~ 2.25 ~
You didn't know how long it has been, after showering and changing, you and Jungkook had been cuddling together on the couch to comfort each other. Strangely it felt better. All the exhausting feeling, the pain and everything vanished. All you felt was warmth and happiness. Your heart was light again but still there was something missing. And it was Jimin.
"Do you want to watch something?" Jungkook asks snapping you from your thoughts. You smiled and nodded your head.
"What do you want to watch?" He asks taking the remote.
"Hmmm... how about Shutter." You say grinning and Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"No thankyou. I think I'll skip horror movies for a while thanks to someone who creeped me out." You couldn't help but laugh and he narrowed his eyes at you playfully.
"Don't tell me that I scared the mighty golden bunny."
"In your dreams. I'm not scared. It's just... creepy." Jungkook scrunched his nose.
"Mmhm.. whatever you say." Smirking you grabbed the remote and played a random movie. You bickered a little bit and turned to pay attention to the movie. But as the movie went on, you were lost in your thoughts again. You couldn't stop thinking about Jimin.
Now that your head is cleared and Jungkook explained everything in details, you knew what you needed. But you just didn't know how to face Jimin. You blamed yourself for everything that happened. Because of your impatient and lack of trust everything went down this way. But you learnt two important things through this experience. One, always communicate without hiding anything. Two, it's always now or never.
Now that you realized those two.. all you need is a little bit of confidence to go for it. Because you know that no matter what, you are already bound by his words. Claimed by his actions and touched like never before. He had unchained your mind. Unhinge your body and fucked your soul. So there is no point in denying all of this and you had to go back to him. He is The One for you.
"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook ask stroking your hair gently.
"Nothing." You replied softly after a while. Jungkook sighs knowing that you are lying.
"It's him isn't it?" He asks and you stiffen. Jungkook felt that and lets out another sigh.
"Why don't you just go and see him. I know deep down how you feel. And I think you should go talk to him." Jungkook says sincerely. You lift your head from his chest and look at him. You could see that he was being serious. So you replied honestly.
"I don't know Kook. I don't think I'm ready to face him. Things have changed now. It's not going to be easy."
"Precious.. I can somewhat relate to what you are feeling. But nothing is easy when it comes to love." He continues as he smiles softly at you. "I may suck at love and all.. And I may have a bad judgement. And yeah things have changed. But I can tell you for a fact that the only thing that never changed was his love for you." Your heart tingled hearing those words from Jungkook.
"He put up a fight and did everything he could. When it came to you, he really had no limits. Yes I hated him in the beginning. But right now.. I can't think of any other better person than him for you. And I know how much you love him." He says and your eyes glistened. Never in your life you thought that Jungkook would ever approve Jimin for you. But now since it happened you couldn't be anymore happier.
"I know and I do. But... (sighs) I don't know." You pout feeling sad because you really don't know what to do. Jungkook's heart softened seeing your face. He knew that you belonged with Jimin. After having the heart to heart with Jimin at the hospital he understood what Jimin has gone through as well. You both suffered and Jungkook knew it was mostly his fault. And it was up to him to fix things up. Jungkook wanted nothing else but for you to be happy. And for you to find someone who would treat you right. For a while Jungkook knew that other than him, the only guy who would love you truly and deeply cared for you was Jimin. Actually even more than him. He believed that Jimin truly deserved you. So that's why he is willing to make things right.
"Ok tell me this. Do you want to see him?" He asks seriously. You blinked at him few times already knowing the answer but taking your time to answer it.
"Yes I do. I really want to see him Kook.. But I don't have the confidence to do it." You tell him and to your surprise he just nods without saying anything about it. Instead he looks up at the time which stated that it was almost 11pm.
"Go put on something nice." Jungkook says out of nowhere switching off the TV.
"What.. why? I don't have anything nice in this house. Only few clothes are there." You say to him as you gave a confused look at his sudden request.
"Just wear something to go out. I can't take you out in your PJs now can I.." He says being sassy. Your press your lips into a thin line and roll your eyes at him. A habit that you used to have which returned.
