~ 44 ~
Jimin stood there with a surprised look on his face as he stared at you. Your heart was pounding against your rib so hard and you were finding it hard to breathe.
Your name left his mouth and you felt another painful tug in your heart. You couldn't find your voice as your body shook to the pain. You looked down at the scattered clothes and then back at him. His gaze followed yours and suddenly his eyes widened in realization.
"Baby.. no.. it's not what you think." Jimin quickly reached out to you with fear crowding his face. But you stumbled back and turned, ready to leave. You didn't want to listen to him. He lied and he cheated. He let you down just like all the others in your life.
"Baby Please listen to me." Jimin raised his voice grabbing your hand and stopping you from leaving. Anger and pain hit you hard as you swung back to face him.
"DON'T YOU DARE BABY ME JIMIN!" You yelled making him flinch. "Out of all the people how could you do this? I have had enough of this life full of betrayals. Actually it's all my fault. It's my fucking fault to come this far, when I knew that loving you is a losing game." you spat raising a finger at him and then tried to shrug off his hand on you as you wanted to get away. You wanted to run and hide. It was hurting but what he did next confused you even more.
Jimin's hold on you got tightened as his eyes softened. His eyes glistened and a heart warming smile appeared on his face. A smile? really? why the hell is he smiling? You wanted to hate him at that moment and scream more for being a heartless jerk.
"LET GO OF ME!" You tugged on your hand unable to look at him anymore.
"Never!" Jimin said firmly. "Y/n pleas-"
"Jimina what's all the noise? I cleaned it up but it still stinks." Another voice cut in stepping out from the study. Your head immediately shot up towards the person and your eyes widened.
"Y/n?" He looked surprised to see you.
"Hobi?" You questioned as your confusion grew. He was standing there with a mop on his hand, looking back and forth between you and Jimin. You turned to look at Jimin suddenly getting speechless. What the hell is happening? Jimin sighed finally seeing that you are bit calm and ready to listen.
"Y/n I told you it's not what you think. Please let me explain." Jimin said calmly.
"Ok.. What's going on? Y/n why are you here?" Hoseok asked confused. You kind of panicked since he didn't know about your relationship with Jimin. You didn't want anyone to know about it. Even though you were relieved to see Hoseok here, you still want to know what the hell is happening.
"Oh I - I just came-" You stuttered not knowing what to say.
"Hobi can you please give us a minute." Jimin cut you off and turned to look at him. Hoseok noticed that Jimin was serious and went back in giving you privacy. A part of you didn't want him gone because now you were feeling embarrassed. You just lashed out at him like an idiot and made your feelings for him obvious.
Jimin pulled you closed and cupped your cheeks. He wiped away the fallen tears with his thumb and caressed your face. His eyes were so soft and warm as he stared at you with so many feelings stuck in them. "You really thought I would cheat on you?" he asked in a warm low voice.
You gulped as you remained silent, staring back at him with wide eyes. "Baby when will you learn to trust me?" he asked.
"I do trust you.. its.. its just.. *sighs* care to explain that?" you asked pointing towards the bra that was lying on the floor. He gave a nod and started explaining.
"We were on our way to the Shang Lee meeting but they called and cancelled it. They said they were considering to make a deal with YM group. We were going to loose the deal so we came here to work and get the deal back. After so many changes we got the meeting fixed again for Monday. So to celebrate we started to take few shots." Jimin said nodding towards his bar. You turned to look in the direction and saw liquor bottles and three glasses out.
"Aera slow down. Are you sure you can handle so much?" Hoseok tried to stop her by grabbing the bottle away from her.
"Shut up! Yes.. I..c-can." she swayed pouring herself another drink while spilling it everywhere. Hoseok turned to Jimin who didn't give a damn about what she was doing. Even though Jimin had been tolerating and putting up with her, Jimin didn't forget who she really is. For him it was purely business. He didn't want to do anything with Aera outside of business matters.
