~ 2.5 ~
After going through an urgent file Jimin closed it and tossed it on to his desk. Letting out a heavy sigh he rested back on his chair as his eyes travelled up to your photo on his desk. It's been weeks since Jimin returned and he was barely getting through each day. He was incomplete without you. He don't even know what he is anymore. His heart is the witness of his love for you. His breathing is still in a state of shock. He wished everyday that you would come and at least ask how he is. He just wants to be in the same shelter as you. Living without you has become so difficult but still he had to go on at least for the sake of his family.
He had been working from home and he barely goes to the office as it reminded him a lot of you. His dad stopped pestering him to move to Seoul for the time being and extended his retirement date for few more months. Jimin was relieved by that decision and was really thankful to his dad. The relationship with him was now more stronger and Jimin felt more accepted and finally loved by his family. But the void in his heart could only be filled by you.
"Sir, I sent the latest proposal to the finance team and all of the pending work for today are all completed." Lee informs Jimin.
"Lee how many times I have told you to call me by my name.. You will never listen will you." Jimin says shaking his head. Jimin was comfortable enough with Lee to let him call him by his name but Lee takes his position and the job way too seriously and respects Jimin way too much. Lee was a year or two younger than Jimin even though he looks very mature because of his well built physic. And no one dared to come near Jimin when he is nearby because Lee would be giving everyone suspicious glares and have his eyes on people like a hawk.
Lee would only let his guard down around Hoseok. After a minor incident at one of the factories where Jimin was pushed harshly and got hurt in middle of a commotion among the workers, Lee won't even let anyone touch Jimin unless it's necessary. Jimin was appreciative of it because he was not being disturbed by others for pep talk.
"I'm more comfortable like this. If that's all I'll take my leave so that you could rest." Lee said already packing his bag. He knew that Jimin was exhausted and wanted some time alone. It's been a daily routine for Jimin now, to work.. eat..and drink and probably cry to sleep. Lee is just relieved that Jimin was not getting wasted like before but still he could see the sadness in his eyes. Lee heard that Jimin used to be very fun and talkative person. But ever since he started working for Jimin not once he had seen Jimin smile sincerely.
But still the moody, angry Jimin grew on him as he reminded Lee of his brother who passed away when they were young. Maybe that's why he felt so connected to Jimin. And from the things he picked up all he knows is that Jimin is like this because of a girl. If he was into the thug life like he used to, he would have even kidnapped the girl that Jimin was so in love with and bring her to Jimin.
"Yea Lee you can take your leave. Rest well and take a day off tomorrow if you want because there won't be much to do." Jimin tells Lee and Lee just gives a nod as he got up to go.
Few minutes after Lee left Jimin got up from his chair and went over to the sofa. He eyed the liquor bottle on the coffee table, As he was contemplating whether to drink or not, the door to Jimin's study flew open as a worked up Hoseok stormed in with mix of emotions.
"You will never believe what I found out. It's fucking crazy!" Hoseok exclaimed making Jimin raise both his brows wondering what's going on. Hoseok threw a file to the coffee table and impatiently sat opposite to Jimin.
"What?" Jimin ask not wanting to look into another file. He was tired after going through so many files.
"Take a look. It's about Y/n." Hoseok stated firmly. Just by hearing your name Jimin's heart trembles. He looks at the file and then back up at Hoseok suspiciously. Hoseok had been very quiet the past few days and Jimin didn't like the way his friend was looking at him right now.
"I don't want to see whatever rubbish you have brought here on Y/n to show me. Just take it away.. I'm not gonna change how I feel about her." Jimin deadpanned.
"For fucks sake stop being so stubborn and take a fucking look at it." Hoseok grumbled and Jimin glared. The truth was Jimin was scared to look at it. He didn't know what was so important but he knew that his heart was not ready to take any more pain. Hoseok saw the hesitance in Jimin as his eyes wavered. He realized that Jimin was not scared but terrified.
"Is she going to get married? Perhaps.. having.. a ba-" Jimin couldn't even finish his low murmurs.