"Fine. But where are we going?" You ask.
"Just.. out." He says shrugging. You shake your head and go to your room to get change into something. Luckily you found a nicely fitting T-shirt dress to wear. You really had nothing in here and you weren't even sure if you wanted to move back here or continue to stay with Jungkook. But then giving it a thought, you thought moving out here would be better for you and him. You would always visit each other but by this way, he could have his personal space.
"Precious.. HURRY UP!" You heard Jungkook announcing from the living room. What's up with this boy!
"Coming! Five more minutes." You yell back and quickly went to get dressed.
Jungkook was nicely humming and singing to the song that was playing on the radio. You cocked a brow and gave him a suspicious look. "Ok.. It's been a while since I heard you sing. What's got you in the mood." You ask because the last time he sang was when you were having trouble sleeping.
You remembered how he stayed by your side when you got back from the hospital and played the guitar and sang to you till you fell asleep. Just like the old times. You smiled at the memory feeling happy and thankful to have him in your life.
"Hmm.. nothing special. I just feel good and light hearted." He says honestly and started singing louder. "Come on Angel.. sing with me." He says and you shake your head laughing.
"What.. no way. I haven't done the ugly singing in years." You say feeling shy because it truly has been years. And you can't sing for shit. But still you did in the past, but only with Jungkook for fun.
"Oh come on. We have been doing this ever since we were kids. It's nothing new. Besides.. I'm used to your frog voice." He teases.
"Yah! You wanna die." You slap his arm making him burst out laughing.
"Oh come on. Just one song. For old times." He encourages you.
"Ok fine...But only if it's our theme song." You say to him hoping he wouldn't have it on his playlist since it's been so long. But Jungkook just grins and surprises you by changing the song to 'Elijah N's - Stick together' which is yours and his anthem.
"Come on now Precious. Lets sing." He chimes and increase the volume. Smiling widely feeling the beats and refreshing old memories you started singing with him.
' You and I 'til the end, don't need to pretend
Again and again, we'll stick together
Everything is alright, with you by my side
We won't say goodbye, we'll stick together'
You both started waving one hand and bobbing your heads to the beats while chuckling. It was fun and it felt really good. You didn't stop as you both continued singing Stay, Perfect and few others which continued with the flow. It was around the fifth song Jungkook stopped singing and you felt him slowing down the speed of the car.
You looked around and noticed that you both were in the popular area of the city. When Jungkook took a right turn, your eyes popped and you continuously tapped on his shoulder asking him to stop the car.
"What?" He asked pulling over just in time before getting to the security gate.
"Why are we here?" You ask panicking. Jungkook just gives you a smile turning to face you.
"Taking you to where you belong and where your true happiness is." He answers simply. You just stare at him with wide eyes unable to find any words to say to him. You were conflicted on the inside. Part of you did want to go to Jimin in an instant but the other part of you was very nervous. Jungkook saw the hesitant in your eyes and took your hand in his.
" Look Precious... I know that you want to do this but you are scared. If you really want to.. I will turn us around and drive us away from here. But.. You should know he waited for you for a long time. Just how long are you planning to make him wait?" He asks softly trying not to make you feel pressured.
"Jungkook.. I-I can't.. I don't think I have the guts to do it. I feel like I will mess things up." You say honestly.
"Oh come on Angel.. You believed in Santa for ten years.. can't you just believe yourself just for ten seconds." He says and you make a face at him. He chuckles softly and that made you break into a smile as well.
"It's now or never.. so tell me.. what's it going to be?" He asks. This is it! This is the push I need.. the confidence that I wanted. He is right.. It's now or never!
"I'll do it." You finally say taking a deep breath and gathering yourself.
"That's my Precious. Come on.. I'll drop you inside." He says and goes to start the car.
"Wait!" You say and he turn to look at you wondering what's up this time. "How are we going to go inside? We need access." You say.
"Of course we can tell the security to call Jimin up. I'm sure that he will want to see you as well."
