BG:Who are you?
Ying:That's the Goddess of Disaster,Dejava!
{{{Her name is pronounced like in "Deja vu" the 'Deja' then 'va'}}}
Fang:How did you know her Ying?
Ying:Cause it's obvious!
BH:How's that obvious?
Dejava:You fools! Can't you see what I just did there?
BT:The dramatic entrance?
Dejava:No! It's the entrance of dramatic!
BT:But it's the same thing. (- _ -)
Fang:But it doesn't make any sense.
Dejavu:Shut up!
[Ground starts shaking]
Ying:Hold on everyone!
BH:LIGHTNING SWORD! HYAAA!!! *dashes too Dajava*
*All attacks targeted Dejava*
*Shields herself*
BH:It's not working!
BT:What should we do?
BG:We're all not done yet!
BT:Now I know!
BG:Blaze! Ice! Merge with the Golems now!
Fang:I'm in too! I missed this!
Mom:So cool.
Ochobot:Be careful Boboiboy!
All 5 clones:Yes Ochobot!
[All of them attack Dejava together]
[Dejava's shield breaks]
Dejavu:What the--no one has ever destroyed my shield!
BG:Thunderstorm! Cyclone! Merge with their attacks!
BH & BT:Okay!
[BH combined powers with BA]
[BT combined powers with BW]
Dejava:Eee! Take this! QUADRUPLE TREE GOLEMS!
Tree Golems:
Dejavu:Don't let their attacks hit me!
[The duos appeared behind]
BA & BH:Heh too late for that!
Dejava: *looks at the back* Since when did you get in here huh?!
BH:You'll know after.
Dejava: *dodges and flies above*
BA:You're not getting away!
Dejava:Do you think you can defeat me?!
[10 tornadoes appeared]
Tok Aba:Oh my!
Mom:We have to get out of here!
Ying:We should go to someplace underground!
Mom:Where to?
Ying:Aha! Just follow me!
Ochobot:You sure you know where?
Ying:Of course run faster!
[Ying runs faster while carrying her grandma,her mom is running,Tok Aba was carried by Ochobot{{{Remember what they did when both of them save Boboiboy's classmates?The part where Ejo Jo kidnaps them.}}}
Fang:Just wait okay? Here I go!!!
*jumps up high to hit Dejava*
Dejava:Hmph! Hehehehehe! ASTEROID THROW!
[Asteroids going to Fang's Shadow Golem]
Fang: *smirks*
[Dodges the asteroids]
Dejava:How in the world?
[Dejava got hit on the stomach by Fang's Shadow Golem]
Dejava:How dare you hit a goddess?!
Fang:You're no Goddess,if you were you would have killed us all.That won't happen...sadly.😊
Dejava:You're no human of this Earth!
Fang:Of course,I'm an alien of another Galaxy!
Dejava:An alien?!
[All attacked Dejava]
Dejava:You rascals! Why did you put me into this?
Fang:You're the one who started attacking!
BG:You're the one who summoned your earthquake powers!
Dejava:It didn't even hurt you did it?
BH:But still,your powers are dangerous!
BT:That's right! You're letting the people here panic and suffer!
Dejava:I'm just here to shake te stupidness out of all of you copycats!
BG:She meant us.
BH:Actually we're all the same person.
Dejava:The same?
BW:There are all 7 of us.
BG:We're all the clones.
Dejava:You're all just one person? Impossible! That means I'm defeated by only one human being?!
Fang:What's your business here?
Dejava:I'm just here to look for someone!
Fang:Someone? Who's that huh?!
Dejava:She's my maid!
Dejava:Restia,my immortal maid.She escaped from the world of Gods!
BG:Never seen her nor never heard of her.
BT:The person you might know is not here.
Dejava:How can you be so sure? Why is it thag my sense is telling me that she's here.
BA:Then what's your business with her?
Dejava:I came to take her back!
BG:In your world you mean?