But Aera always tried to get Jimin's attention and always tried to tell him something. Jimin always avoided small talk with her. He watch Aera gulp down her drink and stare at him.
"YOU." she says pointing a finger at him. Jimin just rolled his eyes and ignored her making her scoff.
"The audacity you have to do that after I saved your freaking ass years ago." she spat totally drunk and this time it was Jimin who scoffed in disgust.
"More like ruined me." he mumbled to himself.
"What's going on?" Hoseok asked confused. He knew all about his past but Jimin never got to tell him that it was Aera who was his past. "You knew each other from before?" Hoseok asked looking at Jimin for answers. Jimin sighed and rubbed his chin before giving a nod.
"It's her. My e-"
"I'm the love of his life." she slurred smiling like an lunatic.
"Pfft.. You wish." Jimin sneered.
"Oh come on Chim. We were the epic couple. The epic love." She started bringing up the past.
"Oh you mean you were The epic slut and the epic cheater." Jimin said sarcastically.
"Wait.. This is her.. Your Ex?" Hoseok was bewildered at first but it's clear to him now. Jimin just gave a nod and Hoseok's eyes turned into big round balls as he pouted a 'Oh!'
Even though Hoseok knew Jimin's past, he don't know how messed up it was. It was only you that Jimin ever opened up to fully. All his friends knew that he turned into a fuckboy just because he got heartbroken once. It's true, but it was much deeper than just a heart break.
Things got awkwardly silence and Aera looked like she was about to cry. She drank straightaway from the bottle and slammed it down hard on the bar making Hoseok Jump. She hiccupped and looked up at Jimin. "I never stopped loving you.. I was just helpless." she says in a sad low voice which was barely audible but the two men heard her clearly.
Jimin frowned and got up to go into the kitchen to grab some water. He had enough of her crap and didn't want to listen to her more. Jimin stayed there sighing not letting what she said get to him.
"Jiminaa.. come quick." He heard Hoseok shouting. Jimin went out quick only to see Aera stripping.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Jimin yelled.
"IT'S HOT AND SUFFOCATING! I CAN'T BREATHE WITH THIS SHIT AROUND ME." she yelled back pulling out her bra and throwing it away. Jimin quickly grabbed her hand stopping her from unzipping the dress.
"Hobi, a little help please." Jimin groaned trying to control the girl who was trying to act like a brat.
"Oh sorry." Hoseok quickly came towards them and held her to take her away from the living area to Jimin's study. Aera was acting out, screaming and laughing like a total lunatic. Jimin was getting more irritated and Hoseok was making faces.
"Yahh get yourself together." Jimin did the mistake of shaking her. Aera's eyes widened and she barfed on Jimin.
"FUCK!" Jimin yelled and stepped back disgusted. Vomit was all over his shirt. He quickly unbuttoned his shirt and removed to throw it away. Such a mess! Everything is a mess! Jimin was annoyed with Aera to the max at this point. He hated how she pretends that everything is so fine. He hates how casually she tries to make conversation. He also hates that she claims that she loves him when she played with him.
"I'll go get the mop." Hoseok helped Aera sit down as she was about to get knocked out and went to bring cleaning supplies. Jimin helped Hoseok and took out a garbage bag to throw his shirt away. He didn't want to wear anything that touched her.
"Hobi I need to take a shower." Jimin informed Hoseok as he could no longer bare the smell and the sticky feeling on his body. When Hoseok gave a nod to go ahead, Jimin stepped out to see you standing in tears.
End of Flashback.
"If you still don't trust me. Go ask Hobi and see if he says anything different." Jimin said after explaining what happened. Your heart tugged and you started feeling bad.
"I-I'm sorry." You say looking down unable to meet his eyes. "I should have let you explain."
Jimin lifted your chin up making you look at him. He smiled sweetly at you and leaned into peck your lips. "Can you give me few minutes. I'll be right back." Jimin says and you give a nod. Y/n you are an idiot! But still everything pointed out he was cheating so it's not completely my fault. You argued with yourself as you watch Jimin disappear to his bedroom.