"No.. we can't do that. I-I don't want him to know that I'm coming to see him." You say thinking about another way to get in.
"Ohh! Sneaky! So you want to give him a surprise attack huh.." He teases and you slapped his arm again.
"It's not like that. If he knew that I'm coming, then he would be prepared to face me. And I will be nervous. I just want to have the upper hand to get this through."
"Fine... lets think of another way." He says humming and looking around. You smiled to yourself seeing how enthusiastic he was to help you. You both scanned the area and you even thought of calling Lee but then you didn't have his number.
"Should we just climb the wall? I'll help you up." Jungkook says out of nowhere and by the way he said it you weren't sure if he was kidding or not, but he sure did look cute.
"Kook! are you crazy? This is a freaking high end apartment complex. We could get arrested." You say through a soft chuckle.
"Ok Ok.. I have an idea." He says and pulls his phone out. You furrowed your brows at him and wondered what he is up to now. He dialed up a number and pressed his phone to his ear.
"Who are you calling?" You whisper ask as your eyes widened. Jungkook just gives you a smirk and then attended to the person he just called.
"Hey man are you home by any chance?" He spoke and you panicked knowing that it's Jimin. You quickly grabbed Jungkook's arm and gave him a desperate warning look, signaling him not to do anything stupid.
"That's great. Actually I'm here near the security entrance. Mind buzzing me in." Jungkook said and nodded his head.
"Great. I'll be up." He says and hangs up.
"All done. We can go now and he will be expecting me and not you." He says and starts the car. You felt a little bit relieved at that, and your heart warmed seeing Jungkook doing these for you. Normally things like this could be awkward but strangely not with you and him. You both were back to being your old selves and partners in crime. You wondered if Jungkook had the karaoke session earlier just to break the ice and loosened you up by assuring you that everything is great.
"Ok. We are here." Jungkook announces pulling up in front of the building that Jimin lives in. You bit your lips and fumbled with your fingers nervously.
"Hey.. now don't be nervous. Everything is going to be fine ok." Jungkook says comforting you with a warm smile. You exhaled loudly and gives a nod mustering all your courage. It's Now or Never you repeated in your head.
"Ok.. I'm ready." You say it out loud more to yourself.
"That's right. Go get your man. Go get the love you deserve." He cheered you up giving a light squeeze to your hand. You smiled and looked at him as your emotions started building up. You knew this wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for Jungkook.
"Thanks Kook. You are my Angel as always." You say to him and give a quick peck to his cheek.
"And you are mine. Now go without stalling." He shoos you away, You chuckle and finally get down to go.
The elevator ride felt like forever as it reached the top floor. Your heart was mercilessly pounding against your chest and you were taking deep breaths to calm yourself down. You just saw him this evening, yet now it feels like you are seeing him after ages. It was different, you knew what you wanted and who is he to you. You knew everything and now it was your turn to go to him for once and for all.
Once the elevator opened, you took shaky steps towards his door. Your insides were a complete mess as you tried to form right things to say. Soon you rang the bell and stood there kind of feeling breathless as you waited. You ran your shaky hand through your hair as you were unable to stand still.
When the door opened, your heart stopped for a second. Your eyes landed on a very exquisite looking man you have ever seen.
"Y/n?" He blinked as surprise was registered in his beautiful eyes.
The moment your name left his lips, you forgot everything what you wanted to say, and all you could think of is how much you wanted him and how much you missed him. You fought the urge to jump at him and managed to get something out of your heart. Because when you saw him, there was only one word that popped into your head. And that was HOME!
"Can I come back Home to you?" You ask unable to control your feelings as you met his gaze with lots of longing and love.
Jimin's eyes flickered as rush of emotions crossed his face. You are finally here. You came for him! Unable to control his feelings, He pulled you towards him crashed his lips against yours. Cupping his cheek you immediately responded to his kiss. Your heart started melting and tears pricked your eyes but thankfully they didn't come out. You missed him so damn much.
