"I promised him not to be late!" Luke said in panic as he ran back and forth in the hotel room, trying to frantically tie his bow tie around his neck while at the same time put on his shoes.
"It's funny, you know," Michael spoke up with a smirk on his face, "I predicted this a whole year ago"
Luke sighed at Michael's words, not appreciating the fact that his friend made it all worse, but ignored to argue back and focused on finish tying the bow tie.
"Luke," Ben sighed and rolled his eyes as he was watching his little brother while being seated on the bed, "You need to calm down"
"How can I calm down when I'm supposed to be in church getting married in 15 minutes and I'm not even done dressing yet?" Luke asked his brother with wide eyes.
"I mean, is the bow tie supposed to be tied this way? Shouldn't my shoes be cleaner? Am I supposed to take out my piercing? We're in God's house, does the big guy want rebellious teens or not?" Luke rambled. Michael sat quietly on the bed and thoughtfully ran his fingertips over the piercing in his eyebrow while Ben rolled his eyes again.
"Your bow tie look like shit, your shoes are fine, and God doesn't care about piercings" Ben said and stood up to walk over to his frantic younger brother and tied the bow tie to perfection. "And your piecing is far from you being a rebellious teen. You had a mid teen crisis and your friends took advantage of that fact and manipulated you into doing it"
"True" Michael mumbled and nodded his head while fixing his collar of the dress shirt over his suit jacket.
"Just take a few deep breaths, put your shoes on, fix your hair, and go get married" Ben spoke and patted Luke on his shoulder while giving him an assuring smile. Luke closed his eyes and took three deep breaths before opening his eyes and nodding his head.
"Thank you" he breathed out and pulled his brother closer to embrace him in a tight hug. Ben smiled and patted Luke's back, holding his brother tight. Before they could pull away, another pair of arms were wrapped around them, and Michael hummed in content.
"Okay," Luke said and tried to pull away but the two pair of arms around him kept him in place. "Okay, time's ticking" he spoke again, this time managing to slide out of the tight embrace.
"Okay, get ready. Is there anything you want us to bring for you? Clothes, speeches, vows?" Michael asked and he was now the one frantically searching the room.
"No, I've got it all in my head" Luke spoke and tied his shoes before stepping in to the bathroom and made a few adjustments to his hair. He ran his fingertips over the back ring in his lip before smiling small and stepped out to eye his friend and brother.
"I'm ready" he said and nodded his head determinedly.
"You ready to get married?" Ben asked and smiled, making Luke grin and nod his head.
"Yeah, I'm ready to get married"
With that, they collected all the things they needed before exiting the hotel and hurried out to the car. Luke groaned and rolled his eyes when seeing Ben had brought his small sports car, but was slightly more content when he got to sit shotgun, leaving Michael in the back.
"Wait!" Luke suddenly burst out when Ben was about to start the car. Both Ben and Michael's eyes widened as they turned to look at Luke in panic.
"What?" Michael asked worriedly.
"Where are my kids?" Luke asked, making the other boys sigh and roll their eyes.
"I swear to god, it's a blessing you're marrying Ashton because without him you'd get lost in the supermarket every time you went there" Ben mumbled before driving out of the parking lot and over to the church. "The kids are with their grandparents, your parents, remember?"
"Oh, yeah" Luke breathed out in relief, causing Michael to laugh.
"I'm a bit more worried if Ashton will show up though. We left him with Dumb and Dumber. And Harry" Ben spoke, referring to Jack and Calum along with Ashton's little brother. Luke immediately glared at him in nervousness.
"Don't worry, Dumber is a cop now so I think he'll manage to get Ashton from point A to point B" Michael spoke and assuringly patted Luke's shoulder before leaning back in his seat.
"Shit, I'm getting married," Luke spoke and shook his head in disbelief while laughing softly, "I'm actually getting married"
Luke jumped out of the car and jogged up to the steps by the big entrance of the church, breathing heavily and smiling nervously as he met the eyes of everyone in his and Ashton's families.
His parents were smiling brightly at him, just like Ashton's mother and his brother and friends. The two dressed up 5 years old ran up to him and hugged his legs before everyone stepped aside to let Luke's gaze meet Ashton's.
Ashton looked.. amazing. Luke knew the boy was alway good-looking and he had already seen Ashton dressed in his wedding attire, but seeing him now on their actual wedding day, Luke thought Ashton was indescribably beautiful.
"Hi, baby" Luke breathed out, ignoring all the eyes that were studying them both intently.
"Hi" Ashton whispered back, smiling so big the sun was literally giving him his own spotlight.
