~ 2.8 ~
You stared at the phone feeling a warmth in your heart. You didn't know who called you but who ever it was, you felt something in your heart when you heard soft muffled breathing. It was weird but also strangely comforting. Y/N I think you are losing your sanity! Shaking your head, you dropped a message to June telling her that you were still at the café waiting for Jungkook. Right now all you wanted was someone you could talk to.
Seeing your message, June took out her umbrella and stepped out of the shop to go to you. Before entering the café, June stopped in her tracks when she thought she saw someone staring at the café. When she looked properly she saw that it was Jimin. What is he doing? Is he crying? What is he staring at so painfully? Squinting her eyes, June followed his gaze to see you by the window crying your eyes out as well. What is going on? Why is Jimmy looking at you like that? June's brows raised in confusion.
Even though her curiosity peeked, you needed her right now. Seeing you crying she wanted to go to you first. Giving a last glance at Jimin she entered the café. Seeing her coming, You quickly wiped your tears with your sleeve and pulled the chair out next to you for her.
"Hey, what's wrong?" June approached you gently with a soothing voice and took your hands in hers as she took a seat. You didn't answer her immediately and she didn't rush you as well. She waited for you. June's eyes travelled down to your diary and saw that you have written things. She instantly knew this was something to do with your confusion and memories.
"S-something is not right June. Something is terribly wrong and I don't know what it is." You finally say feeling ready to open up to your friend. June always gave you comfort and she is like the sister you wish you had. That's how warm you feel around her.
"What do you mean? Is it about Jungkook again... or your past memories?" she asked calmly. Her heart saddened seeing you wipe away another falling tear.
"I-I feel so lost, June. I feel like I'm forgetting something important. My heart is acting out these days in a weird way.. and I keep having dreams of that man. They are very happy dreams June. I was happy with him."
"Him? Are you saying that he is not Jungkook?" June asks making you lower your eyes and sigh.
"I don't know June. I can't see his face in my dreams and when I ask things from Jungkook, he gets all tensed up. Lately he has been avoiding me. So I decided to stop asking him things. And I think the work stress and dealing with Jimmy messed up my head more." You say rubbing your forehead.
"Jimmy?" June wondered why would you be bothered by him. She slowly looked up to where she saw Jimin earlier, to her surprise the car was gone. He was no longer there.
"Yeah. Ever since he showed up my frustration level just went over my head. It's not his fault that he doesn't understand these things but I don't know why I get agitated when he is around. And I keep venting my anger on him whenever he does a mistake. Something about him triggers me and guess what.. I got so angry today that I yelled at him calling him Park Jimin. And I don't even know who that is or where that name came from. I have no memory of hearing that name before. But that name is strangely aching my heart... And you should have seen the way Jimmy looked at me. It looked like I hurt him or something." You sigh grabbing handful of hair into a fist.
"I think I'm loosing my mind June. I really don't know what to do. I can't go on like this. I feel like I'm falling apart along with what I have with Jungkook. I can't even talk to him properly and I feel lonely at home even with him around. The void in my heart just won't go away. I want it gone. I want to feel complete. I want to feel the things I feel in my dreams and in my faint memories." You went on opening up to June telling her all your worries.
June could see that all of these are really eating you up. She could see the guilt, pain and anger in you. And she thought it's only fair to feel these things. June could see that you are taking things well and to her you are a very strong person who she genuinely cares about.
"Y/n... you are not losing your mind. You are perfectly sane. I know what you are going through is not normal nor it is easy. But I'm sure everything will be alright with time. I really can't imagine what you are going through or what you are feeling. But I'm here for you." June held your hand once again and gave you the most heart warming smile.
"And I think you should talk to Jungkook and tell him how you feel about him and your relationship. I know that you don't want to hurt him or trouble him. But like this you are hurting yourself and him as well. Don't dwell in the past.. maybe its hurting him to open up to those memories when he is the only one who can remember those and not you. You told me that you were best best friends from small days right. So think of him like that for a minute and open up to him." she gives a light squeeze to your hand.
"Yeah your right. Maybe I should talk about us to Jungkook. I'm so stuck up with the past that I'm not talking about our present or the future. I never tried to understand how he might be feeling.. I should do that." You say deciding to have a talk down with him.
" That's good.. You should do that and as for Jimmy... take it easy on him. He is new and he is trying to keep his job too. So without getting mad at him why don't you talk it out with him as well. All you need is a proper conversation Y/n. Don't build things up in your heart just to fill the void you are feeling. Say things out loud.. then only you can find a solution. And it's never too late to seek for the happiness you felt in your past. You can start over and make new memories and find new happiness in life."