"No Jimina.. It's not like that...You know what fuck it. I can see that you are being a pussy to open that file so let me say it. So last Saturday I met with Sunho and some of the old friends. While talking Jungkook's name came up. They spoke about how he is doing so well and all since they all are friends with him. And one guy spilled that one day Jungkook was tensed and contacted few of them and ask them to check if you were back here in Busan. He was desperate to find that info and when he got to know that you are here. He seemed very relieved and also I got to know that he moved to Singapore after some serious incident during the time we were not here." Hoseok paused and gulped looking at his best friend who seemed lost and confused. Hoseok didn't know how Jimin was going to take this but he deserved to know the truth.
"And you did say y/n looked off. So I got curious and did some digging. I found out that Y/n's ex stalked her and one night things had gone out of hand and Y/n was hospitalized.. Everything is there in details. " Jimin's eyes grew wide in shock and he didn't even want to wait for Hoseok to finish as he grabbed the file immediately and went through it.
Jimin's body froze as his eyes sped across words such as ' Stalking, Attempt rape, assault' he couldn't even read further has his blood and lash out in anger. "Where the fuck is he? I'm gonna fucking kill him."
"He is in prison. He won't be getting out anytime soon.. And Jimin read the rest.. It's important." Hoseok looked serious meeting his eyes. Jimin quickly went to the next page. Suddenly he felt as if someone knocked out his own breath as his heart was thundering inside of him. He couldn't even believe what he was reading.
'Due to serious head injures the patient Y/n was in a coma for seven months. When patient regain her consciousness she showed signs of memory loss and difficulties to move. Patient's state kept getting worser and started showing signs of depression and constant panic attacks. For further treatments the patient's guardian had requested a transfer to a hospital in Singapore under the special care of Dr. Chan'
Jimin's body went rigid and started to tremble as tears pool in his eyes. Soon he started choking as he clutched the papers in his hand trying to get a hold of himself. He felt like dying knowing that all of this happened to you and he didn't know anything. He wasn't even there for you. Finally everything made sense to him. They way you looked at him, the way how protective Jungkook was of you.
"H-Hob...bi.. s-sshe can't remember m-me?" Jimin asked in so much pain while he choked. Hoseok's heart ached more for his friend.
Jimin didn't know how to react to this situation. The love of his life couldn't remember him, his entire existence, their entire love had been wiped out. The agony of loosing was not enough that fate decided to put him through more. Not only him, the universe were cruel to you as well to put you through so much misery. That moment Jimin hated himself and the gods, fate, universe.. whatever that put them through this pain and unfairness. Jimin thought that he did deserve to be punish for his past but this is just too much.
Baby.. Y/n!
I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry!
I should have been there for you.. I should have turned the whole world around and tried to find you. Now I'm just a nobody to you. I'm sorry baby.. I said I'll protect you but I couldn't. I'm a failure. I failed you.. I failed our love.. I never got to tell you how much I love you.
Suddenly Jimin grabbed the liquor bottle in front of him and smashed it across the floor startling Hoseok. Soon Jimin started to trash around in so much pain, body trembling and screaming. Hoseok quickly held him tightly. "Jimin what the fuck.. stop this... acting out is not the right solution now."
"What more is left Hobi. I lost everything. Everything vanished. She don't even remember me. I'm nothing... I'm no one. It's gone...All gone." Jimin broke down again.
"No Jimin nothing is gone. It's not over. Listen..." Hoseok crouched down holding Jimin who dropped to the floor and shook him.
"Listen to me.. I spoke to the doctor who treated Y/n. If you want you can go meet him. Jimin it's not over. There still is a chance."
At that Jimin looked at his friend, tears running down, face red with ragged breathing, Jimin held on to a the thinnest thread of hope as he focused on Hoseok.
"The doctor said that her memory is not completely gone. It's just she don't remember most of it but she has some fragments left in her and they kept getting triggered.. confusing her. I heard that she used to throw tantrums that she couldn't see a face. And according to the doctors the person she kept on talking about was someone close to her. But due to the injury and shock her brain is refusing to recall any painful or harmful memories as a defense. She don't even know what really happened to her. The situation was very complex and she had gone into shock when they tried to force her to remember. It didn't go well. So there is a high chance of her memories to be back even though the process will be painfully slow."
