Hushed Whispers
Ruby covered her mouth, as Book slowly stumbled towards the scene. She felt her throat close up, as she looked down at the smaller figure, sprawled on the floor below. The book was in one arm, a bottle of pills loosely clutched in the other.
The book had some sort of a...
Book carefully lifted Teardrop's arm, as she grabbed the book, her breath becoming more heavy and shaky. She looked at the paper that stuck out from the book, and slowly opened it to the page.
It was a photo.
A photo of the...
"Squashy...grapes...?" She whispered, her voice faintly shaking. She inspected the picture, looking at all of the figures in the sunshine-filled scene.
Leafy stood in the middle, her mouth curled into a large grin. She was looking towards Teardrop, who was beside her, giving her a high five. Teardrop was smiling; her eyes sparkling as she returned the gesture.
She removed the picture, and was shocked to see...
Teardrop's writing.
It was shaky, and a bit scratchy, but Book quickly scanned through it, trying to figure out...anything.
Anything that could answer her questions.
Why did she do it.
"No... No, no, Book...."
Book looked up, and her eyes trailed over to Ruby, shock beginning to numb her entirely after she had read the note. But she quickly snapped out of it, as she noticed Ruby hunched over, holding her head, with tears spilling down her cheeks. Her face was dangerously pale; her eyes widened in pain and panic, as she stumbled back, not able to break her stare with the floor.
Book looked down, and placed the book back onto the table, rushing over to Ruby's side. She couldn't say anything; she was silenced, her mind now heavier than before. She felt a darkness that dragged her lower and lower below the grounds...
But she couldn't feel this right now.
Ruby's hurting.
"T-T...Teardrop-" Ruby wheezed out, as she clasped her chest. A tear squeezed out of her eye as she began to lean backwards. Book quickly caught her, and put a hand oh her cheek, caressing her thumb around it. This didn't help; Ruby was still whispering and crying, not being able to break out of the shock that was hitting her.
This happened once...
But now it happened again.
With someone she could've...saved..
Suddenly, a shift in the atmosphere around the two made Book lean in and give Ruby a small peck on her lips. She didn't know why; or what...made her do it, but she swore she felt something..push her to do so. The atmosphere had a strange, airy feeling, and it didn't feel calm; yet it wasn't chaotic either. Book shook her head, and looked down Ruby, a bullet of sweat rolling down the side of her head.
Maybe this would calm her down...
A deep red blush bloomed on her cheeks, as she began to panic even more than before.
"I-I..You...Y-You Kiss-" Ruby blubbered.
Book felt tears prickle in her eyes. That was...a mistake.
Well...she didn't know. Ruby wasn't in the right state to grasp the situation...maybe she could figure out how she felt later.
"I-..I know this is scary..." Book whispered, gently sitting Ruby back down. She cupped her hands around the gem's face, caressing her cheek soothingly.
"But...We have to stay strong..We can't give up, s-..she wouldn't..want that for you..." Book hiccuped, feeling herself nearly burst into tears.
But this seemed to calm Ruby down; she was no longer shaking, nor mumbling, and her breaths were slow and soft. Her eyes were locked onto Book, refusing to let anything break the connection between the two.
"We can get through this..." She used her free hand, and gently picked up Ruby's, letting her thumb do a gentle, rubbing motion on the back of it.
"Together...?" Ruby whimpered out, as she gently grasped Book's hands. Book felt a sad smile creep up onto her face, as she nodded, helping her back up on her feet. She shot one last glance over at the lifeless body on the other side of the room, before she shook her head, and looked back down at Ruby. Her head was resting on Book's shoulder, as she clung onto her arm, not wanting to let go. Book gave her another kiss, whispering her final word...
"Aren't you hurt?"
"She kissed Ruby...I thought you'd be more...upset?"
"Do something Flower!"
All eyes turned towards the taller figure, as she shook her head and sighed quietly.
"I'm...Not angry."
"WHAA-?!" The others gasped in shock. She rolled her eyes, before clearing her throat to gather everyones attention once more.
"Listen. Before I...died...I told Book to take care of Ruby for me. To try and...make her happy. I know Ruby; I know she would be hurting a lot after that..." A warm smile grew on her face, as she watched the two figures leave.
"She's keeping her promise. And you know what?"
She turned back towards the others.
"I'm proud of her."
A few hours have passed, and the city seemed...oddly quiet. Clouds loomed over the horizon, slowly floating closer towards all of them, threatening rumbles of thunder being heard from the distance.
Coiny gazed out of the window, his eyes foggy and gloomy. He was shivering, his arms wrapped around himself. He didn't feel well; it was beginning to get rather...cold, inside of the house, and he was in a terrible mood after what...they found earlier.
