~ 2.9 ~
Jimin gave you a sideway glance as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. His hand was itching to grab yours and hold it while driving just like the old times. Even though he knew where you lived, he pretended to look at the navigator which was leading to the address you entered.
"So how long have you been living here?" he asks breaking the silence.
"It's been almost a year now." You reply turning to look at him. A sudden image of Jimin in a suit driving while holding your thigh flashed. Your cheeks turned pink and you quickly shook your head to come to your senses. What the fuck Y/n! What are you thinking? Where the fuck did that even come from. You thought while rapidly blinking your eyes.
A sudden feeling of familiarity consumed you. Your heart picked up it's pace as you stared at Jimin. He truly is a beautiful handsome man that could easily flutter anyone's heart. He really does feel very familiar to you. Deep down you feel like you know him but in reality you knew it was absurd because he just moved to Singapore.
"That's quite some time. I heard you came from Seoul.. Any idea of going back?" He continued to make conversation.
"Yeah. Well we are pretty much settled here. But I would like to go back and see how it's like since I don't know how it looks like anymore." You say feeling sad because you remember Seoul from what it was like almost eight years ago.
"Oh ok. I'm from Busan. Have you ever been there?" He asks to check if you have any memory of Busan.
"Really? Jungkook is from Busan too. But I don't know if I have been to Busan or not. Sadly after the accident I really can't remember much." You say honestly. Your memory loss is no secret. Everyone around you knew about it.
"I'm sure you did.. Busan is a precious place to miss. And I really hope you would recover your memories soon." He says meeting your eyes for a brief moment. It was enough for you to see the sincerity in his eyes. The sincerity you wished to see in Jungkook's eyes when you talk about this to him.
"I wish that too. I will be the happiest person then." You say without even knowing the reality. Jimin got silent for a second as he contemplated whether to ask the next question or not.
"Why.. aren't you happy now?"
You look ahead at the night sky and thought about his question for a second. Am I really happy? You asked yourself. Why shouldn't I be happy.. Jungkook treats me so well and I have nice friends around me. But still the emptiness was always there. With this void in my heart, I doubt if I could ever be 100% happy. But others don't need to know about it. You say to yourself and turn back to look at Jimin. You wanted to tell him that you are perfectly happy but looking at him, you couldn't lie.
"I-I don't know.. maybe not 100% but I will feel complete and happy if I get my past memories. Things will be a lot more easier and not confusing."
"I can understand.. But what if your past is not what you expected. What if it's totally different from the things you know and the life you are having now." he asks pushing the limit a little bit to test things out.
"Well I don't know.. I haven't thought about it that way. But I doubt that I had any different kind of life." You reply after thinking deep about what Jimin said.
"Don't be so sure. Reality maybe way different.. You may or may not have liked the things in your past." He says taking a right turn smoothly.
"You have a point. But still it's a part of me.. so good or bad.. I would still accept it."
Jimin wanted to push you further with questions but he stopped himself. He didn't want to take any chances. You both got quiet but the silence was comfortable. It was like the presence was enough to comfort each other and you found that weird. As you wondered why you are so comfortable with Jimin your eyes scanned the street food vendors that you both were passing by.
Jimin noticed it and stopped the car smiling to himself. He knew you were a sucker for street food and he was glad that habit was still there. You would always make him stop and get your favorites back in the days.
"Why did we stop?" You ask turning to look at him.
"Give me a minute. I'll be right back." Jimin grabbed his wallet and got down. Your eyes followed him as he walked passed looking through few vendors and then stopping at one. Oh boy! He is buying snacks.. I want too! Your inner self whined. No Y/n.. control your greedy tummy! You scolded but then it was right next to you. Fuck it! Let's just buy some. You give in to your cravings and dug through your bag finding for your wallet.
You opened the bag wide and looked through it but before you could find it, Jimin opened the car door and got it. You mentally sighed and pouted but soon it got replaced into a thin line when Jimin offered you the snack bag.
"Here.. for you." he smiled sweetly.
"For me?"
"Yeah.. I saw you looking at them. Since all we had was different types of coffees, I figured that you might be hungry." He says starting the car.
"But.. I can't have it by myself. You didn't eat anything too." You say feeling bad to accept it.
"Y/n.. it's just snacks.. You don't have to think so much about this. Besides it was because of me that you skipped dinner." He simply states.
You blink at him holding on to the bag of snacks debating to eat it or not. The smell was making you hungry and it was matter of time that your stomach rumbles screaming for food. Your insides just wants to rip the bag open and eat them. But you didn't want to eat it alone when he was sitting next to you, probably as hungry as you are.