Luke gave both his kids a soft pat on their heads before stepping away from them to reach his fiancé. Soon to be husband. He reached one hand out and cupped Ashton's cheek, gently studying the older boy's face before leaning closer to place his forehead against his.
"You're so beautiful," Luke whispered and brushed his thumb back and forth over Ashton's cheekbone, "I can believe you're mine"
Ashton breathed out a soft laugh while his cheeks gained a bit of a rosy color. Luke smiled and bent down to press his lips against the older boy's, still feeling how everyone around that was watching them with soft smiles on their faces.
"You guys aren't following any of the rules or traditions. You know you're supposed to kiss at the end of the ceremony, right?" Harry spoke up in that knowing teenager voice.
Luke and Ashton didn't care about the traditions, they were old and boring and were made to be renewed. So that's why Luke and Ashton had been making their own rules and their own traditions. Luke honestly didn't care what they did as long as he and Ashton would walk out as husbands at the end of the ceremony.
"Shut up, Harry" Ashton mumbled with a smile on his face before he kissed Luke once again.
"Stop it, I don't want to cry before the ceremony starts" Liz spoke and gently pulled the two boys apart. "Now get ready, the people are waiting"
Luke looked at his mom and breathed in and out before reaching over to pull her into a hug. He did the same thing with his father and went through the whole group of people before turning to his kids.
"Are you two ready for this?" he asked and eyed Leon in his small suit with his small bouquet of flowers and the satin bag that held Luke's ring. Peach had a pretty white dress on and she also held the same type of bouquet and satin bag, though hers held Ashton's ring.
"Yes" Leon spoke and nodded his head, his light brunette hair was turning blonder by the time, and the small wavy curls made the small boy look like Ashton. Luke thought it was adorable.
"You too?" Luke asked softly and crouched down by Peach. Her green eyes were big as her pink lips were pouting slightly.
"Yes" she answered and pouted more.
"Then what's with the pout, cutie?" Luke asked and ran a hand up and down her arm. She shrugged and glanced down at the small bag in her hand before glancing back up at Luke.
"I also want a ring" she said quietly, causing Luke to smile softly.
"I'll get you your own ring after this, okay?" Luke whispered, smiling when a smile slowly spread on her lips as she nodded her head. Luke was already spoiling her.
Peach embraced Luke in a quick hug and gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek before walking over to do the same with Ashton. After that, she stood up tall after and smiled. "I'm ready" she spoke.
With that, everyone got ready in a mess, but Luke didn't mind because without the stress and without the mess, this wouldn't be right.
Finally, the doors opened and their sibling stepped in first. After that, their parents gave them one last look before entering the church as well, leaving Luke, Ashton, and the kids on the stairs alone.
Luke slid his hand in Ashton's and intertwined their fingers as he heard that infamous melody starting to play through the building. He heard people rise from their seats and he squeezed Ashton's hand tightly as he licked his lips numerous of times.
"Don't get cold feet now, please" Ashton whispered, making Luke turn to him and look at him with deep blue eyes before smiling small.
"Never," Luke whispered and shook his head, "There's nothing else I'd rather do right now than this"
"Okay then, let's get married" Ashton whispered and smiled brightly before tapping the small ones' backs, making them start walking a few feet ahead of their fathers. Their small hands were intertwined, just like their Luke and Ashton's.
Luke took a deep breath and held onto Ashton's hand tightly before walking up the stairs, taking their first steps into their future.
"We are gathered here today to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams.
It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be
loving and unselfish. Love is love, and love is beautiful"
Luke tried to focus on every word the priest said, but when his hands held onto Ashton's tightly while his eyes gazed into the honey-blond's bright hazel-green ones, Luke had a hard time thinking about anything other than Ashton.
Ashton seemed to notice, because he squeezed Luke's hands and grinned playfully at him, causing Luke to breathe out a soft laugh.
"-and now we've come to the rings and vows" the priest spoke and looked left to right before smiling down at the two kids. Peach smiled back and walked up to Luke, handing him the ring in the small bag. Leon did the same to Ashton, shyly backing away after hearing the people around coo at them.
Ashton held the ring between his shaking fingers and licked his lips before slowly threading it on Lukes's finger and speaking;
"I know I'll go over and beyond cheesy right now, but that's what you do to me," Ashton said and looked up from the ring to lock his eyes with Luke's again, "You make me feel like a lovesick little boy who can't even function without you by my side. I'm completely infatuated by you, every little ounce of you, and I don't regret a single bit of falling in love with you.
