Lost? Feel Free to Return
"So, do you think we got enough to keep him in a good mood?" Nickel kicked a small pebble across the path, as he looked back towards the figures that followed behind him. "We were out for a while, and it better keep him calm and cool until the next challenge."
Spongy simply nodded, as he glanced down towards the smaller figure. "We got enough to keep him happy.." he responded.
Nickel glanced over towards Bomby, who was happily munching on a banana in his hand. The three had left Yoyleland to try and get some bananas for Bomby, since the abandoned stores here contained bananas that Bomby wasn't fond of; some rotten, some destroyed. Because of that, the three traveled by foot, resulting them into being gone for the long while.
"Say, I wonder how things are going for everyone back in the city!" Nickel exclaimed, nudging Bomby a bit. "I can't wait to see the team again!"
"I'm just ready to go home and rest." Spongy sighed out, dragging the heavy bag of bananas behind him. "This was enough for me."
"And thankfully, we managed to STAY ALIVE." Nickel shook his leg a bit. "Oddly enough, Leafy wasn't anywhere to be seen..."
"Not even Evil Leafy." Bomby acknowledged, munching on his fruit ( a/n : ARE BANANAS A BERRY? IM PRETTY SURE THEYRE BERRIES??????? I'm boutta have a crisis are they BERRIES).
"They had to be out there though! Maybe we were just too stealthy.."
"No, they had to be out there. We passed a hot spot! And neither of the two were there."
"Something's going on then..." Nickel tutted. They continued to walk down the pathway, and after a few minutes, they walked by a area that was thriving with the most colorful and vibrant flowers the three had ever seen; common flowers such as roses, sunflowers and tulips danced within the air, and ones that shined proudly from the beams of the sun stood out to them, not knowing what types of flowers they were.
"Who's garden IS this?" Nickel said, bewildered at the glowing area of life, which was surrounded by dull trees and a pathway that led down some sort of hill. He approached the small entrance, and began to observe the swaying flowers, astonished by the colors, the scents, and the auras that radiated from the section.
"Probably Fries's; you know how he was planting those potatoes or whatever?" Bomby replied, taking another bite from the banana.
"No way! He was planting those by his place, remember?"
"Well, What if he made another garden?"
"He doesn't even like to garden, he seemed grumpy when he was digging everything up last time!"
"He's always grumpy!"
"What about Pin?" Spongy suggested, kicking his leg a tiny bit. "Doesn't she like plants?"
"Well, maybe it was her! She may be bossy-"
"And a bitch." Bomby tutted. Nickel sighed.
"Well, she may be whatever, but one things for sure; she sure has a passion for this kind of stuff." Nickel plucked a small buttercup from a bush, and held it; continuing the journey back to the city.
"I wonder how everyone's doing back there." Spongy sighed out. "It's been a while since we saw everyone."
"They probably forgot about us by now!" Bomby put a hand on his head. "What if they panic?!"
"Relax, relax. They haven't forgotten about us you dum-dum." Nickel patted his back gently. "And if they did, it's all your fault."
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" He laughed out.
"One things for sure, I'm not ready to sleep through screaming again." Spongy stepped through the two. "I liked sleeping in the peace and quiet."
"Oh, right...Aw, man. Now I'm gonna lose sleep."
"He can't light my fuse, and I'd like to keep it that way!"
Silence hung over the three as they continued to walk away from the garden, beginning to enter the darkness of the woods. Time continued to fly by; their long journey slowly coming to an end. Now, the three were prepared to deal with what was ahead of them; Bomby had his bananas, Nickel could hopefully get some sleep, and Spongy could finally rest.
Why did they send him with the two in the first place?
Eh, who cares. It was too late to complain about it now, and what's done is done; let it stay in the past where it belongs.
The journey was fairly quiet, but the three had gotten to know each other better. Spongy wasn't the gross and useless contestant that everybody said he was; Nickel had a childlike imagination and just wanted to have fun...and Bomby just liked bananas. They were his number one go-to food for...any situation. Don't get them wrong; there were plenty of arguments, but they managed through them peacefully. And now, they were headed back to the city; where the competitions would soon thrive, and relationships would flourish once more.
The three walked by the area where Woody was found dead, and noticed a few flowers laying on the area where he was found. Nickel raised an eyebrow.
