~ 21 ~
Early in the morning as soon as you got to the office the first thing you did was clear out your things from Jimin's office and shift to the store room. You didn't want to work in his hookup office anymore. He always disturbs your work and then yells at you and treat you like an idiot, after yesterday's incident you had enough of his crap. Since he always kept you out, you decided to shift so you can do your work in peace while he fucks girls in his office.
The store room was right next to his office so he could easily give you a call when he needs to. Since you came to work early, you started clearing out new set of files that was pending. You thought of Jungkook and wanted to meet him after work since he will be going to Seoul for few days, but he said he will be going out with Joy because he couldn't spend time with her in a while. As you were working the door to the store room burst opened, an angry Jimin entered the room and walked up to you.
"What are you doing?" he demanded.
"Work." you replied unbothered by his temper and kept typing on your laptop. You could feel him getting more irritated as you ignored him without even sparing a glance up at him. What happened next was so fast that it took you few seconds to realize it. Jimin angrily shut your laptop and grabbed to hold it in his hands.
"My office..NOW!" he growled and stormed to his office with your laptop. What the fuck possessed him early in the morning. You cursed and angrily followed him.
Jimin just tossed your laptop on to your desk and your eyes popped out worrying if it got damaged. Anger roared in you as you turned to look at him. "What the hell?" you raised your voice at him.
"Lower your voice y/n, do I need to remind you who's the boss around here?" he glared at you and you glared back.
"Then act like one."
"I AM.. acting like one. That's why I want an explanation why that you have moved out of this office without my permission." He said through gritted teeth.
"Isn't it obvious. So you could have your hookups as you please and I could do my work in peace without having disturbed by you whenever one of your sluts shows up." You started to yell, letting out the anger and hurt that was building within you from yesterday. "I have put up so much with you and I wont do it anymore when you keep acting like a perverted horny jerk who can't keep it together at work and then yell at me for not getting the work done."
"Are you done acting like an immature brat?" he asked with his intimidating look as he continued when you just kept glaring at him taking angry deep breaths. "Because I won't hesitate to make you quiet and teach you to respect me." he growled under his breath.
"Oh yeah. Make me then. I'm not scared of you or your threats. If you want to fire me then go ahead and fire me. I'll be more than happy getaway from a heartless jerk like you." you snapped pointing at him as you yelled. Jimin angrily took few steps towards you.
"What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you always look down on me and insult me?" he can see that you are really angry and he started getting confused to why, it can't be simply because of what happened last night. "Why don't we talk about the real problem between us, huh?"
You quickly avoided his eyes looking away. "I-I don't know what your talking about?" You turned your back to him not wanting to face him but Jimin turned you back around as he started talking. "Really? Then why are you not facing me properly? Why are you so angry? It can't be because I lost it and kissed Haneri while you were out hugging and hanging out with another guy. You clearly said that you don't feel anything for me and I get it. But why this hate? Why are you looking at me with so much disgust ever since we met again?" he questioned with a lot of confusion in his eyes, seeking you to clear them out for him.
Your lips trembled as your insides started burning. He was right and you hated to admit it. Kissing that bitch was definitely one of the reasons but the main reason was something else and you didn't want to answer him. You were at the edge of blowing up again so you looked away again as tears stung your eyes. "I'm done." You tried to walk away but he quickly got in front of you and blocked you.
"Well I'm not done y/n. All you do is ignore me, insult me and hate me and I want to know why. And I want to know why the fuck are you pretending as if we never knew each other back in college. You think I'm dumb. I can clearly see it in your face y/n. One minute you act like you care about me and the next minute you fucking snap at me. So tell me what is your problem dammit. What the hell did I ever do to you?"
"You fucking humiliated me." you snapped unable to bare it anymore.
"W-what?" Jimin looked baffled as he looked at you. Finally your eyes meets his directly and he could see a tear roll down your cheek. You were deeply hurt and he could see that.
"You fucking played me and humiliated me. I waited the whole night for you but you never showed up and you never explained because you fucking disappeared after that." your voice cracked in pain as you shouted at him.
"What are you talking about?" He furrowed his brows, confused more than ever. You scoffed at him and tilted your head up in disbelief. Is he really going to play the dumb card? "Tell me Y/n? Please lets talk it out. I really have no idea of what you are talking about?"
