Year 1783
"The king suspects my Rebellion
and wants to destroy me and my
family. Please fulfil the promise
you made to me. Protect my
daughter. She is now yours"
The General Of Hyderabad sealed the envelope with wax stamp, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. The incandescent glow from the lattern illuminated his features. Years of toils in the battlefield has made his once youthful face, wrinkled and pigmented, brows furrowed and gray hair falling over his forehead slicked with sweat. He glanced at his most trusted man and servant who was standing by the doorway.
"Have it delivered to Your Highness, The General of Lucknow as soon as possible. Hmarey pas waqt buht kam hy...." he muttered, removing his spectacles and pressing the bridge of his nose.
The old servent looked sympathetically at his master/ friend and took the letter. With one last glance, he bowed and left the chamber, leaving the general all alone.
He observed the view outside the window, a dark night, devoid of any stars, just like his now dull hopes. The night was darker than usual and a shiver ran down his spine knowing that soon, his estate would be covered in the same darkness of their own blood.
It was inevitable.
His people would be murdered brutally, and his entire family line would come to an end if he doesn't take any measures soon.
Shaking his head, he took his spectacles and walled out of his study to meet his daughter.
Like most of the girls her age, she should be inside her cozy chamber, getting dolled up, gossiping with her friends, going to the markets for buying pearls and silk, learning how to cook and do embroidery.
And most importantly, trying to get a prospective husband.
But no, his daughter was doing none of these activities. Unfortunately so...
For she didn't have a mother to teach her the ways of the life of a woman. Preeta's mother died when she was barely three years old. The general brought her up with the help of maids and servents.
But when she should've been taught how to act gracefully, how to be ladylike, how to present your best feminine self to others, she was learning things that were considered forbidden for women.
She was learning how to fight, how to kill, how to stab a dagger right across someone's heart, the best strategies of the battle ground, how to not only lead but win wars.
Because Preeta was born into the family of generals, whom history was dated back to centuries. This family of Hyderabad was blessed with the knowledge of military, the best tactics that could help you win any war across the world. The strategies and wisdom of military ran in the blood of this family. Only the heirs would be made aware of this particular set of knowledge and they would serve their country with this.
However their positions were important in the Royal assembly. They were given the highest most ranks in the military.
In case of Preeta, she wasn't a son. She was her father's only child and her father didn't have any interest in having another kid when the little girl gripped his finger with all her might. Right then and there, he knew he'd love his little girl till his last breathe.
So despite the warnings of the nurses and governess, as she grew up, he taught her everything he knew and everything a heir should know about military, The Art of War.
But now, he was realising that it was a grave mistake. Because for him, it felt as if he ruined his daughters life by his own hands, stole away the joys of life a lady should experience. Because at the age of 24, when she shouldve been married and starting a family, she was leading wars, training soldiers and fighting in the name of their country.
No gender barriers could ever stop her passion as she did everything in the disguise of a man.
Though he was extremely proud of the person his little girl turned out to be, he still couldn't ignore the fatal danger lurking in the shadows behind her.
The King of Hyderabad has just ascended to the throne. He was young and quite immature. Be didn't have the foresight that belonged to the previous king and suspected that the general was discretely planning to overthrow him of power and take the throne.
The General would never do that to the estate he has been serving his entire life but the kind didn't believe him. He always rejected any of his ideas and the general could very well see the desire of malicious murder in the King's eyes.
Plus the king had an important reason not to believe him as well.
Hyderabad and Lucknow had been in war for ages. It had only come to a stop recently, 4 years ago. Their war was the most dangerous one known to the history. The war costed a huge loss of lives and property but none of the sides were ready to give up.
The war was lead by him from Hyderabads side as its general. And from Lucknow side was led by the Gemeral Luthra. The youngest General in the history of Lucknow. He was just 21 was he was given this big responsibility.
The General of Hyderabad was infamous in all the regions for his war skills. He was a very intelligent person, a man way ahead of his time. He had seized several states and annexed them to Lucknow making it a powerful nation. The man had his first battle at the age of 14. He was a powerful force and no man in the world could possibly defeat him. He was the second most powerful man in Lucknow, right below the King. But even the King was influenced by his decisions, so suffice to say that he was the most powerful General, history had had a chance to witness. His name was famous as the "God of War".