Without any hesitation you went to the study ready to face the annoying bitch and Hoseok. Aera was knocked out on the couch with her dress intact thankfully and Hoseok was going through something on his laptop.
"Still got energy to work?" You ask jokingly. He looked up and gave the usual bright smile.
"I was just checking a mail. Soyee just mentioned that the report you submitted was perfect. Thanks for it Y/n and sorry for troubling you." He said as you took a seat next to him.
"No worries. It's my job after all." you reply with a smile.
"Let me just reply to them." Hoseok said and started typing. So you just sat there scrolling through your phone waiting for Jimin. After few minutes Hoseok was done with his work and closed everything down.
"I better book an Uber since my car is at the office." Hoseok says pulling his phone out.
"Yeah that's good since you guys have been drinking too." You added another reason why he should take an Uber and smiled which he returned.
"J-Jimin.. My Chim." You stiffened when Aera groned Jimin's name in her sleep. You turned to look at her with a frown on your face. You wanted to slap her awake and yell at her. Hasn't she done enough? Why is she taking his name so shamelessly? Bitch! You cursed at her in your head. The hate you have towards her will never fade away for sure.
"I guess she really is in love with him still." Hoseok commented getting your attention. "Awhile ago I found out that she's Jimin's ex when she confessed that she still loves him." Hoseok said looking at Aera in an amused way.
"What? She confessed?" You were taken aback from what he said.
"I don't think she will remember though. She was piss drunk." Hoseok laughed a little. "But if what she is saying is true then Jimin and her would make a great couple, don't you think?" he asked turning to you. Seriously Hobi? You are asking me? You wanted to tell him the truth but instead you said something else.
"Why is that?"
"Well.. If I take the normal friend view. They both look good together. They both have nasty yet warming personalities. Since she was the only girl Jimin ever loved I'm sure she can make him happy if she tries. We all go through heart breaks, but if that person is willing to make amends then that's what matters." Hoseok smiled but was not finished yet.
"And if I look at them as business partner. They both are from great families with rich backgrounds. They are great leaders and can easily support each other to grow further. Together they will be the power couple in the industry since they both have so much to offer." He said making you feel small and worthless when he put it out like that.
You turned to look at Aera who was sleeping looking so pretty even in that drunk state. Jealousy is an understatement for what you are feeling right now. You really are nothing compared to her or anyone in this world. What Hoseok said hit you deep and hard. It's true that Jimin deserves better, someone who will match his status and lifestyle but you know that no one will love him like you do. An unsettling feeling was creeping through you and it got worse when Hoseok put out the last comment.
"And also just look at her... She is fucking HOT! There is no way that Jimin or any man can resist someone like her. She got everything a man could ask for."
Jimin's chest was still filled with butterflies as he took out a black T-shirt to wear. Earlier he freaked out thinking that you were going to leave him over a misunderstanding. It scared him to death but he was glad that it happened because now he knows how much he meant to you. He knows that it's not only him that feels this way. He felt like crying when you screamed at him hinting that you love him too and he just couldn't stop smiling either. It was a crazy warm feeling and it was still lingering in his heart. It was the first time he ever felt something like this.
After getting ready he stepped out of the room to see the real love of his life, and that was you. Past few days he was feeling messed up with Aera's sudden visit and all, but the love he had for you never wavered for one second. His heart started beating fast again when he saw you walking out of the study. Your eyes were still red and you gave him a small smile.
Jimin frowned because you were looking sad. "Hobi just left and Aera is sleeping inside." You inform him.
"What? Why didn't Hobi take her." Jimin was little annoyed by the fact that she was in his house sleeping.
"He was tired and she is already sleeping here, so it's the best to leave her alone." You say looking disturbed. Jimin knew something was not right. He held your face and looked at you with so much love.
"Are you ok?" he asks getting concerned as tears stung your eyes. "Hey.. what's wrong? Do you not trust me?"
