Losing Me, Losing You
Just...so tired.
Book was laying on the van floor- clutching the now-dull shards that was once, alive and well. No sunlight dared to enter there- the shadows lurked with haunting auras that tried to pull her out of reality, but grief was working its magic- keeping its barbed arms coiled around Book, and holding her against the soothing feeling of the carpeted floor of the van.
Songs of misery were on rewind in her head- the whispers of hope and dull lights of happiness ultimately washed away into the sorrowful melodies that never seemed to end inside of her. There were moments where Book would burst into tears, and there were moments where Book laid in dead silence, staring intensely at Ruby's shards in her hands.
Maybe she was hoping that she'd move.
Or maybe she was fantasizing about other possibilities- anything instead of this one. She unlocked the little box of dreams and worlds she had once shoved away from her mind, and simply let them run wild.
When Book wept into Ruby's bloodied shards, Ruby had jumped behind her- placing her soft hands on Book's trembling shoulders. She'd yell out in a mocking tone, teasing Book about the reaction and the sudden scare she had made just for her-
and Book? Well, she'd embrace her into a hug.
She could even hear her voice in these little dreams of hers.
"Why are you crying?! It was just a joke, ya goof!"
"I-I was so sure- I didn't- y-your shards- wh-"
Ruby giggled softly, gently caressing Book's tear-stained cheeks and brushing away the globs of tears that had sneaked past her hands. "Shh...shh...I'm here, Book...I'm here.."
Book could feel the comforting embrace of her arms, as she shakily rested her head onto her chest. Hearing her heart beat ever so softly inside her, Book's eyelids began to grow heavy, the fear inside of her slowly fluttering into a happily hushed sensation.
She was still shaken by the incident- but, with Ruby's arms wrapped around her, she couldn't help but feel relieved that it was all a prank. She could've been dead- and she would've been kneeling over that pool of 'blood', her tears of sorrow mixing foggily with the crimson below her.
Oh, how lovely would it have been.
But instead of being held by Ruby, she was here, embraced by the cruel, autumn atmosphere that seemed to linger with the dead.
She wished she were dead.
She could fly around non-stop, and she could hear the chatter of what once used to be her friends.
Laying here for the past week now hasn't been a blast, but its what she would've wanted anyways.
Its funny- thinking about all the things you once had in the grip of your hands, and wishing that you still had it all with you. Because now that it's gone, its gone.
She wish she could've been there, at least. Been there by her side, comforting her until she was ultimately tossed off of the side.
But why would she want that? It would've been much, much worse- seeing the person you love so much, getting murdered right in front of you- and you, not being able to do a single thing about it.
Then maybe she would've wanted to speak to her again. At least apologize for the promise she had ultimately broken- protect her, remember?
She did everything but that. She could've stayed up instead, she could've been the one who fended Pin away from the group, hell, she could've been the one who died instead- and at this point, she didn't give two shits about dying.
It's all hopeless. All of it.
What was the point of even moving forward anyways. She was going to die. She was going to die by her hands. The hands that killed...her.
And once she's dead? Its Bubble's turn.
And after Bubble, Ice Cube's on the chopping block.
But Book didn't care. Nothing seems to feel right anymore in this life. Caught in the webs of loss and destruction, entangled in the self-hatred that was kept so toxically captivating by the small spider of misfortune.
No, not small. More like, giant- because the number of dead bodies were rising faster than my self-esteem ever will.
Well, this situation really shouldn't have the most dead bodies- more like the ocean, since its the biggest graveyard on the entire planet, and, seemingly a garbage chute for people who like to fuck us all over.
Why are we forced to move forward, towards the destructive path that the people we once knew and loved created for us?
Not even create- they destroyed what was once, the bright and hopeful future of their lives. Maybe they could've competed once more, or maybe they all could've become closer- like a family.
Maybe the alliance would've mended back together. They could've included Ice Cube and herself, and they wouldn't have to worry about the freezing nights they'd spend on the roof.
Maybe Ice Cube and Bubble could have had a chance with their lovers- locked away in a small, metal box, far from freedom but safely enclosed by the walls that Pin will never be able to reach.
Book's fist clenched.
...How lucky they all must be.
Innocently oblivious to the hell that is burning from the outside. They didn't have to experience the stress and panic of finding a dead body every so often, their corpses mangled and misshapen in many horrific ways. And the only trademark that confirmed that these were murders?
The corpses hands were no longer there- they were cleanly cut off, a pool of blood replacing its figure instead.
Is that the reason why Pin was doing this?
What was the reason behind it? What's so special about it?
...Her hands were soft.
Oh for fucks sake, here we go again!
Down the pity hole- seriously, Book? Weren't you better than that? Pencil and Match are long gone- and you're the only one in this dysfunctional alliance who seems to have her mind together. So get up, and do something about it.