"Okay...this is getting a bit fishy." He mumbled, staring at the flowers that were placed upon a darkened stain. "What's with all of the flowers?"
"Maybe Pin really likes them, I dunno!" Bomby replied.
"Well, I don't think it's normal for someone to just place a bunch of them here in the woods.."
"And in the darkest part of the woods! The sun can barely peek through here!"
"Then how are they alive? Don't they need sunlight to survive, or whatever?" Nickel looked back up towards the two, leaning against a tree. Bomby shrugged.
"Beats me!"
"Maybe something happened there." Spongy acknowledged, eyeing the darkened spot beneath the flowers. "Only reason why anyone would put flowers anywhere is to show respect."
"Oh, come on Spongy, we know that everyone has been very careful to try not to die out here! The Recovery centers are broken, after all.."
"But Maybe something happened. Something, unexpected?"
"Bubble probably popped again." Bomby moved a few of the flowers. "But this...stain is too dark for it to be Bubble's liquid."
"Stain?" Nickel walked towards him, and let his glance turn towards the stain on the ground. But before he could give any second thought, the sound of someone yelling soon began to echo through out the forest. Chills crawled down Nickel's body, as he turned back towards the two.
"Hide. HIDE!" He yelled towards them. The three suddenly scattered; Nickel dived headfirst into a bush, Bomby his behind a thick tree, and Spongy simply laid as flat as he could in the darkness. The three stayed deathly quiet, and soon, the scream began to get louder, seemingly...rolling towards the three of them.
"soOMEOME HELP MEEEee!" The voice cried out, rushing by the spot, and beginning to get quieter and quieter. A few moments passed, before rushed footsteps began to chased after it; grunting rather...angrily.
And then...silence.
Nickel popped up from the bush, and began to look around, investigating the area to see if they were in the clear. A moment passed, until he let out a sigh.
"We're good." He called out. The other two let out a sigh of relief, as they slowly emerged from their hiding spots. Bomby tilted his head curiously.
"What was that about?"
"Probably just Tennis Ball rolling down or something. You know how clumsy he is." Nickel laughed out.
"Makes sense." Spongy responded. "But who was going after him?"
"Didn't you hear the footsteps? Someone was running after the guy."
"Oh. Makes sense." Spongy mumbled. Merely shrugging it off, the three continued to move forward, not thinking twice about what was occurring...and the mess that they would soon walk back into.
He finally stopped rolling.
He collided with a tree, slamming his back against the hard, splintery surface. He winced at the impact, as his eyes slowly dragged open.
The world around him was spinning; he couldn't even sit up straight, resulting in him collapsing onto the ground below. He grunted dizzily, until he saw the figure slowly making its way towards him.
"G-..Get AWAY from me..!" Tennis Ball mumbled, feeling tears beginning to prick at his eyes. Pin clenched her trowel hard, as she slowly approached the figure.
"Why should I. I need you. I needed her." She whispered.
"My garden."
"Th-Then why did you KILL HER?!" Tennis Ball was crying now. He could feel the tears slick down his face, as anger pounded through his veins. Pin simply stared; a vacant expression on her face.
"I needed her legs." She replied. "And now, I need yours."
"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" He screamed out, his voice suddenly breaking. She simply smiled...a sickening smile taunting Tennis Ball. She began to approach him, slowly walking around him as if he was her prey. She cleared her throat.
"You miss her, don't you?" She sneered. "She's only been gone for minutes now, and you're already as broken as the vase back in the science museum! And oh, I placed her in the right spot..."
She sighed. "Unfortunately, I didn't get to know much about the little scientist, so I didn't get to know why she was so afraid of the place."
"A-And what did YOU want to know about her, you-"
"Monster. I'm used to it, Tennis Ball. But, I was intrigued as to why Golfball was so...hesitant to go into the museum with you. At first I thought she was joking with you...but hearing her tear up? That was definitely new. And so, I wanted to investigate..." She pointed her trowel towards him.
"Tell me why she acted that way...and I'll let you leave. I'll let you roam around the city, somberly as you miss your dear, little 'girlfriend'."
"Or what." Tennis Ball tutted.
"You end up like everyone else who suddenly faced their untimely death!"
"Oh...like Fries's?"
Pin paused.
"Oh, how about Coiny's? Would you like me to end up like him, Pin?"
