Hope We're Still Friends
//MASSIVE TW FOR THIS CHAPTER. I know I put one towards the beginning of the story- but I feel like this is needed in this chapter. Please proceed with caution.
EDIT: TW for gore/cutting!! Not really self-harm but similar to it-
Staring at the clouds above, Bubble had blocked out all of the chaos that was taking place beside her.
There was nothing but dread in those eyes- hidden conversations and fears swirling within them, yet was there really anyone around to notice..? Anyone around to even care?
Of course- there were those who were currently trying to break out from the Locker of Losers; with the sound of clashing and banging swelling in the atmosphere, she could tell that they were giving it their all to try and break out of that prison.
But what was the point of doing so? The cycle would repeat. She would see them all as fresh meat- a assortment of hands that are all waiting to be ripped off by her own.
...It has been so hard, lately.
Too hard.
Waking up and realizing that this cycle is only going to repeat again, and again. And of course, certain cycles may feel more comforting than others- one may feel afraid about breaking out of this cycle, because it offers this sense of comfort and familiarity.
Nothing will ever change. The same people around you will never leave. The one you love the most will never leave your side.
But with this cycle, there's something thats more stronger than that sense of familiarity- something that not there to try and comfort you, but to hurt you. Its waiting for you- and once it sees you in its sight, it begins to crash on top of you. It tries to knock you down, again and again, until it sees you crumbling to your feet.
Harsh, isn't it? Hasn't everything been a little too harsh right now?
It just feels like it. Things have only gone downhill.
No matter how much hope or praying you could ever do, it only goes downhill. Life, never seems to give you a break.
She tried telling them that this wasn't worth it- with everyone dead, there was no way that they could stand a chance against her. After all, she was capable of picking off the others, one by one- all to feed into her sick desires.
And not only would she take their hands- she would rob them of their innocence as well. She's seen how that pin-headed bitch dealt with the youngest of them all.
She could only imagine how much she could do to the youngest one that stuck inside the TLC.
But, no matter how much she tried to protest against their decision, it didn't change their mind. Their decision is fixed- and their giving it their all to try and bust out of that safe haven of theirs. She just wished that they could listen- if Pin was able to wipe out the entirety of the crew out here, it wouldn't take her long to destroy all of them in there.
After all, she was numb. After she killed her own boyfriend, understandably.
Sighing, Bubble sat up- fighting the waves of dizziness that were slamming against her. After having her arm cut off by Pin, she had lost so much blood- and having passed out in the lab after cornering Book, she was able to get the wound wrapped up.
Lets thank Golfball for being a nerd.
She was able to take care of her wound, as well as Icy's...
Bubble shut her eyes.
No. No need on going back.
She's gone.
She's gone, just like the rest of them.
There was no need on going back and trying to save the day. It all ended the same way; someone went out of their way, tried to save or avenge the ones they loved, and yet.. they lost.
All to her hands.
As the tears began to sting at her mind, Bubble shakily covered her face- a dreaded sense of static beginning to overflow her tired mind. The frantic babbling from Bracelety and the angered yelling of Fanny didn't change anything- it was all fading away into nothingness, leaving nothing behind but the memories of the past.
Back to when things weren't so crazy- when all they had to worry about was team challenges, and eliminations.
They really took that for granted, didn't they...?
"Ugh.." Bubble murmured, weakly lifting head back up to face the metal box that sat beside her. Inside, she could hear the endless discussions that were bubbling back and fourth- ideas between breaking through the metal, to burning it down- with... whatever resources they had in there.
"Tell me! How the hell do you EXPECT us to burn down two thick layers of metal wall! Huh?! Come on smart guy, spit it out!" Fanny snapped, glaring at the object that was towering over her.
Even with Snowball's terrifying image, it didn't scare Fanny one bit- I mean, what could? The man is a fucking snowball, if she threw that mini-Firey back at the guy, it'd be over.
Snowball gritted his teeth. "It was just an IDEA, Fanny. Don't get your blades into a twist."
"A shitty idea, really."
