one oop), that laid inside of the fruit bowl, and popped a few into her mouth. She bit into them, as the sweet and tangy juice began to melt into her tongue. She walked back towards the doorway, a smug look beginning to form on her face as she stared towards the struggling figures.
"Funny; you try so hard, but you simply can't get free." Pin mumbled, walking towards the two. "It's a bit cute, actually."
Nickel tried to speak, but his words were muffled through the cloth that silenced him. She rolled her eyes, before she walked over towards him, yanking it off of his head. He coughed slightly.
"Wh-Why are you DOING THIS?!" He screamed out. "What happened to you?!"
"What happened to me?" She laughed slightly. "Well...nothing, surprisingly. I'm the same Pin you once knew...but only now, you will have a perfect use for me."
"Oh, let me explain." She walked back towards a small stand, and grabbed the trowel that sat on the top. She turned back towards the two, her eyes gazing over towards Bomby.
"Ever since we moved down here...I've been having some strange...dreams, per say." She began to walk towards Bomby. "These dreams were...scary...very scary...but soon, I began to realize how I would feel in the dream."
"And what was the dream..?" Nickel whispered.
"It was just a garden." She grinned, as she grabbed Bomby's arm. She tightened her grip, as Bomby began to thrash around in fear. With her other hand, she gripped the trowel; poised it over his wrist, as she began to lift it up.
"Wh-What are you doing..?"
Pin smiled, as she turned back towards Nickel.
"Only following my dream.."
Suddenly, she slammed the sharpened edge of her trowel into his wrist; blood spurted out from the cut, as Bomby's screams began to erupt through the cloth that attempted to silence him. She turned the trowel slightly, and began to dig, each movement becoming more harsher, and harsher. Blood began to spray through the air that surrounded her; some stained her face, and some drops even made its way over to Nickel.
His face was pale; eyes full of fear, as he couldn't do anything but watch as Bomby withered and screamed out in pain.
She continued to cut through, until a sudden crunch scratched itself through the air. This made Bomby jolt, before a loud, pained howl managed to break through the muffles of the cloth.
Must've broke through the bone.
A few moments passed, before Bomby's hand fell flat onto the floor below them, twitching slightly. Blood poured out of Bomby's arm, as his face was quickly beginning to lose its color. Pin happily grabbed his bloodied hand off of the ground, as she dangled it in front of Nickel's face. Droplets of blood splattered onto his legs, as a sickening smile spread onto Pin's face.
"This.." she began. "This is what my garden needs...the hands! The hands is what gives my garden the most life it could possibly get!"
"B-BUT YOU'RE KILLING HIM TO GET IT!" Nickel cried out. Pin giggled.
"So? I've gotten used to it by now."
"Where do you think everyone is? Why do you think Firey's screams are now silenced? Why don't you see the duo and their little friend walking around anymore? I'll tell you why.." she traced her hand over her trowel. "I killed them all."
"Wh- Why...I.." Nickel
"Like I said...I'm following my dream." She smiled, as she began to wipe the blood off of the trowel. Nickel stared at the ground, his eyebrows furrowed together in anger. A heavy silence hunger over the three...
"What happened to Coiny?"
"Did you kill him too..?" Nickel looked up. "Did you kill your boyfriend?"
"Well, I-"
"Oh, who am I kidding..." Nickel tutted angrily. "You must've. And you never knew how much he loved you."
"I-I did know how much he loved me..! He-"
"Really? You killed him, and cut off his hands, and yet, you say you love him?" He shook his head. "I don't think you-"
"Shut up." Pin muttered, clenching the trowel in her hands.
"I'm only saying the truth. Do you think he loves you? Do you think he's out there, watching you and thinking to himself, 'gosh, I know she didn't mean to, I still love her with all of my heart'?" He clenched his teeth. "Guess what; he isn't. He's gone; and if he's out there, he is definitely not wishing the best for you."
Pin slowly turned around to face him, a hint of red tinting in her eyes. She gazed over towards Bomby once more, noticing how his breaths were becoming more weaker and shallow. His movements were now subtle, as he weakly opened his eyes to face her once more.
She began to walk towards him, grabbing his other hand angrily. He began to shake his head rapidly, muffling out cries of help and begs of mercy. Nickel's eyes widened.
"Wait, WAIT, DON'T DO IT! PIN!" He screamed.
Pin didn't listen. Instead, she drove the trowel into his wrist once more; blood beginning to ooze down and gush out of his wound. His screams became quieter; losing gallons of blood, he could feel his heart slowing down. Nickel was screaming at Pin; begging for her to stop.