Ruby's telling me to stay here. She likes it here.
Bubble and Ice Cube are planning to leave, and this is the shit you're doing? Get up, you're going to die if they try to leave this place!
We're all going to die anyways. All under her hands...hands...hands...
And what if THEY die. Bubble? Ice Cube?
I'm just delaying the inevitable every time I protect them. Just let it happen- let it all unfold and nature will take its place. Besides, the quicker I'm killed off, the quicker I can see her again.
I just want to apologize for what I wasn't able to-
Have you forgot how much Ice Cube means to you? You aren't close-close, but you've been there, by her side, through good times and bad- and now you're just going to let her walk away from you like that? Pathetic.
What a way for me to get out of bed.
Listen to me- they're outside. You've been hearing them say that they were going to go back to the TLC- to stay with Fanny and Bracelety! Aren't you scared?!
You had a plan. The blue prints to the recovery centers are just back in GB's lab, untouched and safe! YOU'RE also a recover center manual! Don't you want to save everyone?
Please. It hurts- I miss her so much, too. But we have to keep moving forward- its what she would have wanted for us.
I want to be with her.
But don't you remember the promise you made her?
The broken one.
Yes. The 'broken' one. You promised to bring Flower back-
She's back with Flower now. There's no point in bringing her back anymore.
There is a point. You can bring her back- that promise can be fixed if you just bring her back, dammit.
You bring her back, and then you bring everyone back- and all of you can get your justice against Pin.
By any means you would like. She has taken away so much from you, from the alliance, from everybody that you've ever known. If you get everyone back, you all could do whatever you'd like to her.
Yes. Let her pay for her sins, and drown in her own blood after bathing in the blood of the others.
Book clutched the shards closer to her chest, letting her eyelids lower in exhaustion.
Wouldn't you want...just a tad bit of vengeance? After putting you through a endless shell, and seeing each of your team members drop like flies, I was expecting you to be a bit more...angered, you know.
I'm so tired..
So am I- but I want her to pay.
Listen, I can't sit here anymore- she's gone. I wan't to-
Saying you can't do anything isn't going to make your hopes and dreams come true. You aren't going to wake up tomorrow, expecting to hear Pencil yelling at you for sleeping in the van. You aren't going to turn around in shock, because Ruby is standing right behind you, calling for you and holding you in your arms, telling you that she loves you with all of her heart. She isn't going to thank you for doing everything you can, you aren't going to feel the soft kisses she would give you in the morning, you aren't going to enjoy her warm hugs, her cute laugh, none of it. Do you know why?
It's because she's dead, Book. She's dead, and she's gone, and there's nothing else you can do anymore.
She isn't here anymore.
It's just you.
All by yourself.
And you can stay that way, if you'd like. Unless...
By this point, Book was in tears. She was shakily turning the shards in her hands, watching as a few sparkles managed to shine their way through the darkness.
She wanted her back. Although she continued to tell herself that she didn't need her, that death was hanging over all of their shoulders...
...she just wanted her back.
There was something inside of her that was yelling at her to get her back...but it was being drowned out by the amazing feeling of grief that we had all experienced one too many times already, haven't we?
Haven't you?
She could..get her back..
But how is this going to work...
Book pondered for a moment, her head beginning to throb in pain..but, all this thinking was beginning to get her systems back up and running. She slowly sat up..still clutching the jewels as shakily as she could, but she began to think.
Get up...and get out there.
Find whatever GB had left behind...and finish it.
Fix it all. Bring them all back.
Work together to tackle down that monster, and bring her to the justice they deserve.
Fix them all.
Fix herself...fix her friends...fix everyone.
"Are you sure about this..?" Ice Cube looked up towards Bubble, her frail voice cracking a bit from the nerve and unease that was slowly eating away at her. But Bubble replied in an instant, seemingly not bothered by anything that had been happening for the past few days.
"B-But..what about Book..?"
Bubble rubbed her arms a bit, letting her eyes shift away from the smaller figure. "Listen, OIcy- I love Book, b-But I can't just wait aroind anymore until Pin comes over and kills me- I wanna at least talk to Foinny, at least one more toime.."
"One more time..?"
"OIcy." Bubble gave her a dark look, kneeling down and placing a gentle hand on her head. It pained her to say this to her-...But it had to be said.
"We oiren't going to make it.." She muttered. "No matter whoit we do...Pin is oilways going to find a way around it."
The look on Ice Cube's face was enough to make Bubble's heart pop. She had feared the idea of death- back when she was younger, she had always been so petrified to ponder about what was waiting on the other side for them all, once their time had come. She had tried to find comfort in the situation, but it usually led to downward spirals of existencial crisis's and heavy debates that would overwhelm her, so it was best for her to stay away from it all.