Three more seconds, and Snowball would've snapped that little fan like a twig- but Bracelety quickly stepped in, dragging the figure away from the scene. She giggled nervously, Not minding the fact that she could have been mauled if any of them stepped out of line.
But thankfully... they didn't.
"Okay..!! Why don't we try and- work together, with this? I don't think dying in here would be much of a good idea!!" Bracelety giggled nervously, letting her eyes glance around the tense atmosphere.
The tense feeling radiated outside of the walls- to the point where Bubble could shiver at the silence.
There was nothing she could do. She had the strength- although nobody ever believed her, she was pretty strong for someone who could pop at any second. But with one arm, and a stump that nearly bled out- what else was there to do?
She could only sit back, and continue listening to-
N O O O O O O O!!
As the scream echoed through out the city, Bubble's eyes snapped open- the familiar tone making her blood freeze.
Ice Cube.
It had to be Ice Cube- everyone was fucking DEAD. The city was close to being abandoned once more- and judging from the sound of that scream, it seemed to be coming far north.
No- No, no no no no- Ice Cube...!!
She got her.
She fucking got her.
Yet.. why didn't she feel anything anymore...?
Hearing about Firey's murder, she could remember passing it off as an accident.
But as these murders continued to grow more frequently- to the point where everyone was getting plucked off at the blink of an eye...
The more numb she grew.
Why should she even try.
She's having her way with her.
Ripping her limbs off.
Sawing through her bone..
Watching.. as her struggling was becoming.. well.. more and more useless..
...The frantic chattering from the TLC was beginning to ground Bubble back to reality- and this only made her realize..
They were trapped.
Pin's killing Icy.
And as soon as she's done with her, she'll be coming for Bubble.
And once Bubble's out...
"Well, if you choose to refuse my wonderful offer, not only will I take matters into my own hands...
I'll have to turn towards my next option! Plan BOOM"
...She couldn't...
She can't leave them- if she does, they're going to freak out-
They won't be able to focus on busting out of there.
But if she stays..
What if she can beat her..?
Save everyone.. get them out.. and put this nightmare to rest..
Finally have their lives back on track.. and live in peace...
Yet... if she fails...
There's no point in waiting.
I'm sorry Fanny.
A moment of hesitation passed through, before Fanny ultimately shook her head. "As much as I hate to say it- Bracelety's right. If we keep fighting like this, we'll kill ourselves before Pin has the chance to kill us."
"...Well why can't we off ourselves so Pin can't kill us? Easy way out- plus no one can get hurt!" Pen laughed out nervously, looking around the TLC with a smile...
But nobody was smiling.
"...Pen. Seriously. Are you ok?"
"Ok ok, enough. Come on. Anymore ideas?!"
"We could always try and saw through the metal!" Saw chimed out.
"Or slam our way and break through the barriers?" Bell looked up. "Can these walls withstand the force of all of us?"
"Who knows.. Hey, Bubble! Do you think you can spot anything that can help bust us out of here?!" As Fanny spoke out to Bubble, Blocky groaned out in annoyance.
"Seriously?! You're going to rely on the silent little bitch outside?! She's probably dead!"
"SHUT IT BLOCKY. Bubble??"
No response.
"Wait- Bubble?! BUBBLE?!"
Oh, heavens- this was TOO much fun.
For once.. I have to agree. This was more lighthearted than I thought it'd be.
Seriously? Pin, you haven't had this much fun in AGES. And please- tell me, when was the last time you managed to catch your breath and DESTRESS?!
....I guess you're right.
God, Pin.. where would you be without me?
You'd probably have your hands full of thorns and dead leaves- hell, you probably would have OFFED yourself at the dead state of this garden.
Wow... no back talk today dear..?
I've taught you well! Look at how far you've come, Scarlet..
I'm so proud of you...
Come on! You've made it so far- you could BARELY fathom the idea of pushing Firey off of that cage!! And now..?
Oh, shut up. Do you always have to resort to that whole situation again?
Of COURSE I do. Besides- it was hilarious! Watching you freak out at the sight of a KNIFE.