But she couldn't listen.
She could feel the blood ooze onto her, as she felt the crunch of the bone. His body twitched violently, as she dug deeper into the bone...
Moments passed, before his hand collapsed back onto the ground. Blood poured down from his wound, as Pin turned back around to face Nickel.
"Bomby..." his voice broke, watching as Bomby's movements began to slow down in total. Pin rolled her eyes, as she stood over him, a grin spreading on her face.
"Next one up, please..."
"We're stuck."
"We're STUCK HERE!" Pencil screamed out, frantically looking through the glass window. "I-I forgot about the glue!"
"Can't we just break off of it?!" Ice Cube cries out.
"No! I-I've tried!"
"UGH! Ruby, this is ALL YOUR FAULT!" Match screamed out, her face beginning to turn red. "NOW WERE GOING TO DIE!"
"I HOPE YOUR READY TO SEE FLOWER AGAIN, BITCH!" She began to move towards the back of the van. Ruby scuttled back; cries of fear filling the van. Book quickly stepped in front of her, holding her arms out in defense as Match began to approach them. Before she could make the final leap, Pencil reaches out, calmly placing a hand on Match's arm.
"Match.." Pencil whispered. "Please...."
Match scoffed.
"Please.." Pencil looked back up, tears shining through her tired eyes. Match paused, gritting her teeth angrily, before she slowly sat back down into her seat. Silence filled the van for a good while, before Bubble lifted her head up.
"Wh-What are we gonna do..?" She mumbled. Pencil turned back, quickly wiping her eyes before she looked back up.
"There's nothing we can do...but stay here."
"We're not going back to the clubhouse. That would be the first place Pin looks. And she wouldn't expect us to be in here; this thing is held down by glue."
"What if she does find us, Pencil?!" Match cried out, tears now pouring down her cheeks. "I-I'm scared, I'm so scared!"
"Shh.." Pencil embraced the sobbing figure, gently rubbing her back as she held her closely and tightly. Book held Ruby in her arms, as she stared down at the bottom of the van. Sniffling and cries reverberated through her mind....
No more.
Book angrily stood up, and began to grab the sheets that were placed on the seats. She began to place them over the windows, sticking them on and blocking any sunlight that would enter through the tinted windows. Pencil looked up, and watched as the figure began to fix out the van.
"What are you.."
"No more." Book mumbled, turning back to face the group. "No more deaths. No more blood. From now on, we stay here. We have everything we need, and all we have to do is stay quiet."
"But the windows are already tinted enough.." Ice Cube chimed in. "Why are you covering them up?"
"Pin could look in here, and find our
silouhettes. It's better for her to look at total darkness, instead of shadows."
"A-And the doors..?"
"We lock them."
"What if she knows we're in here..?" Ruby sniffed out. Book looked around, before she angrily grabbed a knife from her bag that she had brought along.
"We fight back. I'm not letting any of you die."
Everyone exchanged nervous glances, as Bubble spoke out once more.
"What about Fanny..? Bracelety..? And the night..?"
"...I don't think you can go out anymore. It's too risky."
"No!" Ice Cube cried out. "I didn't- I didn't even get to say goodbye to her!"
"ENOUGH." Book shut her eyes, forcing the tears that welled up in her eyes back. "Listen to me, we are in danger. I'm sorry, but we can't risk losing you two."
"Why can't we moike a plan?"
"Me and Oicey go out, and if Pin foinds us, we..we run back to the clubhouse! She'll think we're all hiding there, but we run out, and make it back here!"
"Bubble...that's a bad idea."
"How about we bring our own weapons?" Ice Cube yelled out. "If she finds us, we attack!"
Book rubbed her temples in a frustrated manner, before she glanced back towards Pencil. Pencil simply watched, before she looked towards Book.
"I don't know...Book's right, we can't afford to lose you two."
"...I'll go with them." Match looked up, wiping her eyes.
"Match, No-"
"I'm going." She looked towards Pencil. "I...I don't want them to leave them in the dust like that. They have to.."
Pencil looked towards Bubble and Ice Cube, And then back towards Match, shaking her head.
"Match, please.."
"I can handle it.." she whispered, gently leaning in and giving her a kiss. Pencil wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, holding her closely as she returned the kiss.
"...It's settled then. Get ready, you three; you leave at noon."
New York tomorrow baby!!!!!
hello everyone, im back! and were doin good ;! gay? gay.
Bomby's hands are gone...can I get a F for my man Bomby?
Anyways, enjoy this next part!
gniwodahserof howjfksnbsbd
~ice :)
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