Didn't Expect the Unexpected.
"Shit.." was all Pin could say, as she saw Woody standing behind her, hearing everything.
He slowly began backing away, the trowel slipping out of his hands, as well as the potted plant. He pointed towards her direction, and let out a whine of fear.
"Woody..Woody wait-"
"NO!" He quickly sprinted the opposite direction, to a different path that returned to Yoyle City. Pin quickly sprinted after him, her heart pounding painfully in her chest. She leaped over and grabbed his wrist, yanking him back to her. He shrieked in fear, and struggled to get himself loose from Pin's grip. Her eyes blazed with fury and concern as she tightened her grip.
"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING." Her voice cracked a bit. Woody's body trembled violently as he began to whimper out of pain, tugging his arm with all of his might to try and run back.
And warn everyone.
He shook his head out of fear, as she yanked him closer.
"Don't you DARE tell anyone, you-"
Woody cried out angrily, and bit her wrist, letting his teeth sink deep into her skin. Pin let out a yelp as she yanked her hand back, feeling tears sting her eyes. Woody coughed a bit, and quickly sprinted down the path even more, feeling panic rush through his veins. He ran deeper into the path, where trees began to block out the beaming sunlight that hugged the mountain. As his surroundings began to get darker and darker, he slowed down, and leaned against a tree, wheezing and letting air back into his throbbing lungs.
His eyes quickly scanned around. All he could see was trees and bushes. Just trees and bushes...and silence. He looked down, and saw a jagged rock by his foot. With a trembling hand, he gently picked it up, and held it in his hands, deciding to keep it as some sort of self-defense.
Hopefully, he could defend himself. If his stupid anxiety stayed out of the way...
After a few minutes, he slowly began to make his way back, cautiously looking around and making sure he wasn't being followed. He looked up at the crooked branches of the trees, and stared at all of the leaves dangling from them. He shuddered.
He was so sure that Leafy was behind all of this. Leafy, or Evil Leafy. One of the two.
But Pin...?
He shuddered, clenching the rock harder. No. He can't think about it anymore. The damage was done, and now no one can't do anything about it.
At least he, and the others, can avenge Firey and Rocky's death by letting them know that-
Woody felt someone slam into his back, as the two began to tumble down the path. They growled angrily, and pinned Woody down on the ground. Woody opened his eyes and shrieked once more, seeing that it was Pin, her wrist indented with teeth marks and dots of clotted blood.
"Woody, I am BEGGING YOU-" Pin's voice trembled.
"Please. Don't tell anyone; I-I'll stop! I won't hurt you if you just STAY QUIET,,"
Woody's eyebrow's furrowed together as he clenched the rock in his hands. He remained silent, staring at her with a cold, angry stare. She let out an angry scream as she clenched his wrists even tighter.
"GOD DAMNIT - SPEAK! SAY SOMETHING!" Her voice echoed through the woods. Her eyes were widened with panic as she stared down at Woody, her arms beginning to tremble.
Woody felt his body slowly going cold from the anxiety spike, but he still stared her down, more anger rising in his eyes. This seemed to weaken her, as he felt her grip slowly starting to loosen.
Both pairs of eyes looked towards the source of the voice, fear in one, and surprise in the other.
"Is that you? I heard a loud yell, and-"
The object didn't even have a chance to step out of the shadows, before a gasp escaped their lips.
"Oh- I- Uh-" They laughed a bit awkwardly,
"I- I see you guys are uh- heh- "busy"- um-"
Scurried footsteps were heard, getting quieter and quieter as they dashed away from the scene. Pin grunted angrily, as she looked down at Woody.
"Fine. Have it your way then." She looked at her side bag, and slowly reached in to grab her knife. She felt her head pound painfully as she clenched the knife she had.
"If you won't keep quiet..." She whispered.
Woody quickly swung the rock towards Pin's eye, and smashed the rock onto her face. She screamed in pain as she fell back, feeling tears of blood pour out of her left eye. She grunted, as she looked up.
Woody scrambled up, and began to run off again, trying so hard to increase his speed and tell everyone the truth back in the city.
Pin grabbed the knife, and swung it towards Woody's direction. Even with a bloody eye, she managed to win her aim, as the knife stabbed Woody in the back. He let to an awful wheeze, as he collapsed onto the ground. Grunts of pain escaped his lips as he began to drag himself down the path. He could see the clearing just ahead, the city is right there..he can make it..
Pin staggered his way, and chuckled quietly as she saw him whimpering, and dragging his body towards the city. She could hear his struggled breaths, as he clawed at the earth, trying to pull his way to life.
That's all he wants. He doesn't care anymore, he just wants to live, please, just let him live, just let him live to see the others just, one more time....