"So she remembers me? What about Jungkook?" Jimin asked calming down a little.
"I'm not sure. But she was screaming in pain about a guy and I don't think it's Jungkook. I think it's you. But all the struggling and Y/n's violent behavior stopped when she started finding solutions in her surroundings. For example she may or may not think that the guy in her memory is Jungkook." Hoseok carefully gambles with his theories after putting all the pieces of information he gathered together.
Jimin thought about everything what his friend told him about. And also he replayed the whole scene of meeting you in Singapore in his head. It was hard but Jimin knew he had to do something. If all of this is true that means you never left him for another guy. You never stopped loving him. It's just you couldn't remember him. Jimin wiped his cheek with his sleeve and stood up more serious than ever. He looked at his friend and with a deadly serious tone like a guy who is determined to fight for his love he let out.
"Take me to that doctor. I'm bringing my y/n back."
The next day Jimin went to a place that he never thought he would go in his life. He didn't care if it was a damn prison he just wanted to vent his anger on Taehyung and probably strangle him for hurting you. Knowing this Hoseok accompanied Jimin along with Lee. Having connections helped them to meet Taehyung in private.
Jimin was barely calm as he waited for him to arrive. "Jimin you better calm the fuck down. We promised not to create a scene.. so you better use only words." Hoseok warned but Jimin couldn't promise anything to his friend at the moment.
Soon Taehyung arrived not looking so good but Jimin could care less about him. All he wanted was to smash his face when Taehyung gave a dirty smirk. "Look who we have here."
Jimin felt Hoseok's hand gripping his shoulder as Taehyung sat across him. They all could tell that Taehyung's ego and the bitchiness was the same. Jimin was fuming with anger seeing him all gloating after making everyone's life miserable.
"Try flashing those teeth again, I won't hesitate to knock them off." Jimin gritted as he tried to stay in control.
"Ohh ho! I see Mr. Park is angry. Is this about Y/n?" Taehyung snickered.
"Don't you fucking say her name with that filthy mouth of yours. How dare you fucking do that to her." Jimin was getting more worked up.
" You got a nerve to ask me that when you and that bitch ruined my life. Besides I thought you left that slut and happily got married to someone else. So why care about a bitch who gave you ass once. It's not lik-" Even before Taehyung could finish his sentence Jimin lunged at him, slamming his body onto the ground while punching straight on the face.
"What the fuck did you say... Fucking bastard." Jimin was furious and out of control. Being the cocky bastard Taehyung smirked like a lunatic. This pissed Jimin off more leading him to grasp Taheyung's neck harshly, ready to strangle him.
"How dare you fucking touch what's mine. I'll fucking kill you." Jimin yelled but Lee and Hoseok quickly grabbed Jimin and pulled him away from Taehyung. He coughed and let out a sinister laugh. Jimin struggled against Hoseok and Lee to get to Taehyung as all he saw was red.
"Jimina stop it! are you fucking crazy." Hoseok yelled. "Lee take Jimin out of here. I knew it.. you just wanted to do something stupid like this." Hoseok figured out Jimin just wanted to attack Taehyung when he said he wanted to pay a visit. Jimin never had intensions of talking to him because he had nothing to say.
"Woah! the great Park Jimin is ready to kill and rot in jail for a whore. I'm surprised. Must have given you some really good pu-" Taehyung pushed the wrong buttons again and this time not even Lee could control Jimin as he jumped at Taehyung slamming his head back, landing a jaw cracking punch one after another on Taehyung's face, making him wince in pain. With crazy red eyes Jimin lifted Taehyung up by grabbing his collar and snarled against his ear sending shivers down his spine.
"Brace yourself pretty boy.. I'll make sure that you'll be in a living hell and never see the light of the day beyond these prison walls."
Hoseok and Lee just stood there dumbfounded. It was the first time Hoseok saw Jimin so angry that his threats made even his friend gulp. He finally saw the so called demon side of Jimin. The darkness that Jimin itself is so afraid of. He couldn't let his friend get absorbed to this vengeful darkness. He had to come up with something and help Jimin to bring you back soon. It was only you who could save Jimin and protect him.