Pin lips tightened together as she had no choice but to listen to her. She continued to do her work- scraping and slicing here and there, with ice shavings continuously floating down beside her, like pale pieces of confetti.
Except with this... it's going back to her garden. Confetti is too much to deal with-
It's everywhere, it's messy, and ultimately, it does more damage than harm! No point in having something that silly around.
After all- when it comes to your own work, you don't need anyone holding you back. Your focus has to be put into the future that YOU want- and constantly wallowing in self-doubt and fear is only going to hold you back.
After all, that's how it was before this- everyone was already making their time in this city worthwhile, while she was suffering with a dying garden..
...and those never ending nightmares.
Ah- careful, dear! We wouldn't want you hurting yourself with your trowel now, do we..?
I know, I know..
Good- be sure to scrape a little of the edges here! Remember- this is going in your garden- in your HONOR! It'll be the centerpiece of it all-
Didn't we already have Flower as the damn piece here..
Psh- she's nothing more than a damned scarecrow. You're garden needs a more... personal touch, to it.
It is your reflection- the ULTIMATE source of energy for this garden to radiate, and to continue radiating for the years to come!!
...And to share this garden.. how..
...You're already sharing it, dear.
Oh.. oh god-
You're never alone.
"Bubble? Oh my, what a strange little reunion we have going on here!" Smirking, Pin whirled her head to face the object- twirling her bloodied trowel in between her fingers. Staring at the droplets of blood flying off of the trowel, Bubble's face morphed into a angered scowl.
"What the fuck did you do." She gritted through her teeth. Her legs trembled- threatening to give up at any moment, as a result from everything the poor figure had to endure.
But still- as painful as it was, she stood her ground- preparing to give it her all, to try and end this demonic little bitch.
But- yet, there she was- staring back at her with that stupid smirk, and that stained trowel in her hands.
"I SAID, WHAT DID YOU DO?!" She screamed out, stomping her leg.
"Uh- Me? I'd be asking you the same thing, sweetheart! What did you do? I'm still not done tidying up the place!"
Hearing Bubble's voice boon through the garden, Pin jumped- taking a step away from her. She could feel the emotional wreckage radiating off of her poor, worn-down soul- and something inside her should have tugged her away from the scene..
But she just had to laugh.
Seriously- This was BUBBLE she was speaking to. The most fragile of them all!
There's no need to be scared by someone who could pop at the lightest insult thrown at her.
Smirking, Pin began to make her way around Bubble- humming softly as she stalked around the poor little thing.
"Hmm... are you sure you'd like to see what you want...?" She asked softly- ignoring the fact that Bubble was inching closer.
...I don't know if we should-
No no no! Let us... show her what she wants.
"...Fine! Don't say I didn't warn you.."
"Warn me-?! Wh-"
Bubble stared in utter confusion as Pin began to walk towards a darker part of the garden- but, that confusion quickly turned into horror, as her eyes locked onto-
"Hm?" Pin looked up, smirking slightly as she lowered the figure into the center of the garden. "Oh- you probably think those are my eyes dear!! Turns out, it's just-"
"..Ice Cube.."
..With horror clenching her heart.. Bubble's face turned pale as she stared at the small block of ice..
...Well... what used to be a block of ice.
Oh, that was Ice Cube Alright-
...but her body..it was..
...she had been carved.. as-
"Cute, isn't it? She's me!" Pin giggled, happily resting her arm against Ice Cube. "It took me so long to do this- but, if I'm going to be honest? It was more of a stress-reliever if anything.
"But, it was just the touch I needed for my garden! More of a- personal touch, you get me?"
"Personal- I-..I.." Whatever words that could have escaped Bubble's mouth, have quickly vanished at that moment. The shock of seeing her only friend.. like this..?
But that word wasn't enough for Ice Cube- the never ending pain in her eyes screamed volumes towards Bubble. It was like she was telling her to kill her herself- just to put her out of her misery.
You'd think being carved into something so minuscule wouldn't do much damage- but towards her, it was similar to being flayed completely..
And having her muscles and organs squeezed and shaped by hand.