These thoughts were silenced as he felt something press onto his back. He spat out blood, as he wheezed harder.
"Leaving so soon, huh..?" Pin whispered. Woody trembled, as he clawed at the ground, whimpering and letting a few tears fall down, staining the dirt below him. He let out a raspy plea, for her to let him go, that he simply wanted to live. Pin laughed.
"I was just like you... so scared..." She leaned down towards his level.
"So small..."
Woody shuddered, as he felt Pin's fingers brush down his wooden back. She gripped the handle of the knife, and grinned, as she forcefully yanked it out. Woody let out a lout scream, before Pin shoved his head into the ground. His screams became muffled as she laughed a bit.
"You know, you were always so annoying..." She grabbed him up, and tossed him down across from her. He grunted, as he tried to scuttle away from her. Pin quickly sat on top of him, and held him down by the neck.
"I'd love to fix that for you." She smiled, feeling a heaviness in her mind, that simply blocked herself from hearing her speak, or even see, what she was doing. She gripped the knife, and dipped it into Woody's mouth. Woody began to scream in fear, quickly catching on about what she was going to do.
"It's time to shut up, Woody..."
And with that, she dug the knife into his cheek, and slit his mouth, from the corner to his side. He let out choked scream, as he felt blood pour down his chin. She turned the knife, and did the same with the other cheek, leaving him with a sickening, bloody grin. He no longer screamed, but instead, let out soft chokes and whimpers. Pin frowned.
"Hm. Didn't work?"
She let out a sigh.
"Ah well. Lets try this, then..."
She hovered the knife over Woody's throat, before suddenly swiping it down, leaving a large slit. Blood began to gush out of the open wound, as Woody's eyes widened. His body began to twitch violently, and Pin let put a happy sigh as she watched him thrash around like a fish out of water.
After a few minutes, Woody's twitching died down, as he laid still. Blood streamed out of his mouth, and his eyes stared up at the sky, foggy and clouded with fear. Pin's left eye let out more bloody tears, as she sat down.
"It worked."
She stared down at her hands, seeing the bloody knife just inches away from her. Her eyes began to darken.
She blinked, as the heaviness escaped from her mind. She blinked a bit, before she winced, and lifted her trembling hand towards her bloodied eye. She felt the liquid, and looked down at her hand, horror slowly painting over her face.
Her wrist was swollen and bloodied, with fresh blood now covering her fingers. She looked down at her legs, which were covered in the scars and bruises that she had earned herself after tumbling down the patch with Woody.
She then looked at Woody, and felt her throat close up. She saw the blood that leaked from his body and throat, and felt the fear that fogged over his eyes. She looked at his wrists.
Red and swollen. From the grip that she had on him.
Pin couldn't do it anymore. She leaned over and began to throw up, letting everything out of her stomach. In between, she let out guttering weeps and cries, before she was forcefully cut off by coughing fits, and more puke rising up from her stomach.
After a few minutes, she dragged her head up, her vision tilting and fading away from her. Her throat burned as her head pounded with questions and waves of pain, and she looked down. She was a complete mess. She couldn't hide any of this. The scars, the eye, the cuts...
She gulped. There was only one thing she could do now.
She grabbed the knife, and slowly dragged it along the ground that Woody was laying beside.
She felt her vision fade even more, as she clenched her teeth. She could do this. She could do this.
She scratched out the rest of the message, before slowly putting the knife in Woody's hands. She curled his lifeless fingers around the handle, and forced herself up. The entire world tilted towards one side, as she gagged. She grabbed her bag with the tools, and slowly began to stagger towards the bright light.
She felt the world tilt even more, as more blood gushed from her eye. A tear slipped out of her good eye, as dizziness hit her hard. She opened her eye, and continued to stagger forward.
Pin wheezed a bit, before she suddenly heard a voice echo and bounce around in her head. She looked up, and saw two blurry blobs slowly growing and bigger towards her. She tilted her head slowly.
"P i n..!" A voice echoed once again. She squeezed her eye shut, and then slowly opened it again.
She reached out towards the colors, her limps and staggering growing heavier and heavier.
Everything suddenly faded to black, as Pin felt a sudden gush of wind blow on her face.
The message, already echoing through the grounds of the earth.
I'm so sorry. It was me.
GOLLY GEE this was a long one. this had. a lot. and honestly it was sort of Pin's breaking point.
But! I bring you! Part. 14? of Fear Garden!
Woody is d e c e a s e d. The 'message' he wrote was the last lines of the chapter, basically the words above lol
or, in better terms, it could've been like "woody, look out, pin's behind you! oh god, he has AirPods in, oh god, oh fu"
im so sorry
anyways!!! enjoy this part of the story!!! thank you guys for the nice comments n stuff aksjhdgdsh <3
see you guys!
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