Luke slowly fluttered his eyes open and squinted at the bright light in the bedroom before stretching his body out and let a content noise escape from his mouth.
He turned to his side and frowned at the empty spot beside him before turning back around when hearing someone in the bathroom. Luke smiled over at the bathroom door and bit his lip when watching a newly showered Ashton step into the bedroom.
The older boy's hair - that had since a months ago been cut shorter - was wet from the shower and his naked chest was still a bit damp, making drops of water run down to the waistband of the grey sweats Ashton was wearing.
"Good morning, beautiful" Luke said through a raspy morning voice, making Ashton lift his head and look at Luke with those clear hazel-green eyes. They had been greener lately and Luke loved it. His fiancé looked amazing in green.
"Good morning, handsome" Ashton said softly and smiled brightly as he walked over to the bed and climbed into it. He climbed on top of Luke and leaned down to kiss the blonde on the lips, making both of them hum out contently.
"How'd you sleep?" Ashton whispered softly as he nuzzled his nose against Luke's and ran his fingers through the boy's blond hair.
"Amazing, you?" Luke asked and smiled when Ashton left sweet kisses all over his face. Luke wrapped his arms around Ashton's waist and pulled the older boy closer to himself, making Ashton giggle sweetly.
"Amazing as well" Ashton whispered and nuzzled his face into the crook of Luke's neck and sighed out contently as the younger boy ran his hands up and down his back.
"Good" Luke breathed out and kisses Ashton's forehead before relaxing back in the bed and closed his eyes. He held Ashton close to his body and ran a hand up and down the older boy's left arm before sliding his hand down to Ashton's and held it in his own.
Ashton smiled at that and watched as Luke raised their hands to his mouth and left small sweet kisses on every one of Ashton's knuckles.
Luke kept playing with Ashton's fingers as he opened his eyes and studied the silver ring on Ashton's ring finger. Luke carefully spun it around and smiled when watching the two fingerprints that meant everything for both of them.
"Three weeks. Can you believe it?" Ashton whispered as he studied the ring as well, smiling as Luke brought it down to his lips again and placed a kiss on it as well.
"No," Luke whispered before turning his head to smile at Ashton, "But I can't wait"
It had been nearly four months since Luke thread that pretty ring on Ashton's finger after their heart to heart talk. It was now close to the end of the year; Ashton had turned 25 and Luke had turned 22. The small ones were now 5 years old, and both adopted to both fathers.
And the newest in; Luke and Ashton would get married in three weeks.
Everything was perfect, and Luke was so happy.
"Me neither" Ashton answered in a soft whisper before leaning in to place his lips on Luke's again.
"Can we just lie here all day and let everyone else take care of everything. That's what they are there for anyway" Luke mumbled against Ashton's lips, making the older boy laugh softly.
"If I'm gonna be quite honest, I won't trust our families with that" Ashton said and Luke nodded because, yeah, that was true.
They had involved everyone in the wedding in some way, of course, but Luke and Ashton didn't know if it was a blessing their families were so dedicated, or not. All Luke knew was that he was happy they were helping financially. And just because of that, Luke kind of let everyone run free.
Ashton was the one keeping everyone in check, and Luke was grateful Ashton was able to do that, because otherwise everything would be even more chaotic than it already is.
"You need to get out of this bed anyway, we need to try out our suits. As well as everyone else in the wedding" Ashton said and chuckled when Luke rolled his eyes.
"We have like 5 groomsmen and 2.. groomsmaids?" Luke said and looked at Ashton questioningly before speaking again, "We have too many guys in our life"
"It's because your family only contain boys," Ashton said and laughed, "They'll just walk in and sit down. The only ones up there with us will be the kids"
Luke nodded and smiled before placing his lips back on Ashton's and kissed the boy softly and lovingly. Only seconds later the bedroom door opened and the small honey-blond girl stepped inside.
"Good morning, princess" Luke spoke as the small girl climbed up on the bed and laid down between her fathers.
"Good morning" she said quietly and closed her eyes as he nuzzled closer to Ashton's chest while Luke carefully ran his fingers through her hair.
"You excited to try on your dress for the wedding today?" Ashton asked and grinned when Peach excitedly nodded her head.
"Yes, it's gonna be so pretty" she said and smiled brightly before burying herself between he fathers again.
"You're gonna be the prettiest girl there" Luke said and ran his fingers from her forehead down to her nose and lightly tapped it, making her laugh lightly.