"I do.. I do Jimin. But.. I don't think.." You looked up at his face, his eyes looked so beautiful, so deep. You could see the frown in his face. Something in you want to tell him that you should stop and he deserves better. But your heart was being selfish, you didn't want to let go of Jimin. Then your brain supported you reminding you of all the promises you made to him. You said you will always stay with him and be with him. Jimin is yours and you are his! Don't ruin this! Your heart shouted at you.
"I guess I'm just exhausted and hungry." you lied.
"Ok. Go wash up. I'll fix you dinner." Jimin said kissing your forehead making you want to cry. You give him a quick nod and went inside his room holding up the tears. As soon as you got into the shower you burst out crying. You let it all out to get free from the tightness you were feeling in your heart.
You didn't know why you were feeling like this all of a sudden. Is it because of what Hobi said? Is it because of Aera? Or is it because Jimin will never love you back? You questioned yourself. You literally put yourself out there and you knew that Jimin heard you clearly but he didn't say anything about it or react to it. So you started worrying a bit if your confession was making him want to run away from you. Will he really leave me? Did he still love Aera? Your insecurities started growing out of nowhere as you sat there and tried to calm yourself before going out.
Jimin on the other hand was humming and making one of your favorite dishes. He was feeling happy in his heart. He looked up at the calendar and his smile widened seeing the marked date two weeks from now. It was your birthday and he was preparing for a getaway and a grand confession like the Park Style, how his family calls it.
His grandparents and parents all believed in love and they all married out of love. Jimin didn't know how he got here but he couldn't be more happier. The days when he just felt broken, the nights when he was doubting himself is all gone because you kept his heart from folding.
Jimin looked down when he felt two arms snaking around his waist from behind. His lips widened into a beautiful smile as he instantly relaxed into your embrace. You hugged him from behind and rested your head against him.
"Feeling better?" he asked from you while he got your food ready on a plate.
"Hmm." You hummed not saying much. Once Jimin was done with the plating, he turned bringing you to his chest. He kissed your head and wrapped his arms around you, holding you dearly to him. Jimin knew something was up so he wanted to make something clear to you.
"Y/n?" your name came out in a soft beautiful whisper.
"Hm?" you hummed in response and lifted your head to look up at him.
"Please know that I'm always here for you. If you ever have any doubts please ask me. Please trust me and don't jump to conclusions. I know we didn't have a great start nor a great past. I know that my past might be upsetting you and giving you doubts but please remember it's all in the past." he paused for a second looking at you. His heart getting heavy and voice getting deep as he continued.
"You and I are together now. I know it's a weird start and we are not like a normal couple but everything starts with something right? And that something would be have been nothing if your heart didn't dream with me. We spoke about a lot of things together, we planned so many things together. We made promises together and non of this would have happened if you didn't believe in me or in us. I don't know where I would be right now, if you didn't believe in me. So please continue to do it." He says running his thumb over your cheek making your heart pound hard and fast. "Can you do that?" Jimin was serious and you could feel it. His eyes were full of hope that you would trust him always, so you give a nod.
"I will always believe in you Jimin. Even if you ever let me go, I will always believe in you." you say meaning it but Jimin didn't like one part of what you said so he squashed you in his arms making you yelp, but it soon turned into giggles when he nuzzled against your ear and neck. "I'm never letting you go Miss. Y/n. Keep that in your mind."
"What if I runaway?" You ask in a joking manner but deep down you were serious because you really want to know if he would let you go if you made the choice. He stopped attacking your neck and looked at you, face turning serious. You kept the big smile on to assure him that you weren't being serious. But joke or not, he took it seriously.
"I will always come for you because you are mine." he says firmly. You felt a flutter in your heart and got the assurance you were looking for. As long as Jimin wanted you that's all that matters and he was right. You needed to believe in each other to keep going and that's what you will do. Believe.
