Chapter 10
Fawnstar gazed out across the wide stretch of mountains, her fur tingling with anticipation. It was the morning after she had met Night. She knew she must get home, but Night had insisted that they wait a few days for the snow to pass. Fawnstar looked into the sky to see clouds beginning to mass there. But it did not snow, and she felt something brush up against her flank.
"Who's there?" she hissed. A ginger shape flitted around her. It stopped and gazed down at the brown tabby leader. Fawnstar gasped as she recognized Foxstar. "Am I dreaming...?"
"Listen Fawnstar. Listen carefully. You must hear what I have to say." He paused.
"What is going to happen?" she yowled. "Are my clanmates okay? What is going to happen to them?" Her face looked wild, a fiery light in her eyes.
"You'll see. 'The tides shall pass over the moon, and destroy it to its core. The fawn and the night must take a leap of faith to save the shining moon,'" Foxstar whispered. Fawnstar gaped at him.
"What does it mean?" she asked quietly. "Please tell me Foxstar." But the former Lightclan leader had vanished, and Fawnstar was left alone. Suddenly, the mountains began to shrink. Water cascaded over them, and barreled right into her. She writhed in the river flowing through the land, trying to escape. Other cats brushed past her. Fawnstar tried to save herself, but the water engulfed over her head, and her world turned black.
She opened her eyes and found herself in the makeshift den in Night's cave. She blinked as she remembered the terrible dream. Foxstar had sent her a prophecy, she was sure of it.The fawn and the night must mean me and Night, but what are the "tides" that will pass over the moon? And what is "taking a leap of faith?"
"Fawnstar?" She had been so wrapped up in her own thoughts, Fawnstar didn't even notice Night padding up. His black fur shone in the sunlight. "Is everything okay?" She nodded.
"Night, I'm sorry, but we have to leave today." He looked at her, bewildered.
"Because Starclan told me in a dream. I'm sure that's what they mean." She looked up into Night's yellow eyes. "I've made up my mind. Please come with us, Night." He sighed.
"I guess there's no stopping you. We'll leave right away. I'm warning you though, snow will come. Don't be surprised if we get stopped." Night turned and raced off to tell the others. Fawnstar bent down and gave herself a quick grooming. After she was done, she padded after Night.
"We want to come!" Patch mewed. He was bouncing up and down in delight. "Please mama! We want to go see the clans!" He scurried around Piper's paws, with Velvet right behind him. She looked up at Fawnstar, a frightened look in her gaze.
"I'm not sure," the silver tabby queen meowed. "Will it be safe?" Night padded up behind her.
"Yes," he meowed. "We have three strong warriors, and you, Dash and I all know about the dangers that lurk these mountains." He glanced uneasily up at the sky.
"You have to come!" Fawnstar insisted. "We need good strong cats to help with the threat from the river!" Piper glanced down at her kits bouncing around happily. She sighed.
"Oh alright. I suppose you're correct." She swept her fluffy tail around her two kits. "We're going on an adventure!" she announced. Patch and Velvet begin to jump in the air, mewing ecxitedly.
"Yay thank you mama!" Patch mewed.
"We're so ecxited!" Velvet added. Fawnstar let out a purr.
"We should hunt now," she remarked, and glanced at Night. "I'll lead a patrol. Dash and Night, would you come with me? Blossomshine and Patchfoot, I'll need you to stay here and guard Piper and her kits. We don't want them getting hurt." Dash muttered something under his breath, but joined Fawnstar and the black tom. "Night, where's the best hunting spot around here? I suppose you should take the lead." She gestured for him to take the front. He dipped his head respectfully.
"Follow me. This valley supplies lots of rabbits in mice hiding in the gorse bushes." He led the way out of the cave and past a tumble of rocks. It seemed as if they were following a trail. The trail led out into a rocky field, dotted with bushes here and there. "Look there," Night meowed, pointing his tail in the direction of a gorse bush. "A rabbit's hiding in there." Fawnstar sniffed the air. Night was right. Insinctively, she dropped into a hunters crouch and began to creep up on the rabbit. Dash put out his tail to stop her.
"That's not how it works here," he hissed. "You have to be still, and wait for the prey to come to you." Fawnstar was about to throw back an angry retort, but she stopped herself. These cats knew how to hunt here. They had adapted to living in the mountains. Fawnstar watched Dash crouch down. He sat as still as a rock, and eventually, the rabbit came hopping out of the bush. Dash raced from his position, and killed the rabbit swiftly.
"Great catch!" Night purred. Fawnstar nodded her agreement. Turning to her, he meowed, "Would you like to try?"
"Sure." She scanned the bushes in the area, and opened her mouth to taste the air. She smelled rabbit in one. Fawnstar crept up, until she was a few fox-lengths away from the bush. She crouched down as Dash had done, and waited. Soon enough, the rabbit waddled out of the bush. Fawnstar sprang, and killed it with a swift bite to the neck.
"Nice!" Night meowed. "You're a natural." Fawnstar purred at his praise. She picked up the rabbit and hid it in the bush, so she could come and collect it later.
Later, the three cats came back loaded with fresh-kill. There were the two rabbits, and Night and Dash had worked together to catch a huge bird called an eagle. It was huge! They gave the eagle to Piper and her kits, while the rest of the cats shared the plump rabbits.
"Has everyone eaten?" Fawnstar meowed at last. Piper nodded, looking down at her kits. Blossomshine, Patchfoot, Dash, and Night agreed silently. "Alright. We must get going! Night, would you show us the way out of the mountains?"
After a long day of walking, the cats had began to descend from the mountains. Night was in the lead, looking back at the cats to be sure they were following. Fawnstar's paws felt so weary, as if they would fall off.
"My paws feel like they're going to fall off!" Patchfoot voiced her thoughts. Night let out a mroow of laughter.
"We should stop here. There's a sheltered dip in the mountainside, perfect for making nests. And I'm sure there'll be prey hiding in those bushes." He pointed with his tail to a few bushes dotting the mountainside. Blossomshine flopped down into the dip in the mountainside.
"I'm hungry!" She swiped her tongue over her mouth. Fawnstar nodded.
"We should send out a hunting patrol right away. Blossomshine, you can join. So can you, Night. You can show her the ways of hunting in the mountains." Night led Blossomshine away to teach her the ways, while Fawnstar stayed where she was in search of prey. A cool breeze stirred her fur. She looked behind her, but she saw nothing. Then a cold voice whispered in her ear.
"The tides shall pass over the moon, and destroy it to its core. The fawn and the night must take a leap of faith to save the shining moon." Fawnstar shivered as she recognized Foxstar. She yowled out for him, but he had vanished. Suddenly a jolt struck her in the stomach. She had been blind about this all along! The moon must mean Moonclan! And the tides must mean the river! Fawnstar shivered. Than that meant... she and Night must hurry fast to get back to the forest and save the devastated clan, who might affect all of them in the end.
I think this one was a little longer! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you have any ideas for future chapters, feel free to tell me!
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