BG:So that means in the other dimension!
BG:But she's a mortal right? Why would you bring our kind to your world?
Dejava:Don't be stupid,we Gods take what we want.
Fang:None of us can get whatever we want.
BG:That's right! Set her free!
BW:Hot-headed as ever.
BT:Stop your powers right now!
BH:You haven't seen the last of us.
Dejava:Don't be cunning and act too confident right now.You can't defy a goddess.
BH:You're not our goddess here.Why would we worship the goddess of disaster?
BT:Wait a minute,didn't Ying just said that she knew about her.
BT:The girl who said your name a while ago.
Dejava:How come she knows me? No one in this land ever have known me.
BG:That's strange.
BH:She's Chinese right? Why does she know about Greek mythology?
Dejava:Greek? Hahahahaha! I'm not a Greek or a Roman goddess.I'm the goddess of the other world.Where mortals are kidnapped and became as servants.Specifically,if we lost our servant and found them again...we'll kill them.
BG:That's way out of hand!
BH:You can't do that!
BT:That's so cruel!
BA:Why do you like killing so much?
BW:You're an evil goddess!
Dejava:What do you expect?I'm the goddess of disaster,I bring disaster to everyone who gets in my way.
BG:You think you can boss people around you forever?
Dejava:Of course I'm an immortal after all.No one can kill me.I'm the daughter of the god of war,Guillas and the goddess of death,Ursula.
BG:Enough of your introduction! Attack her!
[All attacked her and Dejava goes back underground]
[The tornadoes disappeared and aftershocks stopped]
Fang:She got away.
BH:Man she's fast.
BT:When she gets back,we're prepared.
BG:Eh? Where's Solar and Thorn?
BS:We're here! *waves from the bottom*
{{{NOTE:They're all up in the sky,all the golems were floating because of BH & BT's assistance,BG was riding on BT's hoverboard}}}
[All flies down]
[All golems disappeared]
BG:What's wrong?!
[All ran to Solar and Thorn]
All except S & T:
Oh my god!
What happened?!
Why he's wounded?!
Is he alive?
BS:He's alive,thankfully.We saw him running and looking for us then he saw us.
BD:After that a tornado hits him,but it suddenly stop so it threw Gopal to the ground causing his injuries...
BS:We tried to save him,but...the tornado was so strong.
BD:True it's more powerful than yours. *looks at BT*
BT:Dejava's powers weren't that strong for me.
BW:True.Her attacks were weak.
BD:Then how can't we get through her tornadoes?
BG:I think she's a goddess that her powers,well some are powerful.
BH:Immortal powers are stronger than mortal powers they say.
Fang:Let's not waste time Boboiboy!
[All clones merge back]
Fang:Let's find the others.
Boboiboy:Hold on,call them first.
Fang:Okay. *calls Ying*
Fang:Ying! We found Gopal,he's unconscious and injured!
Ying:How did that happen?!😱
Fang:We'll explain later.Where are you all hiding?
Ying:In Adu du's old headquarters.
Fang:Why there?!
Ying:This is the safest place to hide from all those tornadoes.
Ochobot:Plus Adu du's not here anymore,this place seems run down.
Ochobot:Boboiboy! Are you okay?
Boboiboy:Yes I'm fine,are you and granddad fine too?
Tok Aba:Yes I'm fine,thank god that you're safe.
Boboiboy:Phew...that's good to hear.
Fang:Ying,how's your grandma?
Ying:She's still unconscious,we'll bring her to the hospital soon along with Gopal.
Tok Aba:Gopal? What happened to him?
Boboiboy:An accident granddad.
Tok Aba:How could this happen,what in the world is happening here?
Boboiboy:Calm down granddad,everyone stay where you are,we'll be there.
Mom:Fang,you're okay there?
Fang:Yes I'm fine.😁
Ying:Eh?! What's that on your face?!
Fang:Oh just a scratch.
Ying:It'll be a scar!