"Oh really Jimin. So you remembered me after five years but you don't remember the last time we spoke? The time you decided to make a fool out of me by asking me to the movies and then never showing up?" you lashed out feeling frustrated. Jimin looked stunned as he took a step back. His face got clouded with so many emotions that you couldn't even understand.
"What? You went there and.... You waited for me?" he asked as if he never knew this.
"Please stop. Plea.." you wanted to say stop pretending as an another tear rolled down, but he started talking, cutting you off.
"Y/n I swear I didn't know. Didn't you know what happened that day? Didn't Jenny pass my message to you?" he asked confusing you. You didn't know what he was talking about. All you know was that he never showed up after that day. But now that you think of it, you never knew why he wasn't there. You just shook your head. Part of you were still angry and didn't want to talk to him but another part of you want to know what happened.
"Y/n I'm so sorry, I should have told you but I was not in my right mind. After going back to the class I got an urgent call from home asking to come home. So on my way I met Jenny and I told her to pass the message to you since I didn't have your number." Jimin's voice started cracking and his eyes were moist. He looked hurting as he struggled to continue. "A-and w-when I got home..my grandma had passed away. S-so I was not myself after that. I-I am Sorry y/n." he looked down unable to face you anymore. He didn't know any of this. And after that heart breaking day he was really not himself and he forgot everything for a while.
You looked at Jimin not knowing how to process what he just said. You couldn't believe it, You refused to believe it. All these years you had been cursing him and hating, without knowing the truth. You should have known when he never showed up. You just believed others and what you saw. A pang of guilt hit you hard. Hoseok did say that Jimin went through so much when he lost his grandma. And you just refreshed his memory of that day. It's a day that was painful for you and him both. It was not his fault!
"I-I'm Sorry too. I really didn't know." You got closer wanting him to look at you and he did. "I really thought you just stood me up to make fun of me. That's why I was hating you and getting angry at you all the time. Sorry." you apologized sincerely looking at him. Your heart did feel heavy but the anger was gone. What happened to you after that day was all because of Jenny. You realized that she purposely didn't pass you the message so that she could bully you the next day. But Jimin didn't have to know that and you couldn't bring yourself to say that to make him understand more of why you treated him like that.
"It's not your fault. Just know that I really wanted to get to know you back then." he said in a low broken voice. You could see guilt in his eyes too.
"It's ok.. Lets forget and move on. It's all in the past now." You told him and he gave a nod along with a small smile.
After talking everything out and clearing the misunderstanding you had, you both made a peace pact. No more yelling, no more hate, no more ignoring but there was a weird feeling stuck in your heart. Now that the anger is gone, you can't figure out the thing you are feeling. You looked at Jimin who was working in his seat. And yes, he had you shift back immediately and you no longer protested against it. Jimin looked up feeling your gaze on him, he gave you a beautiful eye smile which fluttered your heart. Feeling light as if you have been set free from a tangled mess, you smiled back sincerely at him and continued your work at ease.
"Y/n want to have lunch with me? Hobi ditched me for a girl." Jimin flopped down on the chair in front of your desk, which he added two days back so he could annoy you when he doesn't have any work. With snap of the fingers, he was back being the flirty Jimin but to a certain limit.
"I already had lunch with Yuna." you said arranging his schedule for the next two weeks.
"What? already?" he asked with a disappointed face. You gave a nod and a small smile. Jimin tilted his head sideways and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb, clearly thinking something as he was staring at you. His eyes dilated and a seductive smile tugged his lips making you blush, you quickly returned your gaze to the screen. What is he doing? Jimin is really good at confusing you and give you weird feelings. Sometimes you feel like even he don't know what he is doing or what he wants.
"I'm bored. I'm heading home. If your done with yours you can go as well." he said casually returning back to his normal self making you look back at him. You are so amazed by him sometimes, Jimin really do have some serious duality issues.
"Thanks but I don't think I can go home anytime soon. But go ahead and have a good rest." you said locking eyes with him once again. He held your gaze for a second longer before getting up.
"Ok then. See you later." Jimin smiled and left so that you could continue your work.
It was almost 5pm when you were sent an urgent report regarding an issue of a recent shipment. Jimin will be having a meeting regarding this tomorrow morning and he needs to go through this before that. Since you were already done with your work you decided to drop by his place to hand it over.
Once you were at his place, you rang the bell but there was no answer. You took out your phone and called him, it rang but he still didn't answer. You looked around and noticed that both his cars parked in front, which means he should be home. You walked a little bit further and you heard music coming from the back of his house.
