~ 49 ~
Tears heavily falling down your face, you stormed out of the building not bothered by the stares you were getting. Your head was spinning and your vision was blurry. You needed to get out of there fast.
Since you left your things up you didn't have your car keys or anything else with you, So instead of going back up and getting them you went and stopped a cab. You asked the driver to take you to your apartment. Unable to hold everything in, you covered your face with your hands to let out heart wrenching sobs. Even though you pretended to be strong and walked away, you were crumbling on the inside.
It's over now! Everything is over!
Without knowing that you were being watched by someone, you got down from the cab and entered your apartment. The fact you looked like a wreck made the person watching you curious. Wanting to know what happened, he walked down the road and hailed a cab to go meet someone who would have answers to what he is looking for.
As Jungkook walked by his colleague's desk, he notice few of his staff gathered and gossiping about something while looking down at a mobile.
'Wow she is pretty.'
'Park got lucky.'
'They look so amazing together.'
"What are ya'll gossiping about. Let me in too." Jungkook approached them jokingly.
"Bro check this out. That Park guy is getting married to a hot chick." They showed the screen to Jungkook.
As soon as he registered what they said, Jungkook quickly grabbed the phone and looked at the articles and posts that has been shared. His eyes grew wide as he was a little bit shock by the news. But soon anger took over him, the nerve on the side of his neck popped as he clenched his jaw tightly. I fucking Knew it! He thought as he threw back the phone to his team and dashed out to go to you.
Knowing you too well he knew that you won't be able to handle this. He remembered the first time Jimin hurt you six years ago. It took a bad toll on you and you were traumatized by everything that happened to you after that. And knowing very well that you love Jimin deeply he knew this is going to break you.
Jungkook pushed passed people not bothered by who is knocking over him. All he wanted to do was get to you. He wasn't sure where you would be at, so he pulled out the phone to call you and pressed it against his ear as he harshly pressed the elevator button.
Jungkook was impatient and he felt like the elevator was taking forever to reach his floor. So instead of waiting for it, he took the fire exit and ran down the stairs while trying to contact you.
"Come on Precious, pick up please." He mumbled but it just kept going to voice mail after few rings.
"Dammit!" He cursed as he fumbled through the keys to get in to his car.
Where could you be Y/n? He asked himself as he drove out of his building. Nervously biting his lip he thought of a place where you could be at right now. Since it was getting dark he thought of checking out your place first. Please be at home Y/n! He desperately pleaded and took a turn to head your way.
Sitting in the corner of your room floor, you let all the negative emotion of your heartbreak to swallow you and pour acid into your soul. You bled an ocean of tears through your eyes. Your soul felt wafer thin and your body trembled and chilled as memories of you and Jimin flooded your head.
You couldn't leave your eyes open because everywhere in this apartment you have memories with him, and neither you could close your eyes because his face and his beautiful smile is all you see behind your closed eyes. This was pure torture for you.
Clutching your chest, you tapped the back of your head against the wall as you whimpered. You could feel your dreadful cries and screams are stuck inside of your chest. You wanted to scream it out but the hurt was just too much to even try.
You felt very emotional at the moment but you just don't know what fucking emotion it is. You just want to throw fits, scream, yell, cry, laugh, hit... you just couldn't pick one. You felt you were going crazy.
Suddenly your panic attacks returned scaring you as you cornered yourself to the wall and grabbed on to your hair. Your breathing ragged and heart ached a lot more. Images of people looking down and laughing at you flashed.
No.. No.. No.. No... Not now... Please Go away!
Unable to handle it you let out a soul dying scream of agony. Everything you had and loved is all gone now. You became a joke once again. Why did fate bring us back together, Jimin? Was it just to have me fall in love with you and trust you.. Just to break them and make me cry causing this burning pain in my heart.
You were angry at Jimin, you were angry at the universe and the thing called fate for bringing Jimin back to your life, just to take him away from you after making you give him your all.
"I hate you Park Jimin... and I also freaking love you so much with all my heart! Why did you tear me away from myself?" you choked on your own cries as you continued to yell out your pain.
" You were someone I would've never gave up on.. But you gave up on me. You promised to be with me forever. You said I'm yours and You are mine.. You said you will never leave me and come home to me... Why? Why? Why did you lie? This betrayal is really messing up my mind and it's literally breaking me and my soul into little pieces." You dropped your head to the floor clutching your chest. It Hurts!! It fucking hurts!!! I l LOVE HIM!!! I Love him more than anything and it hurts!! You let out another heart wrenching scream.