When the morning came, the rays of light was hitting your face making you furrow your brows. You didn't want to wake up as you felt sore and tired. You turned to the other side eyes still closed and snuggled into Jimin's chest. You were greeted by his sweet manly smell that you love. A small smile tugged your lips and you kissed his chest in sleep. You heard a low chuckle as you felt his chest vibrate against you.
"Good morning, Princess." Jimin greeted running his fingers down your bare back.
"Good morning baby." you greeted back basking in his warmth. Jimin's heart never fail to skip a beat every time you call him baby. He likes it so much, specially now knowing that you love him, it meant a lot more to him now. Jimin was finding it hard to contain himself. He wanted to tell you how much he loves you but instead of saying it he decided to hide it on your skin for now.
He pulled you back to look at your face. When you opened your eyes he pecked your lips and glided his hand up against your back making you close your eyes to the warm tingling sensation. When you looked back at him, he slowly dragged his finger on your back as his dark loved filled orbs stared into your soul. You felt each trace burn into your skin sending you shivers as you watched your man.
Jimin smiled dreamily as he traced the last letter on your skin. 'I love you' is what he wrote on your skin meaning it with his whole heart. And it was going to be a secret between him and your body for now.
"Did you just write something?" you ask raising an eyebrow at him.
"Did I?" Jimin ask cockily.
"It definitely felt like letters on my shoulder blade." You say finally feeling fully awake.
"Really? My scribbling felt like letters. Let me try that again then." Jimin said and started attacking your sides making you scream and giggle as he tickled you.
"Jimin stop!" you laughed but it was of no use. He was enjoying it way too much.
"Baby I can't breathe.. Wait...time out!" you say and thankfully he stopped but you knew he was just giving you a breather so you took the chance to jump out of bed.
"Hey.. that's cheating." Jimin complained pouting but you just stuck your tongue at him as you wore your shorts and put on his T-shirt instead of yours.
"Get your ass up. I'm hungry and you promised to take me out today." you reminded him and went in to the bathroom to brush your teeth and freshen up. Jimin waited for few more minutes and lazily got off from the bed. You almost choked while rinsing your mouth as you saw him.
"Mind wearing pants before walking around like that." you say blushing to look at him. Jimin grinned seeing your flushed face.
"Why are you blushing as if you have never seen me naked countless times before." he teased "And from what I remember last night you were beg-"
"Ok Ok... stop! Oh my god." you say covering his mouth before he could turn you into a tomato. Jimin laughed removing your hand to pick up his brush.
"I'll go make us coffee." you say shaking your head at this crazy boy and went out to the kitchen. Feeling happy you set up the coffee machine and grabbed some water to drink as you waited.
"Who are you?" Soon you heard a raspy voice from behind and it scared the shit out of you making you jump a little because it was not Jimin. You turned to see a frowning Aera. You totally forgot about her and you didn't even know what to say to her.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" she asked irritated as she eyed you from head to toe. Shit! We are caught! You thought while trying to come up with an excuse.
"I -I was j-"
"She lives here with me. Got a problem?" Jimin walked in not even looking at her way.
"What? Why is that?" she questioned and now it was your turned to get annoyed. Nosy much!
"I don't think we need to explain why my girl is here living with me in details. I'm sure you have something called common sense." Jimin says sarcastically wrapping an arm around you and pecking your lips before looking back at her. Aera's and your eyes grew wide at the same time. You knew that a lot is going on her mind now and you still couldn't believe Jimin just opened up about you to her but deep down you wanted to gloat.
"Oh! I see. I'm sorry for prying. I'm still sobering up I guess.. I didn't mean to be rude." She smiled apologetically. Weird! You thought as she was being nice than being a sarcastic bitch.
"That's fine. Want some coffee?" you ask trying to be nice.
"No actually I need to head back to my hotel. I can't believe I got knocked out here. Jimin would you mind giving me a ride?" she asked looking at Jimin with hopeful eyes giving him the innocent angel look.
"Sorry I have plans with My love. I'll book you an Uber." Jimin replied with a smirk and went back to the room to grab his phone.