"Then let's share." You suggests giving him a small convincing smile. Jimin shakes his head smile tugging his lips as he looks around. Seeing a spot ahead, he slowed down and parked the car on the side.
You looked around confused wondering why he stopped again. There was nothing but huge apartment buildings with a side walk. Jimin got down and came to your side to open the door for you as well. "Come out Princess." he says smirking down at you.
You blinked staring up at him for the choice of words he used. You felt like you had heard them the exact way in the exact tone before. Jimin's dark eyes bore into yours for a second as if he was having the same flashback as you. But you quickly shake it off and got down.
"Where are we going?" you ask as he walked in front of you and you followed. Suddenly you got a Deja vu feeling like this has happened before. But you couldn't put your finger on it. Jimin stopped in front of you and you bumped into him making the feeling grow more but you pushed it off.
"Oh sor-"
"Perfect. Lets sit here." Jimin cut you off and turned to you. You looked around and your eyes grew wide as tiny chuckles escaped your lips.
"Jimmy it's a kids playground. What are we doing here?" You wondered.
"Well you wanted to eat together and Lee would kill me if we ate inside his car and ruined it. So here we are. Best place to have late night snacks." He grins walking towards the swings.
"Ok. But what if the security comes and chase us out. I'm sure only the people resides here can use it.. and we are grown ups.. not kids." You point out.
"Oh come on.. don't be a bore. Swings are for everyone. And if security comes we can say we live here.. or... we could always run." Jimin says being playful which made you shake your head at his silliness.
"Fine.. But I'll be leaving your ass here first." You say making him chuckle as you occupied the other swing next to him.
"Finally.. I was starving. The smell was killing me." You say being honest and opened the bag.
"I could see that. And your stomach was very clear about it." Jimin teased.
"What? It didn't make any noises." You protest trying not to blush in embarrassment.
"Yes it did.. Just a little. And you were too busy ogling the bag." Jimin teased more. You just roll your eyes giving him the fake annoyed look and look into the snacks he got you.
"Wait.. these are my favs.. how did you know?" You ask in surprise feeling more happy at the sight of them. What a dumb question you idiot.. way to go! You thought not knowing that Jimin still remembers everything about you.
"Just a guess. They are my favs too." He shrugs reaching out for one.
"I see that we do have some things in common." You say finally taking a bite. You hummed in satisfaction as the flavors melted in your mouth. Jimin smiled to himself seeing you like this. His heart was warming up, even though he couldn't have you completely, he was happy to have you next to him like this. Everyday he prayed for miracles to happen as he tried his best to make you remember.
"Maybe we have a lot more in common than you think." Jimin rocks his seat slightly thinking about you and him. You both really did have a lot in common. That was one of the reasons you both were attracted to each other.
"Hmmm...ok then. Chocolate or Vanilla?" You ask happily savoring every bit of the snack as you slowly rocked your self in the swing.
"What?" Jimin chuckled as he didn't expect a This or That quiz from you out the blue.
"Just answer." You narrow your eyes playfully.
"Ok.. Uh.. Chocolate."
"Mine too. Cake or ice cream?" you ask another. This was a tricky question and Jimin knew your answer and that was you liked both.. but he answered honestly.
"It depends on the mood. But I like them both."
"Day or Night?"
"Night." Jimin smiles looking up at the night sky for a brief second before directing his gaze back to you.
"Texting or calling?"
"Depends on the person."
"Hmm.. lets say your girlfriend." you say.
"Definitely calling. Video calling is much preferred. Hearing her voice and seeing her face every chance I get will make me more happy than a simple text." He replies holding your gaze. Seeing the sincerity in his eyes made you a little jealous because Jungkook would always want to text. He barely make phone calls and like Jimin, you always preferred calling the loved one.
"Video game night or movie night?"
"Again with girlfriend?" Jimin asks as he stood up and slowly went behind you to give you light pushes so that you could enjoy the swing. A big smile crept your face as you gave a nod.
"Movie night.. I mean why play games and divert your attention to it when you have your girlfriend with you. I would rather watch a movie and cuddle her on a couch making her feel loved." Again his answer tugged your heart.
This continued for few more minutes and you realized how you and him like the same things and think the same things. The more he answered the more you wanted to know about Jimin. He was totally not what you expected. Judging from his answers you could say that he is a hopelessly romantic guy.