She clenched the trowel, as she angrily stomped over towards him. "Shut it." She growled.
"Or what? You'll stab me?"
"YOU KNOW I FUCKING WILL!" She screamed out, pressing the tool against him He didn't dare to put up a fight; instead, he stared at her, a glimmer of anger shining in his eyes.
"Now, you tell me, or you GET IT."
"No." Tennis Ball replied, numbly. "I won't."
"Well, she didn't even tell me in the first place. And even if she did, I wouldn't dare tell anyone else about what happened to her..." He paused. "Even...if she was dead."
Pin raised the trowel angrily, before sighing out in frustration. She rubbed her temples, as she began to pace around the bigger figure.
"So, she didn't have the audacity to tell you?"
"Pin, can you just cut to the chase and kill me already." He looked towards her. "At least, if I get killed, I'll be with her."
Pin stared at him, disbelief painted all over her face...until a giggle escaped her lips.
And then, laughter.
She bursted into laughter, wrapping her arm around her stomach. The concept of that seemed hilarious to her; she simply couldn't handle it!
"Aw, that was so sad! Do you think I care about how you feel?" Pin guffawed, staring him down.
"Well, yes. You're trying to appeal to my emotions, just to get what you want." He shrugged. "I'm not stupid, Pin."
She raised her eyebrow, as she began slowly walk around him. "Well, are you just gonna keep living on without her then? Or would you like me to do the honors for you?" She raised the trowel, brandishing it within his face. She smiled, as his eyes began to follow the trowel; waving it very closely to his face, she traced it along his cheek, winking.
"So? What will it be, big guy? You could have a one-way ticket to see your beloved little scientist again...or, you could continue to live on, go tell everyone about me...and live out the rest of your days like the loner you were really meant to be."
Silence. Tennis Ball's eyes were fixated on the trowel, and after a few seconds, his gaze slowly moved upwards towards the smiling figure that stared intensely at him. He took a deep breath, before he slowly stood up from his spot. Pin grinned...
Before a slap suddenly echoed through the woods.
Pin's head jerked towards the side, the stinging sensation from the slap permeating through her cheek. She could feel her cheek swelling up a bit, as she slowly turned her head to face the figure. Tennis Ball stared down at her, shaking his head slightly.
"I'm not gonna fall into your dirty little hands, Pin." He began to walk forward. "I'm going to live. And as long as I do, I'm making a recovery center, and were gonna put you back in your place."
"You little-"
"You're never going to get away with this. And I don't think you want to mess with me; I think I'll just make a quick stop towards the Freesmarters and let them know about the situation." He smirked. "Besides, they were able to catch you, and bound you down not too long ago."
"No, NO NO NO!" Pin screamed out, clenching her trowel and swinging it towards the larger figure. "YOU-"
Before she could respond, Tennis Ball crashed against her, hurling her back towards the ground. She coughed in pain, feeling her wound on her side throb painfully. Tennis Ball walked past her; not batting an eye towards her.
"Its over Pin. Just accept it." He turned away. "You won't be hurting anyone else around here anymore."
Suddenly, a sharp pain bursted from his back, as he stumbled forward. He felt something digging into his back, as his legs suddenly gave out; sending him tumbling back down towards the woods. Pin simply watched; a grin plastered onto her face.
What? Just watch.
She walked forward, and soon came across the withering body of Tennis Ball, as he attempted to reach back and yank out the trowel from his back. Pin smiled.
"Oh my pin factory! Let me help you out!"
"N-No, WAIT-"
Pin clenched the trowel on his back, and with all of her might, she yanked it out. Blood suddenly squirted all over her, as she began to stab the trowel into his back once more. He let out a scream of anguish; but Pin didn't care.
She continued to stab him..
And over..,
And over...
Some time had passed, before she suddenly noticed that his back was now cut open; revealing his innards, blood poured out and onto the blades of grass below him. She blinked, and the only noise that filled her ears...
Was quiet.
wow golly gee, here we are
the science duo? they're mf gone
But hello!!! I' hope you enjoy this part of fear garden! Im very...sleepy? n like i said in the other thing, i wrote some songs n i am too scared to share it but I'm gonna (even tho they suck aaa)
sorry that was a poor excuse but here we are......theyre back...and one of them will have a important part to the story...
anyways, enough of me rambling....
enjoy. :)
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