Luke held a tired Leon in his arms as he knocked on the door to Ashton's apartment. The door was soon opened and Luke had to look down to the floor to see Peach with a grin on her pretty face, showing off those perfectly white rows of small teeth.
"Hello Luke" she spoke and the politeness along with the adorableness she always expressed never failed to make Luke's heart swell a bit.
"Hi cutie," Luke said and held Leon close to his chest as he crouched down to Peach's level. He tapped his finger against his cheek and Peach giggled before leaving a small kiss right on that spot.
"Thank you," Luke said and patted her cheek lovingly, "You look very pretty today"
Peach was wearing a pretty white knitted sweater and light blue jeans with some pink butterflies here and there. Her hair was braided and Luke wondered if Ashton was the one who had done that, because if that was the case, he thought it was adorable.
"Thank you. Is Leon tired?" she asked and pointed at Leon who had his head on his father's shoulder and his small arms wrapped loosely around Luke's neck.
"Yeah, he's very tired," Luke said and nodded, "I think he needs to keep sleeping a bit so he won't sleep through the dinner we're gonna go to"
"We can take a nap on the couch!" she said and nodded her head before walking over to the living room. She turned around to make sure Luke was following before walking again.
"You gonna nap too?" Luke said and smiled at the small girl. She nodded and smiled, lying down on one side of the couch while Luke placed Leon down on the other.
"Where's your dad?" Luke asked and looked down at Peach as she cuddled herself into the couch cushions.
"Bathroom," she said and smiled up at Luke, "He has been making his face soft and hair pretty for a very long time now"
Luke bit the inside of his cheek as he smiled at Peach and ran a hand through her soft braided hair before turning around to make his way towards the bathroom in the hallway.
Luke knocked lightly on the white wooden door before entering the small bathroom. He was hit with heat from previous steam from the shower and all different kinds of scents.
In front of the mirror was Ashton standing, his hands running through his long honey-blond locks and a slight frustrated frown was on his face.
Luke smiled fondly at the beautiful 24 year old before taking one step forward and pressed his chest against Ashton's shirtless back.
"Hey baby," he whispered before snaking his arms around Ashton's waist and pulled the older boy closer to himself.
The frown on Ashton's face was replaced by a sweet smile as his arms fell down to his side and he placed his hands over Luke's on his hips.
"You look nice" Luke said before leaving a sweet kiss at the back of Ashton's neck, making the older boy giggle, and Luke's heart pick up its pace.
"Or 'pretty', as your daughter told me you've been in here for hours to achieve" Luke added and smirked while looking at Ashton through the mirror.
"That's such a lie" Ashton said but Luke swore he could see Ashton's cheeks gain some rosy color, showing off an adorable blush.
"Well, you do look pretty. But you really don't have to make such an effort though, we're only meeting my parents" Luke said and caressed Ashton's naked waist with his thumbs.
"Exactly, your parents. I need to make sure they like me, and Peach" Ashton said and ran a hand through his hair again. Luke chuckled fondly.
"They will like both of you, I promise. No one can not like you two, you're like the definition of the sun. And both my parents love the sun" Luke said and looked at Ashton with clear blue eyes.
"You're cheesy" Ashton said and turned around in Luke's arms. Now Luke could clearly see the the pretty pink color painted on the older boy's cheeks.
"Only for you baby" Luke said and wiggled his eyebrows, making Ashton laugh softly.
"Thank you" Ashton said and curled his arms around Luke's neck. Luke tightened his hold around Ashton to pull him even closer to himself before placing his lips on Ashton's forehead.
Ashton sighed out contently and a soft smile was spread on his lips, making Luke feel so good, so happy.
"You really are pretty" Luke whispered out and Ashton giggled out a laugh before shaking his head, like if what Luke had said was ridiculous.
"You are, you're so beautiful," Luke said and placed his hands on the older boy's cheeks to make him look at him, "Perfect even"
Ashton looked up at Luke with those rare hazel-green eyes and smiled warmly, "Stop being so cheesy"
Luke laughed lightly, "You like it though"
"I do" Ashton breathed out and smiled a toothy smile before pulling Luke's head down to capture his lips with his own.
Luke sighed out happily as Ashton's soft lips moved innocently with his own while Ashton's long fingers were tangled in Luke's hair. Luke loved every second of this moment and he'd gladly make it last forever.
It didn't last forever though, as Ashton pulled away to peck Luke's nose and then smile sweetly at him.