"Son or Daughter?" Your next question threw him off a bit. He had never thought about having babies.. nor did he want to marry till you showed up in his life. But long time ago he did plan out his future and shared how it would be with his grandma. Now that he thinks about it, it's exactly how he wants his future to be.. with you. He slowed down the swing and came in front of you getting the urge to look at your beautiful face as he answered.
"I always wanted three boys but...." As your eyes met his with a soft smile, he crouched down in front of you and held on to the swing, stopping it completely with you trapped in between. Your heart skipped a beat seeing his night sky like eyes so close as he was only inches away from you. Those dark orbs were looking at you like you are the most beautiful thing they have ever seen. You felt like a butterfly was trapped in your heart and to ease off what you were feeling, you spoke as if this is not a big deal. And it shouldn't be because Alex and Jay also gets fairly close when you all play around. So you ignored your twitching heart.
" I really wouldn't mind a mini version of the woman I love as well." which is you.. he thought while reaching the corner of your lips with his thumb as he noticed some food crusts stuck there.
Your breath hitched when his thumb touched your skin. That feeling of sparks grazed your skin and you had your eyes fixed with his. Something inside of you stirred at his touch. Unintentionally you gulped softly unable to avert your gaze from his. You felt like you are getting drawn to him like you were in some kind of trance. You didn't know what was happening or what you were feeling but before you could figure it out your phone rang making Jimin break away from you. Without even looking you quickly answered the phone.
"H-hello?" You stuttered a bit but it went unnoticed.
"Precious are you home? I'm so sorry. I was stuck in meetings. Now only I saw your messages." Jungkook sounded genuinely sorry.
"That's fine Jungkook. I'm almost home now."
"Oh thank god. I'm sorry. I'll see you at home in a bit." He replies.
"Ok. See you soon." You say and hang up.
Picking up the empty bag, you stand up to look at Jimin. He already knew that you wanted to go home.
"Ready to go?" He asks in a bubbly voice even though he wanted to sob on the inside. He really didn't have the heart to go drop you off to some other guy's house because your real home was him.
"Yes. Lets go." You smile and followed Jimin.
The rest of the ride was quiet but again not awkward or uncomfortable. Both of you were lost in your own thoughts. When Jimin finally stops in front of the house you look over at him with a real happy smile. After a while you really had a nice time. It's true that you didn't do much but just talking to him and goofing around made you forget of other things around you. It was weird but also nice.
"I'll see you tomorrow then and Thank you for the snacks and the ride. I had a good time."
"I should be thanking you. And I had a good time too Y/n. Thanks for everything." Jimin says in a sweet low voice.
"Good night Jimmy."
"Good night... Princess." Jimin says the last part grinning to tease you. You rolled your eyes pretending to be annoyed.
"Whatever.. see you tomorrow." You made a face at him and got down leaving Jimin in light chuckles.
"I love you Princess." he whispered watching you enter the house before driving off.
Still feeling tired and half sleepy Jungkook got dressed for work. Last night he got more late and when he got in you were already asleep. Wanting to see you before you leave, Jungkook went out to the living room expecting to see you having breakfast. But surprisingly you were not there.
Wondering if you left already he went to check your bedroom. A smile tugged his lips seeing you still asleep peacefully. Not making much sound he walked over to you and carefully sat on the bed. Judging by your face Jungkook could tell that you slept well without nightmares, and that's all he wants for you.
Moving the fallen hair from your face, he gently caressed your cheek looking at you with his soft doe eyes which carried a big burden of guilt and love.
Precious, I don't know how long I can do this to ourselves? I keep running away unable to face you. I know this is all wrong but my heart don't wanna hear me tell the truth nor accept it. I even stole you from someone else, just to have you to myself. Yet I can't even cross the line with you and make you mine completely. Trust me I can't even count all the times I've thought about that line in my head but still I can't do it. Things are just so complicated. Lately I've been thinking if we met in a different place and time...Maybe in another life, I'll bet that babe you and I would have worked. We never get the chance to try out a proper relationship. I don't even know if you will ever love me the way I love you and what makes it worse is you would have loved me if you met me first. Still I will hold on to hope because you are in my arms, with me right now.
Jungkook spoke to you silently in his heart as he couldn't say it out loud. He wished that theyre will be a day everything will be alright and he could tell all of this to you and free himself from this burden. Till then all he wants to do is love you and protect you for now.
Caressing your cheek, he leaned in to kiss your forehead. But still you didn't even move. It was already late for you to go to work and he didn't want you to miss work because he knew how much you love going to the café.