"Y/N!" You heard your name called by the person you are desperately in need right now.
You quickly looked up to see if it was just your imagination or if he was really here. You felt a little bit of comfort when Jungkook really walked into the room searching for you. As soon as his eyes landed on you his heart twisted in pain to see you in such a miserable state. He quickly crouched down and pulled you into his arms.
Earlier when he came and knocked on the door you didn't reply and he thought you might not be home. Luckily he heard your cries and entered the dark apartment to find you in the corner of your room. You cried harder into his chest and all he could do was rock you while brushing your head to soothe you. He didn't even know what to say to you.
"It's ok Precious. Everything will be alright." he says softly but you shook your head.
"No Jungkook. It will never be alright. I will never be alright. can't you see.. I'm not allowed to be happy or loved. Everything is taken away from me.. Why does god hate me so much." you clutched onto his shirt.
"Why does everyone leave me?"
"It's not true. I'm here and I love you remember. I'm your family forever."
"But you left me too. You are all liars." Jungkook tightened his hold around you as he felt guilty. He was only thinking about himself that he didn't consider the fact that you literally had no one other than him. The jealousy and anger blinded him so much that he left you alone to get this hurt. He was not there for you.
"I'm sorry Y/n. I didn't mean to."
"I'm sorry My Precious. I'm sorry." Jungkook's voice cracked a bit as he kept apologizing.
You cried so much and eventually you fell asleep in his arms. Sighing in guilt, he slowly picked you up from the floor and carried you to your bed. He gently kept you down and tucked you in before switching on the bed lamp. His stomach flipped finally able to see your face under the dim light. He could see the pain in your face. It was just like back in the days or worse. He was not ready to see you go through such an event again.
You barely came out strong last time. Jungkook removed his jacket and laid next to you on top of the blanket. Gently he took your hand in his and held it firmly to make you feel secured incase you wake up you would know that he is here with you.
He watched you with so much hurt in his eyes. He could feel what you are feeling. Being with you for many years Jungkook always felt like one with you. He knew that this was going to be hard but he prayed that you will have it easy this time. He prayed that your pain would go away faster this time and he was ready to do anything for that. He knew Jimin was trouble from the beginning. Only if Jimin was here in Busan, then Jungkook would have been able to vent his anger on him for hurting you.
Jungkook's heart jumped when you rested your other hand on top of his in your deep sleep. He could see that you need him right now more than ever. So he was determined to do whatever it takes to be there with you. He had so many questions but non of them were important. He didn't even want to know why this happened and why Jimin did that. All he knows is that now you are his responsibility.
Wiping away your almost dried tears, Jungkook leaned in to kiss your forehead. His heart ached as he closed his eyes and tried to drift to sleep next to you. Hoping for better days to come.
Next day all morning you have been doing nothing but lying in the bed and crying. Jungkook stayed back with you and since you wanted some time alone he was out in your living room listening to you. He felt helpless as he just sat there sighing and cursing in his head.
Soon it was already noon, he got up to prepare something for you to eat since none of you ate from last night. Jungkook went through your kitchen and there was nothing at all. He wasn't so surprised because you don't cook at all. He took out his phone and decided to order food. He knew asking you would be pointless because you would refuse anything given the state you were at. So he just scrolled through the menus finding your favorites.
"What are you doing?" Jungkook got startled a little as you spoke taking slow steps towards him. He didn't expect you to be done anytime soon but he was relieved to see that you have stopped crying.
"Ordering food for us." He answered and you just gave a simple nod as you sat down opposite to him. Jungkook furrowed his brows and cocked his head to the side as he watched you. Something in you has changed. You seemed so different and stronger than he thought. He could see that you are trying to keep it together and had come to terms with what has happened.
"You ok?"
You gave a nod but you seemed distracted. You were thinking of something deeply. Soon your lips trembled a little and you puffy red eyes got moist again.
"I just don't know what to do anymore." You say honestly trying to make eye contact with Jungkook. He knew you were finding it hard, so he leaned forward and clasped his hands around yours in a protective manner. You finally looked at him and your heart calmed a bit.
Jungkook thought about what you said and gave you the best answer he could give at the moment. "Just follow what your heart says."
"But my heart is in million pieces. So which piece do I follow, Jungkook?" you ask looking down at the hands feeling lost. Jungkook's heart tugged at your question, he immediately wanted to wrap you in his arms but he refrained himself giving you time to think.