The door to the bedroom opened once again and Luke and Ashton couldn't do else but chuckle when Leon stepped in and eyed all of them on the bed. His lightly brunette hair was tussled and messy and his face was grumpier than ever.
Leon climbed into the bed and crawled on top of Luke before lying down on his father's chest with a huff.
"What's up with you, grumpy?" Luke asked and ran hand up and down Leon's back while the small boy was pouting into Luke's t-shirt.
"Peach woke me up early" Leon mumbled and Luke chuckled while Ashton laughed.
"Hemmings boys" Ashton said and tsked jokingly, grinning when Peach giggled along.
"You'll also be a Hemmings boy soon" Leon said and turned his head to look at his other father with big eyes.
"And you'll be an Irwin boy" Ashton said and reached over to ruffle the young boys hair before turning to look at Luke.
"What?" he whispered softly and smiled at the big grin on Luke's face.
"Nothing, it's just-" Luke said and shrugged as he smiled even bigger, "Hemmings-Irwin; it has a nice sound to it, hasn't it?"
"Yeah," Ashton whispered out and smiled at his fiancé before leaning over to kiss him lovingly and whispered again, "It really has"
"Oh my god" Luke breathed out as he was standing in the corner of the room with a hand running through his hair. Both his and Ashton's family were running around like a group of giddy geese. The loud noises around the empty room echoed, making Luke roll his eyes and sit down on the floor with his back leaning against the wall.
"How are you feeling?" Ashton asked and laughed as he walked over to the exhausted looking Luke. He sat down beside him and took his hand in his.
"My head hurts" Luke said and lifted his head to look at Ashton who was smiling amusingly at him. Luke couldn't do anything else but crack a smile and laugh tiredly.
"This is like 'Home Alone'. Family get-togethers are not my thing" Luke chuckled before placing his head on Ashton's shoulder. Ashton laughed softly and squeezed Luke's hand before turning his head place a kiss on Luke's forehead.
"Look at them though," Ashton said and eyed his sister as she was standing in front of the body length mirror in the white customized dress, "This is actually happening"
"Yeah" Luke murmured and held onto Ashton's hand tightly as he smiled adoringly.
"And look at our little flower boy," Ashton said and grinned while watching Leon struggle to put on his small suit jacket. "He's looking just as handsome as his father"
"Which one?" Luke said and smirked up at Ashton.
"Me, of course" Ashton said and leaned back contently as Luke laughed at him. "No, he looks just like you. It's almost scary how similar you two are"
Luke sighed contently and let the pad of his thumb caress the skin of Ashton's hand as he looked at his family. His smile spread when watching his brothers and best friends interact with Ashton's siblings. His heart beat harder when watching Peach in her pretty dress help Leon with his jacket. And he almost teared up when watching his parents embrace each other with soft smiles on their faces.
"I'm so happy" Luke whispered turned to look into Ashton's eyes. Ashton smiled when watching the blonde tear up because of happiness. He was quick to wipe away the tears that slipped from Luke's eyes, and kissed the boy deeply before speaking.
"I'm so happy too" he whispered and both boys exchanged loving gazes before leaning in to share yet another kiss.
"To think I'll be your husband in only a few weeks," Luke said and grinned as he cupped Ashton's cheek, "And I still wear boxers with prints on them"
"I know," Ashton chuckled, "And I can't even toast a piece of bread without starting a fire"
"I know" Luke laughed before pecking the older boy's lips a couple of times.
"I love you so much" Luke whispered against Ashton's lips.
"I love you too, so much" Ashton whispered back and smiled at the blonde. "Now, wanna go and make sure our suits fit?"
"Yeah," Luke said and stretched his legs out before standing up and held one hand out to pull Ashton up after. "Lead the way, my groom"
Ashton playfully rolled his eyes and laughed before tugging Luke with him over to the changing rooms.
"Luke's in the right one, Ashton's in the left" Maria spoke as she looked at Luke and Ashton walking over. She was a good friend of Ashton's mother and was more than willing to help out with the clothes for the wedding. Both Luke and Ashton was relieved she was, because without her their wedding would probably look like a hangout to a teenage street gang.
"Before you go, I need to ask you something" Michael spoke while struggling to tie his tie.
"What's up?" Luke asked and snorted when Ashton walked over to help Michael out.
"I don't mean to be rude in any way, but I just need to know one thing," he said and both Luke and Ashton eyed him suspiciously.