"I wish if it's that easy. I tried June.. I did try. But whatever that is missing from my life right now. It's something big and irreplaceable." You say giving June a small smile knowing that she will not understand it but still she will try and be here for you.
Nervously fiddling with your fingers you sat next to Jungkook as your doctor clicked on the next image of MRI scan. He looked at the screen and nodded to himself after studying the scan.
"Is everything ok doctor?" Jungkook asked nervously biting his lower lip. Every time when you sit here waiting to hear something good with a little bit of hope wrecks your nerves. You looked at Jungkook's busy hand tapping against his knee and secretly wished if he held your hand for some comfort. But he never did as he was always too eager to know the results.
"Actually there is a change in Y/n's results. We asked the basic questions and asked her to think of something that has been in her mind lately. So as you can see in this area here." The doctor pointed at a certain part of your brain making you and Jungkook to look at it.
"Well this time, there is a response from that part of the brain. Studying this we can conclude that the damaged areas are fully repaired and starting to function normally. Your brain will be tapping into memories from the past little by little." The doctor said smiling.
"So are you saying that I will get back my old memories?" You ask feeling a rush of blood through your body at the news.
"I cannot 100% guarantee that it will all comeback because only a small section was reacting to whatever you were thinking. Whatever triggered it... if it keeps triggering and if this whole area starts responding then yes, there is a high chance that you will get every memory back." The doctor said making you smile widely as your hopes built up.
Happily you turned to look at Jungkook expecting to see him happier than you but he looked tensed and worried.
"Are you ok?" You ask slightly nudging at his elbow.
"Ahh yes. It's great news." He says giving a tight smile.
"Yes it is. Ms. Y/n, I will be changing your medicine for now. Come again in a month and we can do another scan and see if there are any further improvements made."
"Yes Doctor. We will." You smile.
Once everything was done you were a bit tired as expected. But You really needed to talk to Jungkook. So while walking to the car which was parked near the hospital garden, you wrapped your hand around his arm getting his attention.
"Jungkook is everything ok?" You ask looking at his troubled face.
"Yes, everything is ok. Why?" he asks with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.
"Can we sit there for a minute. I need to talk to you." You say pointing at a bench under a big tree with beautiful flowers planted in the sides. Jungkook looked up at the pretty place and then back down at you.
"Sorry Precious, I have a lot of work back at office. I might even get really late to come home today. Can we do this another time?" Jungkook ask softly making sure not to hurt you. He was still not ready to answer you and what the doctor said earlier had him more worried.
"Sure. That's fine." You were a bit disappointed but you didn't show it to him. Instead you spoke again. "Well can you drop me off at the café then?" you ask not wanting to be alone at home if Jungkook is going to be late.
"Café? You don't want to rest at home?" he asks opening the door for you to get in. You wait till he walks over and get in as well.
"No, not really. I'll just spend some time with the rest and probably go out for dinner with June and Alex." you reply planning how to spend the rest of the day. Ever since you spoke to the doctor you are in a good mood today.
The drive was silent and it didn't even take fifteen minutes because the hospital was nearby. Jungkook pulled over and turned to you with a smile. "Ok then. Be careful and take the new meds in time."
"Ok. Drive safe." You kiss his cheek and turned to get down from the car.
"Y/n.." your name left his lips in a soft whisper.
"Hm?" You turned to look at Jungkook. His eyes wavered and he had his tongue pressed against his inner cheek for a second.
"W-what were you thinking during the scan today?" he asked unexpectedly.
You kind of stiffened because you didn't know how to answer Jungkook. Normally you would always give the same answers and always think the same things. But today when the doctor asked to think of something that's been in your mind lately. Your mind immediately drifted off to Jimin. His smirks, His gaze and his scent clouded your mind in that moment. But you quickly brushed him off and forced to think of Jungkook as usual.
So when the doctor said that your brain responded for the first time you wondered if it was because you thought of Jimin. He was the only thing that invaded your mind out of the ordinary. And for some reason it felt wrong and you didn't know if you should tell Jungkook or not.
"I-I.. just the -"
"You know what.. It's ok. You did good today. I just hope everything goes smoothly." Jungkook takes your hand and place a light kiss on your fingers.
"Me too." You smile softly and got down from the car.
Once Jungkook left you head inside the Café to be greeted by Mr. Bo as usual. You instantly noticed only Jay and Lee are working at the counter. Lee looked up at you and his eyes widened a bit making you give him a what? look with brows raised. Then he quickly took out the phone and texted someone.
"Where are the others?" You ask Mr. Bo wondering.
"Oh Hana called in sick this morning and Jimmy.."