The word of Teardrop's suicide had quickly spread around; Coiny, being the first one to hear about it, after seeing the gem and the book trade out of the small blue house, both of them with tear-stained cheeks. Coiny couldn't believe it at first...
But after reading the note, and seeing the empty pill bottle...
This was hurting him. Damaging his state-of-mind.
The weakest and most frail objects, some he knew, some he wasn't fond of... were now...gone. Now, there was just him, his girlfriend, his friends...and the alliance...what if we don't-
'We're gonna make it through this, we can stop the murderer and make them pay, once and for all..!' He thought to himself.
'We can make it, together!'
But, even with the positivity he was trying to give himself, he couldn't help but feel...upset. Scared. No one knew who the murderer could be; Their inhumane ways of slaughtering and killing has made him wonder,
who would do such a thing?
Well, it couldn't be Pin. He knew her like the back of his hand...she was too loving, and do such a horrific deed.
Leafy? He wasn't so sure...she sounded genuinely upset when she spoke with him not too long ago...
But she could be lying. Just like she has lied, many times before.
As he was thinking of who it could be, he felt a blanket wrap around his shoulders, a pair of hands squeezing them gently. He looked back, and felt his chest warm up when he saw Pin. A sympathetic smile was on her face, as she gave him a small peck on the cheek.
"Figured you might've needed this." She whispered. He thanked her, before he gently pulled her towards him, sitting her down beside him. He held her hands, giving them a reassuring squeeze.
"Pin..." His voice was low and quiet, seemingly exhausted from everything that had happened earlier.
"I need to ask you something...but I don't want you to freak out, get angry, get upset...I'm just curious."
Pin nodded. She knew where this would be going; but, of course, she had to keep up the act.
"Are you...the murderer?"
Pin froze for a moment, before opening her mouth, prepared to give him the proper response, but, for some reason...she couldn't speak.
Coiny, on the other hand, waited patiently. He knew she wasn't the murderer; but the question still must have hurt her in a way, after seeing...all of these deaths.
What do you think you're doing?!
'I..have to tell him. He has a right to know, doesn't he?'
He's going to ruin EVERYTHING for you!
'But...I love him. Doesn't he deserve to know...?'
But he WONT forgive you. Don't you remember how some of these murders AFFECTED HIM? He'll begin a riot for pin factories sake!
'He wouldn't. I know him..'
'I'm gonna tell him.'
"Coiny.." Pin clasped his hands, taking a small breath. He looked up, listening to what she was about to tell him.
Suddenly, she felt the room beginning to vanish. Her eyes widened, as she began to feel her body go numb. She was surrounded by the familiar void that she had grown used to, back when she would have these constant night terrors.
She could hear mumbling; low and high. She couldn't move; she could only look around, panicking, until....
Tell him, and we'll KILL him.
Pin's heart nearly stopped. She shook her head frantically, as she felt tears building up in the back of her eyes.
'N-No! What do you mean?!'
You telling him, will lead to him telling everyone while you're trying to run off. Don't you remember, Rule #11? "Do not hurt your best friends"..? Well, haven't you thought of how much life,, his hands could bring to the garden...?~
'No...No, I-I CAN'T KILL HIM, I-'
Then its simple. DON'T TELL HIM.
Pin shut her eyes, as she felt a chill run down her spine. White noise filled her head, as she collapsed onto the ground, hearing the voice become softer, and softer.
Don't tell him,Pin. It'll only be a matter of time....
Before he gets to know.
She opened her eyes. The world around her shifted, as she sat up, rubbing her head sleepily, as she began to look around.
She...was back home!
It was darker, no later than...
She looked up at the small clock she had hanging over the wall.
8:00 pm.
The sound of raindrops tapping against the windows broke the silence, as she quickly looked around for Coiny. After a moment, she spotted him; on the couch, a blanket tucked over him, as he snored quietly.
"how..." Pin mumbled, confused and still a bit dazed from the wake. She didn't understand how...he went over there that fas, when they were just here, talking.
Don't worry; I told him we weren't. Told him rest.
Pin nodded, as she slowly stood up, carefully moving her way towards him. She didn't want to wake him; she tried moving as quiet as possible. She made it, as she carefully laid herself next to him, trying not to break him from his slumber.
But, she did, as he shifted, beginning to wake up from the sudden movements he felt.
"Wh-..Wha...Pin...?" He drowsily whispered, turning his head to try and look at her, but was hushed by Pin. She placed a hand on his mouth, as she let a smile grow on her face. She leaned in, and gave him a peck on the cheek, moving closer to him.
"Sorry Coiny..." She whispered, as a low rumble of thunder echoed through the air.
"I just wanted to be with you..."
"SO? What are we gonna do?" Pencil placed a hand on her hip, as she looked around the room. Everyone in the room exchanged nervous glances back at each other, before Gelatin stood up from a chair.