"Jimin that's enough. Let's go now." Hoseok says softly. Lee quickly went over to get Jimin up from Taehyung and made him walk out of the room. Hoseok took care of the rest and apologized for what happened to the chief who gave them permission.
Jimin kind of felt bad for his friend but he doesn't regret what he did. In fact he was not even satisfied, but he was glad that Hoseok and Lee stubbornly tagged along or else he would have really be locked up for murder. Right now Jimin couldn't waste his life on that because he had to get you back.
After talking to the doctors and reviewing your case file, Jimin found out a lot of things. It pained him a lot to see how much you suffered. And he understood everything that has been going on and Jimin was warned not to force any memories on you. So he had only one option and he will use that to get you back. He didn't care about anything else because for Jimin he his getting the love which is rightfully his.
Once again you woke up gasping, clutching your heart. You saw him again. You were on a bed with the faceless man staring at each other as if you both were deeply in love. And then you hear his voice.. 'I love you' he whispered and everything turned dark. It pained your heart but you didn't try to remember his face as it never did any good. The harder you tried the harder it becomes for you and Jungkook. You already put Jungkook through enough pain and trouble. You were not going to make him suffer anymore for your sake so you just brushed it off and got down from your bed to go wash up.
You always thought the man in your dreams was Jungkook but lately you feel like he is not. Because the feelings you get from the man in those memories are totally different from the ones you get when you are with Jungkook. You don't mean to say that Jungkook don't love you or don't treat you right because he does. Jungkook is the best. But in those memories everything was so magical. Your heart would beat in a weird pace. Your skin would tingle. You would smile feeling beautiful. Your soul would dance. Your eyes would sparkle. Basically you feel very much alive and complete feeling loved. You feel like you could even touch the stars with him.
You want things to work out between you and Jungkook, So you decided to talk with your therapist about this next week. You got to stop living in the past and stress over forgotten memories. The doctors said that memories may or may not come back and asked you many times to focus on the present and the future. So you finally decided to move on with your life.
"Babe are you not ready yet? It's almost 7 am." Jungkook walked in to your room as you were drying your hair. He was already dressed up neatly with a blazer over his arm.
"No, I woke up a bit late. Are you having a meeting today?" You ask as he wraps his hands around your waist from behind and pecks your cheek.
"Yeah. It's starting in an hour so I have to go early or else I would have dropped you off today."
"It's fine. You know I like to take the public transport and walk around." You tell him and he slowly turns you to face him with a melting smile on his lips.
"Yes I do or else I would have gotten you a car by now. Anyways I'll be going now. Text me when you get to work and don't forget to take your meds." Jungkook cups your face and caresses your cheek.
"Yes dad. I will." You tease and Jungkook chuckles. He leans in to give a sweet kiss to your lips which you returned with a smile before he left for work.
After getting down from the bus you happily strolled down the streets looking around. Your feet halted in front of a small crowd who was watching a boy dance on the street. You went forward and watch the boy dance so gracefully to the music. Your eyes travelled with his every move in awe and suddenly you got a Deja vu feeling. You saw yourself watching a man dancing so gracefully once before in a past memory. The feeling was so nostalgic and it was non other than the man you always dream of. The man that your soul and heart reaches to and recognizes very well than your own eyes.
Does this mean Jungkook dance as well? How come I never knew about this. When did he learn this kind of dancing. You mind triggered so many questions but you decided to hold on to them till you got back home so that you could ask Jungkook directly. For now brushing those feelings off, you tipped the boy giving him a big smile and turned to continue your walk.
On your way before entering the café, You stopped by at June's flower shop to greet her. Your smile widened when you saw June running around a huge table, chasing Alex while hitting him with a flower bunch that was withering away.
"Woah guys what if a customer walks in... and what did Alex do now?" You ask chuckling.
"Y/n.. My boo.. my cutie pie.. Please save me from this evil hooligan." Alex came running to stand behind you.
"Y/n move your ass. I'm going to beat this monkey today. He fucking ate a banana from the fruit basket which was for a customer." June jumped in front of you and they both went in circles around you making you giggle.