His hand trails down your back, along your spine to grab your hips. And gently released your lips taking in heavy breaths just like you. He looks at you with his deep emotional eyes. It's as if he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that you are here with him. But when you whispered his name and caressed his cheek, he knew that he wasn't dreaming.
"Y/n." He whispers your name back and wraps you in the warmth and safety of his strong arms.
"I'm sorry for not recognizing you.. I'm sorry for making you wait." You choked a little as you were very emotional.
"It's ok Princess. You are here now." He say as he buries his face into the crook of your neck. He feels sigh escaping your lips from the depth of your soul as his soft lips whisper against your skin "You're Home"
"I'm Home." You say it back hugging him tightly. Gosh I missed this! I finally feel complete! You thought as your emotions were taking over you.
You wanted to get lost in him, you wanted nothing else but to be his. So you pulled back to look at him once again. You give him a warm heart wrenching smile. Jimin pressed his forehead to yours and started apologizing.
"Shh.. you don't need to say anything baby. I don't care. I just want you." You say and his heart started pounding so hard because you called him baby. It's been so long since you spoke to him like that.
"Say that again." He breathes. His voice firm and very soft. He didn't have to point to what he meant because you already knew. And with that there was something else you needed to tell him.
"Baby.. I want you." You say cupping back his cheek, making him look at you. Smiling tenderly you looked into his soul through his eyes to show how much you mean the words you are going to speak next. "And there is something else I need you to know. It's been in my heart for so long but I never got to say it. In a way I think it's for the best because after going through so much I realized that what's there in my heart for you is something beyond imagination and the feeling is stronger than anything because even with my memory gone I kept longing for you.." You trailed off as you watch his lips quiver and eyes moisten.
"And that's because I love you Park Jimin. I love you so much that even fate and furies failed to erase you from me. I know I put you through a lot.. but I promise from now on I will be so good to you and love you every single day. And I will be with you as long as you want me."
Jimin could swear that he could feel his heart dancing inside his chest because of your confession. He had never felt this happy in his whole life and right now his insides are going wild. Unable to control himself, he pressed his lips against yours once again. He kissed you deeply pouring his all into you.
"Y/n.. My love." He spoke against your lips, eyes still closed and foreheads pressed together. "You better prepare yourself for a forever because that's how long I want you and planning to keep you. I love you too Y/n. I really do. Thanks a lot for coming back to me baby. I'm never letting you go again." He promises and this time you kissed him feverishly, holding onto him like your whole life depended on him.
As the kiss got heated you both wanted nothing more but to become one to make up for the lost time and make love to each other for the first time after confessing true feelings. The moment Jimin grabbed onto your hips and lifted you up making you wrap your legs around his waist, your heart started pounding so hard. Kicking the door close, he carried you to his bedroom without breaking the kiss.
Seconds later, Jimin stopped in front of the bed and placed you down on the floor. Not rushing into anything just yet, he trailed his hands up and down gently on your arm. Your skin tingled and butterflies took over your stomach. When you looked up at him, The look on his face was very overwhelming that you couldn't even take your eyes off of him for one second.
He leaned down and slowly latched his sweet soft plum lips to yours and began to kiss you as he gathered you into his arms. He held you tightly and you sighed into him feeling bliss. "I missed you so much Princess." he says in between kisses.
"I missed you too Jimin." You reply as you kissed him hard, running your hands back of his head and into his hair. In a matter of minutes things got heated as you both were starving for each other. He pulled you up against his firm body roughly not wanting to stall anymore.
You both were like a galaxy exploding into a million pieces, creating a whole new world, as you crashed against each other on the soft surface of his mattress. Your bodies finally pressed together with need. You whimpered as he rubbed against you. His hardness pushed into your now wet core, reminding you of exactly what you had been without for the past years. You threw your head back and gasped at the contact.
"Shit" Jimin cursed under his breath to the feeling as he ran his hand down your chest, between your breasts. In seconds he pushed your dress up and grabbed your thigh as he trailed kisses along your jaw. "God.. I missed your touches so much" He breathes against your neck and kiss your sweet spot sending shivers down your spine.