"We could try to poison her, make it look poisoning, or maybe a natural...cause?" He suggested, shrugging. Pencil raised her eyebrows, as she gestured towards the small jello.
"I like that idea, what do you guys think?" Satisfaction rang in Pencil's tone, as she looked around the room.
"I think its a proper way to get REVENGE!" Ice Cube grinned. Pencil nodded in agreement, as she turned towards another object on the sofa.
"Well.. Oi don't knoio..." She looked down, fiddling with her thumbs.
"Oi don't thoink death is a good...solution..."
Pencil rolled her eyes, as she tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for Bubble's thoughts on the matter. A heavy silence hung over the room for a moment, before Ruby stood up, her eyes puffy and dark.
"We can avenge Flower, and Needle, and Firey, and everyone else who died by her hands..!" She exclaimed, as she felt Book patted her back, helping er sit back down. Ruby sniffled, as she laid her head back on Book's shoulder, staying as close as she could. Book looked up.
"Ruby's right. None of them, not even Rocky, deserved to die that way! We have to help avenge them!"
Pencil nodded, as she turned towards the last object n the room.
Match didn't respond. She sat on the sofa, her posture hunched over. Her eyes were foggy, and she seemed very out-of-it. Pencil cleared her throat, trying to get her attention.
"O-Oh, uh..." Match jumped a bit, snapping out of her daze. Her voice was frail and stuffy, almost sounding a bit..ill.
"I agree-..."
Pencil's eyebrows furrowed together, as she sat beside Match, concern sprawled all over her face. She took Match's hands into her own, and this made Match look up.
"Match, are you feeling okay..?" She whispered. Match hesitantly shook her head weakly, a cough escaping her lips.
"I-..I think I'm getting sick..."
"SICK?!" The room bursted into panic as everyone quickly ran towards the sickly figure, spontaneously asking question after question.
"GUYS!" Match raised her hands, coughing more harshly.
"I-Its okay,, didn't do..anything..."
Pencil put a hand on her cheek, tears threatening to crawl out of her eyes.
"Match, are you sure...?" Pencil's voice was quiet, as Match nodded, letting her forehead touch Pencil's gently. Pencil flinched; she was burning up...
"Eeew, gross, they're in love!" Gelatin snickered. Pencil shot him a nasty glare for a moment, before turning back around to face the alliance.
"Girls, help Gelatin find ANYTHING that'll work for this plan. I want that monster gone." She gritted through her teeth.
"I'll take care of Match..."
The others nodded, as Pencil helped Match up. The two began to walk towards the stairs, heading for one of the rooms that they had, leaving everyone else behind.
"So, Freesmart..." Ruby looked up, wiping her eyes.
"What's our plan?"
"Well, we can try to look around for some poisonous plants, or berries..." Ice Cube suggested, scooting closer towards the group.
"I don't...think that would work. I think we should try to make this look like natural causes; a "accident", per say." Book added.
"So, what can we use...?"
The room filled with silence, as everyone thought of ways they could finally put Pin in her place. The silence continued for a good minute, before Bubble spoke out.
"Book, aren't you a IDFB Guoidebook?"
She nodded, before Bubble thought once more.
"Do you thoink we could try and use...the bugs?"
"The bugs?!" Book snapped up, shivering at the sudden thought. Those bugs haven't been seen for a good year now, and Book wanted to keep it that way. They were multi-legged arthropods, covered in bright, luminescent red or purple spots. Purple spotted bugs were harmless, while the red spotted ones..were deadly.
"Why bugs, though? Aren't we going to poison her?"
"Well, if I'm remembering correctly, the bugs are POISONOUS. We could make this look accidental, if we just capture a few and let them run free in her home!" Ice Cube chimed in.
"Well, yes, but, what does that have to do with me?" Book pointed to herself.
"Why would you need the guidebook?"
"Do you think it says where the bugs can be found...?" Ruby whispered. Book looked down at Ruby, before she looked back up, sighing.
" me up, lets see where these guys can be found..."
"And once we know where they are, we find them..." Ruby held Book's hand, and squeezed it gently.
"And we put a end to this murdering spree."
why do i feel like my writing is getting...worse. what is this
anyways I bring you: the lesbian team brings a plan : part 2
also. rubook,,,,,,I'm sorry that ship is cute and hmnvmdnbf
anyways i hope you enjoyed this part...i am feeling a bit sick, and I am not feeling so BRIGHT but i will try my best to be positive for y'all bc ily and you guys leave some nice comments for me ksjdhghsjkjdh
also I will possibly be making other stories? this one will be a top priority but the others....i wanna write m o r e
anyways, enjoy....ill talk to you guys in the next chapter~
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