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Sarah Denbrough was stuck inside with her brother, Bill since they both had the flu. Tissues were scattered along the twins' bed as well as a trash can beside their beds.
The room was faintly lit by one lamp and by the window in their room and could faintly hear the sound of their mother playing the piano downstairs. Sarah was reading her book, while Bill was drawing l to pass the time to feel better until they heard someone knock on their door.
"Billy? Sarah?"
The twins looked up and saw their younger brother Georgie. He was younger by 6 years and was always close to his older brother and sister, looking up to them as his idols.
"Hey Georgie." Sarah said placing her book down.
"Are you hear for your b-boat G-Georgie?" Bill stuttered.
Georgie nodded and went over to the window to look outside and wait for Bill. Sarah gave Bill a thumbs up because he was getting better about his speech. Bill did have a stutter but with Sarah helping him he was getting better and hopefully he wouldn't have it anymore.
Billy began to fold the paper so he could make it into a boat for Georgie. All three of them were suppose to go today but since Sarah and Bill had the flu Georgie was going to go alone.
Georgie made a smiley face on the window when Bill was putting the final touches.
"You sure I won't get in trouble, Bill?"
"Don't be a w-wuss." Bill says.
"We'd come with you if we weren't-" Sarah coughed before finishing her sentence. "-dying."
"Your not dying." Georgie says to them moving away from the window to them.
"You didn't see the v-vomit coming out of my nose this morning?"
"That disgusting." Georgie says making a face.
"Yeah and I had to see that." Sarah says rolling her eyes.
Bill folds the paper and Sarah gets off her bed and goes over to his.
"There's something missing." Sarah says looking at the blank paper. She grabbed Bill's pen on the nightstand and wrote on the boat S.S Georgie.
"There." Showing Georgie. "That's what it needed a name."
"Okay go get the wax." Bill says to Georgie making the smile he had on his face turn into a frown.
"In the cellar?" Georgie asked fearfully.
"You want it to f-float don't you?"
"Fine..." Georgie says grabbing his walker talkie and leaves the room to get the wax.
Sarah gets up from Bill's bed and sticks her tongue and goes over to her bed to grab a sharpie. Georgie comes back into the room with the box of wax a couple of minutes later and hands it to Bill. Bill, Sarah, and Georgie all huddle around his desk. Sarah letting Georgie place his hands around her neck so he could sit on her lap as Bill placed the wax on.
"Alright, there you go. S-she's all ready, Captain." Handing Georgie the finished boat.
"She?" Georgie asked.
"You always call b-boats "She.""
"She." Georgie repeated and looked at his older siblings giving them both a hug.
"Thanks Billy, thanks Sarah."
Georgie grabs his talkie and rushes out of the room to grab his coat.
"See you later! Bye!" He shouts excitedly.
The twins watches as he leaves and goes up to the window to see him leave with the boat. Sarah grabs the talkie and sees Georgie waving to them outside.
"Be careful." Sarah tells him through the radio.
Both Bill and Sarah watch as their little brother runs away after his boat, the last time they'd ever see him.
Sarah was in class and there was five more minutes til summer vacation. Her leg was moving up and down in anticipation as she kept looking at the clock. She looked over to her brother and their friends until finally the bell rang signaling everyone that summer vacation was here. All the students got up, not caring what the teacher had to say as they all began to run out the door.
Sarah went over to her brother and their friends Eddie Kaspbrak and Richie Tozier.
"Sup dorks." Ruffling Eddie's hair and bumping Richie's shoulder.
"Sup Cherry Bomb." Richie says using her nickname for her and winking and Sarah ignores his comment.
"So what are you guys talking about?" She asked them.
"Eddie here was talking about how Stan is becoming a man in a month." Richie explains pulling his backpack up.
They all grab their stuff and walk out the door and into the busy hallway. All the students emptying out their locker and going to the nearest trash can to dump it out.
"Okay so there's this church full of Jews, right? And Stan has to take this super Jewy test."
