Father Essence
Main character focus?: N/A for story reasons
Plot?: a forest, theres a meadow in that forest. The Hermits constantly visit the meadow and take care of the wild life there. Why?
Reason for writing?: I was showering and randomly got this pretty cool idea
Will it become an actual story/fanfic?: idk, maybe
When was it written/thought of?: idk.. couple months ago, started writing from June 24 2024.
Now let's start.
(Future me here, slash August 22 me, this is copy pasted from... something of mine that I will not mention! Felt like publishing.. and here we are! Sorry if it's bad or something, haven't exactly proofread. Still hope you enjoy though!)
There is a large forest.
That forest is made up of large and elegant dark oak trees, and shorter and welcoming dark oak trees.
Among those darkly colored trees are flower fields, podzol, dirt, birds, foxes, wolves, rabbits, meadows, a mysterious statue,-
Oh, the statue. That was the forest's favorite part of itself. All of the animals loved visiting, and all of the flowers loved staying by it.
The trees bow and shelter over the statue's meadow. Birds leave gifts behind on the statue.
The forest will forever be grateful to the statue. He saved the wilderness, and the dark oak forest now shelters him.
But he leads to constant visitors. A lot of people come by the forest.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
He sits with his legs crossed comfortably, his back is straight and slightly leaning over himself. His hands are cupped and lifted, he stares down at his cupped hands. His eyes heavily lidded with exhaustion.
He is covered with moss, and flowers bloom on said moss and in his cracks. His stone is smooth, but crack ridden as nature pushes through.
His hair still looks fluffy, and a bandana is in place on his forehead to hold said hair up. It doesn't need to do that anymore. But someone still put the red bandana around his forehead.
His face holds his small loving smile. Before it was a wide grin and held so much emotion. Now it holds only unsaid apologies and regret, but still has happiness for his decision.
Three people approach him. One has beautifully colored wings, the forest loves that one's wings. Another wears a suit and has a mustache. Their other friend is heavily scarred and wears explorer clothes, and a cat trails after them.
The one with colored wings runs up to him, their wings flapping behind them. "Hello! We're back!"
Colorful Feathers sits in front of him, folding their wings behind them comfortably. Explorer, Grey, and Fancy quickly follow, simply staring at him.
"Guess what? The shops have been going well, so.." Colorful Feathers trails off, grinning and looking up at Explorer. Colorful Feathers is talking to him though, not Explorer or Fancy.
Explorer smiles back and digs around in their pockets before pulling out a few diamonds. "More gifts!" Explorer says happily.
Fancy smiles at the two, taking the diamonds from them. Fancy places the diamonds in his cupped hands.
Explorer's smile turns sad as he sits beside Colorful Feathers. "Y'know, we all miss you. But this was still your decision, so we can't really be all that angry."
He doesn't react. He just continues to stare at his hands and now the new shiny diamonds he holds up.
Explorer sighs and Colorful Feathers pats their back. "We hope that you're still there, BDubs. And that you will come back, eventually. We'll be waiting, and we won't leave you."
BDubs' eyes sparkle, although it goes unseen because said eyes are mostly covered by his eyelids.
BDubs loves it when humans come to visit him, because they always remind him of his name. BDubs.
They practically always forget to remind him of their names, though. So BDubs made nicknames based off of appearance.
BDubs does always wonder though why the humans and hybrids are always so sad.
The trio and animal leave BDubs alone again with his diamonds. The diamonds shine in the sun, reflecting off of BDubs' eyes.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
He's forgotten his name again already. But another visitor is there, so he hopes they'll remind him.
It's Green. He nicknamed them that because of his green skin. Not his most creative nickname, but it works.
"Hey BDubs," Green says and BDubs silently cheers to himself at having his name back, "Grian and Scar were here, huh?" They say, glancing at BDubs' cupped hands and diamonds.
Green sits in front of BDubs. He almost wishes he could tilt his head in confusion. BDubs just wants to ask Green, "Who's Grian? Which one is Scar?" But he can't. His mouth doesn't move.
