It was Hunk's birthday on the 13th so I decided to do a little chapter.
Usually, Hunk was the first to go to sleep and then one of the earliest to rise, putting breakfast on. Tonight is different. Tonight, Hunk can't ignore that sickness in his stomach as he eats the cookies made from his mother's recipe. Tonight, he wants to be alone. Hunk has always coped at the Garrison, baking and sharing his treats to combat the sickness, but, right now, right here, he is in space on the other side of the Universe. Sharing his treats (with Altean substitutes) used to always help, but now, it makes the bile rise up his throat and the sweet treats taste like ash. He checks the Earth clock Pidge whipped up.
Happy Birthday to him.
"Hunk? What are you doing up?" Hunk startles, almost dropping the tray of cookies he had just taken out of the oven, at the soft, exhausted voice.
"Keith?" Hunk turns to see his friend, leaning against the door frame and wearing a loose long black shirt and jogging pants, "Should you be sleeping? You look exhausted."
"I asked first," Keith pushes off the door and moves to the countertop.
"Couldn't sleep. Baking usually helps," Hunk gestures to the piles of baked goods on the counters beside him.
"I can see that," Keith raises his eyebrow, moving to sit in the empty space on the table in the middle.
Hunk chuckles, no amusement evident, "What about you? I didn't wake you, did I?"
Keith shakes his head, not meeting his eyes, despite being able to look Hunk in the eyes from him perch, "Couldn't sleep," and punctuates it with a yawn.
Contrary to popular belief, Hunk isn't stupid. He is perceptive and can read between the lines. Shiro told them he was from the Gladiator Pits and Hunk can connect the dots. Keith can't sleep and it's most likely due to nightmares and how safety is a novelty to him.
Hunk smiles gently, "Why don't we not sleep together?"
Keith nods and offers a faint smile, "What are you doing?" he asks curiously, motioning to the baked goods surrounding them.
"Baking," Hunk tells him, "Do you want to help?"
"What's baking?" Keith cocks his head to the side, pushing himself off his perch and standing next to Hunk.
"It's how I make treats," Hunk smiles, "I can teach you, if you want?"
Keith gasps (Hunk manages not to coo at how adorable it is), "You can?"
"Yep! It requires precise amounts and timings. You up for it?" Hunk takes on a serious tone, like he does with his younger family members.
"Yes!" Keith salutes, excitement in his voice.
They spend the night baking, making a mess and just enjoying themselves. Keith eventually loses his fight with sleep as the night wears on and starts to lean on Hunk. He doesn't even realise they have stopped baking and are now resting on the sofa. It takes around fifteen minutes for Keith to finally fall asleep at 1:31.
Hunk smiles, yawning as he gathers his sleeping friend (family) into his arms, hooking his right arm under the boy's legs and continuing to use his left to support his back and head. He carries him back to his room, taking extra care not to wake Keith or anyone else.
Once inside, he lays Keith down, only to find that Keith has an iron grip. He tries to gently pry the hand loose, only for Keith to whine and whimper, cries of "Don't leave. Please don't go. Don't leave me alone" echoing around the room. Hunk moves Keith back into his arms, silencing the whimpers and making Keith relax. He sighs, sitting on the bed and rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand. Hunk lies down moving Keith to his side, between him and the bed, and covering them with the blanket. Keith easily adjusts, moving close to Hunk. Eventually, Hunk drifts off, a smile on his face.
Maybe this birthday won't be that bad.
For Keith, he forgets his past and his nightmares for a few hours. For Hunk, he is reminded that the Castle is his home and still has family to look after, even if he still misses his old one.
And if Shiro comes looking for them and finds them asleep in Keith's room, smiles on their faces, and takes photos, no one needs to know. Besides, no one will complain about having cookies for breakfast.
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