"But how's it work?" Bill asked.
"They slice the tip of his dick off." Eddie answers.
"Bullshit." Sarah tells Eddie.
"Stan will have nothing left!" Richie tells them making them laugh.
"That's true." Eddie agrees until someone shouts from behind them.
"Wait up! You guys!"
"Hey, Stan, what happens at the Bar Mitzvah, anyways? Ed says they slice the tip of your d-dick off."
"Yeah and I think the rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say "where's the beef!"" Richie exclaims
"At the Bar Mitzvah I read from the Torah, and then suddenly I make a speech and suddenly, I become a man."
Richie places his arm around Sarah and tells the guys.
"I could think of funner ways to become a man." Sarah rolls her eyes and take his arm off of her shoulders.
""More fun" you mean." Sarah says correcting him.
"I'll meet you out front, I got to go to the bathroom real quick."
"Should I join you?" Richie asks Sarah raising his eyebrows.
"In your dreams Tozier."
Sarah walks away from the boys and goes to the closet girl's bathroom in the building. She goes into one of the stalls and goes to bathroom. When she exits the stall and goes to wash her hands two girls from hockey are in the way and soon Greta the school bitch comes in and hit one of the stalls.
"Are you in there by yourself Beaver-ly? Or do you have half the guys in the school with you, huh, slut? I know your in there little shit. I can smell you. No wonder you don't have any friends."
Sarah rolled her eyes and saw that the girl was filling up the trash can with water.
"Which is it Greta? Am I a slut or a little shit? Make up your mind." Beverly says from the stall.
"Your trash, we just wanted to remind you."
Before Sarah could stop the girl, she dumped all the water and trash on Beverly Marsh. Sarah glared at the girls as they laughed. Sarah then went into her bag, grabbing her unopened can of Pepsi and opened it.
"Now at least you'll smell better."
Beverly came out with trash and water all over her, her backpack was soaked too, using it as a shield from the water. Sarah looked at Beverly and then flashed a fake smile at Greta.
"Hey Greta."
Greta turned to look at Sarah only to have soda dumped all over her. Her hair, shirt, and backpack were now covered in Pepsi. Her tons of make up on her face was ruined, and could see the mascara running down her cheeks.
"You bitch!"
"I'm sorry I think your talking to yourself, Gremlin. Fuck with her again and I'll do more than dumping Pepsi on you." Sarah then pushes Greta's shoulder while leaving and giving the middle finger to her sidekicks.
Beverly smiled at Sarah as she exited the bathroom, happy that someone had stood up for her.
Sarah went outside and saw her brother and friends emptying their backpacks.
"You guys didn't do that before school started?" She asked jokingly.
"Best feeling ever." Stan says.
"Yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time." Richie says smirking at Sarah.
"Your so gross Richie."
They all place their empty backpacks on their backs and began to walk.
"Hey, what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Eddie asked.
"Start my training." Richie says
"What training?"
"Street fighter." Richie responds.
"Really? Is that how you wanna spend your summer? Inside an arcade?" Eddie asked him.
"Beats spending it inside of your mother." Richie raised his hand to get a high five but Stan pulled his hand down, shaking his head.
"What if we go the quarry?" Stan suggests.
"Guys, we have the B-B-Barrens"
Everyone had a guilty look, everyone knew about how Bill and Sarah's brother that had went missing. Sarah knew that Georgie was gone and still had a hard time facing it. Bill though still believed that he was alive, trying to find their lost brother and bring him home. Their friends knew the truth as well as Sarah, knowing Georgie would never come home but they didn't want to make Bill upset so they decided to give him more time and let him accept it on his own.
"Betty Ripsom's mom." Eddie says.
The group turned around to see police officers and Betty Ripsom's mom standing outside the school. Since Georgie's disappearance more kids began to disappear and then the town of Derry began to lay down curfews as the missing kids began to pile up.
"Is she really expecting to see her come out of that school?" Stan asked.