"Went for lunch." Lee pitched in from the side.
"Lunch? It's past 3pm." You frown.
"Well that boy really worked hard today. He was trying his best to learn everything and wanted to skip lunch but I ushered him out to go and have some." Mr. Bo explains making weird hand gestures like he was thinking how to match up the words.
"Oh.. ok. It's good that I came then. I'll clock in." You say getting the urge to work since you have nothing else to do.
"Really? Then would you take over the evening shift too and close down the Café when you are done?" Mr. Bo asked with pleading eyes.
"Yeah sure. But is everything alright?" You ask concerned because he had been rushing out of the café for the past two days.
"Yes. Everything is alright. It's just my wife is out of town and my kids are under a care taker these days. Luckily my wife is coming back tomorrow." He says already getting ready to leave.
"Oh ok. Closing time is at 7pm right?" You ask remembering the management sending a noticed to stop the service at 7pm for this week in all branches for a research purpose.
"Yes. 7pm." Nodding you went to the locker room to keep your stuff and get ready.
Earlier when Jimin was about to sit back and relax he got a text from Lee saying that you are at the café. Without even thinking Jimin quickly changed into something very casual and bolted out to get to the café wondering what you were doing there. According to the manager it was your off day.
Slightly panting because of the short run after parking the car, he entered the café. "Where is she?" Jimin asked quietly from Lee.
"At the back. We told that you went for lunch." Lee replies. Before Jimin could say anything you walk out from the back and enter the front counter.
A smile automatically spread on Jimin's lips seeing you. And to his surprise, you greeted him first with a smile. "Hi Jimmy."
"H-Hi.. Y/n. I thought you are on leave today."
"Yes I was but when I dropped by I thought of helping out." You say smiling back.
"Ok. Let me get to work too then." Jimin says and goes in feeling giddy that you smiled so brightly at him.
Few hours went by and Jimin kept messing the counter trying to fix some drinks. And he got one or two orders wrong. You sighed seeing them but then again you didn't yell at him or get angry. After that talk with June you really thought about your behavior towards him and realized how wrong you are to act like that. Even you did mistakes when you first joined but Jay was kind enough to stay back and teach you properly. And today since you are in a good mood and felt like you should be doing the same.
"Jimmy?" You called his name to get his attention. His head immediately snaps up towards you.
"Um.. Are you free after work? I mean.. Like do you have anything to do later." You ask not trying to sound too weird.
Jimin's heart started thumping a bit faster wondering why you would ask him if he was free tonight. Well he did have some files to review but for you he can always take care of it later.
"No. I'm free tonight. Why?" he asks.
"Ok. Then would you like to stay back after we close down the café? I would really like to help you and teach you how to handle these properly." You say genuinely wanting to help him.
"Yeah sure. I would really appreciate it." He replies trying to hold back the idiotic happy smile that was trying to creep out.
"Ok. I'll call Mr. Bo and get permission." You say giving a nod. Jimin looked over at Lee who was already watching them and gave him a knowing nod to what to do next. Lee understood what Jimin wanted and called Mr. Bo before you to inform him before hand and tell him to allow you to use the café.
"It says he is in another call. Lets try later." You say after trying to call him.
"Hmm.. why don't you drop him a message then." Jimin suggests.
"Yeah. Lets do that." You agreed and sent Mr. Bo a message. To your surprise he instantly replied granting you permission.
"Great. He just replied saying ok." You say out loud to Jimin. And he just gave a nod trying his best not to show his real emotions.
Since you will be working till late you called Jungkook to inform him. It rang and rang but he didn't answer so you dropped him a message too. When it was almost the closing time, June dropped in with a light color beautiful daisy in her hand.
"Here.. For you." she gives the flower to you.
"Me? Well thank you but what's so special?" You ask taking the flower from her.
"For your progress. I think you deserve it. Plus this is a perfect flower to congratulate a dearest friend when they have achieved something big in life. And you did achieve something today. I hope the next doctor meet you will get better results." She gives a very cheerful smile.
"And also get me my favorite drink." She says handing you a bill. You opened the registry and placed the cash in. As you closed it, the cash registry got stuck again earning a groan from you.
"I can't believe this piece of shit got stuck again.... Arg!" you frowned as you started giving it light taps.
"Seriously why don't you guys complain and request for a new one. It's been forever now." June shakes her head seeing you struggle with it.
"You think I haven't. I've been suffering with this piece of crap forever but the head office don't give a damn. I don't know why they are being so stingy over a small damn machine while being a big company." You sigh trying to fix it.
"Here let me." Jimin interrupts and get a hold of the machine.