"I know you inside and out, you're my best friend and you always will be. You're the father of your son, you're the father of my daughter. You're the father of our children, and you're the best father they could ever have. With this ring I want to show you that I want to share my whole life with you. I want you and I, and all of us together, to become one. I want to be yours, just like you are mine"
Luke bit his lip all the way through it, trying not to break down in tears as he heard Ashton speak such things with a wobbly voice. Ashton's eyes were glossy, and Luke knew, as it was his time to speak, that he would break down any minute now.
"Okay, I'm, I-" Luke spoke and bit his lip harshly again when his voice started to shake. "Wait, I can do this" Luke whispered and wiped his tears, making Ashton breathe out a soft laugh along with the people watching them with adoring smiles.
He carefully thread the ring on Ashton's finger that was already wearing the silver engagement ring Luke had made. The blonde's heart was beating hard as he took a deep breath before lifting his eyes and smiling small.
"When I was 16, I told myself that I had fallen in love. I found the feeling uncomfortable and complicated, and I hated it. When I was 17 I was afraid of love, and I made sure to never step a foot in what I told myself was too complicated for any human kind. At that time I tried to make sure I would never be standing here today, and today I'm so extremely grateful that I didn't succeed.
"When I was 21, I told myself that I had fallen in love. This time I found the feeling comfortable and easy, and I loved it. When I was 21, I fell in love with being in love, because I had finally figured out what real love was. I love being in love with you, Ashton. You showed me what love really is, and it's so comfortable. I want to spend my whole life feeling like this, and I never once want to feel any other way. I want to be in love with you forever, because I want to stand with you forever"
It was quiet in the church, and Luke swore that the only thing you could hear in the old building right now was his heart that was beating even harder against his chest.
"Now," the priest said and smiled big, holding his hands out as he closed the book he held, "Do you, Ashton Irwin, take Luke Hemmings as your husband to cherish in life, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you apart?"
Ashton smiled and squeezed Luke's hand, feeling his wedding ring against his own fingers before speaking confidently; "I do"
"Do you, Luke Hemmings, take Ashton Irwin, as your husband to cherish in life, for better, for wor-"
"I do" Luke spoke, cutting the priest right off and immediately regretting it. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to cut you off, it's just that-" Luke spoke and turned to look at Ashton before grinning widely, "I do. I really really do"
The priest laughed warmly and gave Luke a nod and folded his hands together, smiling down at the two 5 year olds before looking up at their fathers again.
"If so, go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have; the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth. I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom"
Luke didn't wait a second before tugging Ashton over to him by the arm and connected their lips while both of them were grinning. Luke placed his hands on Ashton's cheeks and brought the older boy even closer to himself, making Ashton giggle against his lips.
People were cheering, but Luke didn't notice. All he could focus on was Ashton who was smiling so brightly that he put the actual sun to shame.
"We just got married" Ashton whispered and ran his fingers through Luke's hair before gently wiping away tears from the blonde's cheeks.
Luke nodded his head and closed his eyes before bringing Ashton into a tight hug, feeling their hearts beat against their chests as the two 5 year olds wrapped themselves around their fathers' legs.
"How does that make you feel?" Luke whispered and smiled in the crook of Ashton's neck.
"Happy, alive, in love" Ashton breathed out and smiled before kissing Luke again. The blonde pulled away gently when feeling a small hand tug on his pants. He glanced down and smiled before bending down to pick up Leon and held him in his arms, pressing a kiss against the small boy's forehead and kept him close.
"I love you" Luke whispered.
"I love you too" Leon whispered back and curled his small arms around Luke's neck.
"Aren't you happy?" Leon asked and frowned when watching his father cry. Luke laughed and nodded his head.
"I'm so so happy" Luke said and smiled at Ashton who was holding Peach in his arms while watching the two boys.
"You know what, dad?" Leon asked and placed his small hands on Luke's cheeks as the blonde father shook his head, "If you and dad smile every day together, I will do that too"
And there Luke had it. There Luke had everything he could ever wish for.
There Luke had his family.
officially, the end.
thank you so much for reading this story! it breaks my heart a little that it's over because it's been such a happy and cute little story to spread some warmth around and i'll miss it so much.
i just want to say thanks for all the feedback on this story! i'm so happy you all have found such a great liking to it and it's amazing how much attention it has gotten. you guys are so amazing for taking time to leave such beautiful comments, and i truly love you all for that.
and about that sequel; i have not yet decided if i want to start one or not, but if i do that won't be now right away. i do have an idea i'm working on, but if i decide to do it, i will inform you guys. so don't stress it, you'll get your answers when i have them.
at last, thank you for following this story and i have a whole lot more stories if you wanna keep reading some of mine. :)
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