"I don't know, as if Betty Ripsom has been hiding in Home Ec for the last few weeks." Eddie says.
"You think they'll actually find her?" Sarah asked.
"Sure in a ditch all covered in worms and maggots smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear."
"Shut up! That's freaking disgusting."
"She's not dead, she's m-missing." Bill tells Richie, making Richie pause and look at Sarah for a moment and she nodded.
"Sorry Bill, she's missing."
The group continue to walk away from the school as Richie tells them.
"You know the Barrens aren't that bad. Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?" Richie said until suddenly Richie is grabbed by his backpack and thrown into Stan by the school bully, Henry Bowers. Henry Bowers loved to torture the group of kids, he was the one person in school that people feared. Knowing that if they tried to do anything, he would kick the shit out of them. Not caring who it was.
"Nice Frisbee, flamer." Patrick said, one of Henry bowers goons. He takes Stan's yamaka and launches it into one of the buses.
Henry then bumps into Bill and Sarah, laughing with his friends until Bill angrily shouts at them.
"You s-suck, Bowers."
"Shut up Bill." Eddie whispers, not wanting to piss off Bowers.
The group turns around and looks at Bill, with smirks.
"You s-say something B-Billy?" Henry mocks.
"You and your sister got a free ride this year cause of your little brother. Rides over, Denbrough."
As he's about to punch Bill he notices an office watching him, his father.
"This summer's gonna be a hurt train, for you, your sister, and your faggot friends."
He glared and licks his hand sticking it on Bill's face. As he's about to walk away Sarah trips Henry making him fall on the ground.
"Your gonna get it bitch." He seethes and gets up and walks over to his friend's car.
"Wish he'd go missing." Richie says.
"He's probably the one doing it." Sarah tells them.
They all watched as the group of bullies leave and speed off.
Sarah and Bill were both walking home after the group left so they could meet up tomorrow. Both had their bikes in hand and decided to walk the bikes to the garage.
Sarah was helping Bill's speech and gave him different sentences to say on the walk home.
"He thrust his fist against the p-post.... He thrust his fist again the p-p-p- shit!" Bill sighs as Sarah pats his shoulder.
"Your getting better, trust me just keep practicing."
Bill smiles and continues as they walk towards their garage.
"P-post." He finally says and they finally entered the garage placing their bikes against the wall.
"Hey Dad." Sarah says smiling.
"Need some help?" Bill asks " I c-could-"
Their father cut Bill off and gave him a stern look.
"I thought we agreed."
Sarah was confused until she saw the life sized model of the sewers. Since Bill still believed that Georgie was alive and he went to the extent of making models, looking through blue prints of the sewer pipes just to find him.
"Before you say anything-"
"Bill-" Sarah tries to stop him before he could say anything else but he continued and she saw her father sighed.
"Just let me s-show you something first."
He turned on the hose and placed them into the tube, letting the water run through it. Bill grabbed his toy action figure and placed it in the tubes, Sarah and their Dad watched as the action figure went all the way to the Barren.
"The Barrens. I-It's the only place t-that G-Georgie could have ended up."
"He's gone, Bill." Their father said.
"But i-if the storm swept G-Georgie in, we should have gone-" Their father got up angrily from his seat and cut Bill off.
"He's gone! He's dead! He's dead! There is nothing we can do! Nothing!"
Every since their brother Georgie died it had been hard in the Denbrough household. Their parents had been distance with them, ignoring them, and never being the cheery family they once were. With Bill's belief of Georgie being alive brought heart ache and grief to their mom.
"Now take this down before your mother sees it." Their father then grabs the map that Bill took from his office and takes it down angrily. "And if you want to borrow something from my office ask." Their Dad leave the garage and Bill and Sarah look at the hamster in the cage.
"I guess that means you get your tunnels back." Sarah says to the hamster.
Sarah turns and hugs Bill, letting a tear or two fall out knowing that wounds were being opened again.
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