Both of you were sexually and emotionally frustrated as you haven't done it in years. Once a moan escaped your lips, he lost it then and there. You didn't know how fast your movements were, but soon you both were finding yourselves naked as you both tore your clothes off from each other.
His eyes trailed up your body and groaned. "Damn Princess, I'm loosing my mind. I don't think I can wait anymore." He says running his hand across your stomach and up your body. His biceps rippled with the effort of holding himself over you. "You are so beautiful as always."
You blushed for a second and wanted to melt away into him. But something caught your eye as you roamed his bare chest. You rapidly blinked to make sure you are not seeing things and ran your fingers over his chest, right on the skin above his beating heart. "Jimin." You gasped as your heart clenched and your eyes glimmered seeing new ink on his chest. It was not just a mere tattoo. It was yours and his fingerprint in a heart shape with your hand writing below it that read 'My Forever Love' with your name next to it.
You looked up at him and he smiled at you beautifully. " I found it in your diary. And I wanted a piece of you on me and mark myself as only yours forever."
Seeing the love he have for you, you were at loss of words. You couldn't find the right words to express what you were feeling at the moment. So instead, you pulled him back to you and gave him a deep passionate kiss pouring every ounce of love you have for him.
You parted your legs so he could settle in between you and your hands glided down his back pulling him more closer to you, leaving no space between your bodies. Jimin's hips lowered onto you making a gasp escape your lips as you felt his rock hard member against your core. He moved against you slowly, rubbing himself along your heat. You were soaking wet and the lubrication only heightened the intense feelings coursing through your body. You shuddered as your every nerve ending was on fire. He continued to grind against you while touching you and kissing you, causing that little collection of nerves to tense and throb with every movement.
"Oh god. Jimin" You moaned softly.
"Does that feel good? Am I making you feel good, baby?"
"Y-yes. It does." You say through heavy breathing. Tilting your head back, you give him better access. His hands clamped on your waist, then moved down to cup your hip. "Please," you gasped out desperately wanting him. But He just brushed his lips against your jaw, your neck, your mouth.
"Jimin" You begged. Then finally getting a hold of his thickness he buried himself in you with a mighty stroke. You cried out loud as a tear escaped the corner of your eye and your back arched. It was painful, he felt too big and your walls hurt as it stretched. But more than that, all you thought about was how in that moment there was nothing else but you and him who was about to get lost in each other.
"Y/n.." he says against your lips, your name like a prayer ready to worship for a lifetime. His back muscles flexed under your hands and he bit his lips to adjust to your tightness and to the overwhelming feeling. When he opened his eyes he noticed a tear rolling down your eye.
"Baby, Am I hurting you?" He asks and you shake your head giving him a soft happy smile. "No.. It's just.. It's been years." You say honestly. Jimin's lips curved up softly with deep love and leans to kiss away the tear, "Same." he replies and shifts to your lips to kiss away the pain and make it easy for you to adjust. Lost in the kiss, you opened your mouth a little as he asked for entrance. You felt an unexplainable sensation as you felt his tongue scraped the roof of your mouth. The feeling was intense and you felt your core relax. He palmed your breast, his thumb flicking over your nipple as he lowered to take them in his mouth.
Slowly he started moving his hips and in that moment, you both were fused, two hearts beating as one, and you promised yourself it always would be that way as he pulled out a few inches and then slammed back into you. Again and again.
His tongue swept your mouth again, as his hand was groping your breast Your hips undulated, demanding more, craving the fullness of him, and his growl reverberated in your chest as he moved his hips gradually increasing his pace.
"Baby.. I missed this." Jimin squeezed his eyes shut losing himself to you "You feel so good." He groaned as he thrusted more into you. Moans and gasps kept escaping your lips as you cried out his name. You felt like lightning lashed through your veins as he kept making love to you with every move he made and with every mark he left on your skin.
You felt his member twitching and throbbing inside of you, You clenched around him, earning a groan from him. Jimin lifted his head and the sight of his disheveled hair, eyes glinting with longing in the lamp light, the gorgeous spread of his shoulders tapering down to the narrow thrust of his hips, made your insides ache and stomach knot.
