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IT WAS THE NEXT MORNING when Sarah received the call from Beverly. It was 10 am and Sarah was eating breakfast with Bill still in PJs when the phone rang. Their parents were already at work so Sarah got up from eating her cereal and grabbed the phone.
"Hey, Sarah it's me Beverly..... look I need you guys to come over.... there's something you gotta see, all of you guys."
"Yeah sure we'll be there."
"Please hurry."
Sarah hung up the phone and looked at Bill.
"W-what is it?"
"Beverly says we need to go over to her place, she says we need to hurry."
Bill nodded.
"Call R-Richie, he can go over t-to Eddie's and S-Stan's."
Sarah then calls Richie and waits for him to answer the phone. Sarah heard it ring a couple of time until someone answered.
"Hello?" Mrs.Tozier Asked.
"Hi, Mrs.Tozier it's me Sarah Denbrough. I was hoping I could talk to Richie."
"Of course sweetie, just a second."
Sarah heard mumbling and conversation until she heard someone take the phone.
"Hey Cherry Bomb."
Sarah rolled her eyes and sighed.
"Hello Richie."
"So you're calling because you wanna go on a date? I knew my Tozier moves would get you. I'll-" Sarah cuts him off before he could continue.
"Slow your roll Tozier, I called you because Beverly wants all of us to meet at her place. Tell Eddie and Stan, I'll be telling Ben. We'll meet at our house and go over to hers."
"Alright, See you then Cherry Bomb. Don't forget about me."
"How could I? Even when your gone I could still hear you talking." She says sarcastically.
She hangs up and then finally calls Ben, she waits again and sees Bill holding her bag. She gives him a thumbs up and hears Ben pick up the phone.
"Hey, Ben, it's me Sarah."
"What's up?"
"Beverly called me and she asked us to all come over. Meet me at my house, you remember where it is, right?"
"Yeah, I'll be there in 10."
"Okay bye."
She hangs up the phone and goes upstairs to change out of her PJs. She wore her tan overalls with a yellow shirt, and wearing her white sneakers to top it off. She puts her hair in a pony tail and walks downstairs to Bill and grabs her backpack and both heading toward the garage.
After Sarah called Richie and Ben, everyone was on their way toward Beverly's place. Just like always Eddie was bickering with someone this time it was Stan.
"No the alley is so much faster."
"The Alley is more dangerous and it's disgusting." Eddie tells Stan.
"How is it disgusting?"
"It smells like piss and it's gross. Just take the side streets for once."
"Oh my god." Stan says complaining. "The side streets are the same. They smell like shit and piss."
"Guys fucking stop, my ears are bleeding." Sarah said to them finally getting them to be quiet.
"Can you tell us exactly what she said?" Eddie asked Sarah.
"She didn't say anything, she said that we all need to hurry over."
The gang finally made it to the apartment building seeing Beverly run up to them, breathing hard.
"You made it... I..... I need to show you something." Beverly tells them.
"What is it?" Ben asked her.
"More than we saw at the Quarry?" Richie asked. "If so I can't look my Cherry Bomb is all I need."
"Shut up! Just shut up, Richie." Eddie says.
"My Dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment." Beverly says nervously.
"Then we'll leave a lookout." Bill says and turns to Richie. "Richie, s-stay here."
Everyone then got off their bikes and followed Beverly to her apartment.
"Woah, woah, woah! What if her dad comes back?" Richie asked.
"Do what you always do. Start talking." Stan says to him.
"Its a gift of yours." Sarah says looking back at Richie and then following up the stairs.
Sarah walks behind Beverly as they entered her apartment and they all walked through her living room and towards her hallway leading to a door at the end.
"In there...." Beverly says pointing to the door.
"What is it?" Stan asks.
"You'll see." Beverly answers and walks over to it.
"Are you taking us to your bathroom?" Eddie asked nervously. "I just want you to know that 89% of the worst accidents in homes are caused in bathrooms. And, I mean that's where all the bacteria and fungi are and it's not a really sanitary place.."
Bill goes in front of everyone and opens the bathroom door to reveal the bathroom covered in red.
"What the fuck?" Sarah says placing g her hand over her mouth in shock and disgust.
"You see it?" Beverly asked.
"What happened in here?" Stan asked her.
"My dad couldn't see it. I thought I might be crazy."
"Well, if your crazy, then we're all crazy." Ben tells her.
"We c-can't leave it like this."
Bill goes in and Sarah follows going and seeing all the blood. It covered it from the floor to the ceiling.
"I'll grab the buckets, Eddie the gloves, Stan the rags, Ben the mop, and Beverly grab soap." Sarah instructs and everyone begins to follow what she said.
"At least I'm not wearing white." Sarah says pulling up her sleeves and beginning to clean.
All of them grabbed a rag and began to clean, even though it was taking a while, the bathroom was being rid of the blood.
Sarah grabbed a rag and began to clean the mirror with Beverly. They could hear the squeaks and see the smudge of the blood being plaster, letting them see themselves in the mirror. Sarah then looked at Beverly's arm and saw that she had a bruise on her arm. Beverly notices and moves her arm away quickly.
"How often does he do it?" Sarah asks nervously, knowing full well it was her dad.