"Only Jay can fix this crap and to my crappy luck he went home early." You pout feeling annoyed. Unintendedly Jimin chuckles softly seeing his favorite kissable cherry lips of yours in a cute pout.
"Don't be so sure. Give me a chance too." Jimin says in a teasing manner. Strangely your lips curved up as if you were challenging him. His heart fluttered wondering why you were being so nice today. In seconds Jimin had it fixed, making your brows raise in surprise.
"See.. piece of cake. And also you just have to fill up a request form on the website to have this replaced." Jimin says giving you a satisfied smirk.
Your eyes twinkled at his full smirk. It reminded you of a memory that flashed today during the MRI scan. Ever since you started to be civil with Jimin, you heart was at ease a bit. And also you were feeling comfortable around him. And something about him was drawing you to him. Instead of pushing it away, you decided to go along and find out what are these things you are feeling.
"Wow.. If that's so easy then why don't you have this replaced." you say smirking back while going around him to fix June's drink.
"And what would I get if I have this replaced?" Jimin questioned intriguing you more.
"Oh! I can bet anything and give you a month. They will never replace it." You say in a challenging tone.
"Ok. What if I have this replaced by tomorrow.. what will I get? Lets make a bet." Jimin challenges back.
"That's impossible. If you really can make the company come and replace this tomorrow then I will get you anything that you want. But of course it should be realistic and affordable." You say turning to him with June's drink in your hand.
Jimin stands straight with his sly smile growing wide. He leans a bit closer to you making your heart skip a beat. His playful eyes shined as it got fixed with yours. "Deal." his firm low voice sent shivers down your spine. He held his gaze a second longer before he took a step back and excused himself for a minute.
When you turned, June had an amused look on her face as she was watching you and Jimin. She definitely saw the attraction you both had for each other. After that night June kept noticing how Jimin acts around you and looks at you. She knows that look. It's the look of someone who is deeply in love. And that confused June a lot. She wondered how can a guy who just walked in look at you like that.
"What?" You ask June giving her a quizzical look.
"Nothing." She brush your question off with a smile not wanting to fill your head with things she thinks. "If my drink is ready.. then can I have it. I need to catch the bus in few minutes."
"Oh yeah! sorry I forgot. Here you go." You place her drink in front of her.
"Thanks. Gotta go now. See you tomorrow honey bunch." You rolled your eyes at that nick name and June giggled at your expression.
"Alright you cheer bubble. Go home safe." You wave at her.
June waves back and step out of the café. She stops when she sees Jimin outside talking to someone on the phone with his back turned to her. She didn't mean to eavesdrop but she overheard the conversation as he was being loud.
"Don't make me repeat myself. I want it replaced to the best one out there by tomorrow. And I'll see to it why these requests have not been attended before." His voice was demanding like a boss which made June's furrow further. Who is he talking to like that? Was he serious about getting the machine replaced? Nahh... as if he can. And if he spoke like this to the management at this hour, he will be surely fired. It must be something else. She thought to herself and slowly walked passed him, without him noticing.
Jimin walks back inside to the café and help you close it up. He was excited to have some moment alone with you. He knew he had to stay in control and not to freak you out and mess up this chance to get more closer to you. So he asked Lee to stay back but not with them. Lee understood and asked Jimin not to worry about anything.
"So shall we get started with hot drinks?" You ask getting behind the counter.
"Yeah that sounds good. Just show me once how you do it and walk me through it in the next." Jimin suggests.
"Ok lets do this your way." You say clapping your hand together and looking around.
"Well you guys have fun doing that. I will be at the back washing the rest of the dishes and cleaning the kitchen." Lee says wanting to give Jimin privacy. When you give a nod in approval, Lee disappeared to the back in an instant leaving you two all alone.
"Jimmy grab that coffee bean bag and come here." You say pointing at the small bag under the counter. Jimin obeys and bring it over to you. He looks at the bag with furrowed brows. Knowing a lot of coffee brands Jimin was not familiar with this one.
"Is this a new brand or something?" He asks out of curiosity as you took out some beans to grind. You give him a knowing smile.
"Something like that. Well this is our secret special coffee."
"What do you mean?" He watch you take the powdered beans and drop it to a container to make a fresh hand dripped coffee.
"Well it's not from a big brand nor a company. But Mr. Bo was once out of town and he had come across a family who owns a small coffee farm. The coffee tasted heavenly so he brought some bags over. We all liked it and wanted to put in on the menu but the management refused it. But we still bought some bags for ourselves and have it whenever we feel like. Or use it to train others." You reply looking at the dripping coffee.
"Why did they refuse it if it's so good?"
