Chapter 14
"Fawnstar?" a voice mewed. "It's me, Patchfoot." Fawnstar opened her eyes slowly and saw the dawn light filtering in through the trees. The black and white warrior was crouched over her, staring into her green eyes. Fawnstar yawned, giving herself a quick lick.
"Yes?" she meowed sleepily. "What is it?" Patchfoot looked at his paws.
"I don't know if Blossomshine is doing okay," he told her, looking at the pretty calico she-cat.
"What makes you say that?" Fawnstar inquired.
"She's limping again. I think her leg is bothering her. But I don't know how to help her! I'm no medicine cat. Fawnstar, do you know what to do?" his voice rose into a wail. Fawnstar looked over at Blossomshine. She was sleeping soundly, and her leg was curled up under her.
"Ever think it's just sore from the journey? The wound wasnt too bad, and she was up and ready to go in three days. Try not to worry, Patchfoot," Fawnstar reassured him.
"Okay," Patchfoot mewed, padding over to curl up beside Blossomshine. Fawsntar stretched, woken up for the day. She decided she would like to hunt, so she padded into the trees, looking for the smells and signs of prey. Suddenly, a scent wafted into her nose. A squirrel! The brown creature was nibbling at some nuts that had fallen from an oak tree.
Fawnstar moved downwind to pinpoint a good way to pounce on the squirrel. It began to look up, seeing if it had a pursuer. But in a flash, Fawnstar pounced and caught the squirrel in one swift bite to the neck. She scraped earth over the fat morsel and started to look for more prey.
She headed back in the direction of their hollow, looking for more fresh-kill. Fawnstar spotted a mouse looking hungrily under a tall oak tree. It seemed preoccupied, and not expecting a predator, so Fawnstar pounced at the right time and killed it. Looking pleased with herself, Fawnstar padded back and grabbed the squirrel, then went back to the hollow.
"Hey," Fawnstar meowed to Patchfoot. "I brought fresh-kill." Patchfoot nodded and took the mouse, giving it to Blossomshine to eat. Fawnstar called Piper and her kits over to share the squirrel.
"Ooh, yummy!" Patch mewed, jumping in the air. Fawnstar let out a mrrow of laughter and placed the squirrel in his direction.
"You and Velvet get the first bite," she told them. Velvet mewed happily and began to dig in with Patch right behind her. After the kits were full, Piper and Fawnstar finished the large prey.
"Aah," Piper meowed. "I haven't felt full in moons."
"I don't know how it's going to look when we get back to the clans," Fawnstar confessed. "What if Oaktail is dead, or my kits, or Brambleheart..." her voice trailed off.
"I'm sure," Piper began. "That when we get there, we'll find out together. All eight of us together. Don't worry to much Fawnstar." She knew she was right, but Fawnstar couldn't help not worrying.
"Fawnstar," meowed a voice. It was Dash. "I think we should get going if we are to get back to clan territories by sunset." The brown tabby she-cat nodded.
"You can lead," Fawnstar meowed. "You know these parts better than I ever will, so it's best to put your skills to good use."
"Okay," Dash replied. He gathered all the traveling cats together and told them what route they were going to take to get back to clan territories. "We will head around the twolegplace, and cut across a large thunderpath. That should lead us straight back to the moor farm on clan territory. Mind you, that twolegplace is large, and it will be hard. We should look out for dogs straying from it here or there."
"Lead on," Night told him. Dash nodded and took up the front. Fawnstar fell back to walk with Piper and her kits. They were doing amazing, she reflected. They were only about four moons old, but were making the journey back well. Dash led the group out of the hollow in the trees, then out of the trees fully. The twolegplace loomed ahead in the distance, a towering mountain compared the the small forest cats.
"It looks so big," Velvet squeaked.
"It'll be fine," Fawnstar meowed. "If your paws get tired, then I can carry you."
"Okay," she mewed, and bounced happily ahead with her brother. Fawnstar kept a pace with Piper, feeling a bond with the young she-cat. She was the only other one here that had experienced having kits and raising them, and Fawnstar was missing her kits. All four of them.
"What's wrong?" Piper asked.
"I'm just missing my kits," she replied. Piper let out a mrrow of laughter.
"I know, it's silly," Fawnstar meowed. "They're all grown up, and I'm getting older."
"I'm not laughing because of that," Piper mewed. "It's the same for me! I don't want my little ones to grow up, but they're going to have to, right?" Fawnstar nodded. "Then don't worry. We're in this together. The flood, and the kits."
"I guess you're right," Fawnstar sighed. She had been having problems lately. She missed her kin. She missed her father, her mother, her brother, her sister who had died all those moons ago, and her faithful friend Owl-eye who had died from wounds when Fawnstar was about to give birth to her kits. She missed Dewpaw, Tigerspot, Hopelight, Cindershine, and Owlfeather. But most of all, she missed her mate, Brambleheart. She didn't know how he would be doing. Would he be dead? What happened to him?
"Stop," Dash called back. "I think I smell dog." Suddenly Fawnstar knew he was right. She could smell the foul stench even before she could see the creature. It came tearing across the field from the twolegplace, straight for Piper and her kits.
"Hurry!" Fawnstar yowled. "Get the kits to safety!" She dashed back to the little ones and grabbed Velvet, while Piper grabbed her son. They raced across the field to the safety of a tree towering above a hedge, and managed to shove the kits up onto the lower branches. The two climbed in after them, sheltering the little kits from whatever might happen. Patchfoot made sure Blossomshine was safe in the tree before he climbed up. But where was Dash and Night?
"Dash!" Fawnstar screeched. "Night, where are you?!" Suddenly, a flash of black fur emerged from the bushes below, followed by a ginger one. Dash and Night flew after the dog, leading it the other way. "No!" she called. Thankfully, a female twoleg rushed from one of the twoleg nests and clipped a lead onto the mangy thing, dragging it out of the way.
"That was close," Piper murmured. Fawnstar nodded in agreement.
Later that day, the travelling cats had crossed the thunderpath, and the moor farm. They were almost past the small twolegplace to see the devestation, or what they thought was devestated, on Moonclan territory.
"We're almost there," Fawnstar murmured to Patchfoot.
"Yeah," he replied. Blossomshine came up to pad beside her companions. The three walked in silence beside each other, the only Lightclan cats on the journey.
"I'm scared," Blossomshine whispered. "What will we find, Fawnstar?" Fawnstar shrugged.
"Look," she meowed, pointing her tail past the twolegplace. A vast expanse of water stretched across the Moonclan territory, and trickled into Rockclan territory, and the woods beyond. It was a bigger body of water then any of them had ever seen.
Sorry for the delay guys! I've been having a writer's block, and will try to update again soon!
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