"How the f- fudge," Michael quickly saved himself when watching Ashton give him a pointed look, "are we gonna do on the bachelor party? Like, are we supposed to do two separate ones and run between them? And will there be strippers? I'm guessing male in that case-"
"Mike," Calum sighed and place a hand over the boy's mouth before looking over at Luke and Ashton. "Is there any specific things you'd like for us to get you? What do you want to do?"
"I don't know" Ashton said and shrugged as he turned around to look at Luke with raised eyebrows.
"I just wanna hang out and have a good time with all of you," Luke said and shrugged before wrapping an arm around Ashton, "That includes you as well"
"That sounds great" Ashton said and smiled, making Calum smile as well while nodding his head.
"Then we'll do that" he said and released his hold on Michael, making the colored haired boy mumbled out curse words quietly to Calum.
"Come on now, try out your suits" Anne said and hurried the two boys in to their separate changing rooms. "And remember; you're not supposed to see each other in these clothes until the wedding!" she added, making Ashton roll his eyes and Luke laugh.
Luke slowly closed the door after himself when entering the changing room. He eyed the slim navy blue suit that hung on the wall along with a white dress shirt and a black bow tie. He felt the material and smiled before starting to undress to dress himself in the wedding outfit.
As everything was on, Luke turned to the mirror and watched himself while slowly tying the bow tie. As everything was completely finished, he stood back and eyed himself from head to toe. He carefully ran his hand along the seams on the arms and smiled at his reflection.
He looked like a man who was ready to get married. He looked like a husband.
He looked like a Hemmings-Irwin.
"Okay, I'm done," Luke heard Ashton call from the room beside him, "I'm stepping out so don't come out Luke"
Luke was just about to answer but Ben beat him to it as he spoke teasingly.
"He already came out like 7 years ago" his brother spoke and Luke could hear some of them chuckle, only making him roll his eyes.
"You're so funny, Ben. Too bad I'm locked in here so you can't see how hard I'm laughing" Luke responded bitterly but never got an answer from his brother as all he heard was compliments being thrown out.
"Oh Ashton" Luke heard his mother speak and he immediately grew quiet to smile at every compliment they gave his fiancé.
"It's perfect. You like it, right?" Anne asked and Luke smiled wider when hearing Ashton sigh contently.
"Yeah I love it, it fits perfectly" Ashton said and Luke bit his lip as he eyed the door before breathing out heavily and opened it to watch Ashton stand in front of their families in a slim light beige suit with a white dress shirt and a slim navy blue tie that matched Luke's suit perfectly.
"Wow" Luke breathed out, making Ashton turn and look at him with wide eyes. His eyes softened as soon as they started to move along Luke's body, smiling when seeing how perfect the blonde looked.
"Wow" Ashton repeated himself and grinned as Luke slowly walked over to him. "I thought I told you not to come out?" he asked and Luke grinned as he wrapped his arms around the older boy's waist.
"Eh, Ben was right," he said and placed his forehead against Ashton's, "I came out 7 years ago" he whispered and grinned when Ashton giggled in that way Luke completely adored.
"You look amazing" Ashton whispered and wrapped his arms around Luke's neck, still keeping their foreheads pressed together.
"So do you," Luke whispered back, "You look absolutely perfect"
"You look very pretty, dads" a small voice said and both Luke and Ashton smiled before looking down at Peach who was smiling up sweetly at them. Leon was standing by her side, looking up at his fathers with a bright grin.
Luke leaned down to pick up Peach and put her on his hip, Ashton doing the same with Leon, making them all smile brightly.
"Thank you" Luke said and kissed the tip of Peach's nose, making the small girl laugh lightly.
"What are you grinning so big at?" Ashton asked and laughed softly when watching Leon grin even wider while wrapping his small arms around Ashton's neck.
"I'm ready to be a Hemmings-Irwin" the small boy said and Luke's heart was beating so loud it could probably be heard by everyone in the room.
"Me too" Peach said and Luke held her closer to himself.
"Me too" Ashton added and smiled up at Luke with glossy eyes. Luke leaned down and kissed the boy deep but sweet, before pulling away and looked at his boy.
"Me too" he whispered before kissing Ashton once again.
the end :)
there's still and epilogue but this is the end to the main story and I'M SAD
i'll add a long ass note at the end of the epilogue about how grateful i am for all the feedback on this story and so on, but for now i just want to say THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU
vote and comment
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