"Heyyy I didn't know ok." Alex tried to reason. You knew this drama was not going to end anytime soon and you were already late for work.
"Ok guys.. you two have fun. I'm outta here. I've got work to do. See you at lunch." You say and slowly slip out and walk towards the door. "And June.. don't kill Alex. You need him for delivery." You shout and quickly head out shaking your head. June and Alex are the fun chaotic duo that would always entertain you. You love them both and you are so glad that they are your friends.
When you entered the café Mr. Bo greeted you as usual and informed you that there will be a staff meeting in five. So you quickly went to the locker room to keep your things and put on the apron before tying your hair up neatly. Once you were done you quickly went to the front counter. Mr. Bo looked at you, Hana and Jay and clap his hands a bit excited.
"Ok guys I have an announcement to make. As we all know that our company has been taken over by one of the biggest leading Corporations in the business world last month, the new management has finally accepted our long time request and will be sending more staff to help out the café. I know you guys worked hard in this big café all along compromising your own time. Therefore you all will be getting a raise as well." All three of you was very delighted with this news. Jay and Hana even jumped in excitement as the manager continued.
"And that's not.. all we will be expanding our services and the menu. So in few weeks new drinks will be added and people from the head office will be coming in for regular inspections. It's going to be more work but I'm sure with more staff we all can manage. I expect everyone to corporate and help each other out." Mr. Bo explained brightly and you all nodded your heads.
You were genuinely happy about more hands to help because you always felt bad for Jay doing almost everything while you took care of the registry and help Hana prepare drinks. On the other hand Hana and Jay was more happy about the raise.
"So when are the new members coming in and how many are they sending?" Hana questions Mr. Bo. You could see that she is already preparing more date nights and probably ask the new comers to take over. You very well knew how Hana's brain work by now. Nothing comes in between her and her dates with hot guys she picks.
"I'm not sure how many but I was told that they will be sending them today. Anyways lets get to work now. We have to open up the café in few." Mr. Bo says and head back to his usual spot where he would handle the paperwork.
As you were preparing the cash registry, Jay was taking care of the bakery items while Hana was placing the coffee beans in the machine. She accidently spilled some on the floor and groaned. The bag was only half emptied so Hana couldn't leave it behind.
"I'll clean it up." You tell Hana as you decided to go inside to bring the dustpan. But first you went to the washroom to freshen up as you kept drinking a lot of water in the morning. Once you were done, you head inside the store room and looked around a bit till you found the cleaning items. You carefully took them out from behind the shelf and walked back to the counter.
"Oh my god.. They look so fine." You heard Hana mumbling to Jay like always when she sees a hot guy.
"Oh Y/n there you are. Come here." Mr. Bo smiled widely at you looking excited as he called you. You wondered what got him in a very good mood today.
"Yes, Mr. Bo?" You handed over the dustpan to Jay before heading towards the manager.
"Meet our new members joining our team.. This is Lee." Mr. Bo introduced a big well built guy to whom you extended your hand to greet.
"And this is Mr. P- I mean... This is Ji-" Mr. Bo stuttered unsure of what to say. But before he could say anything else. The other man stepped forward making you look up at him,.
Suddenly you felt like the time stilled. Your eyes locked with two beautiful dark ones which pierced your soul giving you a familiar feeling. Your heart paced in a weird rhythm that you couldn't understand. The man looking back at you had his hair neatly styled as he was dressed very casually. But something about him was different. You felt like you know him, like you have seen him before. But where and how? He extended his hand to you with a firm controlled smiled plastered on his beautiful plum lips. As you placed your hand in his, your skin tingled and you felt a shock wave to your heart which kick started it inside your chest. Your heart thumped harder as his gentle hand fit in yours perfectly like missing pieces of puzzles as if they always belonged together.
"Call me Jimmy."
Hi guys.... thank you all so much for 30K+ views!!! 🤧🎉💜
Well Hope you guys are enjoying Wistful.. Sorry for the delay and also the next update will be on Next Sunday. I'll be taking this week off becoz it's my Bday week!!!! Can't believe I'm getting old now 🤧🥰
Anyways.... Have fun all!!! TC.. love u all!!!
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