Fang:Relax I'm still cool with just a scar on my face.
Ying:But you'll be like Kaizo.
Fang:Don't ever compare me with my brother,we look nothing alike!
Mom:Ahahahaha! Fang is so cute when he's jealous!
Boboiboy:That's right Aunty,he's always like that.
Fang:Okay bye now! See you later! *cuts the call*
Boboiboy:Why did you do that?
Fang:Annoying.You guys kept messing with me gosh.
Boboiboy:But it's fun.
Fang:Shut up!
Boboiboy:Okay Captain's lil' bro! Haha! Race you there! Lightning move!
Fang:Come here you bastard! 💢💢💢
[Arrived at their destination]
Ying:Boboiboy! Fang!
Boboiboy:Ying! Granddad! Ochobot! *hugs Granddad and Ochobot*
Fang: (- _ -)
Ying:Psst Boboiboy,what happened to Fang?
Ying:Both of you get a grip will you?
Boboiboy:Sorry Ying,he's just angry that that I teased him.
Fang:I wasn't pissed,because you teased me,you left Gopal there alone.
All: ...
[cricket sounds]
Ying:Oh my gosh! Both of you forgot him!
Tok Aba:Oi! How dare you leave him there?!
Ochobot:That was a wrong move!
Mom:Why didn't you just bring him with you?
Fang:Because Aunty,I was so pissed that after we arrived here,I totally forgot about Gopal.
Boboiboy:So you're blaming me?!
Fang:Of course who else?
Ying:Stop it! It's both of you're fault.
Fang:But Ying it's--*saw Ying's eyes*
Ying: *gives a death glare* Go now...
F & B:Okay okay we'll go now hehe! *runs away*
Ying:Hmph those two idiots!
Fang:Boboiboy,you're so dead after this!
Boboiboy:Don't blame me for--Gopal!!!
Fang:Did I say only Gopal?
Boboiboy:No not that! I meant Gopal's gone!
Boboiboy:We placed him here right?
Fang:Yea...this is really weird....
Boboiboy:Dejava did this!
Dejava: *appears* Hehehehe...I'm so sorry,I didn't know he was your friend.Well,I'll take care of him for a while,hahaha! *throws a crystal ball and it turns into a portal*
Boboiboy:No! YOU CAN'T TAKE GOPAL!!!
Dejava:Dream on Boboiboy,too bad he's mine! *Attacks him with fire*
Boboiboy: *got hit* AHHH!!!
Fang:Boboiboy! Eeee! HOW DARE YOU?!!!
Dejava:I dare! Muahahahahaha!
Fang:You're gonna pay! SHADOW TIGER! ATTACK!
[Shadow Tiger attacks but Dejava made it disappear]
Dejava:That was so weak.
Fang:TAKE THIS! *summoned Shadow Bear*
Dejava: *dodge dodge*
Fang:Don't get cocky!
Dejava:I'm just confident!😉
Fang:Ugh,an ugly goddess.
Dejava:Just because my skin is black,doesn't mean I'm not beautiful!
Fang:You know that sounded so racist.
Dejava:What the hell?!!
Boboiboy:LIGHTNING SWORD! HYAAA!!! *hits Dejava*
Boboiboy:Feel that pain!
Fang:Attack her now!
[Both attack Dejava]
Dejava:DESPERADO GURABO! *grabs Gopal away from Boboiboy* See you again,but I'm not defeated yet! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
[Dejava gets in the portal and it closes]
Boboiboy failed to rescue his friend Gopal from the evil goddess of disaster,Dejava.Dejava has a black complexion,spiky,dark brown hair,green eyes,and she's a teenager.People mistaken her as an adult,but actually still young,she has the same age with Gopal.Fang regretted that he was distracted by Boboiboy's tease which cause him to forgot about Gopal.At that time and now,Gopal's injuries were severe and it can lead him to death.Dejava kidnap him and took him into her world.Little did she know that the person that she's looking for is one of Boboiboy's friends.Restia is an unknown mortal,she's been serving Dejava for a long time as maid,the real question is:
Who is she?