Hyderabad had just ended a war with another estate when the war between Lucknow and Hyderabaf waged. The soldiers were exhausted. The little military rations could barely sustain them and on top of that, he himself had fallen gravely ill during that time. He had thought that he would die. But at the last moment, his daughter had appeared, asked for his military seal and commanded 3500 soldiers to follow her. Without even entering the battle field, she had led that war, by solely sitting inside the camp and creating the wisest strategies. His daughter had gotten famous overnight as the "Mysterious Strategist" because no one had caught a glimpse of her. No one knew that a woman was leading that war. She was invisible, but a powerful force to reckon with.
Hyderabad was able to fend itself with her strategies for some time but it wasn't enough. The war before and this war had made them extremely weak. Just when the general had thought that Hyderabad couldn't be saved, a letter arrived from the King of Lucknow.
The King of Lucknow proposed a peace treaty for 15 years. It was a surprising decision because if Lucknow had prolonged the war for less than a month, they would have been victorious.
But it was the condition that had rendered him speechless.
The peace treaty was sealed by a marriage alliance. Any of the daughters of the General of Hyderabad would marry the General of Lucknow, Karan Luthra.
He had missed a fact that after the death of Preeta's mother, he was pressured by his peers to marry another woman because a house wasn't a house without a woman to lead it. So, he had married a widow from the countryside. who used to be close to his family. She already had a daughter, Mayda.
So, yes, Mayda was also his daughter but a step-daughter, technically.
Everyone had naturally assumed that the real heiress of his family, Preeta, would marry General Luthra and there had been no questions regarding that. Everything had flowed smoothly. Preeta Sultana was betrothed to General Luthra
The marriage alliance was deemed highly auspicious because of the peace it had brought.
But the General of Hyderabad hadn't had a good sleep since that day. The new king didn't believe him because he thought that with the influence of that powerful son in law, the General could easily overthrow his rule.
And hence, he knew that he was plotting to destroy his family.
So, the General was sending his daughter to foreign lands. To her new home Lucknow, to ber flance. To safety.
"One, two, three..."
The sound of sword making contact with the bamboo echoed in the forest. Her white gown flowing with the gush of wind. With one final blow, the bamboo split into half and fell on the ground below with a thud.
She wiped the sweat covering her forehead and grabbing the thermos she gulped in a single breathe, one, two, three..
It was already night time, the star less sky making it somewhat difficult for her to see, but that didn't stop her.
Preeta has been practicing her skills in the forest for a quite a long time now. It was a place where she could practice swordplay without anyone spying, no one could see her.
Grabbing her sword again, she stood up, refocusing on her stance and trying to find a better approach. The sword glinted in the moonlit night.
That's when she heard hushed footsteps near here, her body immediately alerted by the intrudence. Without a second thought, she whirled around, and pointed her sword at the newcomer's neck, eyes bloodshot and dangerous.
"Y-your Grace-e" laila, her maid stammered, her voice squeaking in panick as she looked between the sword and its owner. Seeing that it was only her, Preeta sighed shaking her head, and dropped her sword to the ground.
"Don't come behind me like that!!" Preeta warned, "I could've killed you..."
"I didn't want to disturb you...." laila muttered timidly, "His Grace has sent me to get you.."
Preeta sat down on the rock, cleaning her blade, "Why??" She asked with a raised brow.
"I don't know, but I presume it's something important... His Grace looked concerned..."
"Important??" Her ears picked up, " I see..."
Standing up, Preeta dusted her gown and let out a whistle while Laila collected her belongings. Soon a white horse came galloping. It came to a halt as it reached infront of her and let out a loud neigh.
It was her horse, Bella. The General gifted it to her when she turned 7. So Preeta practically grew up with her. Preeta stroked her long blonde hair gently and bella leaned into her touch.
"Let's go home Bella.. we are here since dawn, you must be tired...." preeta said setting up her foot on the stirrup and saddled herself on the horse.
"Hop on.." she gestured to laila but the poor maid was scared of the mighty horse.
Laila visible shuddered and lowered her head, "No your grace, please continue without me, you know I'm scared of this thing..."