Without thinking you followed it and notice another small unit attached to the house. The music was coming from there so you went over. The sliding door was opened and it looked like a studio. So you entered to see Jimin moving to the music. Your eyes widened and you stared at him with your mouth agape. You never knew he could dance so beautifully. He was so lost in his movements that he didn't even notice that you were there.
You watched him in awe as he moved so rhythmically to the music. No wonder he has a very elegant looking body. Jimin truly is full of surprises you thought. Soon the music stop and you quickly broke out from your trance when Jimin looked up at you. Your cheeks turned red feeling like you witnessed something that you were not suppose too see.
"When did you get here?" he asked in surprise.
"Just few minutes ago. I came to give you an urgent document which is required for the meeting tomorrow." you said holding the file against your chest as you started feeling nervous. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry. The door was opened." you said looking down, trying to come up with a better excuse.
"That's alright. I didn't mind. Is everything alright? what's the urgent document?" he asked wiping his sweat off with a towel.
"There is an issue with the recent shipment. And it should be discussed at the meeting tomorrow. Here is the file." you handed over the file getting closer to him. He took the file from you and sat down on the floor and started going through it then and there. Not knowing what to do you just looked around standing in front of him. "Sit." he ordered, you slowly removed your bag and sat facing him.
You looked at him and he looked so breathtaking. His hair looked slightly damped with sweat and his skin glistened. His plum lips were slightly apart as he was taking deep breaths. You had a sudden urge to wrap yourself around him as the memories of him kissing you so passionately came crashing down to you. You gulped and looked away to control the thoughts. The studio was not very big but it looked very elegant and neat with a huge mirror wall on one side. There was another room in the corner, probably the shower room or a changing room.
"So did you like it?" He asked breaking the silence and making you look at him.
"Like what?" you asked as his eyes were still glued to the documents.
"My practice session." he replied casually.
"It was beautiful. I never knew you could dance like that." you said still amazed by his movements.
"Well I used to dance as a kid and then joined a dance school when I was abroad as an hobby while taking my masters there. Now me and Hobi dance just for fun whenever we have a free time." he explained in short.
"Hobi dances too?" you asked in surprise.
"Yes. He is the one who got me into dancing in the first place when we were kids." he said finally looking up at you.
"Wow that's amazing. Never thought that you guys were dancers." you said smiling widely remembering how they used to look back in college. "You both used to have that lazy bad boy attitude."
Jimin smiled tossing the file to aside. "Really. I thought we were the best looking smart ass students that everybody wanted." he looked at you amused for bringing up the past. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at him making him chuckle.
"Maybe for others. But you were different for me." the words just slipped your mouth and you wanted to slap yourself as your eyes got wide.
"Different.. how?" he asked giving full attention to you, while looking at you with his beautiful amused eyes. You started getting shy and nervous again. You were at loss of words as he waited for you to say something. How can I tell him that I used to be head over heals for him back in the days.. You thought and also that you liked him because you saw a soft caring side that no one had seen before, even though he tried to act like a bad guy. You wanted to get away as your heart started acting out. There was tension between you two as you both had your eyes locked. So you cleared your throat as you pointed towards the opened window.
"Look at that. It's getting late. I should get going now." You smiled awkwardly and stood up to go. But as soon as you were on your feet, Jimin grabbed from your hand and hardly pulled you down towards him making you almost sit on him. Your other hand quickly wrapped around his neck as you tried to balance yourself while trying to figure out what on earth happened. Jimin didn't stop there as he wrapped his hand around your waist and quickly flipped you down to the floor making you gasp out loud.
Your back was against the floor and you rested your head against it to look up while holding Jimin. Your breath hitched when you noticed him hovering so closely above you. Your heart immediately started to pound hard against your chest as you stared into his deep dark eyes which was lost in yours.
His one arm still under you, holding you while the other was next to your head which helped him balance himself above you. Jimin's gaze was so intense as if he was searching for something in your eyes. You notice him doing that when ever you two are very intimately close. His body was pressed against you and his Adam's apple bobbed making you gulp as well. Your body was heating up and you couldn't think straight at all. You averted your gaze to his lips mindlessly thinking how good they felt on you. You started feeling tingles on your skin as he slowly lowered himself towards you. You felt like your heart would jump out any minute because of the way it was pounding against your chest, like it's trying to break free or something. You tilted your head to the side slightly ready to take his sweet soft lips but then both of you just froze.
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