But being a bubble? Death is always the outcome.
Ice Cube's eyes were already shining with tears, as she sniffled, looking down and shriveling up fearfully. "I-..I don't want to die, Bubble-"
If you fear death, don't.
It's going to happen.
To you, to me,
To everyone, some way or another.
Being scared of death at one point..Bubble had now grown used to it...
And being destroyed by seeing everyone around her drop like flies for the past few years? She personally didn't mind joining them as well.
But now, standing here in the open, staring down at a friend who is still petrified at the idea of death looming so near, not expecting for their last moments to be cowering below a knife-wielding maniac who you once called your friend?
...Slowly, Bubble knelt down, and wrapped her arms around the tiny figure. She held her tenderly in her arms, feeling her sniffle and cry softly as the situation was finally sinking in.
Ice Cube was scared. But Bubble was numb.
She wanted to move forward and be with the person who had her heart...at least once more, before she was finally put to rest.
But she was patient. There she stayed, holding Ice Cube in her arms as she sobbed like a small child. She didn't care that she wasn't prepared for death...no no.
When the time came, she would hold her close...and step into the darkness, together with her.
"I don't know what's next.."
Pin crossed her arms, a unsatisfied frown growing on her face. She tapped her foot on the uneven dirt below, and let her eyes scan her works in front of her.
Of course, it was all beautiful. The garden was practically overflowing with life- the petals of the flowers seemed to have a soft aura surrounding them, and even when the sun is down, they seemed to emit a soft, heavenly glow from them.
It seemed magical... something that she would had never imagined like this before.
But still, there was something missing..
"And just to think," she began, "I was walking around, back and fourth, stressing over a stupid little dream that would soon open many wonderful doors for me? What a little wimp I was.."
You still are.
Oh...you're still here. Pin rolled her eyes.
What are you even doing anymore, honey. It's all as clear as day now! You see, I've already gotten everyone in...and now there's only three left! A joyful grin quickly grew on Pin's face.
And maybe? We can even get to all of those little objects in- what do you all call it- the TLC...?
I don't care anymore. I just want to stay and-
And what? Apologize? Cry, try to stop me? Well, guess what honey, that isn't gonna-
Say goodbye.
"....What?" The sudden news shattered through Pin's mind.
...you heard me.
You were right. There's no point in me being...here, anymore. I know what you're going to do...and I have no choice but to accept what you're going to do.
At first...Pin stood there, shock numbing every other sensation she could of felt at that moment.
And then..a giggle.
And then..
Pin was cackling, wiping her eyes as tears were beginning to pour down her face. "WOW! I never knew you were so...WEAK! Where was this strong, independent leader I've heard SOOO much about, huh?!"
I just can't do this anymore. Even if I do fight back...who am I going to come home to.
Who am I going to run into anymore, without them looking at me and cussing, cursing, hey- even beating me. I won't be able to go anywhere because of the tainted image I...painted over myself.
"Uh Huh..!" Pin giggled, gently fumbling with a small lily of the valley.
And if I can't do anything about myself anymore...then I'd rather be with them. Because at least they'll know that I wasn't the one who was doing all of this.
"You really miss those dead-beats?"
They're my dead beats. And yes, I do.
"Then LEAVE, dear! If you want to go diddle with your closest 'friends' again, just pack your bags and leave! It is that simple!" Pin crossed her arms.
But a moment of silence passed...as the air around her had begun to grow heavy.
Confused, Pin began to look around as the atmosphere was growing darker. Fog swirled through the vines that constricted around the limbs that were sliced away, and the leaves seemed to sway, the soft rustling giving off a hushed warning towards her. Her eyes narrowed..as this was beginning to grow familiar.
All too familiar.
But don't worry...you won't really be alone, once I'm out of here..
"What the fuck are you talking about." Pin's lip curled angrily. "What are you-"
I could be with them, yes...but, as we both know, they aren't really...settled in, yet, yes...?
And I'm sure they'd love to finally have a break...
...Figures were beginning to form around her. She shakily began to stumble back, trying to avoid anything that she was pulling from her sleeves...but the closer she got to the gate, the thicker the fog would grow.
You loved them too...
You loved him, too..
...I hope you don't mind...but we're all pretty tired...would you like to come and join us..?
As we lay in these fields of our flesh...with the sunshine shining down on us...
And while we are hearing your begs for mercy.
Imagine actually having talent??? God I wish
I don't even have anything to say at this point. I'm tired, I'm sad, I lost everything
Kinda wanting to yeet myself into the ocean baby
I just want to give up, because these are never good, nothing I ever do is goooood
Also, writers block? Sis, she's my friend
It's almost 12 am and Im crying
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