Preeta giggled a bit, caressing Bella. bella has been famous in her estate for being one of its kind. It was the only purely blonde horse since their race was pretty scarce, and her kind were bigger in size than any average horses they are used to.
"I shall leave then, Father must've something important to say..." with that she galloped through the forest and entered the estate.
"Father..." she knocked on the door.
"Enter.." came a firm reply and Preeta walked inside his chamber.
"You asked for me father?" She asked, settling down in the chair infront of him.
"Yes..." he sighed, putting down his quilt. "I have an important matter to discuss with you..."
"I did get an idea...." preeta muttered, "is there a news of any incoming war?"
"New recruitment orders for our Army??"
"Oh then.... any new mission???"
"No..." he replied shaking his head.
Preeta frowned, leaning forward a bit, "Then what??"
"You are going to Lucknow..."
"What???" Her frown deepened, "Why am I being sent there??" She asked, but soon her eyes gleamed mischievously, and she stood up from her seat, "to be a spy????"
"No preeta....." he sighed, "you are going to Lucknow as the fiance of His Highness, The General of Lucknow. To further explain it, you're going there to get married to him. Lucknow is your home now and it's time for you to go to your home..."
A deadly silence fell in the room for a long time. The only sound was her raged breathing.
What in the hounds of hell!!
Preeta blinked her eyes, trying to digest his words, "No, I'm not going to Lucknow!"
"You Are, Preeta!!"
"Ni I'm not!!"
"You're already 24 Preeta, all your friends have married long ago. Do you plan to stay a spinster for your whole life??"
"What- you-"
"Father..." she took a deep breathe, "I'm not going to Lucknow, especially not to get married to the general!!"
"But you must remember the marriage alliance!!!"
"But it wasn't mentioned that I would marry him! There is Mayda as welll, She can go and marry him!" She pointed out.
But you wouldn't be safe if I keep you here. The King will kill my heiress at first. The General thought bitterly.
"No." He said with determination. "You are the one who will marry General Luthra."
"I am not going to marry an enemy! And I am certainly not going to marry to our enemy country, Over my dead body!!!!"
"Then, who are you going to marry? Tell me."
"I don't intend to marry, not now not ever!"
"But you are a woman!". The General Said, it has always been a sensitive topic for her and bringing the woman thing again boiled her blood.
"A woman who can fight! Who can fend for herself! And I certainly need no man to dictate my life..!!" Preeta said, with determination and pride.
"Preeta, you can't be stubborn on this matter...", He told.
"The general doesn't even seem to be interested in marrying me. Otherwise he would have come to take his bride home years ago. Everyone talks about it. Father. That any daughters of the general can't appeal a man like General Luthra. I am not going to marry a man who has humiliated my family and put their dignity at stake...."
The General was silent for a while and she knew that she had him there. Because if General Luthra had respected the alliance, he would have come to take her hand within maximum 1 year.
"You are still going to marry him. He was merely giving you time."
"You aren't making any sense, father! Why are you defending him?"
"You have a marriage alliance, Preeta. An alliance that two nations are depending upon. You can't be immature."
"Even if it meant that I have to sacrifice my happiness?", she asked. "General Luthra....I have heard enough about the man to last a lifetime and I know that he isn't going to give me freedom once I am bound to him. I don't wish for that to happen. I have got one life and I would be damned if I let another person make my choices.", she remarked, icily.
"You will marry him. No room for any discussion. You may leave.". He said with finality and turned his back on her
I can't believe this..
"Why are you so desperate to get me married. to him? You have never contradicted my decisions before... Father..." Her voice has softened a bit, the hard facade melting, exposing the little girl who wanted nothing but to free.
"It's for the best.", His voice was low. "You will have to go."
Preeta nodded and didn't mutter a single until she quietly stepped out of the study chamber.
Marry him?! Ridiculous!
And not only him, the thought of marrying alone repulsed her. The idea of being owned by someone else, having them dictate your decisions and just be limited to your home with a bunch of crying kids was entirely tragic.
No, thanks!
A new storm had arisen in her life. The only thing in her head was if she should just charge right into it or evade it till it calms down.
And her being the stupid person, knew that she would charge right into it.
No it's not some rewritten version of Forbidden Desire, it's a completely different story😭😭
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