I can't believe it! It's my fault that Gopal's gone! Everything is getting worse and worse! How should I face his dad?! I've never been scared like this before...I can't blame Fang for leaving Gopal,I made him forget about him.What should I do?...
I never should have let Boboiboy get into my nerves,but I did.I'm sorry Gopal and Gopal's dad,I'm sure I'll be so dead along with Boboiboy.My life has never been this bad.Ying,I'm sorry I disappointed you that I couldn't save your friend.Everyone's gonna kill me now.That Dejava! She deserved to be punish! This will be the last time you heard of me pry.
Boboiboy:Fang...What should we do now?...
Fang:I don't know Boboiboy.....
Boboiboy:How did it turned out like this...
Fang:Forget it Boboiboy,Gopal's gone...There's nothing we can do...
Boboiboy:We can't give up! I'm sure there's something that we can do to rescue him!
Fang:But how?!
Boboiboy:We'll ugh...
Fang:See? How can we go there? It's an another dimension.We need a portal to take us there.But we don't.
Boboiboy:You're just gonna give up?
Fang:Look I'm sorry that I left Gopal,disappointed you and the others,especially Ying...
Fang:I promised myself that I won't disappoint Ying...
Boboiboy:Fang,we can fix this,let's go back to the headquarters and tell them the truth.
Fang:Do you know how would they react?
Boboiboy:We need to tell them Fang,we can't lie to them.
Fang:Fine...we're both at fault...
Boboiboy:For some reason I'm scared...
Fang:Now you know how it feels like telling a painful truth.
Boboiboy:That's atleast we could do!
[Both go back to HQ]
Ying:So how is he?
Ochobot:Wait,where's Gopal?
Ying:Wait don't tell me--
Fang:Dejava took him to a another world.
Boboiboy:We didn't save him.
Fang:We were...too late...
Ying:Oh no...That can't be...
B & F:We're very sorry guys.
Fang:He's gone...
Tok Aba:That can't be...
Mom:How could you let this happen?!
Fang:There's nothing we could do after that so we already told you all the goddamn truth okay?!
Fang:What Ying? Did I disappoint you already? Then that's good.I'm out. *goes out and rans away*
Mom:Ying! *stops her* Don't go after him.
Mom:Ying...I'm sorry,I forbid you to go near him.
Mom:Don't talk to him ever again Ying! Do you understand Ying?!
Ying:But mom he's--
Boboiboy:No Aunty,it's not his fault.Just not Fang Aunty.Let Ying be friends with Fang still,I won't talk to her again.
Boboiboy:Ying! I'm sorry!
Mom:Fine then,Ying don't ever talk to both of them ever again!
Ying:Both of them?! What's gotten into you mom?!
Tok Aba:Hey hey! That's too much.
Mom:Tok Aba,please let your son stay away from my daughter.
Ochobot:This is too much.
Mom:Shut up!
Ochobot:Eh? 😨😨😨
Boboiboy:Please Aunty don't be like that!
Tok Aba:After knowing what happen,you suddenly acted like this,what's wrong with that?
Ochobot:It's not like your daughter who was missing.
Mom:I don't care! Gopal's now gone,now I'm sure Ying will be next.
Boboiboy:What are you talking about?
Ying:Mom! You were getting along so well with Fang,now you hated Fang!
Mom:Stay away from him!
Ying:I'm afraid I can't do that! They're both my friends!
Mom:This is for your own good.
Ying:My own good? What good would that do?
Ying:.......Fine mom.
Boboiboy:Ying you--
Ying:I'm sorry Boboiboy,there's also nothing I can do too...