"J-Jimin." You moaned digging your fingers into his back. He pressed a hard lingering kiss to your cheek, then to your jaw before looking back at you. He shifted his weight to his left arm as he brought his right hand to caress your face as he looked at you with so much love. He softly smiled down at you, keeping his pace right where it was, hitting your spot hard with every thrust. You were close and he knew it.
The pressure deep within you had built to its peak, and you reached up and tugged on Jimin's soft hair as you latched your lips on his shoulder sucking and biting him. The sensation was pushing you over the edge and your walls clenched around him like a vice, and his eyes rolled into his head again, your moans mixed together in a chorus.
"Oh.. Ji-min.. I'm cu..m.." Your pleasure was so intense that you couldn't even say the words properly. You clenched more and with another groan Jimin clutched your hips and slammed harder into you. "Cum for me baby." He orders and with that you release yourself on him. Your juices warmed his throbbing girth and that made him loose his mind as he continued to thrust into you.
Your knees were weak but he held you with one hand, guiding you with the motion of his hips. You were completely his to do with what he wanted and he knew it. Dragging his hand down your body in a teasing manner, he let his fingers slide in between your bodies to find your swollen clit. You whimpered as he started to massage your nerve bundle and you threw your head back arching your back. Jimin kissed your exposed throat and nibbled on your ear as his his thrusts got sloppier.
"Cum with me one more time." he groans sexily in a husky voice. That was enough as you broke and shattered against him as he moved, he murmured your name reaching his own high. And when that electrifying sensation filled your veins, you gasped out and moaned his name as Jimin found his own release. You gripped him through each shuddering wave, savoring the weight of him, the feel of his skin, his strength.
He looked down at you with so many emotions filled in his eyes as he rode out both your high. You caressed his jaw and met his gaze with dewy eyes. "I love you Jimin." You whisper to him as your heart felt happy and need to say it.
You saw his eyes softened before he leaned in to peck your lips and bury his face into the crook of your neck. His hand came up to hold you and you hugged him back tightly loving his weight on you. Your position seemed like no one wanted to let go of each other as rasp of your breathing filled the room.
You frowned as you felt a hot drop on your neck. It didn't take long for you to realize that it was a tear that trailed down your shoulder. "Jimin.. Are you okay?" You managed to ask as worry took over you. He nodded against your neck holding you tighter. "Baby please.. Tell me what happened. Please look at me." You say in a pleading manner.
You held his head and gently tried to lift his face from your neck. Thankfully he didn't protest. Your heart wrenched seeing a tear roll down his cheek. "Talk to me baby. What happened?" You ask wiping away the tear. He just gives you a heartwarming smile and caresses your cheek.
"It's just.. I love you so much." He says in a cracked voice.
"Oh baby, I love you so much too." your voice got heavy as you say it back to him. "I'm here now. So please don't cry. No more tears again." You say meaning it whole heartedly.
"I know.. It's just I'm so happy right now and I..Fucking love you so much." He says slowly moving his hips again making you gasp. "And I'm going to make love to you till both of us can't get up tomorrow and lie in bed doing nothing but hugging each other to make up for all the lost time as much as possible." He says staring at you with his dark night sky like eyes which you loved so much.
You knew that both of you needed nothing else but closure right now. You both gazed into each others eyes and you felt like your soul danced feeling complete and happy. When his lips touched yours, you knew how lucky you are to have him and you knew this is exactly where you belong because, as you both got lost in each other once again, You felt happiness and warmth embraced you and him. In that moment you tasted a forever on his tongue, felt a lifetime in his touch and saw eternity in his eyes. Jimin is the only man who would and who could love you without restriction, trust you without fear, want you without demand and accept you for who you are no matter what situation arrives in life. And his love for you is so pure and so strong that nothing could come in between you and him ever again.
(Fan art by babybimge - All rights and credits go to her. I just couldn't help but share because I lost it when I saw it and got motivated to write this. 😉)
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