"Not all the time, he's usually passed out. Just.... please don't tell anyone. I don't-" Sarah hugs Beverly cutting her off and Beverly lets out a few tears.
"I won't tell anyone, promise." Sarah then puts her fingers over her mouth zipping her lips. "But if you ever need a place to stay, just call me. Us redheads need to stick together."
Beverly smiles and nods and takes out the bag of trash.
"We do, thanks Sarah." Beverly then leaves the bathroom and Sarah grabs her bloody covered sponge and puts it in the bucket.
Sarah would have to switch the water out of the bucket a couple times but after the 8th time they were starting to take out trash. Sarah took a bag with Ben, she saw him hesitate and she looked to see Beverly and Bill talking. Sarah looked at Ben in sympathy and patted his back.
"Hey, she's your January Embers."
"How did you?"
"Did you really think I wouldn't take a glance at that post card? Look I won't tell her, you two are really cute."
She took the trash, leaving Ben with his thoughts. He glanced once more at Bill and Beverly and followed Sarah. Once Sarah threw the trash out she took the gloves off throwing them away as well. She looked at Stan and Eddie and sighed happily.
"Well our work here is done."
After finishing everyone got their bikes and began to walk with them. However Richie was riding his, circling around them and like usual, talking.
"No, I love being your personal doorman, really. Could you idiots have taken any longer?"
"Alright shut up, Richie." Eddie says.
"Yeah, shut up, Richie." Stan chimes in.
"Oh, okay trash the trashmouth, I get it. Hey, I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor and imagining that her sink went all Eddie's mom's vagina on Halloween."
"She didn't imagine it." Sarah says to him. "Bill and I saw something too."
"You saw blood too?" Stan asked.
Bill shook his head at Stan and reimagined the scenario.
"Not blood. We saw G-Georgie...... it seemed so real."
"I mean, it seemed like him but there was this-" Sarah was then cut off by Eddie.
"The clown. Yeah, I saw him too."
Bill and Sarah then looked at Bill and Stan and the both nodded saying they saw something as well.
"Wait, can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?"
"Richie-" Sarah was about to comment until they heard shouting in the distance and they looked around to see what it was. Eddie saw a car and he was terrified.
"Oh shit, that's Belch Huggins' car, we should probably get outta here."
"Wait isn't that Mike's bike?" Sarah asked.
"You mean the homeschooled kid?" Stan asked.
"Yeah, that's Mike's." Eddie says agreeing.
"We have to help him." Sarah say placing her bike down and running to help him.
"We should!?" Richie shouted to her making Sarah turn around.
Beverly nodded and placed her bike down and followed Sarah. Soon everyone followed Sarah and when Sarah saw the scene, Henry was about to smash Mike's head with a rock as he had him pushed to the ground and helpless.
Sarah grabbed a big rock and threw it directly at Henry's head. She hit him in the forehead causing a gash to be on his head bleeding.
Henry turn his head and saw Sarah looking at him smugly and had her arms crossed.
"Nice throw." Stan says amazed.
Mike used that as his advantage and ran over to the group, breathing heavily and gasping. Everyone grabbed a rock and held it in their hands, glaring at the Bowers' gang.
"You loser boys are trying to hard, she'll do you. You just gotta ask nicely, like I did." Henry says putting his hands on his crotch and winking at Beverly.
Sarah looked at Ben and saw that he was really angry, everyone the group was shocked when he threw the first rock and it hit Henry.
"What the fuck." Henry said.
Soon everyone from the Losers club started to throw rocks. Henry grabbed one and was gonna throw one directly at Sarah, Richie saw this and yelled out.
"Rock War!"
Richie then pushed Sarah out of the way and he got hit in the head instead of her. Soon it was an all battle between the Bowers gang and the Losers club. The three boys were outnumbered by the group of eight. So every time one of they guys from the Bowers gang got one hit, they would be hit three or four times.
"Fuck you bitches!" Belch screamed at Beverly and Sarah.
Sarah and Beverly both threw a rock at him and hitting him in the head and groin. Making him fall over in pain and going down with his other friend. The losers club knew they won when Henry's friends ran away leaving him with a bleeding forehead thanks to Sarah.
"Here Eddie, help Mike." Sarah said as Mike was having trouble getting up.
Everyone one began to leave, leaving Henry Bowers alone and helpless. Sarah went to grab Richie but he screams out.
"Go blow your dad! You mullet wearing asshole." Richie the same flips him off and goes over to Sarah and walks with her.
"Thanks for saving me back there. I knew Henry was suppose to throw that rock at me but you pushed me out of the way." Sarah says thanking him.
"Couldn't let my Cherry Bomb get hurt."
"Thanks Richie." She gives him a big hug and walks faster to catch up the group.
Sarah walks next to Beverly and sees that Mike was walking normally and was a lot better after they saved him.
"Thanks, guys, but you shouldn't have done that. They'll be after you guys too, now." Mike says to the group.
"Oh, no, Bowers? He's always after us." Eddie tells him.
"I guess that's one t-thing we all have in common."
"Yeah homeschool Welcome to the Losers' club!" Richie says walking up behind Sarah and Eddie and placing his arm around their shoulders. But this time instead of taking it off like she usually did, she let it stay there.
Even though it was just his arm around her shoulder, Richie was smiling. Happy that he was getting closer to his 2nd grade crush.
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