"Angel... wake up! You are late for work." He shook you lightly but you just groaned and pouted making him chuckle. Cute!
"Precious.. will you take a day off then?" He pressed kisses to your cheek. "Hm?" He asked showering more kisses successfully waking you up.
You peaked through a half opened one eye and rubbed the other with the back of your hand. You feel so good and well rested. You didn't have any dream last night and your heart was feeling light.
"Good morning sleepy head." Jungkook smiled widely pecking your pouty lips.
"Mm.. good morning." You mumbled blinking your eyes open.
"Aren't you going to work? It's almost 8 now."
"What?" You shot up straight with your eyes wide when you heard the time. You grabbed Jungkook's wrist to check the time on his watch.
"Shit. I'm late." You complained and threw away the cover from your body. But before getting down you grabbed Jungkook's face with both your hands and gave him a quick kiss on to his lips.
"You are getting late so go. I'll get ready and go in late." You tell him as he smiled to your sudden kiss.
"Ok. I'll try to come home early today." He says standing up and you got down from the bed.
"Ok. Go safe. See you later." You wave and wait for him to leave so that you could rush into the bathroom.
You were two hours late as you got into the cafe. With Hana on sick leave Mr. Bo was helping out the guys.
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I fell asleep." You quickly say to them as you reached the counter.
"Y/n.. Thank god you came. Please take over and it's ok that you got late." Mr. Bo patted your shoulder.
"Sure. Give me a minute." You say looking around mindlessly your eyes searching for Jimin. Not seeing him around, you went to the locker to keep your things and get ready. You wondered why he wasn't around and when you turned Jimin walked in with a big goofy smile on his plum lips.
"I thought you were gonna bail on your bet today."
"Hello to you too and what bet?" You ask smiling widely seeing him.
"Come on. Hope you will hold up to the your end of the deal." He said gesturing you with his head to follow him.
Giving the suspicious look you follow him out to the counter. A surprised gasp escaped your lips as he pointed out to a brand new latest cash registry. Seeing your reaction Jimin was overly satisfied and he took few steps closer to you.
"Close your mouth Princess. Your jaw will drop." He teased in a victory tone as he lifted your chin up as you were unaware that your mouth was hanging open.
"H-How? W-who? Wait.. what?" Your baffled self blabbered nonsense making Jay and Jimin laugh.
"I told you she will have the shock of her life." Jay nudged Jimin and continued chuckling.
"But how? We tried for months." You finally found your voice to speak.
"I told you it's easy and there is nothing that I can't do." Jimin flexed wiggling his brows at you. Rolling your eyes at him you walk past him to check out the new machine. Your work was going to get ten times easier now and you were completely satisfied.
"Ok now.. time to pay up. You said you will give me anything that I want." Jimin reminds you. Looking at him you knew he was not going to drop this easily and also you did make a bet.
"Fine. But it should be affordable and r-"
"Realistic. I know." Jimin completes your sentence for you.
"Yes. So tell me. What is it that you want?" You ask folding your arms in front of your chest.
"Hmm... Let me think." Jimin pretends to think with his index finger slowly tapping against his soft looking lips. You watched his lip curl up into a smirk as his eyes travel up to meet yours. For a second you thought you were going to regret this when he opened his mouth with his playful gaze fixed on you. But the answer was unexpected.
"Well I think.. I'll hold on to this wish for a while."
"Yahh! That's not fair. Tell me before I change my mind." You threatened but of course he didn't take it seriously.
"Sadly you can't. Deal is a deal. And since I'm the receiver, let me think this through."
"Ok you two.. Get to work. We have customers to serve." Jay cut in breaking the gazing contest between you and Jimin.
"I'll give you one day to decide." You say and turn to get the order from the customer who just walked in.
"Two days." Jimin announces playfully and goes around to clean a table. You shake your head and punch in the order of the man standing in front of you and got to the next customer after passing his order to Jay. When you looked up Jimin was already looking at you with a warm smile.
"One." You mouth smiling back. He shakes his head and mouth back. "Two" and show two fingers. You give him the whatever eyeroll and go to fix the drink of the other customer while biting back a smile that was trying to creep out because of Jimin.
Soon it was lunch break and as usual you went to June's shop to have your lunch with her. She was with a customer arranging a beautiful bouquet. June really is talented and her choice of flowers and colors are so unique and meaningful. That's what makes her flower arrangements so special. As you waited you came across a basket full of Purple Irishes. Those flowers looked so pretty and when you touched them you jolted your hand back as a memory of Jungkook holding those flowers for you flashed.