Green sighs and moves closer to BDubs. They reach over and touch the bandana on BDubs' forehead, tightening and fixing it to make sure it stays.
Green sits back in front of BDubs and studies him. BDubs smiles at his antics, but he knows that Green won't be able to notice it.
Green always does this, simply trying to see if BDubs will move. BDubs' always wonders why they do that.
"Why do you want me to move so badly, Green?" BDubs smiles again as he imagines saying those words. It's become a game now, BDubs doesn't try to move at all, and Green keeps on coming by to check if he does.
Green sighs again and picks a nearby cornflower. They put it beside the diamonds in BDubs' cupped hands.
Green walks off, missing as the cornflower merges with BDubs' stoney hands.
BDubs' tries to watch Green go, but he fails because of his lidded eyes. "See you soon, Green."
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
He was determined to remember his name, but he's forgotten again. At least he has his bird friend with him.
Nature can hear him. The humans can't. So he'll always have that. He hasn't tried speaking to the more forest animal themed hybrids yet, only humans and Green.
Maybe they'd understand him? But wouldn't that stop his and Green's game? Oh, he doesn't want that to stop.
"Little birdy," he says to the bird picking at his bandana. The bird tweets and flaps down into his cupped hands.
"Yes, Father Essence?" The bird chirps. He smiles at the nickname the wildlife have given him.
"Can you speak to bird hybrids? I've gotten lonely without the humans." He asks the bird, any wilting flowers on him regrowing.
The bird ruffles her feathers, a bit offended. "But you have us, Father Essence! What do they have that we don't?"
"You are beautiful, and so are your siblings. But they interact with me in ways you do not and cannot. I simply wish for you to ask a bird hybrid to come talk to me again." He explains, moving his thumbs as much as he can to shelter the bird more.
His gifts are always taken and stored away at the end of a day by Ninja. But he hasn't seen any of them for a while now.
The bird hesitates before nuzzling against BDubs' hands and looking into his gentle gaze. "Anything for you, Father Essence. I will tell a hybrid to come visit you again."
Father Essence smiles thankfully at the bird as she fly off, hopefully to a bird hybrid to relay the message.
He loves that nickname.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
The bird flies off and away from Father Essence. She fully intends to fulfil Father's request.
She flys and bounds until she reaches majestic looking bases. She believes Father Essence could build better, though.
The bird lands on a tree and stares down as people pass. Some are laughing at jokes, some are working in shops, and some are just roaming. She doesn't know what Father sees in them, the bird supposes that they are creative, but she still prefers nature.
She chirps and trills at them, trying to catch a person with feathers. "Hello! Hellooo!"
Red, blue, and yellow wings enter the bird's vision and she sees a human chatting away to another.
She flies down and flaps her wings in the bird hybrid's face, desperate for the attention. "Hey! Hey, you!" She chirps.
The hybrid raises an eyebrow at her and holds their hand out. The bird lands and flaps her wings before continuing.
"Father Essence wants you humans to visit again. He says that you can do things we cannot." The bird chirps, pecking at the hybrid's skin to make sure she has their attention.
"'Father Essence'?" They echo. The bird flaps her wings and nods.
"I don't know what you call him! The boy in the meadow? Mossy boy? Nature's favorite? The statue?-" the bird chirps before getting interrupted.
"BDubs!" The hybrid cries in English, gaining attention from other people.
The bird squawks in offense and nods. "Sure, strange name, but alright. He says he misses you-"
The hybrid interrupts her again. "He does?!" They cry out, holding onto the bird's small body.
She squawks again and ruffles her feathers, "Hush it! Whatever! Good bye hybrid!" The bird tells the colorful winged boy, breaking free and flying away angrily.
"Grian, what was that about? Why did you mention BDubs?" The hybrid's companion asks.
"The bird, she had a message for me, Mumbo!" Grian replies, his excitement and hope rising.
"Calm down G, what was it?" Scar says.
"BDubs, he sent her. He misses us, that's what she said!" Grian replies, bouncing on his heels.