"Help me pick out a shirt to wear" Ashton whispered against Luke's lips and Luke nodded before licking his lips, still being able to taste Ashton.
Ashton smiled and grabbed Luke's hand to pull him with him to his bedroom. Luke sat down on Ashton's soft soft bed and watched as the honey-blond was rummaging through his closet.
Luke didn't understand the big deal with Ashton trying so hard when meeting Luke's parents. They were two normal people, very humble and very accepting, and Luke knew that if his parents knew just how much Ashton and Peach meant for Luke and Leon, they would love them straight away.
Luke was very sure that his mother would practically never want to let Peach go since she had dreamt of having a girl in the family for so long. It has always just been her and the boys, so the fact that another girl in some way would be a part of the family, would make Liz very satisfied.
Luke knew his family like the back of his hand, and he knew both his parents would adore Ashton and Peach. They were just a bundle of joy and they spread happiness and light wherever they go.
"Hey," Ashton said and snapped his hands in front of Luke's face, making the blonde widen his eyes in surprise, "Earth to Luke?"
"What?" Luke said, obviously confused to the reality as he just was pulled out of his thoughts.
Ashton chuckled and shook his head. "I asked if I can wear this?"
Ashton had on a nice white shirt with very light stripes and Luke chuckled fondly, making Ashton frown.
"What? Does it look bad?" he asked, slightly panicked.
"No," Luke said and smiled as he stood up from the bed and walked over to the honey-blond, "You look really nice, too nice"
Ashton rolled his eyes, making his long eyelashes flutter slightly. "You can't be 'too nice' to a first meeting of parents"
Luke smiled at Ashton and pulled him into his arms, nuzzling his face into the older boy's neck and placed a light kiss on the warm skin.
"You're really cute when you're nervous" Luke whispered and played with the hem at the back of Ashton's shirt.
"I'm not nervous" Ashton mumbled but Luke knew for a fact that that was a lie. Ashton wasn't the best liar out there, Luke had learned that through these weeks of dating.
"It's okay to be, but you have no need to. They'll love you, I swear to all the gods up there" Luke said and pointed up at the ceiling, meaning the sky.
Ashton smiled bashfully at him before leaning up to kiss Luke again quickly before pulling away.
"So it's a no on this shirt then?" Ashton said and looked down at his shirt. Luke laughed before nodding his head and brought his hands to the color of the shirt, starting to unbutton it.
"Casual is the key" Luke spoke and slowly slid the shirt off Ashton's shoulders and arms.
The sight of Ashton's bare chest again made Luke have to bite his lip harshly to not launch forward and do all kinds of inappropriate things to his boyfriend while their kids were only a door away.
Ashton and Luke hadn't done anything further than the night of massage when Ashton leaved pretty marks on Luke's pale skin and Luke left sweet, yet hot, kisses on Ashton's lips and neck.
They wanted to take it slow though. They were both fathers with young children and they had only been in a relationship for maybe a little more than a month. They both just wanted to be 100% sure what they had was real before taking that large step in their relationship.
Neither of them wanted it to just suddenly end because their children seemed so comfortable with having their own little 'family' and it would hurt the small ones if it broke apart since they'd never understand just why.
"Pick something casual now" Luke said and moved Ashton away to his closet again so he'd get dressed because Luke couldn't really trust himself and his sexual needs right at this moment.
Ashton laughed and looked though different shirts before putting on a white long sleeved t-shirt with a blue pocket over his heart that matched with his jeans.
"Is this casual enough?" Ashton asked and held his arms out by his sides to show Luke his outfit.
Luke grinned and nodded his head before waving Ashton over. Ashton smirked and walked over to sit down in Luke's lap. The blonde placed his hands on Ashton's hips before nuzzling his nose with his.
"You smell really nice" Luke whispered as he breathed in the sweet smell of the cologne Ashton was wearing. Ashton smiled and ran his hands through Luke's hair carefully to not ruin how it was styled.
"I'll have to wear this scent more often then" Ashton spoke hotly against Luke's lips before leaning in the last couple of inches and pressed those soft lips against the younger's.
Ashton loved the way Luke's stubble was sticking into his skin lightly as they kissed, hugged or just cuddled. It made Luke feel so rough when in reality he was the softest boy ever.
Ashton also loved the way it made Luke look. He look grown up and so amazingly attractive with that short layer of stubble on his cheeks and chin. He was an amazingly attractive guy and Ashton felt more than lucky to be that specific boy's boyfriend.