You blinked few times and took a step back with your eyes closed, bringing up the memory you just saw. It was definitely Jungkook and 'For You' was what he whispered in that memory as he was giving them to you. But he didn't look happy. His eyes were glossy and he looked hurt. Your heart ached at the thought of Jungkook in pain. Ever since you were kids, non of you could stand to see any one of you in pain. You would always cry with Jungkook when he is in pain and he would always hold you with tears when you are in pain as well. So what happened? Why was he looking at me like that? Did we fight? You thought about it for a while and then shook it off because it was an old memory and you both are together and fine now.
Your phone beeped and when you looked down it was a message from Jimin. A smile automatically tugged your lips at the thought of him.
Troublemaker - Where did u disappear to all of a sudden?
You - At June's. came for lunch.
Troublemaker - Oh ok.. Feed your tummy monster👿 before it roars like the last time. 😆
You - Yahhh!!!! it did not! 😤
Troublemaker - If u say so. Eat well Princess 😏
You - 🙄
"Why are you smiling so much while blushing? Your lips can literally touch your ears." June commented walking around her work table to where you were. Blushing... me? Well your cheeks do heat up when he calls you Princess. But you being you were not going to admit to it anytime soon.
"It's just Jimmy being annoying." You say tucking the phone back into your pocket. June raise one brow and give you the suspicious look seeing you all chipper about Jimin.
"What?" You ask widening your eyes.
"Since when did Jimmy become this close for you to smile like an idiot. I thought you hate him." June say in a half joking manner.
"I never hated him. He was just annoying and still is.. but he is really nice. There is more to him than you see and I really like his company. He feels comfortable and daring too." You let your mouth run loose about Jimin.
"Daring?" June questions.
"Well yeah. He kinds of challenges with things he knows and can do. Remember yesterday's bet with the cash registry?" You ask unwrapping your lunch.
"Mm hm.. I do." June states waiting for your answer.
"I don't know how he did it but he got it replaced first thing in the morning." You say still amazed by that.
"What? He did?" June's eyes went wide as yours earlier when you first saw it.
"I know right. Even I was shocked. Not even Mr. Bo could do it. He still won't say how he did it. He is being cocky about it." You shake your head and take a bite from your sandwich.
June hummed in response and knitted her brows together remembering the phone call Jimin had last night. June heard everything clearly and at first she didn't believe it. But now it's so clear that his demands las night was easily attended. But how did he do it? Who were you talking to last night Jimmy? And why does something feel off about you. June thought as she took a bite from her own sandwich.
The rest of the day went in a flash as you were joking around with Jimin and Jay mostly. Like Jay said Lee was a less of a talker but he kept smiling and secretly chuckling here and there. He is always on a serious mood looking around as if he was looking out for someone. You really don't understand him but he is not so bad. You thought maybe he is just shy unlike his friend who never drops a chance to tease or flirt.
"Ok I will be heading home now. See you guys tomorrow." You say grabbing your things.
"Are we still on for the rest of the lesson tomorrow night?" Jimin asks as his eyes turned into two beautiful crescents as he smiled wide.
"Yes we are. And I'll not be going easy on you." You say to him.
"Yes Ma'am. See you tomorrow then." Jimin waves at you.
"See you." You meet his eyes one last time and walk out to catch up with June to go home.
On your way, you opened up to June and told her how better you feel these days and thanked her for the advice she gave. Almost everything was under control and now all that's left is talking to Jungkook. And you were going to finish that off tonight and start anew.
As you got home, you were relieved to see Jungkook home. He did come early like he promised. You walked over to him as he was playing an online game probably with his team mates. He didn't even know that you got home till you tapped on his shoulder startling him.
"Fuck... Precious. You scared me." He says holding his chest while you broke out into fits of giggles.
"You know thieves can get in easily and rob us and still you wouldn't know." You say shaking your head to show that you are disappointed. But he just flashed a bunny smile at you and turned his attention back to the big screen. You knew that you weren't going to get a response from him now so you decided to go change.
"Ok. I'll go wash up and come. We can decide what to have for dinner." You say as he was getting ready to launch the new game.
"I already ordered pizza."
"Pizza? Again?" You made a face but he was too busy to see it.
"It's a different kind. You will like it. Ok now I have to get back." Jungkook adjusted his headphones back on and started talking over the mic to his friends while playing the game. You let out a sigh and went in to wash up and change.