"..Speechless, huh? I know, dear- it's breathtaking. But, it's for my garden- and anything that goes in my garden, has to be in its best shape ever." Pin stopped, slowly beginning to approach her. "Of course- it's the same excuse, over and over. 'It's for my garden! This will help my garden flourish! Oh, those hands? It'll fertilize my plants completely!!' But, you know me dear- always trying to keep everything in check!"
Distraught, Bubble could only shake her head, clenching her fist while she watched Pin circle around her- similar to a predator stalking its prey. "...I-..I don't know.. do I even know you anymore..?"
"...No, dear... you NEVER DID!"
Hearing Pin scream, Bubble stumbled away- noticing that the object was scampering around her. She tried to jump back- trying to find a way to escapes Pin's method of capturing her..
That is.. until she felt something hard and cold slicing into her arm.
The pain was barely there- with Bubble's eyes shakily lowering down to her side, she saw a fresh, gaping cut on her upper arm.
The numbness that Bubble once felt was slowly beginning to dissipate, as the stinging hopelessness of despair was beginning to scrape its way underneath the flesh of her open would. Her head whirled around, only welcoming another slice being swiped down her other arm.
"Oop- Too slow, Bubb!!" Pin cackled, watching as Bubble was attempting to hold in her screams of pain. "I mean- come on! You might as well scream- there's no one LEFT!"
With each passing second, Pin began to inch closer towards her- swiping her trowel against her precious skin, and admiring the crimson droplets that oozed down her wounds. Each cut, began to get more than a squeak out of Bubble- as they slowly morphed into grunts..
And shrieks...
And finally... screams of pain.
My.. wrist...
No... no...
There was nothing that could ever bring Pin joy, as much as the sight of Bubble's arms being covered with deep gashes- blood gushing out of them like an endless stream. She caught a glimpse of her left arm- smirking with pride as she noticed a deep gash right on her wrist.
It was deep enough to show the damn bone!
With the laugher bubbling up inside of her, she twirled the bloodied trowel in her hands- giving it a teasing kiss.
"Wow... I'd say that I did a damn good job out there, don'tcha think?" Pin chuckled, watching as Bubble was struggling to keep her balance- with the endless amount of blood that was running out of her, the world was beginning to spin..
Leaving her behind.
"Ohhh... You poor, poor thing.." Pin cooed, slowly making her way towards the figure. "The weakest one of the group.. being nothing but a massive fuck-up once more! It's hilarious dear...
"You came all this way... to try and save THIS armless little freak- only to realize that her time on this planet, is OVER. You had to WATCH, as all of your friends and teammates dropped like FLIES!! And now, when there's nobody left to watch, you come and try to STOP ME...? How STUPID could you possibly be?!
"Everyone is watching you right now, and they feel UTTERLY embarrassed. After all- THIS was the best they could get for revenge?! You're an EMBARRASSMENT, Bubble. A FAILURE. YOU wouldn't be able to fathom the idea of keeping something you love.. alive.."
"...Actually, I do." Bubble snapped, shakily stepping back. "I.. at least.. was able to keep the ones I loved alive... and I-..I didn't.. kill them myself."
"Oh please, Bubble. That doesn't bother me anymore- and if you're stupid little self is trying to use that airhead of yours to break me- well.. it isn't gonna work. Not this time.. and not ever."
"Oh.. you think.. I'm going to use words to break you..?"
..Pin's heart quivered as she heard Bubble's tone. With her smile beginning to drop, bit by bit- Bubble was beginning to inch closer towards her.. blood pouring down her trembling arms.
"Ohhh.." Pin then nodded, as if she were to understand Bubble's.. tactics. "..Oh, Bubble... if you're seriously trying to threaten me here- I say just give it up. Threats during times like these- can only bring hope to the one who's trying to win, here."
"..Well luckily for you.. I've already won."
Bubble's hand then slammed onto Pin's neck- as she forcefully slammed the thumbtack into the soil. This caught Pin off guard; being taken aback by the sheer strength coming from her, she began to try and get her off of her.