Aera's eyes landed back to you as Jimin disappeared from the sight. You instantly knew she was up to no good. "Desperate much?" she asked giving you a dirty smile.
"Excuse me?" you quirked up your eyebrow at her not understanding a thing.
"I knew that something was off about you two. Who knew that Mr. Park was banging his own Personal Assistant. Is this part of your job too? Or are you just a gold digger trying to climb her way up?" she questioned.
Mentally you rolled your eyes and sighed heavily. You knew this would be the first thing people be asking you and that's why you didn't want anyone to know. "Well my personal life got nothing to do with my professional one Miss. Aera. I never mix work and love together." You say not being too rude because of her damn position and importance in the company.
"Love? Oh honey.. don't mix lust and love together. Do you really think someone like Jimin will love a girl below his standards. I mean no offence.. it's a common thing for secretaries and PAs to open their legs for their bosses. But don't delude yourself in thinking you will have a future with him. They will keep you only for their pleasure." she mocks you. You clenched your hand wanting to throw the glass you were holding at her face but you held back.
"Don't act like you know us." you say controlling the amount of words that's itching to come out of your mouth.
"Oh! But I knew Jimin before you. We have history. In fact we were lovers." she says trying to get to you but instead you smirked wiping off hers.
"Were lovers.. Jimin has nothing but disgust towards you after what you did to him. You sure have a nerve to walk up to him like nothing happened after you used him like a toy. Oh... and honey.. I knew Jimin way before you as we were in college together. In fact I'm his first crush." You say rubbing on her since she showed her true colors. She was taken aback by what you just said. She opened her mouth to say something back but Jimin came just in time. You felt relieved because you didn't want to listen to her anymore.
"Your ride is on it's way. Will be here in few minutes." he informed. She quickly went back to her innocent self and smiled in a thankful way. Two faced bitch! you cursed.
"Uhmm.. can I know where the washroom is?" she asked.
"Down the hall to your right." You say before Jimin, she just gives you the look and go in after grabbing her things from the floor.
You didn't realize that you were openly frowning till Jimin squeezed your cheeks and make you look at him. "I know that look... did she say anything?" he ask.
"Nothing that I couldn't handle." You say shifting from one foot to another feeling a bit uncomfortable because Jimin didn't go easy on you last night. He notices it and chuckles making you blush. "Is my baby having a hard time standing?" he asks and you hit his chest lightly and roll your eyes at him, holding back a smile.
Jimin picks you up and sets you on the counter. "Better?" he asks settling himself between your legs.
"Better." You say after pecking his lips and resting your hands on his shoulders. He looks at you with love not lust. Aera is wrong. You believe Jimin more than anyone. You promised to believe him. Unintentionally you parted your lips a little and Jimin took that as an invite for his lips.
Jimin leaned in and you unconsciously closed your eyes as he pressed the tip of his nose against your cheek while tilting his head. Your bodies got closer without leaving any space in between. His warm breath fanned against your lips making your emotions rise inside of you. And finally his warm sweet plum lips touches yours. The soft mellow feelings from his lips made your heart pound harder as you melted into his sensual kiss.
Last night you both literally kissed the life out of each other to make up for the time you were apart, still it's never going to be enough. These lips were each others addiction and you both knew it too well. There was no sign of lust in this kiss. It was warm.. pure and beautiful. It was just pure love!
Sudden clearing of throat made you break away from the kiss making Jimin frown. You looked up to see Aera standing there. For a split second you saw hurt in her eyes. But she quickly blinked it away.
"Sorry for interrupting but is my uber here?" She asked in a low voice. Jimin sighed and pulled out his phone to check.
"It's almost here." he informed her.
"I see. Mind walking me out?" she asked politely.
"Sure." Jimin said helping you down from the counter to walk her out. Instead of following Jimin, Aera came closer to you as if she was hugging you goodbye but she didn't lay a hand on you. Instead she said something disturbing in a cynical tone before she turned around and left.
'Enjoy while you can Y/n. At the end everything will be mine.'
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