[2 weeks passed]
[At Ying's house]
After that incident,mom forced me to not talk or go near Fang and Boboiboy ever again.She drastically change after that incident,I saw her getting along with Fang so well,then suddenly she just snapped something inside.What's wrong with her? Did I do something? Come to think of it,Fang hasn't been showing up lately at school,did he happen to know about me not approaching him? This is bad,this is what I get for pretending for so long!
[Watch ringing]
Me: *answered it* Hello?
Ochobot:Oh! Ying!
Me:No Ochobot,it's me!
Ochobot:Listen,how long are you gonna keep it from them?
Me:As long as I have to,plus Dejava is still here,so it's not safe.
Ochobot:You're right.I bet they won't believe you,even Fang.
Me:I know,he might be heartbroken,I know that he's inlove with Ying.I don't know if Ying likes him too.
Ochobot:This is bad,I can't contact him you know.
Me:We need to find him!
Ochobot:First,how can we get to rescue Gopal?
Me:I really don't know yet,we don't know who has the power of portals...hmmm ha! You Ochobot!
Ochobot:Me? I can only teleport places here in this Galaxy,not in the other Universe!
Me:You can! The power of teleportation can take you to any places,how would you know if you won't give a shot?
Ochobot:You're right.
Me:I have the power of channeling once,and I never knew that I could do it.I would never have been in this girl's body.
Ochobot:Okay,when we'll meet up?
Me:Where else? In Kaizo's place.
{{{The truth is out! What's Restia and Ochobot's intentions of going there? Does Kaizo know something?}}}
Cameraman:This is gonna be good.
Ying:What's so good?
Fang:Wait a minute you said that Dejava is--
Director:The new love rival of Ying? Meh! If she was,then it would be cringy wouldn't it? A black lady fell inlove with you and Boboiboy,plus an ugly goddess.
Fang:That's just rude.
Director:In real life,Dejava is beautiful.
Director:Okay Dejava!
Director:Take off your make-up and let them see who you really are.
Dejava:Yes Director!
[Takes off her make-up and wig in the Restroom]
Director:This is gonna be good.
[Dejava shows everyone her real appearance]
Ying:Wow! She's so beautiful! Dejava isn't your real name right?
Dejava:It's Dianne.
Fang:(((Sounded like a bitch name to me,but she's not,good thing.)))
Ying:Dianne! You're so beautiful! I love your acting!
Dianne:So as you Ying.You're more cute!
Fang:You call her cute? She's just nothing,but a two-faced shorty!
Ying:What did you say Fang?!
Fang:Bye! *runs away*
Ying:I swear you're going to be so dead Fang! *chases Fang*
Dianne:Director,they wouldn't have been a great couple in real life.
Director:I know right.
Dianne:I'm so glad that I'm in this show!
Director:Happy to hear that.Dianne...
Director:What I said earlier to Fang about your character,I'm sorry.
Dianne:Oh it's no big deal! Besides,Dejava deserves to be punished anyway.
Director:No really I mean it.I didn't mean to insult the black people.Honestly,I inspired their beauty.
Dianne:I didn't know you love their beauty!
Director:I don't choose over beauty complexion,what I care about is there center.
Director:The greatest power inside that makes people for what they become.
Dianne:I didn't know that.What's my center?
Director:Ask yourself.Only you must figure it out first.
Dianne:Ohh...I see thanks!
Director:Yes Gopal?
Gopal:Can I go now?
Director:Of course!
Director:Yep,it's all yer day-off tomorrow anyway.
Director:Everyone how about we order a pizza? One box per person.
Gopal:I want any toppings!
Boboiboy:The Regular please!
Ying:Extra cheesy!
Fang:The one with carrots on it!
Cameraman:I'll have my old favorite!
Dianne:Pepperoni and ham!
Director:Got it! *Calls*
[Delivery arrived after 30 mins]
Boboiboy:That's many!
Director:Call Yaya to come over here!
Director: *swings head from left to right*
Ying:Oh hahaha! Boboiboy you call her!
Director:Because you're both meant to be! 😆😆😆
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