"Why don't you follow the piece that stands out. The piece that is telling what you really need to do first." he says hoping it helps. You were lost in your thoughts again and Jungkook just grazed your hand with his thumb to give you some kind of comfort. You finally nodded slowly and looked back at him.
"I want to go back home.. to Seoul."
Once you decided that you wanted to go back, Jungkook asked you to start packing because he was ready to take you away. He had been finally given the opportunity to transfer to any of their company branches and the only reason he had been putting off was because you were here in Busan. He didn't have the heart to leave you behind even though he always wanted to go to Seoul.
With anger and hatred boiling in him, Jungkook stepped into Jimin's office with an annoyed expression. Since you were dead set on going back, you wanted to end every connection here in Busan. You asked him to handover the resignation letter to the front desk and bring back her things which you left in a hurry.
After looking around, Jungkook headed towards the two girls sitting out in the front. One girl looked kind of familiar to him. When she looked up he knew that she recognized him.
"Oh you are Y/n's best friend right. I'm Yuna. I don't think you remember me though." she flashed a flirty wide smile which he completely ignored.
"Yes. I'm here to collect her things from the office." he say to them and the other girl look up at him as well with curious eyes.
"Why isn't Y/n here? Is she alright?" Yuna ask.
"She is fine. She won't be coming to work anymore. Here is her resignation letter." Jungkook said harshly and handed over the letter. Yuna's face fell and she made eye contact with Nari. Nari quickly looked down feeling guilty and pressed her lips together to avoid the two people standing next to her.
"Now if one of you can get me her things I would really appreciate it. I'm in a hurry."
Yuna signaled Nari to go and get them and after few minutes she returned with your bag and your laptop. Jungkook just took them and turned to leave without another word. He got to his car and placed your things inside.
Jungkook noticed your phone continuously ringing inside your bag. He took it out to see who it was and it was from someone named 'Hobi'. There were several calls from him and hundreds of missed calls and messages from another number named 'My Perv'. He frowned to the name on the screen and thinking it might be Jimin he just tossed the phone away. But then he wondered why Jimin has called you so much.
Curiosity getting the best of him, Jungkook took the phone out and unlocked it. He felt a pang in his gut when he saw the photo of you in Jimin's arms on your screen. Even though he hated to admit it, you really did look very happy in it. He quickly opened the messages and scrolled through some of them.
'Baby Please answer the phone.'
'Baby it's all a misunderstanding. Please trust me.'
'My love please answer. Let me explain.'
'I'm coming back now. Please wait for me.'
Jungkook stopped reading any further as he was getting mad. What does he want from her after playing with her. Fucking bastard! Jungkook slammed his fist against the steering wheel. He couldn't let you meet Jimin again no matter what. Specially not now. He knew you wouldn't take it well. Plus he didn't want Jimin anywhere near you.
Jungkook stared at your screen for a while. He didn't want to snoop around your phone anymore because he didn't want to see anymore things of you and Jimin. He was not a fool. He could see that you really did love Jimin and maybe Jimin really love you too. But he couldn't allow him to ruin you anymore.
Jungkook stared at your smiling happy face on the screen. He missed the times when you laughed and smiled like this with him. He would kill to have those moments with you again. Jungkook touched your face on the screen. Ever since the last kissed he shared with you, something in him stirred. He thought he will be able to let you go but his love for you reached to an extent.. that he will snatch you away from everyone.
"I'm Sorry Y/n." he whispered to himself in pain as he closed his eyes to overcome the guilt for what he is about to do next. His thoughts ran wild and his heart spoke out loud to you in his mind.
I hope one day you will look at me the way I look at you. No matter how long it takes I'll wait for your love and I'm sorry for doing this.. But I really can't take a single breath without you My angel. That's how much I love you.
Deep down Jungkook knew what he was doing is wrong and terrible but he assumed it was for your own good. You are something very pure and delicate to him. He didn't want any heartless fuckboys touching you anymore. He opened your messenger and dropped a text to Jimin and Hoseok. The two people who had been trying to contact you non stop. Jungkook really didn't know what they want to say to you and he preferred not knowing it. Guys like Jimin will never stay loyal. It's only a matter of time till they find someone new to play with.
I'm sorry precious... I'm taking you away from him. You can start over for a better life.... with me! Jungkook thought to himself as he erased the last few messages and blocked Jimin's number along with Hoseok's from your phone.
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