"What?" Doc says quietly.
"We should go visit him! Maybe something's happened?" Etho comments, his tail swishing.
Grian nods in agreement, flapping his wings to get into the air. "Hurry, hurry!"
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
He is still sitting there. He never moves. Father Essence hopes that the bird got the message across.
Maybe Green will come for their game? Or Explorer with their gifts!
He smiles to himself at the thought. He hears flapping and assumes it's the bird coming back to him, but it's something much bigger.
Colorful Feathers lands in front of him and stumbles. They get on their knees in front of Father Essence, hope in their eyes.
He smiles, a little confused. What is he hoping for? Has he joined Green's game?
"BDubs! I'm here, are you there?!" Colorful Feathers says, touching BDubs' cupped hands.
BDubs smiles again, glad to have his name back again. I'm here. Always have been. He finds himself thinking.
Suddenly BDubs' thoughts on Colorful Feathers aren't just appreciation for the gifts.. there's more.
Deeper emotions. Emotions that BDubs had forgotten. Because BDubs was locked away in the growing flowers.
But he's here. He's been waiting.
Father Essence knows now. Grian. Not Colorful Feathers. Grian.
"BDubs, please!" Grian says desperately, scanning over BDubs.
BDubs feels horrible, his friend is right there, and yet, he can't see him properly. He can't feel his touch.
I'm sorry. He thinks.
Green,- no. Doc appears next. BDubs' first thought is their game, but he scolds himself quickly.
He wants his friends to know he's there.
I'm still here, BDubs internally cries, I've always been here. I'm sorry. Under the flowers, under the mossy stone, I'm right here! Please!
BDubs tries any movement, even a small twitch of his finger, or a soft blink. Anything.
But it all feels so much harder now for him.
He just wants them to hear him. At least.
"I'm here.." BDubs tries to tell Grian and Gre- Doc.
The meadow slowly becomes crowded as more Hermits flow in.
Ninja, Etho.
Explorer, Scar.
Fancy, Mumbo.
Astronaut, Xisuma.
Wide Eyes, Keralis.
Fire, Tango.
i, Impulse..
All of his friends. All those ridiculous nicknames BDubs created for them.
"I'm right here!" BDubs cries, flowers starting to bloom from his heavily lidded eyes.
"Bubbles, can you hear me?" Keralis sits in front of him.
More flowers cover BDubs' eyes as his friends' desperate pleas continue.
"Yes!" BDubs responds. "Can't you hear me?!"
Etho's ears twitch and he gently pushes Keralis out of the way to come closer to BDubs. "Hey, can you see us?"
Etho hesitantly reaches out to touch the deep blue flowers poking out of BDubs' eyes. The flowers are dewy and damp, but they've never seen rain before, shocking Etho.
Barely.! BDubs flicks his thin tail in frustration. Only getting angrier when his statue self only barely moves his tail to the side.
But that is enough for his observant friends.
"His tail! I saw his tail move!" False exclaims, rushing behind BDubs to see if his tail will move again:
Etho removes the blue flowers and wipes away the tiny vines that came with them. "BDubs?"
Here, Etho. BDubs desperately wants to hug one of his friends, he wants to laugh with them, build with them. Prank and joke and fight and everything with them.
BDubs' hands fall slightly down, exciting his friends even more.
Can you he"-ar me?" BDubs tries again.
This time Etho hears. The faint call that BDubs makes. "Yes." He says with no hesitation, "BDubs, I heard you."
"BDubs, you can get out." Impulse encourages.
Father Essence tries, but Mother Nature doesn't want to let him go. BDubs stitched the wild back together, and the wild doesn't want to let him go so soon.
More blue flowers appear on BDubs' face and his stone fingers twitch.
He wants out. BDubs loves this place, he does, he really does. But it's just a prison.
A beautiful thing in nature means danger, and BDubs' meadow is no different. All the animals love him, and all of the trees protect him, but they can do that when he 's free too.