Since he was gaming, you took your time thinking of all the things you want to tell him and talk about while in the bath. Like June said you decided to focus about telling him how you currently feel and talk about the present and the future with him.
Once you were done, you went out and sat next to him. The pizza was here and he had already eaten two slices of it. He said it's a different one but you didn't even feel like trying it.
"Yesss! We got it." Jungkook cheered loudly throwing a victory fist into the air.
"Ok guys we have twenty minutes till the next one is ready." he announces and removes his headphones to look at you with a bright smile since he won.
"Hey.. how was your day?" he finally asks leaning in to kiss your temple. You give a small smile suddenly feeling nervous about the things you had to say to him.
"It was good. How was yours?"
"Better than yesterday. We were pretty much testing the game the whole day."
"Oh so this is work?" You ask just to make sure that you are not disturbing.
"No. We guys are playing for fun to relax a bit." Jungkook answers.
"Oh ok!" You say staring at the screen as the numbers of the time changed every second.
"Want to play a test game with me?" he asks seeing you looking at it.
"What? Oh no. I'm not good at these."
"Come on. Just one. It will be fun. Here take this." Jungkook gives you another console. He had showed you and made you play with him few times before so it's not anything new. It's just gaming is not your thing. But since Jungkook likes it so much and since he is dedicated to this you always play along.
"Ok now this is the new one we are launching. So this is just a test run. You should be honored to be playing this first as an outsider." He says making a proud face.
"Is that so.. Well thanks for this opportunity your highness." You say jokingly with a smile that didn't reach your eyes.
"Ok now.. lets start. I'll go easy on you." He says smiling wickedly as he was setting up the game. You knew he wouldn't be able to control as he get into the game so you didn't believe him and he knew that too. Shaking your head you got ready to play.
"Kookie.. can we talk?" Few seconds into the game you couldn't help yourself but ask him this as the things inside your chest was building.
"Sure.. what is it? tell me." He says without breaking his focus on the game. His doe eyes paid no attention to you as it were fixed on the screen with his mouth slightly open. This is not how you wanted to talk to him.
"kook.. I'm serious." You say not paying attention to your character in the game as you glanced up at him.
"I am listening." he replies and you just go quiet. Suddenly last night memories with Jimin at the playground flashed in your head. You remembered how Jimin said that he would rather give attention to his girlfriend than play games. You smiled sadly at that memory and wished if Jungkook would give a little bit of attention like that as well.
"Yes. I won again." Jungkook jumped and turned to look at you and finally realized that you were not even playing the game properly. He noticed that you were quiet and lost in thoughts.
"Hey.. what's up? tell me." He asks finally turning to you completely. You look at him and you don't know why it was hard for you to talk to him.
"I.." sighs. "Nothing really. I just wanted to ask if we could go somewhere this week.. like on a date." You say deciding maybe it's better to have this conversation another day, probably after going on a date and lighting up the mood.
"Silly.. that was what you wanted to ask?" He pinches your nose lightly as he chuckled. You give him a nod trying to smile to convince him.
" Sure we can. I'll let you know a free day and take you anywhere you want to go."
"Ok then. I'll just head to bed now." You say not wanting to just sit there and do nothing as he played.
"Why? You can just stay here with me. I'll be done after this final round." He says looking at the screen. You knew he would be but you also knew that this round will at least take good one hour.
"It's ok. You have fun you need it. Besides I'm tired today." You say not wanting him to feel bad.
"Ok then. Good night Precious." He smiles softly squeezing your hand lightly.
"Good night Kookie." You lean in to kiss his cheek before going to your room.
Jungkook watch you go inside and sigh. Sometimes he wished if you would engage in things he does so you could understand him more and accept him more. It's not that you don't and he really appreciates how you try things for his sake and give him space. But he wished that you could enjoy them as well. Jungkook was a less affectionate when it came to showing love. No matter how deep the feelings are, he is shy expressing them. That's what all of his ex girls have complained about and even left him. He just prefers spending time, playing and bonding over them.
Noticing his friends are back online he adjusted his headphone and mic getting ready to play.
"Everyone in?" he asks distracting himself from the thoughts he was having and when he got the response from everyone, once again he lost himself inside the game forgetting everything around him.
Hi guys I hope you all are doing fine. I know I'm taking time to update. It's because we are under lockdown again as the situation here is getting worse. As I'm working from home it's been hard to keep up with writing. But I will be definitely posting twice a week. So I hope you all will understand and not be disappointed.
Stay safe all!!! Take care... love u ❤ and thnx for reading Wistful!!
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