Luke tightened his grip on Ashton's hips as the kiss grew heavier and tongues got involved. They really should get their kids and get going to the dinner, but each time they kissed, it was like nothing else mattered.
Until reality hit them in the face.
"Dad, I need to pee!" Leon's voice called from the living room, making Luke pull away from the kiss with a sigh. Ashton chuckled fondly and pecked Luke's lips before stepping away from his lap.
Ashton walked over to the mirror hung on his closet and fixed his hair once more before walking over to the door of his bedroom.
"Are you coming?" he asked and looked at Luke. Luke shifted awkwardly in the bed as he was leaned forward.
"I just- I need a minute" Luke mumbled and Ashton raised his eyebrows before smirking big.
"Oh," he said with a mocking voice and Luke only rolled his eyes jokingly.
"Dad!" Leon said again and Luke grimaced as he was still seated.
"I'll take care of him," Ashton said and chuckled lightly, before walking over and left a sweet kiss on Luke's lips again, "And you'll take care of him" Ashton whispered teasingly and pointed down at Luke's crotch.
Luke pushed Ashton away and faked a laugh as Ashton was grinning big at him. Ashton was a great teaser, but Luke could never stay mad at him. If he ever got mad at the boy, that is. Those pretty hazel-green eyes made it quite impossible for Luke.
Ashton parked his car on the driveway of the Hemmings' residence and Leon was cheering in the backseat, making Luke have to shush him gently.
Both father walked out of the car and helped their kids out of their car seats. As Luke put Leon down on the ground, the boy was off in a heart beat, running towards the door and Peach was right after him.
Luke smiled at them before looking at Ashton and noticed the way the honey-blond licked his lips and ran his palms over his thighs. He was definitely nervous, and Luke thought it was really cute.
"Come on, babe" Luke said and held his hand out for Ashton to take. The older boy looked at him before nodding and taking Luke's hand.
Both fathers made their way to the door where the toddlers were talking to each other.
"You can knock the door, bud" Luke said and Leon smiled before hitting his small fists against the door.
Luke turned to look at Ashton again and gave the older boy a kiss on the cheek. Ashton turned his head and gave Luke a smile before Luke leaned in and gave him a sweet peck on his lips instead.
That seemed to calm Ashton down, because his shoulders relaxed and his grip around Luke's hand loosened to a comfortable grip.
That instantly changed when the door opened and Luke's father was shown in the doorway.
Leon did his usual greeting, throwing himself at Andrew and hugging him tightly. Andrew did the same thing back and pulled away soon after to look at the small girl looking at them with big green eyes.
"Hello, you must be Peach" Andrew said and the small girl nodded her head while smiling big. Andrew greeted her with a hug that Peach was more than happy to give back.
As soon as they had greeted Andrew, the two toddlers ran into the house quickly. Andrew stood up properly and placed his eyes on his son and the boy he was holding hands with. And then Andrew smiled.
"Son," he said and pulled Luke into a hug before turning to look at Ashton, "And Ashton," he said and Ashton had a nervous look on his face as he looked back at Andrew.
"Mr. Hemmings" Ashton said and reached one hand out to shake Andrew's, but Andrew only shook his head and waved his hand in dismissal before pulling Ashton in for a hug as well.
"It's Andrew" he said and Luke smiled as he watched Ashton relax and hug Luke's father back while a happy smile was spread on his face.
"Welcome" Andrew spoke as he pulled away from the hug and looked at Ashton.
"Thank you" Ashton said before Andrew smiled at both boys and walked into the house again.
Luke didn't wait a second before he grabbed Ashton's face and placed his lips on his. They pulled away and Ashton smiled up to Luke, pure sunshine radiating from that beautiful stretch of lips.
Luke took Ashton's hand in his and tugged his boyfriend into the house. As their jackets and shoes were off, Luke lead his boyfriend into the kitchen where he heard his mother work.
As soon as the two boys entered the bright kitchen, they watched Liz crouched down on the floor while listening to Peach attentively as she was talking with so much enthusiasm.
The whole thing made Ashton feel so right that he almost felt at home.
Liz glanced up and smiled brightly as she saw the two young fathers. She stood up and placed her eyes on Ashton only, her smile growing warm and lovingly.
"Ashton, it's so nice to finally meet you" she said and walked over to embrace Ashton in a warm motherly hug.
And right then, Ashton really felt at home.
idk i'm not really into this story as much as my others right about now. but i know how i want it, i just want the story to come along a bit to where i want it, where it happens a bit more stuff. so, sorry for boring chapter maybe
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