BDubs just wants to be free. He wants to be able to move freely, see things besides glimpses up or around and his cupped hands.
Feel things besides cold stone and moss. Hear things besides night animals and chirping birds. Taste things, he hasn't had food in forever.
He has wants to remember his name, and his friends' names, but those things are already fading. And BDubs can feel himself slipping again. Fading into that strange hibernation where he forgets the most important things.
He doesn't want this.
He wats to leave. He wants to go back.
He wants to go home.
He wants to go to his base, he wants to see his horses, he wants to laugh with his friends.
I want to go home. BDubs startles Etho as actual liquid pours out of his eyes, not just flowers.
"I want to go home," he cries, hoping for his friends to help. To answer his plea.
"I WANT TO GO HOME." BDubs screams, his voice echoing against the trees and startling the forest.
His friends hear his pain, his fear. The forest hears the pain.
But the forest can't say goodbye to their beloved statue, can it?
He loves it there. Doesn't he?
Or does he not?
BDubs feels vines wrapping around his legs and he screams again, this time no sound actually coming out.
He's trapped.
He'll never make it home, will he?
He'll never be free. He'll never build again, he'll never shop or stock his own shops again.
He's stuck. Forever.
BDubs feels paws dig at his arms and ankles. Small paws. And little beaks peeling at the flowers on his head.
Teeth and stones and beaks and claws attack BDubs' stone and moss and florally decorated body.
They don't hurt him.
They're saving him.
BDubs feels as the animals back up, they removed the little forest magic that was keeping him there.
His friends stare expectantly, and BDubs' thin tail flicks.
The stone falls away, letting the tuft of fur to feel the gentle breeze again.
BDubs straightens his back and rolls his shoulders, the stone falling away as flakes and dusting away. BDubs clothes returning to normal form, the chocolate skin on his neck slowly returning.
He hears a gasp as he allows his hands to fall, all feeling returning to them. He lets his hands rest on the grass, feeling the spiky plant tickle his skin.
Keeping his stoney head dipped he runs his hands over his knees before punching the magical stone, moving his leg to be rid of the constricting magic.
BDubs moves to sit on his legs, his hands resting on his thighs and his tail curled around his leg.
All that's left is BDubs' smile and gaze.
He moves his neck to be straight and look forward, the stone cracking on his face.
His fluffy hair regains its fluff and the bandana falls off the stone.
BDubs' mouth opens again and he gasps, his almost closed eyes blinking away the stone and opening wide.
All the stone is gone, absorbed into the ground.
BDubs falls back, breathing heavily and using his hands to keep him in a sitting position.
He feels the grass, the cool wind, the heat from the sun, the slight sweat dripping down his neck. Even the tension in the meadow.
He sees all of his friends, the animals that saved him, the beautiful meadow, the tall sheltering trees, the burning sun, the beautifully blue sky.
He hears the wind and blood rushing his ears, the proud chitters of foxes and the happy chirps of birds. His friends' breathing, distant water running, and distant animals wandering and running
He tastes his spit again, the sappy air from the trees entering his mouth with every deep breath, the indescribable taste of his gums and teeth showing their presence.
He smells the natural air, the smell of paint, the smell of fish, oil, ink, water, smoke, redstone, metal, wood. All of those familiar scents.
He's himself again.
BDubs shakily grins as his eyes fill with tears. He laughs and the tears fall, he's so thankful to be back.
Keralis rushes over and hugs him tightly, making them both fall. BDubs hugs back tightly, glad for the feel of his friend.
"I'm so sorry!" BDubs' laughs fade into sobs as he buries his face in Keralis' shoulder.
"Shh, it's alright, Bub. You did nothing wrong. We're glad you're back." Keralis comforts.
The Hermits crowd around, forming a huge group hug centered around BDubs.
BDubs smiles to himself.
He relishes in the new warmth from all of his friends' arms. Their care and affection warming him from inside and out.
He's back.
He's free.
BDubs is home.
3055 words.
Maybe... it depends.
Word count without beginning thing:
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