"Well they said it's not from a known brand and they didn't want to waste time and money investing in a small family business." You pick up the cup and hand it over to Jimin. The smell was so good that Jimin could already say that it was very good quality product.
"Try it out." You leaned against the counter waiting for him to take a sip. Jimin took a sip and like you said it was so refreshing and so heavenly. He couldn't believe that the previous management refused to add this to the menu.
"Oh this is so good." He says taking another sip.
"I know right. It's so sad that good things are hardly recognized just because it doesn't have a big background." You say sadly.
"Did you guys try sending the samples?" He asks interested in the new coffee.
"No. They were not interested in even trying it out." Jimin gave an understanding nod and took a mental note on that.
"Ok enough chatting. Now it's your turn." You say and started teaching him how to use the machine and how to hand drip the coffee.
Jimin kept missing them once or twice as he kept goofing around to keep himself calm. And for the first time you didn't find it annoying and you smiled at him shaking your head in disbelief. Soon you both were being a bit playful and Jimin kept chuckling seeing you make faces at him just like before.
"Yahh! You forgot to add honey in this and it taste like poison. I will not even be surprised if someone come and pour this over your head." You complained making a disgusting face.
"Well it's not my fault. I followed your steps ok." Jimin said to his defense in a teasing manner.
"Don't lie. I taught you right."
"Maybe you are just a bad teacher then." He chuckles grabbing the drink away from your hand. You huffed and gave him a death glare with that cute pout, which cracked up Jimin more.
"Chill.. I was just joking Princess." Crap! Jimin's eyes widened when he realized that your nick name slipped his mouth.
On the other hand your heart fluttered at that name. It sounded right, it sounded like it belonged to you and it reminded you of the dream you recently had. That man, he called you Princess too and...he sounded like.. Jimmy! You thought meeting your eyes with Jimin's. Mentally shaking your thoughts away you cleared your throat.
"Don't call me that." You say frowning but your lips betrayed you and tugged upwards to a smile.
"Why not? You sure do act like one." Jimin comments trying to make the situation not too serious.
"No I don't." You protested narrowing your eyes at him.
"Yes you do. And not those pretty innocent types of Princesses. But those nasty sassy ones." Jimin elaborated mischievously. And you are only My Princess!
"Whatever!" You finally give in and roll your eyes at him. Jimin grins widely like an idiot because he really missed you saying that and rolling your eyes at him.
"Why are you always grinning and chuckling at me... Do I look like a clown or something?" You ask out of nowhere unable to handle his heart tugging smiles anymore.
"What? Of course not." Jimin burst out laughing out loud. It's been a while since he laughed like this and it was feeling good. Strangely you also started laughing too.
"Hey.. stop that." You slapped his arm but that didn't stop him and you both laughed and giggled picking at each other for no reason.
Since it was being loud Lee slowly peeked through the doors to see what's it all about. A big smile appeared on his face when he saw Jimin finally laughing out loud. It felt foreign but also nice. You really do make him happy.
After the crazy evening Jimin was finally able to handle the hot drinks. Now what's left is the names of the special drinks and the codes. You promised him to teach him again on Friday evening. Jungkook didn't answer your call and nor did he reply. It was the first that he did something like this. Maybe he really is busy. It was past 10pm and you were not comfortable going alone in the bus at this time, luckily Jimin offered you a ride and you accepted.
Being a gentleman Jimin opened the door for you and you settled in after thanking him. Jimin hurried to the drivers seat before Lee. But both of them grabbed the door handle at once. Lee shook his head refusing to sit back because it was his duty to drive. And Jimin eyed and nudged Lee to sit back refusing to let him drive. They both muttered and had a spat like two toddlers fighting over a candy.
"Lee let go of the handle. I'm not letting you sit next to her." Jimin says.
"Then sit with her at the back. I cannot allow my boss to drive while I sit at the back."
"Oh god Lee.. forget that I'm your boss. You are so stubborn at times." Jimin complained.
"What's going on? Aren't we going?" You ask popping your head out of the window.
"Ahh yes we are. Lee says that he had to go somewhere else so he won't be coming with us." Jimin says cocking a brow at him. Lee looked at Jimin dumbfounded.
"Oh is it. Well then good night Lee. See you tomorrow." You smile and wave at him. Lee gives you a small tight smile and a nod before turning to Jimin with wide eyes.
"What? Are you seriously going to leave me here?" He asks under his breath so that you couldn't hear.
"Well you didn't want to ride in back so you can go on your own for not listening to me. Plus you are a big boy. I'm sure you won't get lost." Jimin pats his shoulder playfully smirking since he is in the mood and gets in the car and drive off without another word.
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