Wheezing out, Pin shakily lifted the trowel in her hand to pop the bitch out- but Bubble didn't miss at all, slamming her knee onto the elbow that carried the damned thing, and tightening her grip on Pin's throat.
She hated violence. She would cry whenever she stepped on an ant.
She was the easiest to kill- Pin saved her as the final object so she could simply pop her and call it a day.
But with this...? Watching as this two-faced monster thrashing and squirming under her hold..?
Oh, the idea of taking her time with Pin sounded heavenly. She didn't even notice that a menacing smirk was slowly across her tired face, as she watched Pin's infuriated expression melt into a petrified look.
"Aww... would you look at this...!" Bubble whispered, her dilated pupils shooting straight into Pin's eyes. "And I was told, that you were nothing but dangerous.."
Pin's chest began to feel like it was bursting into flames. Tears pricked at her eyes as she continued to kick and thrash around, frantically doing anything in her power to get her off of her.
The more she tried to reach for her trowel, the more pressure Bubble would place on her neck- and this caused her limbs to twitch, as she was beginning to hear a deafening ring in the back of her mind. With the burning sensation only growing stronger, Pin was beginning to feel her trachea crumbling within her grip- and the world around her, began to grow cold.
Get her OFF OF YOU.
.....you're nothing without me.
That power you felt... the love you received.. the comfort I gave you to help you out of the most dire of situations...
No one is going to treat you like I did.
No one.
You're mine... you always were... but it seems that she's trying to take you out of my grip.
....Who're you gonna choose... Dear....?
"I-...I SAID... GET.... O F F!!!"
With all of her might, Pin slapped her hand onto Bubble's arm- and with brute force, she stabbed her fingers into Bubble's stump, forcefully gripping the bone of her wrist..
And yanking it out.
A deafening crack echoed through out the garden.
But strangely... not a scream... not a shout...
Pure silence.
A hushed wind danced through the garden, causing the plants to sway and wiggle with endless joy. It nearly sounded similar to hushed whispers- carrying the endless secrets that Mother Earth decided to pass along. The colors bursted with an endless sense of comfort and joy, as the sun was already high in the sky..
Pin blinked.. rubbing her eyes.. as she slowly began to feel herself.
Beating heart..
A cold body...
Bloodied hands...
"I-..I'm alive.." She murmured.. smiling as the realization quickly settled in. "I'm ALIVE!!"
Cackling, she hugged herself- twirling in delight before looking towards the two bodies in front of her. Of course, Ice Cube was sitting in the center of it all..
But beside her.. laid Bubble.. a pool of blood quickly growing underneath her.. as her wrist-bone protruded out of her. Bits of her flesh were scattered below it, with some dangling off of the damn thing. Her cuts and gashes revealed her ulna, and it soon began to attract the flies from the place- as they were beginning to circle around the poor thing.
To others.. this could've been saddening.
But with Pin..? She had to laugh.
"HA! What did I FUCKING tell you, Bubble?! You WASTED YOUR TIME. I WON." Pin yelled.
Yet.. Bubble didn't respond. A soft wheeze came from her bloodied mouth, as her eyes were fixated onto the clouds above. This made Pin raise her eyebrow- wondering why she was ignoring her.
"HEY! I'm TALKING TO YOU, BITCH! Why don't you LOOK AT ME?!"
"..Fine." Pin huffed. "Be that way! After all- this is THE END. I WON, and YOU LOST."
She won...
The mere thought of it made Pin smile, as she turned around, beginning to make her way towards the shed. "After all, I was the one who-"
Pin then froze... a Sharp chill running down her spine...
As Pin locked eyes.. with her own dead body.
Oh my god, is this the end? :]
Jk hi- how are y'all doing? Are y'all ok?? I hope so...
God, this took me forever to write- with the end of college approaching, I've been getting projects and exams like CRAZY. But it's been really fun getting back into this fic.
Im planning on completing it around the same time BFB 30 is out- the end of a series with the end of a fic!
But I won't say my goodbyes just yet. We're close! But I'll save that for the end.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Stay safe!!
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